Loyang Jin

Chapter 93 Drunkard 1

The people around him were not blind, and they quickly noticed something strange.

The brave ones deliberately "talked to themselves" loudly: "It turned out that they put up such a big battle just for a servant. I really don't know which daughter of the family is so 'kind-hearted'."

"What kind of kindness is there? It's because Zui Wen's intention is not in the bar!" I don't know who shouted in the corner: "You want to see Dr. Wei under the pretext of treating illnesses."

As soon as this statement came out, someone immediately started pointing and whispering.

The girl in pink clothes was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable when everyone looked at her like this. Even though she knew that no one could see her face clearly through the curtain, she still lowered her head.

The middle-aged woman on the side immediately stepped forward and glanced around fiercely: "Who was so talkative just now and dared to say something wrong about our lady? Our lady has a heart of Bodhisattva and does not want to see the suffering of the servants, so she specially brought the criminal. Liu Laoshi, who is suffering from an emergency, came to see a doctor. Who dares to chew his tongue? I won’t tear his mouth apart!”

...What a fierce and cruel woman.

The chatter around him was indeed much quieter.

Ling Jingshu also understood at this time and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

It turns out that Zui Wen’s intention is not wine!

Jiang also laughed softly, and said in Ling Jingshu's ear: "I have met this lady once or twice before, and I have some impressions. Her surname is Liu, and she is the third child in the family. Her father is from the Supervisory Yuan. Liu Yushi."

There are fifteen officials in the Control Yuan.

The supervisory censor's rank is not high, with only a seventh-grade official position, but his permission rights are very wide. For civil and military officials, the supervisory censor has the responsibility of supervising and reporting, and he can catch the wind and report after hearing the wind. According to court practice, officials who are impeached by the imperial censor are not allowed to go to court to defend themselves. They can only wait for the emperor to make a decision.

This official position is a typical one of low status and power. Even the officials of the Liubu Hall and the nobles of the Great Zhou Dynasty mostly secretly made friends with the supervisory censors to avoid accidentally getting another memorial to impeach themselves. This also fully shows the prestige of the supervisory censor.

In a few words, Jiang explained the importance of the duty of supervising the censor.

Ling Jingshu understood in her heart and nodded lightly.

Miss Liu San fell in love with Imperial Physician Wei and had no chance to get close to him, so she came up with a way to get close to Imperial Physician Wei. That's a lot of courage.

Judging from the middle-aged woman's tone, it was the custom of Imperial Physician Wei to treat dying people first. It seemed that A Xiao had to wait a little longer.


A steady and powerful footsteps sounded in my ears.

Ling Jingshu raised her head, and the face of an upright and resolute young man came into view.

It’s Han Yi, the general manager of Huichun Hall!

Han Yi stood at the door of Huichun Hall. With a glance, he roughly guessed what was going on.

Huichun Hall is famous, and Dr. Wei's reputation as a miracle doctor is even more famous. Especially in the mouths of the boudoir ladies, it is often mentioned. The reason is of course obvious, because Imperial Physician Wei is young and not a womanizer, has never been married, and is an unparalleled handsome man...

The status of the emperor's grandson, Prince Yan, is too noble, and all the ladies in the boudoir are self-aware and dare not make extravagant expectations. Doctor Wei is different. He has excellent medical skills and a strong connection with the saints. Although his status is high, it is not beyond his reach. Yousheng is unparalleled in beauty, disciplined and self-controlled, and has an excellent reputation.

He is simply the most ideal husband candidate in a girl's mind.

Therefore, on the first and fifteenth day of every Lunar New Year in Huichun Hall, there will always be some strange patients and "family members" popping up.

When the middle-aged woman saw Han Yi showing up, she immediately rushed forward and said, "Manager Han, Liu Laoshi is a servant of our Liu Mansion. He has been foaming at the mouth and convulsing all over since early in the morning, and he is about to die. If Dr. Wei comes, please ask Dr. Wei to diagnose and treat him first."

Fearing that Han Yi would refuse, he immediately added: "This is also the rule set by Imperial Physician Wei. If there is a dying person, he must be diagnosed and treated first. Although Liu Laoshi is a servant, he still has a human life!"

This "life" is indeed frothing at the mouth and dying.

But the middle-aged woman said it pleasantly, but there was no look of anxiety on her face.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Han Yi's eyes. He said calmly: "I will have people carry the patient into the back hall."

After saying that, he turned around and gave instructions, and two smart and capable men immediately carried Liu Laoshi in who was twitching.

A hint of joy flashed in the middle-aged woman's eyes, and she immediately helped Miss Liu San to go in.

Han Yi calmly stopped a group of people: "The patient has been carried in. You are waiting for the news here. There is no need to go in."

Miss Liu San: "..."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "There's no way this makes sense. We have to go in and take a look before we can feel at ease."

Han Yi responded politely: "Dr. Wei treats patients and never allows anyone to come near. If you don't want to wait, you can leave first. In the evening, someone will come to take the patient back."

The middle-aged woman was choked and dumbfounded.

Some of the unkind ones already snickered in a low voice.


Ling Jingshu also twitched the corners of her lips slightly.

This Han Yi has the demeanor of a young master from an aristocratic family, and he also seems to have practiced martial arts and has some skills. Such a person is willing to be the steward of Huichun Hall.

Well, now is not the time to think about this.

Ling Jingshu composed herself and said, "Manager Han, we were here a few days ago and we even wrote down our names. Do you have any impressions?"

Han Yi looked over: "Of course I remember. Please come in."

Ling Jingshu nodded happily, took Ling Xiao's hand and stepped in together.


Miss Liu San, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened her mouth. The voice was crisp and delicate, but quite pleasant to the ear: "Manager Han just said that patients can enter, while others have to wait outside the Huichun Hall. Why can you make an exception?"

His eyes were staring straight at Ling Jingshu through the gauze, as if he wanted to see her face clearly.

It's a pity that both of them are wearing curtain hats, and no matter how sharp their eyes are, they can't penetrate the two layers of gauze.

Ling Jingshu heard some hostility in Miss Liu San's tone and couldn't help but laugh secretly. This Miss Liu San obviously misunderstood and thought she was another "drunkard".

"This girl, the one who came here for treatment is my twin brother." Ling Jingshu didn't want to argue with a girl who was full of obsession, so she explained gently: "He can't see and has trouble walking. Of course I have to accompany him in. ”

The clear and soft girl's voice was like a gurgling stream, quietly flowing into everyone's hearts.

With such a pleasant voice, I don’t know how beautiful the face under the gauze is!

Everyone thought in unison.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Miss Liu San's eyes, and she said lightly: "My servant was carried in while lying down. Wouldn't I be even more worried?"

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