Loyang Jin

Chapter 50 Threat

Seeing the gangsters turning around and walking out of the cabin, Ling Jingyan and Jiang seemed to have escaped a disaster, their whole bodies were limp and they had no strength left.

Wait, what did the gangster say just now?

Found the siblings... They came for Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao!

Ling Jingyan looked at Uncle Ling and Mrs. Sun in horror: "Father, mother..."

"Stop saying anything!" Uncle Ling interrupted Ling Jingyan tremblingly.

Since those people came for Ling Jingshu and her sister, they probably wouldn't attack their family.

Although it is too cold-blooded to think so. But at this critical moment of life and death, they had too much time to take care of themselves, so they couldn't take care of their two siblings.

Ling Jingyan opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, and finally lowered her head dejectedly.


The second master led several gangsters and kicked down the doors of each room to search.

Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao felt cold in their hearts. There were only a few cabins in total, and they arrived almost instantly, leaving them with nowhere to hide.

At this moment, there is no point in being afraid.

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, straightened his thin chest, and stood resolutely in front of Ling Jingshu, saying in a low voice: "If you open the window and jump into the river, you might have a chance to escape. I'll resist here first. a while."

Ling Jingshu's heart was sour and astringent, but she felt a surge of warmth because of Ling Xiao's actions.

However, diving to survive is never a good idea.

There were so many gangsters on the board, and there were obviously people on each of the three ships keeping an eye on them. These gangsters must be well versed in the nature of water. Even if she jumped into the river, she would just throw herself into a trap.

Even if there was a glimmer of hope, how could she leave Ling Xiao behind and live alone?

There was a bang, and the cabin door shook.

The gangsters finally came over.

"Second Master, someone is hiding in this cabin." The gangster kicked the door hard and couldn't open it. Instead of being surprised, the gangster was overjoyed.

The second master snorted coldly: "This is the only cabin left. If you don't hide here, you can escape to the sky. Don't waste time talking nonsense, kick the door open quickly, and take the people away."

The knocking on the door became louder and louder.

The chair fell down with a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden box on the table began to shake.

"Ah Shu, go quickly." Ling Xiao pushed Ling Jingshu urgently: "If you don't jump, it will be too late..."

"A Xiao, I won't leave." Ling Jingshu held Ling Xiao's hand, determination flashed in her eyes: "Today we, sister and brother, stay together. We will live together and die together."

The wooden box crashed to the ground.

It probably hit Jing Yu's foot, and Jing Yu screamed in pain. The two little maids were so frightened that they cried loudly.

Bai Yu's face was pale, but she did not cry. She quickly stood in front of Ling Jingshu and said, "Miss, this slave has exceeded the rules today."

Even if he dies, he must die in front of the lady.

Amidst the loud sound of kicking the door, Ling Jingshu's voice was incoherent and unclear: "Bai Yu, these people are coming for me and A Xiao. When the door opens, you guys don't move around, maybe you can stay. One life..."


Did she miss something?

Ling Jingshu's thoughts raced in her mind. She had never had any enmity with these gangsters. They attacked the ship at night but did not kill them. Instead, she looked like she was going to kidnap them... In this case, she might be able to save everyone's lives!

"Stop it!"

Ling Jingshu suddenly raised her voice and said.

The soft and sweet voice reached the ears of the gangsters.

The lame man immediately became excited: "Second Master, she is hiding inside as expected." He had heard this voice with his own ears, and he had been thinking about it for the past two days, and he would never hear it wrong.

The second boss glared at the lame man impatiently. The lame man smiled and immediately stopped talking.

The girl's voice rang again: "As long as you don't hurt anyone's life, I will go with you now."

In the midst of the crying and wailing, the girl's voice was still calm and calm, which was admirable.

Ling Xiao was startled and said without thinking: "Ah Shu, you can't go with them..."

"Axiao, please be quiet first and stay here obediently. Otherwise, neither of us will be able to escape today." Ling Jingshu whispered quickly, and then raised her voice: "You step back, I will come out by myself."

The second boss was quite surprised.

It’s not like he does this kind of kidnapping thing once or twice. There was no time when I didn't cry in fear. This girl is quite courageous.


The door latch had been kicked down.

Ling Jingshu and Bai Yu moved the table together and opened the door.

The light of the torch suddenly shone in. Ling Jingshu stayed in the darkness for a long time and subconsciously squinted her eyes before opening them.

Black-clad and masked gangsters suddenly came into view.

The leader, the Second Master, stared at Ling Jingshu closely, his eyes full of amazement.

At a glance that day, I only saw half of Ling Jingshu's face.

Tonight, every detail was revealed, clearly revealed in front of my eyes. What does it mean to be a beautiful woman who can conquer a country, and what is it like to be a woman who sinks like a fish and falls behind the moon, and a flower is shy of the moon? Today, he finally saw it with his own eyes.

Such a beauty, not to mention two hundred war horses, even three hundred or four hundred horses, someone must be willing to provide it!

Not only the second boss, but also the other gangsters were stunned. No one shouted or shouted, which gave Ling Jingshu some more time to deal with it.

Ling Ji, who was lying on the ground with a face of shame and anxiety, barely endured the pain and opened his mouth: "Cousin Shu, you can't go with them." A virgin girl was kidnapped by a group of gangsters, regardless of whether she could be saved or not. Come back, this life is over.

Ling Jingshu was a little more fond of Ling Ji, but the gangsters were staring at her and she had no time to say anything else at this time.

Ling Jingshu quickly took out the dagger hidden behind her back and pointed the sharp blade at her throat: "What you want is me and has nothing to do with anyone else. Don't hurt anyone, I'll go with you! Otherwise, I would rather die."

The second master refused to be threatened and sneered: "Not only you, but your twin brother also wants to go with us."

Ling Jingshu said coldly: "Either you take me away, or our siblings will die here today. You choose one."

The second boss: "..."

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and looked directly at the second master: "You don't want to hurt people, and you don't want gold and silver. You just want to kidnap people. Of course you hope to exchange me for more silver. If I die like this, how can you This trip was not in vain!”

"You have been staring at it for two days and put so much thought into it. You don't want to return without success!"

The second master never wanted to admit that he had been threatened by a weak girl who had no power to restrain a chicken.

However, what she said makes sense.

The most important target was kidnapped, and leaving the young man behind was nothing.

The second master was about to open his mouth to speak when something suddenly happened outside. There was a long, sharp whistle.

There are reinforcements! Danger!

The second master's expression suddenly changed.


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