Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 187: Division

"My lord, this big and small sword mountain belongs to Zitong. It stretches for 30 miles. The terrain is extremely dangerous, and it is difficult for birds to cross. Although it has nothing to do with the city, the Shu army camped at the cut-off place of the big sword mountain, which is more important than ordinary cities. Difficult to attack!" In Jiameng Pass, Zhang Wei and Yan Pu introduced to Lu Bu the location of the place where the Shu army is currently stationed.

It is natural that the Shu army is not as brave as the Guanzhong army. After all, Lu Bu brought with him all the elites from Xiliang who fought in the north and south with him. Finding a dangerous place to garrison can stop Lu Bu.

"It's more than that." Yan Pu added: "The terrain of Jianshan Mountain may not be as good as Jiameng Pass. It only needs a few hundred soldiers to guard this place. Even an army of 100,000 would be hard to defeat."

Zhang Wei thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "In places like this, if you want to build a pass city, you need to dig a mountain wall. It's hard to get the materials. I'm afraid it won't work, but even if we set up a military camp, it will be difficult for our army to go there."

Zhang Liao and other generals were a little annoyed when they heard this. Since entering Shu, it has been a disaster every step of the way. The pass is sad. First, Baishui Pass, then Jiameng Pass. Now that Jiameng Pass has just been broken, it is Jianshan again. From time to time, they can also stop them. Is it true that the army of a hundred battles is made of mud?

"My lord, the last general will lead his troops to explore the camp!" Zhang Liao saluted Lu Bu.

I don't believe that the dangerous land of Shu can be so dangerous. Don't forget that the elite of the Guanzhong Army is not only the quality of the soldiers, but also the sharp weapons in their hands are far superior to other princes' armies. It is a place that is not even considered as Guancheng. Why stop them?

Lu Bu nodded and said, "Be careful, don't be rash!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Liao couldn't help but think of Lu Bu's ferocity when he rushed to Jiameng Pass yesterday. If Lu Bu hadn't killed him in time, Jiameng Pass might not have been defeated even if he stormed it for a month, but it's all like this, tell me Don't be rash?

After a moment of slander in Zhang Liao's heart, he nodded in agreement, saluted Lu Bu, turned and left, prepared his troops, and went straight to the Jiange.

The terrain of Jianshan Mountain is indeed dangerous. If you talk about Jiameng Pass and Baishui Pass, you can at least invest hundreds or even thousands of troops on the battlefield, and you can still use equipment such as charging carts, then there are only trails left here.

Dajian Mountain was cut off from the middle as if it had been struck by an axe from a giant. The two cliffs facing each other is the place where the Shu army garrisoned. Even if it is necessary to build a pass at this place, it has to be built by digging stones. No wonder Yan Pu and others said that this place is dangerous. , but no one has built Guancheng.

And the road has to climb hills, and it's not straight.

"General, turn this corner, and there is the road connecting the big and small sword mountains." Yan Pu followed Zhang Liao, pointing to the path in the distance.

Zhang Liao looked at the path under his feet, it was a narrow path, and he walked a few more steps. After turning a corner, the road did not widen much. In the distance, he could see the camp of the Shu army, and the gate had already been erected between the cliffs. On the side, there are plank roads. Once attacked, the Shu army can shoot down from the plank roads on both sides.

Zhang Liao: "..."

I don't want to go to Shu again in my life.

Don't talk about Liannu, even if you give him Liannu, it's hard to get into this terrain!

Here it is impossible to attack the city with the method of ant possession, unless you are willing to pile up the corpses of soldiers and fill up the mountains and valleys!

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Liao turned his head to look at Yan Pu, and after a long time he choked out a sentence: "It seems so it too much?"

If there are such dangerous places everywhere, Zhang Liao thinks he can go back and discuss with Lu Bu about withdrawing troops. It is very difficult to break through the level at a speed of less than 100,000, and this have to think about how to beat it.

"Don't worry, general, although there are many dangerous places in Sichuan, there are not many like Jianshan Mountain." Yan Pu shook his head.

Although the road to Shu is difficult, there are no people or barren mountains in places as dangerous as Jianshan Mountain. As it is now, it is the only way to pass, and this is the only one.

Seeing Zhang Liao frowning, Yan Pu smiled and said: "General, after crossing the big and small sword mountains, you can reach Shu County directly. Not to mention the smooth journey, but there will be no danger."

Of course, there is still Mianzhuguan waiting after arriving in Shu County, but Mianzhu is nothing compared to here.

Zhang Liao's expression softened a little. If there are such ghostly places along the way, then this Shu land will really not be able to be defeated.

"It's just that this place is dangerous, and it's not easy to capture." Zhang Liao shook his head, and began to discuss with the generals how to capture it. That night, Zhang Liao sent an elite night attack, but was spotted by the rockets fired from the plank road halfway, and naturally failed. .

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Liao ordered another forceful attack, but at the location of the sword mountain, no matter how many soldiers and horses there were, it would be difficult to deploy them. After hundreds of soldiers were lost, Zhang Liao knew that the sword mountain could not be broken by a strong attack, so he could only withdraw his troops. back.

In the afternoon, Lu Bu led his army to arrive. Looking at the dangerous sword mountain in front of him, Lu Bu was also speechless for a long time.

"My lord, this Sword Mountain is sad. We can retreat to Jiameng Pass, then go down the Jialing River and arrive at Langzhong first. As long as we capture Langzhong, we can still go around this Sword Mountain and go straight to Shu County!" Yan Pu suggested road.

Lu Bu's goal is to ignore other things, go straight to Shu County, take Liu Zhang down, and then gradually plot Ba County and occupy the land of Bashu. In fact, it is equivalent to occupying Yizhou. To the south is the land of Nanzhong, where Although it is within the scope of Yizhou, it is not under the jurisdiction of Yizhou.

But once the road of Jianshan is blocked, it is really difficult to get there.

After carefully observing the terrain of Jianshan, Lu Bu could only sigh helplessly. Even if he was willing to take his life, there was no place for him to fill this level. If there is a confrontation here, it may really take a few years.

"Wen Yuan!" Lu Bu looked at Zhang Liao.

"The last general is here!" Zhang Liao stepped forward and clasped his fists at Lu Bu.

"You and I divide the troops. You lead the soldiers and horses, attack Langzhong, and then capture Fu County and cut off the enemy's food road. As long as you can cut off the enemy's food road, the Shu army will disperse here!" Lu Bu drew a circle on the map, looking at Zhang Liao said.

"My lord, it's just a detour like this. At least it takes four hundred miles. It's hard to maintain the food road alone!" Yan Pu reminded that although he proposed the plan, the detour is not just for fun. Langzhong is okay, there is a waterway to pass through, as long as Langzhong is captured, Langzhong can be used as a transit.

But getting from Langzhong to Zitong is not that easy. What's more, in Langzhong, you have to worry about the attack from Brazil. You don't have much ability. Don't cut off other people's food roads, but cut off your own food roads.

Lu Bu didn't speak, but just looked at Zhang Liao who was looking at the map.

"My lord, I will need someone to guard Langzhong at the end!" Zhang Liao bowed to Lu Bu after looking at the map.

"Army general, which one do you want?" Lu Bu asked.

"The final general wants to have Gongming guard Langzhong for me!" Zhang Liao said with a bow.

Lu Bu nodded when he heard the words. Xu Huang is indeed a good candidate. It is really reassuring to have him sit behind Zhang Liao. He nodded immediately and said, "Gongming!"

"The last general is here!" Xu Huang came out and saluted Lu Bu.

"You go out with Wenyuan, and after you capture Langzhong, communicate with us with beacon fires along the way, and Jiameng will support you at any time!" Lu Bu said, looking at Xu Huang.

"The last general takes orders!" Xu Huang hastily bowed to accept the general order from Lu Bu.

At present, Lu Bu's policy is to break through with all his strength and threaten Shu County, not only to scare Liu Zhang, but more importantly, to provide opportunities for Fazheng who is still hiding in Shu County. It's Fazheng's side, the harder you fight on your own side, the greater the chance of Fazheng's side.

Soldiers are extremely fast, Zhang Liao quickly led his troops to leave after receiving Lu Bu's order, and went down the Jialing River to Langzhong.

On the side of Langzhong, although Pang Xi had already made preparations, Langzhong was not a majestic pass like Jiameng Pass and Baishui Pass after all. Surrounded by mountains and surrounded by water in three directions, the environment was absolutely beautiful. First, it only needs a strong attack to put Langzhong into a desperate situation, but within two days, it was broken by Zhang Liao.

After taking down Langzhong, Zhang Liao ordered Xu Huang to garrison Langzhong with four thousand soldiers. These were also the soldiers and horses that Lu Bu sent to garrison Langzhong. Don't dare to be careless.

In fact, Pang Xi reacted faster than Zhang Liao imagined. When the news came that Lu Bu had defeated Jiameng, he guessed that there was a high probability that Lu Bu would detour to Langzhong, so he sent additional troops to Langzhong.

It's a pity that Langzhong is not a dangerous pass. After learning that Langzhong was attacked, he immediately dispatched troops. He originally wanted to attack the defenders on both sides, but the defenders were defeated too quickly. When Pang Xi came, he met Zhang Liao who sent troops to surround him.

Zhang Liao didn't have many troops, but he detected Pang Xi in advance. The Tibetan soldiers ambushed Pang Xi by surprise. Although there were many troops, Zhang Liao was the one who overwhelmed Dawan, Kangju, and Wusun in the Western Regions. No matter how many soldiers and horses Pang Xi had, he couldn't keep up with others. In addition, he was beaten by surprise and almost wiped out by Zhang Liao's entire army. After he fled back to Anhan in embarrassment, Zhang Liao had long since disappeared.

After rectifying for two days with lingering fears, news began to come frequently from Shu County demanding that Lu Bu be repelled as soon as possible. Although Pang Xi didn't know what happened there, he also knew the urgency of the situation, so he could only bite the bullet and summon troops to attack Langzhong again .

When Pang Xi arrived in Langzhong for the second time, Zhang Liao had long since disappeared, and only Xu Huang was guarding the city.

Seeing that an unknown young general was staying behind, Pang Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He waved his troops and wanted to attack. But it was easy for Zhang Liao to attack Langzhong at the beginning. Although Huang was unknown, he had a good strategy. Langzhong was guarded by him tightly. Pang Xi failed to break through the city after half a month of continuous attack.

By this time, Pang Xi already had a bad premonition. What the major forces in Sichuan should do now is to join forces to fight against Lu Bu!

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