Loyang Jin

Chapter 48 Night Attack 3

"A-Shu, are we going to die here today?" Ling Xiao tightened his grip on Ling Jingshu's arm, his trembling voice full of fear.

His eyes are blind, but his ears are extremely sensitive. The sound of killings and screams coming from the ship's deck clearly reached his ears.

Encountering such a thing, not only Ling Xiao was frightened, how could Ling Jingshu not be afraid?

But she is Ling Xiao's backbone. If she panicked, Ling Xiao would panic even more.

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Since God gave her a new life, he wouldn't take her life so easily!

"There are more than twenty highly skilled guards on this official ship, and nearly twenty boatmen. With them here, they will definitely be able to stop those gangsters." Ling Jingshu whispered quickly: "Besides, I have already rushed to release them. If we hear the distress signal, someone will come to rescue us soon."

The calm and soft voice calmed the panicked and helpless Ling Xiao, and he whispered apologetically: "Ah Shu, it's all for me that you followed me to the capital. If something unexpected happens..."

"There will be no accidents!" Ling Jingshu interrupted Ling Xiao decisively, her soft voice revealing firmness: "Don't scare yourself."

Such firmness and self-confidence not only infected Ling Xiao, but Bai Yu Jingyu and the other maids also became much calmer.

There were no candlesticks lit in the cabin, and it was dark.

Because of this, no one saw the strange look on Ling Jingshu's face at this time.

The words just said were to appease the hearts of Ling Xiao and Bai Yu. Listening to the increasingly fierce shouts of killing coming from outside, Ling Jingshu's heart sank little by little.

It was obvious that the gangsters had the advantage in numbers and had the upper hand. It's just that these gangsters don't seem to have the intention to kill and silence them, and they are still fighting endlessly.

In the previous life, when Uncle Ling and his family returned to the capital, they never encountered water bandits or had any accidents on the way. Why did a bunch of gangsters with unknown origins appear at this time?

What went wrong?

The river here is quite secluded and desolate, and it is also late at night. Even if there are passing ships, they must have stopped and rested. I don’t know if any ships saw the distress signal and came to rescue...

If no one comes to rescue and these gangsters come to kill them again, how can this thin door panel withstand them?

Ling Jingshu calmed down and said: "Bai Yu, Jing Yu, you two come over and move the wooden boxes of tables, chairs, and chairs behind the door with me." Although it was of little use, it was better than nothing, and she felt a little more at ease. .

Ling Xiao immediately said, "I'm here to help, too." Lest Ling Jingshu disagree, he added, "It's so dark in the cabin that I can't see anything clearly. My ears are more sensitive than yours."

Doing something can help you think less.

Ling Jingshu responded.

Several people groped in the dark, first moving the table, then chairs and two wooden boxes. After finishing all this, I feel a little more at ease.

Although the shouts of death outside were still frightening, the master and servants seemed to feel a lot more at ease hiding in this dark cabin. Darkness is scary, but also gives people a sense of security hiding in the darkness.

Ling Xiao was still leaning closely against Ling Jingshu, her violently beating heart calmed down a little, and suddenly remembered an important thing: "Ah Shu, let's hide here, what will uncle and the others do? Should we call him?" Are they coming together?"

Although there may not be any use in large numbers of people, being together can always make you more courageous.

Ling Jingshu was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Uncle, they must be together at this time. If we call them, they may not come."

The disaster was approaching, and the uncle and his family could not take care of their two siblings. So far no one has come to call them.

Ling Xiao heard the implication of Ling Jingshu's words and was immediately speechless, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart.

"Don't blame them." Ling Jingshu's calm voice contained a hint of regret: "I don't know what the situation is outside. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to walk out of this door."

In this world, even father-son couples may not be reliable. At the critical moment of life and death, you can truly see clearly the position of others in your heart, and you can also see your weight in others' hearts.

For example, after Ling Xiao woke up, he came to find her without thinking.

Although Ling Xiao is simple and naive, he is not a child who doesn't understand things. After hearing these words, he nodded seriously: "Ah Shu, you are right. To me, you are the most important person in the world. It’s human nature for uncle and the others to not care about our siblings at this time, and we can’t blame them.”

Ling Jingshu had no time and no intention to praise Ling Xiao anymore.

No one knew who was injured on the boat, and there was another shrill scream, which frightened everyone who heard it.

Then, a guard shouted loudly: "A few people have already broken in, stop them quickly..."

A gangster broke through the obstruction of the escorting boatmen and entered the cabin!

Ling Jingshu's heart trembled, she subconsciously clenched the dagger in her hand, and then silently hugged the trembling Ling Xiao tightly. At this point, no amount of comfort and encouragement is of any use.

The gangsters have rushed up!


Ten miles away on the waterway, a fleet of ships was approaching.

There is a moon and no stars tonight, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the moonlight is dim.

There are six ships in this fleet. Each ship is tall, wide and strong, far better than ordinary official ships.

The leading ship is even more exquisite and luxurious.

On the deck of every ship stood many guards with bright eyes and strong bodies. Most of these guards were holding long knives, and a smaller half were holding long bows and sharp arrows, looking around with vigilance and vigilance.

At a rough glance, there are at least two hundred guards on these six ships. The weapons are excellent and the discipline is excellent.

There were so many people standing on the board, but there was no noise.

The ship moved swiftly and silently. On the water in the dark night, it is like a row of giant beasts hiding in the darkness, just waiting to show their sharp claws and tear the enemy into pieces.

"Wang Tong, at this speed, how long will it take to reach the official ship that sent the distress signal?"

A cold and indifferent young voice sounded in the spacious and gorgeous cabin.

This young man was wearing a black brocade robe and a jade hoop on his head. He looked down at the book in his hand. He didn't raise his head when he spoke. He seemed to just ask a casual question.

The leader of the guards, Wang Tong, who was standing in front of the young man, did not dare to neglect and responded hurriedly: "When we return to Your Highness, we should be within ten miles of the waterway. The ships are moving at full strength and we can arrive in a cup of tea at most."

He paused and then said: "It has been a while since I saw the distress signal and rushed over. I don't know if the people on the ship are still alive after rushing over."

The young man in black brocade robe still did not raise his head: "If they can catch up, they are lucky. If they can't catch up, they can only blame their bad luck."


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