Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter Fifty-Seven

"You don't need to dance, come and serve me at the bar." Seeing Diao Chan lead the dance again, this time, Lu Bu was not polite, and directly asked Diao Chan to come to his side to pour wine for him, and accompany him to listen to music and watch dances, even if this time There were no other celebrities at the banquet, and Lu Bu didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment.

"Although Diao Chan is a dancer, the old man treats her like a close relative. Many people have asked the old man to marry Diao Chan, but she is unwilling. She would rather die than obey, and the old man has no choice. Now she is willing to listen to Ping Taohou's words. It seems that It is also very fateful, if Marquis Pingtao is willing, how about marrying Diaochan to Marquis Pingtao?" Wang Yun looked at Diaochan who was kneeling neatly beside Lu Bu, and said with a smile.

Lu Bu raised his wine glass, just drank without speaking.

As for why Wang Yun's daughter who was treated like a close relative became a dancer, and why she would betrothed to him for a beautiful woman who would rather die than others, Lu Bu pretended not to know.

Wang Yun's character is actually very irritable. Seeing that Lu Bu didn't speak for a long time, just drinking and listening to music, he couldn't help asking: "Why is Ping Taohou dissatisfied with Diao Chan?"

"Diao Chan is so beautiful that Bu Zi likes it, but he already has a wife at home, Situ's daughter, how can Bu treat her as a concubine? Don't mention that." Lu Bu looked at Wang Yun, with a rare expression on his face. smile.

Wang Yun was stunned when he heard the words. He couldn't refute Lu Bu's reason. In order to show that he valued Diao Chan as his own daughter, he also specially adopted Diao Chan as his adopted daughter. It is impossible for a foster daughter to marry someone else as a concubine.

Let Lu Bu abandon his wife and marry Diao Chan?

That is naturally even more impossible, and it cannot even be mentioned. His Wang Yun's daughter, even if she is a righteous daughter, cannot chase someone to marry like this.

Wang Yun somewhat regretted that Diao Chan had been praised too highly, so that now when Lu Bu opened his mouth, he lost his way.

"Although they love each other like father and daughter, they are still just a dancing girl..." Wang Yun stopped talking halfway through, and looked up at Lu Bu with a flash of vigilance in his eyes.

On the surface, Lu Bu looked carefree, but in fact he was thoughtful. If Wang Yun intended to give her away as a dancer, Lu Bu would not be able to say anything if he took Wang Yun away, so what should be the next step?

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Yun suddenly realized that since Lv Bu returned to the court, although it seemed reckless, every decision seemed to be correct. The most important thing is that others still think it is quite normal. Still disdainful.

Once or twice, that is a coincidence, three or four times?

"I've been an official all my life, I didn't expect my eyesight to be dull, and I've never met a real hero." Wang Yun looked at Lu Bu, took a deep breath and said.

"Why did Situ say that?" Lu Bu took a sip of the food, looked at him blankly when he heard this, and took the wine glass from Diao Chan.

"Patriarch..." Just when the atmosphere was getting awkward, the steward of Situ Mansion came in, called Wang Yun, looked at Lu Bu again, and did not continue speaking.

Wang Yun nodded and got up, nodded to Lu Bu and said, "Ping Taohou is free, I will come whenever I go."

"Situ will go on his own, don't worry about me!" Lu Bu nodded and smiled.

Wang Yun glanced at Diao Chan and left in a hurry.

Lu Bu took a sip of his wine, looked at Diao Chan and said, "Is there an answer to what I said last time?"

Diao Chan nodded: "I am willing to leave with the general."

Lu Bu raised his brows when he heard this, looked at the glass of wine in his hand for a while, then shook his head and said: "I was born in the frontier, Jiuyuan is a place of bitter cold, and has been plundered by Hulu all year round. I was born here, and if I want to live, I just You can rely on yourself, people's lives are always in your hands, and you choose to attach yourself to me now, how do you know if I will be like Wang Situ in the future, trading with you?"

A hint of confusion flashed in Diao Chan's eyes. Since the last communication with Lu Bu, her cognition has been completely shattered. This is also the time when she is most confused. Originally, she instinctively relied on Lu Bu, but Lu Bu Saying this now, it is obvious that there is no intention of taking her away, and the heart that was originally dependent has returned to a helpless and dazed state.

"Even if you want to follow me, you need to have the ability to keep me from abandoning you. It's probably not enough just by looking at you." Lu Bu looked at Diao Chan and said.

Diao Chan's empty gaze gradually became focused, Wang Yun had already entered from the door, Diao Chan could only slightly nod to Lu Bu, but Lu Bu ignored her and looked at Wang Yun.

"Ping Taohou, there is something at home today, sorry for the inconvenience of continuing to entertain the old man." Wang Yun's face at this moment has lost the smile that was so close to him that he was close to fawning on his face. Yun didn't even want to look at Lu Bu now.

That kind of feeling is like thinking that someone is blind, sneaking around in front of him naked for a long time, only to find that not only can he see, but his eyes seem to be very good.

Naturally, Lu Bu won't just stay away. It's quite interesting to see Wang Yun jumping up and down in order to win him over these days, but it turned out to be a waste of time. Now that the truth is exposed, it's useless to see it. Look at Wang Yun's angry look , It is estimated that I will not come to find myself again in a short time.

"That's right." Lu Bu stood up, looked at Wang Yun and said, "The day you invited this Chang'an gentry to see me, I deliberately humiliated Zhu Hao to make you look ugly, and I carefully selected that gift for you, do you still like it?"

Wang Yun looked at Lu Bu with a gloomy expression. It was really uncomfortable to feel that this kind of scheming man was seen through by others, who took the opportunity to make him compromise until he got nothing in the end.

Almost subconsciously, Wang Yun pulled out the saber at his waist?

"Huh?" Lu Bu and Dian Wei's eyes fell on Wang Yun at the same time.

The knuckles holding the hilt of the sword paled a lot, but in the end Wang Yun still couldn't pull out the sword completely.

"Mr. Situ, farewell!" Lu Bu grinned extremely flamboyantly, cupped his hands at Wang Yun, and walked away with Dian Wei.

Wang Yun watched Lu Bu leave with his guard, and he really didn't know what to think. Taking such an ugly man out of the house is simply underestimated, and birds of a feather really flock together!

After cursing Lu Bu a dozen times in his heart, Wang Yun turned his head and looked at Diao Chan, who was kneeling beside Lu Bu's seat with a dazed expression, and felt even more annoyed in his heart, obviously this woman was useless.

"You maidservant, you don't feel ashamed enough, get the hell out of here!" Wang Yun looked at Diao Chan and felt annoyed, such a beauty, he couldn't enjoy it by himself, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to plot against Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo, except Apart from being good-looking, it is really useless, and I don't want to give it away for nothing, so I can only vent my dissatisfaction and shame with angry curses.

"Farewell, servant!" At this moment, Diao Chan dared not call her foster father, so she got up and trotted back to the backyard.

"Mr. Lu Bu, today's humiliation, but one day I, Wang Yun, will ruin your family and make your life worse than death!" Wang Yun pulled out his sword, kicked over Lu Bu's table, and held the sword frantically at the table. More than a dozen swords were cut on the table, as if the table was regarded as Lu Bu.

On the other side, shortly after Lv Bu left Situ Mansion with Dian Wei, he saw a person rushing over. It was Dong Zhuo's personal guard. When he saw Lv Bu, the other party immediately stopped and said, "General Lu, the grand master ordered me to come here to invite you." Discussion in General Lu's mansion!"

"What happened?" Lu Bu nodded, and followed his partner to the direction of Grand Master's Mansion.

"I don't know about the lowly position, but there is an urgent letter sent today." The guards promised, these things belong to the secrets of the Grand Master's Mansion, and they cannot be disclosed even in the corners, but these guards are all trained by Lu Bu on weekdays. Being close to Lu Bu, although the rules are like this, but Lu Bu asked them and they would not hide it.

Urgent letter?

Lu Bu nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and took Dian Wei straight to the Grand Master's Mansion. When Lu Bu arrived, he saw Wang Yun's carriage also arrived. It should have also received the wind just now.

"Hmph~" Seeing Lu Bu, the fire that had been suppressed suddenly rose again, and he sneered: "I know that no one can use the grand master, but how can a man participate in the great affairs of the society?"

"Dian Wei!" Lu Bu raised his eyes, and his expression turned cold. In Chang'an City, he never thought of suffering a loss. He couldn't suffer any loss in any sense, otherwise it would be easy for people to get their noses in the face.

"Here!" Dian Wei took a step forward.

"An eyesore!" Lu Bu pointed to the carriage.

Dian Wei understood, took a few steps with his long legs and rushed forward.

When Wang Yun saw Dian Wei rushing over, he felt bad, but he didn't know what Lu Bu was going to do, he couldn't really kill himself in this Grand Master's mansion, could he?

But seeing Dian Wei's ferocious aura, Wang Yun didn't dare to scold Dian Wei for approaching him.

On the contrary, when the driver saw Dian Wei rushing towards him, although he was afraid, he still scolded: "What are you doing, you brute?"

"Boom~" Dian Wei stepped forward, without saying a word, and punched the horse on the head. Suddenly, there was an obvious sound of bone cracking, and the horse pulling the cart hissed miserably, and was knocked down by Dian Wei. , without a sound.

The cursing coachman was speechless for a moment, and watched Dian Wei overturn the carriage in fear, Wang Yun rolled somersault in the carriage, and climbed out of the window with stars in his eyes.

"Mr. Situ's way of getting off the car is very unique." Lu Bu passed by and looked at the horse with a bit of distress. He just let the car overturn and didn't let the horse be killed. He felt that Dian Wei seemed to be violent towards the horse recently. Chitu Get away from him.

"Lu Bu, you... don't bully others too much!" Wang Yunhe pointed at Lu Bu and said angrily, having suffered such humiliation before.

"The last general never deceives others!" Lu Bu and Dian Wei went to fight in front of the car window, both of them were tall and burly people, looking down from such a high position, Wang Yun looked like a dwarf, very funny.

"You..." Naturally, Wang Yun could hear that Lu Bu was humiliating him, and he was furious, but seeing the two strong men staring at him so condescendingly, he felt frightened and failed to express it.

"Marquis Pingtao... Lord Situ!?" Hua Xiong came out of the Grand Master's Mansion, looking at the scene in front of him, a little stunned: "Why is this?"

"Situ's horse is dead, and the car was overturned. I was trying to pull Situ out." Lu Bu stretched out his hand to Wang Yun, and said with a somewhat condescending sense of oppression: "Situ, the last general will pull you."

"The Grand Master has been waiting for a long time, the two of you can follow the end of the day." Hua Xiong didn't notice that the atmosphere here was not right, he just urged.

At this moment, Wang Yun can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, hide this hatred in his heart, wait for the time to settle with Lu Bu in the future, and now he can only behave with his tail between his legs.

"Thank you!" These two words almost popped out from Wang Yun's teeth, and he stretched out his hand reluctantly to be pulled out by Lu Bula, and only after he straightened his clothes did he enter the mansion with Lu Bu one after another...

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