Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 142: The Curtain

The Guishuang envoy, who had changed into Hanfu, took his seat again. Before taking his seat, he gave Zheng Tai a hard look. If Lu Bu wasn't here, he really wanted to go up and fight with him with a knife.

Lu Bu acted as if nothing had happened. While enjoying the singing and dancing, he talked and laughed happily with Liu Xie, Cai Yong and others, which made Guishuang's envoy feel a little drummed.

After the series of events just now, the Guishuang envoy has a little understanding of the actual power holder of this big man. Under the seemingly harmless surface, there is an extremely ferocious beast hidden. Such a person, no matter where he is It's not easy to mess with, and it's the kind of existence that if you don't do anything, you will be shocked.

He should not kill himself. After all, the big man is a big country, and the big countries intersect. Killing the envoy is too bad, and the big man wants to open a business route to Anxi on their side, so he shouldn't be too presumptuous. Didn't this time come for this matter?

After thinking about this, the Guishuang envoy gradually let go of his heart, and continued to watch the singing and dancing lewdly.

After another desk table, Sun Quan watched this shocking change with great interest, marveling at Lu Bu's fleeting sense of oppression, even though it was not aimed at himself, at that moment, Sun Quan still felt a sense of oppression from the depths of his soul. At that moment, he seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, a boundless purgatory.

Not all face-to-face are like this. It is not an exaggeration to say that the lion facing Lu Bu had that kind of reaction. Animals are sometimes more sensitive than humans. That look just now can disintegrate a person's fighting spirit. Sun Quan can't imagine what it would be like to actually make a move, and he doesn't want to think about it.

"Hey~ Zhongmou?" His sleeve was pulled by someone, he turned his head to look, but saw King Yiwu sitting on the next table winking at him.

He didn't want to pay attention to him, and he was afraid that this guy would do something amazing. In the end, Sun Quan could only ask helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"I know who destroyed that lion cage!" King Yiwu whispered.

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes and looked at King Yiwu: "It can't be you?"

"I do have this idea, but they are heavily guarded, and I can't get close." King Yiwu shook his head. He did have this idea. If there is something wrong with the lion cage, none of these Guishuang people will be able to get out alive.

It's a pity that there were a large number of Guishuang guards watching the lion cage of the Guishuang people at that time. How could he get close? Even if he had a chance, he would destroy at most one, but how could he destroy all of them?

"Not Zheng Tai?" Sun Quan's heart moved, he looked at King Yiwu and said.

King Yiwu shook his head, now almost everyone thinks that Zheng Tai arranged all of this, if it was Zheng Tai, then he is talking a fart.

Sun Quan asked, "Who is that?"

King Yiwu didn't say anything, but looked at Sun Quan with a smile, and mouthed: "One hundred thousand dollars."

Sun Quan's complexion sank, he turned his head and ignored him, but turned to look at the Guishuang people's camp. If it wasn't for Zheng Tai, then only the Guishuang people had the ability and motivation to do these things, but look He was obviously unaware of the embarrassment of the Guishuang envoy just now.

If it was done by Guishuang people, then there are at least two forces in this Guishuang envoy group who are secretly competing. The status of the bluffing should not be high. This is the dominant illusion here. In fact, among the Guishuang people, the so-called elders should be the ones who really call the shots.

But why are they doing it again?

Doesn't make sense?

If they succeed, then this Guishuang envoy group may have to stay here, or in other words, it is someone inside Guishuang who wants to prevent the alliance between Guishuang and the big man. Pay it all? This is what dead men do. Their elders should have a high status in Guishuang, right? Are you willing to risk your own life to destroy this alliance?

"Hey, brother Zhongmou?" King Yiwu saw that Sun Quan suddenly stopped talking, and lowered the price several times in succession. Seeing that Sun Quan was still indifferent, he finally couldn't help it, and pulled him again: "Thirty thousand, only three I'll tell you ten thousand dollars."

"Ten thousand, as long as you tell me, I will give it to you immediately when I get back to Wanbangxuan, how about it?" Sun Quan pointed a finger and said indifferently.

"You are too..." King Yiwu was troubled when he heard this, such a big news is only worth 10,000 yuan? This is too...

"If you don't want to, you can refuse." Sun Quan sat down again, and said calmly, "Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me in Jiangdong. The ten thousand money is just thinking about the friendship between you and me these days."

King Yiwu looked at Sun Quan with some confusion, as if this matter had nothing to do with Sun Quan, and said unwillingly, "You don't want to claim credit in front of Marquis Wen?"

Take credit?

What are the benefits of the Guishuang civil strife to Lu Bu? Wasn't Lu Bu's attitude obvious just now? It is clear that this matter must be suppressed. As for the internal conflicts in Guishuang, it may be beneficial to Lu Bu, but it is definitely not now. Besides, what kind of contribution did I invite Lu Bu? Asked back: "If you were you, would you go to ask for credit?"

"Yes, why not? I, Yiwu, was originally a vassal state of the great Han." King Yiwu said as a matter of course.

Sun Quan felt his chest tight again, obviously he was still very young, can Yi Wu compare with Jiang Dong? Obviously not, the attitude towards Lu Bu is naturally different.

"Then why didn't you tell Marquis Wen directly?" Sun Quan asked back.

"Go, after I sell this news to you, I will go to find Marquis Wen." King Yiwu said as a matter of course, how could he give up such a good opportunity, but before claiming credit, it is only natural to make more money, After all, although Chang'an is good, it is not easy to live a luxurious life of delicious food like him. I am used to eating all kinds of delicacies in Fangshi, and eating those in Wanbangxuan is really hard to swallow. Although Wanbang The food in Xuanzhong is not bad, but I am tired of eating, and every time I eat it, it feels like suffering.

I shouldn't have asked!

Sun Quan only felt that his chest was getting more stuffy. Is it his own mouth or the whole person? After living so long, it was the first time I discovered that people can be so cheap.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Quan persuaded himself not to be angry. After exhaling several times, Sun Quan asked, "Who is it?"

At this time, I didn't want to argue with King Yiwu any more, so I asked directly.

"It's that Elder Awa, the one with no hair on top of his head." King Yiwu pointed to a bald old man in the Guishuang banquet. A very insincere sense of hypocrisy.

Sun Quan's heart moved, and he looked at King Yiwu with a smile: "There is still a fortune, brother @#¥% don't wait for it."

"Anything else?" King Yiwu's eyes lit up when he heard this, he likes getting rich the most.

Sun Quan nodded, pointed to the bald elder cryptically and said, "Get this news to him, and see how much he is willing to pay to make you give up telling Marquis Wen."

Upon hearing this, King Yiwu frowned and said, "If you collect the money, is it not good to ask for credit from Marquis Wen? My integrity..."


Sun Quan looked at King Yiwu strangely: "Do you care about this?"

King Yiwu nodded: "I still care about it."

"Think about it for yourself. This matter is related to his life. Unlike me, if you threaten him with this, you shouldn't be stingy with a hundred thousand. More importantly, with this, as long as you can find him, you can always ask him for it. Until he dies." Sun Quan smiled.

"Is this shameless?" King Yiwu frowned.

"You can also choose not to do it." Sun Quan said indifferently. Although he has not known each other for a long time, he has the right to speak about King Yiwu's shamelessness. He believes that King Yiwu will make a choice that suits his heart.

And King Yiwu didn't disappoint him, he ran to the bald elder to discuss the hush money with him.

Looking at the fierce light flashing in the bald elder's eyes from time to time, Sun Quan suddenly felt very comfortable, as if the feces that had been blocked for several days were expelled in one breath. Although it had not been completely emptied, it already made him feel relieved up.

"My lord, if this matter is investigated after the fact, it will be easy to find us." Zhang Zhao approached Sun Quan and said in a low voice.

Sun Quan shook his head and said: "Mr. Zibu is too worried. King Yiwu has been cheating in Chang'an City for a long time and has never been in danger of his life. It's not that no one in Chang'an hates him. Even if these Guishuang people want to do something, they have to find him." Opportunity, I will leave Chang'an immediately after the Banquet of Nations is over, then what happens in Chang'an and what does it have to do with us?"

Zhang Zhao nodded when he heard the words, which made some sense, so he didn't ask any more questions at the moment, but just discussed with Sun Quan that after meeting Lu Bu, in addition to being an official, it would be best to ask for the printing technique as well.

Books from Lu Bu's side are already flooding, and sooner or later they will spread to the Central Plains. Since it is impossible to stop it, it is better to take the initiative in your own hands. Even if Lu Bu has had a head soup, Jiangdong's side will also take this opportunity to gather some benefits. .

This is the reason why Zhang Zhao wants printing. Although it is not a good thing for the gentry, if he can seize the opportunity, he can also get a bite after Lu Bu. As for the subsequent things, there is no need to worry too much, just It's just books, and it's not enough to completely subvert the gentry politics that has been used for hundreds of years to continue the Han Dynasty to this day.

And without Zheng Tai making troubles, the feast of all nations proceeded very smoothly. At least no one dared to disturb Lu Bu at this time. However, in Chang'an City, after receiving Lu Bu's order, Niu Fu, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji directly killed several city officials. The general of the guard army withdrew the investigation. After all, Zheng Tai used his diplomatic power to ask the city guard army to let the Western Regions missions ride into the city on horseback. Whether it was intentional or not, it was a dereliction of duty.

When the feast of all nations ended, it was already late at night, and the feast that Lu Bu had given high hopes for was a successful conclusion, and the next thing was to discuss the real business.

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