Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 170 Knowledge Not in Books

"These two are..." Jia Xu looked at Zhang Lu in a daze.

"These two are Yang Ren and Yang Ang!" Zhang Lu said anxiously.

"Dianwei, how can you kill people indiscriminately!?" Jia Xu's face changed suddenly when he heard this, and he got up quickly, ran to the corpses of the two, pretended to check whether the two were still alive, and then stared angrily. With Dian Wei.

"I just stopped them, who knew he was so inexperienced, as for this, he drew his sword first!" Dian Wei snorted coldly with a stern in his neck.

"You... oh~" Jia Xu sighed, flicked his sleeves and came to Zhang Lu, bowed to Zhang Lu and said, "Tianshi, Dian Wei is my lord's bodyguard, and he competes with the lord on weekdays, and his strength is stronger than ordinary people It doesn't matter how serious the shot is, now that I accidentally injured the Heavenly Master's favorite general, although there is a reason for the incident, this matter must be severely punished, so I ask the Heavenly Master to punish this person severely!"

Dian Wei looked at Jia Xu's back and opened his mouth, didn't you ask me to kill him?

He wanted to argue, but in the end he didn't open his mouth. Although he often hurt the other party on weekdays, but at critical times, he still had this little trust. Although he didn't know what happened, he believed that Jia Xu would not harm himself.

Hearing this, Zhang Lu looked at the two corpses on the ground, his complexion was a bit complicated. He originally wanted to detain them, but he didn't expect to bring them a fatal disaster. After all, he is a general under his command. After following him for a long time, he still has feelings. , at the moment naturally not a good face.

If Jia Xu didn't say anything, he would definitely get angry, whether it was to vent his emotions or to give an explanation to his subordinates, but Jia Xu pleaded guilty first, and then handed over Dian Wei. All of a sudden, Zhang Lu had no reason to continue to pursue the matter. .

What Jia Xu said was right, this should be regarded as an accidental injury, after all, no one thought that these two people would come in, at least Jia Xu and Dian Wei had no reason to think of it.

Seeing Dian Wei pushed out by Jia Xu, Zhang Lu also had a hard time.

Lu Bu's guard! Now that it is almost certain to belong to the imperial court, how about dealing with Lu Bu's guards now? If it is really dealt with, what will Lu Bu think in the future? Will someone wear small shoes for themselves?

"Tianshi, General Dian also made an unintentional mistake!" Yang Song looked at Zhang Lu's entanglement, and hurriedly came out with a smile: "Of course, punishment should be done, but now the matter of the Yang family brothers should not be spread to the outside world. It is better to see it first. Contain the corpses of the two, and wait for the Lord... After Wenhou's army enters Hanzhong, Wenhou will decide, what does the Heavenly Master think?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lu looked at the corpses of Yang Ren and Yang Ang, what else could he do? Someone sent out the steps, just follow the trend. As for the future, it is Lu Bu's business. Although I can't bear Yang Ren and the two, but now, even if he draws a clear line with Lu Bu, Yang Ren and Yang Ang will die. Here, it is inevitable that Yang's family will be noisy, so it is better to leave these matters to Lu Bu.

Yang Ren and Yang Ang were dragged down, and all the people who were here today were guarded to prevent the news from leaking out. Afterwards, Jia Xu sent his entourage to Chang'an as quickly as possible, and wrote a letter to inform Lu Bu of entering Hanzhong.

On Zhang Lu's side, Zhang Wei and Yang Bai quickly took over the troops of Yang Ren and Yang Ang, and transferred the troops from Xiegu and Yangping Pass, so that Lu Bu's troops could enter Hanzhong smoothly.

Lu Bu got the news that it was already one month later, and it was midsummer.

On this day, outside the city of Chang'an, Lu Bu took the time to pull out Lu Lingqi, Dianman, Hua An, Xu Yun, Zhang Hu, and Gao Yi to teach something in person.

It's not that Cai Yong's teaching is not good, but that the descendants of these generals under Lu Bu's command, their fathers have been stationed outside the army all year round, and their heirs have no one to take care of them. What you can't get can be regarded as some benefits for your subordinates, and it can also be regarded as promoting the relationship between the monarch and his subjects.

Because it was taught by her own father, Lu Lingqi obviously had the feeling that my father is the teacher, and you all have to listen to me, so she consciously took on the role of the temporary class leader.

"Father, what skills are you going to teach me today?" Lu Lingqi looked at Lu Bu excitedly. As the daughter of the number one person in the world, no matter whether it was intentional or not, she would feel somewhat superior to others.

"Go change your clothes first. As for what to teach you, I will talk about it after today's teaching." Lu Bu asked them to take out the clothes they had prepared.

"Father, our family...why do we wear these?" Lu Lingqi looked at the coarse cloth clothes, and looked at Lu Bu with some puzzlement.

As Lu Bu's favorite jewel, Lu Lingqi has never been treated badly since she was a child, no matter food, clothing or playthings.

It's not just her, except for Dianman who lived a hard life when he was a child, no one else has such an experience.

"If you want me to teach you, don't talk nonsense." Lu Bu ignored his daughter's resentment and said indifferently.

Lu Lingqi didn't understand why her father was suddenly so unreasonable, it was inexplicable, but her father, who was always obedient to her, suddenly changed into such a strict look, she would be inexplicably afraid, dare not disobey, and be obedient He took his clothes and left.

Lu Bu also went back to the house and changed into commoner clothes, Yan Shi helped him dress up, and complained a little: "Lingqi and the others are still young, why bother your husband?"

"It's not young!" Lu Bu shook his head. Recently, it's boring to wait for the news from Hanzhong, and these guys often push their daughters to come over and want Lu Bu to teach them. How can Lu Bu not see that kind of thought?

This daughter, just like me when I was young, I will take it seriously after a few words from others, but it is also good, I will take this opportunity to teach, and at the same time, I will also see what path these children are suitable for in the future.

He changed into coarse clothes and came out. Not long after, he saw Lu Lingqi and the others dressed neatly again. Although they were coarse linen clothes, they were all thin-skinned and tender-skinned, and they didn't look like people in the market.

Lu Bu thought for a while, and under the dazed and desperate eyes of the little guys, he first took them to the school field for practice, until they were sweating profusely and their faces were ashamed.

After such a toss, most of the morning passed, and Lu Bu took a few people to Fangshi.

"Are you hungry?" Lu Bu looked at his daughter and her friends.

Lu Lingqi and her little friends nodded repeatedly. They had been tossed about for half the morning for no reason. looked at Lu Bu.

"You can't steal, you can't rob, and without revealing your identity to others, use the methods you can think of to earn today's food money in this market. This is what I want to teach you today." Lu Bu Looked at everyone.

"Ah~?" Lu Lingqi and her friends looked at Lu Bu in astonishment. Is this considered teaching?

Lu Lingqi was a little puzzled and said: "Father, this child understands when the cultivated land can know the sky, but what is it today?"

"It's not that everything must have a purpose. If there is, there is only one, and that is to live. Go." Lu Bu waved his hand and said: "You have studied in the academy for so long, don't you even support yourself?" Don't you have any skills of your own?"

Just kidding~

For the little ghosts who have never really experienced survival, they are studying and practicing martial arts, and what they learn is all about governing the country, how can it be possible that they don't even have the ability to support themselves?

"But father, what should we do if we do it?" Lu Lingqi looked at Lu Bu and said proudly.

Lu Bu's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "Then I will teach you how to stabilize the country and ensure that you will use it for life!"

Lu Lingqi and her little friends were shocked when they heard the words, looked at Lu Bu and said, "Father, are you serious?"

"Really!" Lu Bu nodded, "I never break my promise as a father!"

"Okay!" Everyone was full of confidence. There are not many literate people in this market, and it's just making money. It's too simple!

Everyone bid farewell to Lu Bu, and then left separately.

"Watch them!" Lu Bu beckoned, and a man in ordinary rough clothes came over. Lu Bu ordered, "You must not show up unless you have to!"

"Here!" The man clasped his fists at Lu Bu and saluted, then turned and left, hiding in the crowd.

Lu Bu looked at the direction in which his daughter and the others left, and shook his head. The young man didn't know what it was like to be sad. He could have lived a few more years, but he had to ask for trouble.

He took off the package on his back and spread it out. A lot of wooden blocks and beads were scattered all over the floor. Lu Bu found a good booth and sat down. He picked out a wooden block and had a carving knife in his right hand. The light flickered, and after a while, he carved two wooden Pixiu and placed them on both sides of the booth.

Pixiu attracts wealth and treasures, but you can only get in and out. Although you don't believe this, it is also a good meaning.

Then I do whatever I want, sculpt whatever I think of, and make some mechanical toys from time to time, such as a pony that can walk by itself, a dog that walks upright on a cart, a beard that climbs a pole, etc.~

For a while, Lu Bu let go of his mind, and wanted to see if he could trigger some inspiration and come up with some good ideas. He had already grasped the Mohism's tricks, and what was missing now was the kind of fleeting inspiration.

After some time, Lu Bu came out of that state, and saw Guo Jia sitting next to him at some point.

"My lord, this skill is really amazing!" Guo Jia exclaimed as he played with the dog pushing the cart.

"Feng Xiao didn't go to the brothel today?" Lu Bu was a little surprised.

"I have something to do." Guo Jia leaned back, looked at Lu Bu and said, "There is news from Hanzhong that Mr. Wen He has persuaded Zhang Lu to surrender. Now, my lord, please enter Hanzhong as soon as possible."

"Surrender?" Lu Bu laughed when he heard this, this was expected and nothing surprising.

"There were some twists and turns, but this is the result." Guo Jia nodded.

"Then let's move, I'll wait here, and we will start to dispatch tomorrow, but Chang'an soldiers and horses cannot be transferred!" Lu Bu nodded and said, how to enter Hanzhong, they have already made arrangements, and now all they need is Lu Bu's nod.

"My lord, won't you go back with me?" Guo Jia got Lv Bu's nod, got up and looked at Lv Bu and asked.

"No, Lingqi and the others are somewhat frivolous. Let's punish them today and teach them some truths that are not in the books." Lu Bu shook his head.

"I have a lord?" Guo Jia thought for a while, looked at Lu Bu, and suddenly put on a smiling face that you know.

"Let's go together when we come back this time." Lu Bu glanced at him and nodded.

"Thank you, my lord!" Guo Jia laughed and bowed to Lu Bu, "Then I won't bother you anymore, Jia bids farewell!"

Lv Bu nodded, watching Guo Jia's handsome figure gradually disappearing into the crowd, Lv Bu was a little amused, but right now, those little guys should have some experience.

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