Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 245: Taking the initiative to fight

Whether an army is strong or weak is more or less subjective before it starts to fight.

However, Gao Shun here has a set of evaluation criteria, the number of troops, the record of generals, and the quality of the source of troops... Looking around the world, except for the special military training funds in Guanzhong and the reward and punishment system set up to encourage soldiers to make meritorious deeds, most armies The quality of the soldiers is about the same.

And even in Guanzhong, there are elites and garrison troops.

In this regard, Jiangdong and Jingzhou are actually similar, and the main consideration is the record of the generals on both sides.

The Jingzhou army has fought many battles in the past, and Jingzhou is also a place where there are many thieves, so they often have to put down the rebellion of the thieves and fight against Shanyue. There have also been small-scale battles with Nanyang in the past.

But Jiangdong is different from Jingzhou, they fought all the way to conquer the world. From this point of view, Gao Shun's judgment is that the Jiangdong army is stronger than the Jingzhou army.

The next day, when the Jiangdong Army led the army and arrived outside Xinye City, Gao Shun, uncharacteristically, took the initiative to go out of the city to fight.

"Looking at the number, there are about 5,000 soldiers. It looks radical, but in fact, there is no worry in the rear!" Zhou Yu followed Sun Ce to a low mountain to watch the enemy formation. Looking at the size of Gao Shun's army, Zhou Yu frowned.

"Five thousand soldiers dare to come out to fight!" Sun Ce looked at the enemy's formation and snorted coldly: "The Guanzhong army is still so arrogant. Today, I will keep all the five thousand troops and order Ling Cao, He Qi, double-wing, swallow this arrogant bandit army!"

The officers and soldiers in charge of passing the order waved the order flag quickly, and the order was passed down quickly. After Ling Cao and He Qi got the order, they gave up setting up the camp, and quickly led the troops out of the camp, heading towards Gaoshun's five thousand elite soldiers to encircle them.

With the lessons learned by Tai Shici yesterday, Jiangdong soldiers naturally did not dare to besiege as recklessly as yesterday. The archers cooperated with the shield hands and shot arrows at the enemy's formation in turn.

Gao Shun didn't expect yesterday's tactics to be effective today. After observing the enemy's formation, he realized that Ling Cao's formation was relatively weak, so he immediately commanded the army to charge towards He Qi's side first, making a plan to attack He Qi first. appearance.

He Qi hurriedly ordered the army to stop attacking and put on a defensive posture. At the same time, Ling Cao rushed forward, trying to flank He Qi. Done in a fraction of the time and without the slightest mess.

Ling Caojun, who was charging, suddenly saw the enemy stop, and before he had time to react, he saw crossbow arrows coming through the air, shooting down all the soldiers in the front row.

Today is an active attack. Of course, yesterday's large crossbow machine is impossible to carry, but the army's continuous crossbows are not missing, and the crossbow array of thousands of people shoots a suppressive effect.

Ling Cao's troops were rushing fiercely, but suffered a head-on blow. He hurriedly wanted to stop and change his formation to fight back with bows and arrows, but wherever he could stop, there was a sign of defeat.

And He Qi also reacted at this moment, and quickly swung his troops to continue attacking the enemy's rear.

But Gao Shun didn't have the intention to completely defeat Ling Cao's troops in one go. When the enemy army was in chaos, he didn't bother to fight, and immediately changed direction. It's crazy shooting.

The rhythm of the entire battlefield was firmly controlled by Gao Shun at once. He Qi's army was better than Ling Cao's army. He Qi did not order to change the formation, but ordered the soldiers to stop and counterattack. Although they were killed in disgrace, at least No rout.

The crossbowmen's two crossbow boxes were shot empty, and they could only use bows and arrows in the next battle.

Looking at the formation of the two armies, Gao Shun gave up on Lingcao who had not yet regrouped, and directly attacked He Qi's army. Fighting hand in hand, he thought that they would be able to stalemate each other, but when he looked from a high place, he saw that the two sides were almost in the same position. The moment the soldiers met, the winner was decided.

The Nanyang Army is not only well-trained, but more importantly, it is well-equipped. Under Gao Shun's command, they cooperate tacitly. A shield player, a spearman and a school swordsman are a small combat unit. The shield is different from ordinary shields, and can no longer hold other weapons, so the shield is only used to help the other two to block the damage of the enemy.

The spearman kept stabbing the distant enemy with his spear, while the school swordman stood by the shieldman's side, but when an enemy attacked, he immediately rushed fiercely.

In such a group of three, countless groups can cooperate with each other. The Jiangdong Army does not have this kind of combined skill. The fight was defeated steadily.

After a moment of stalemate, He Qi found that he couldn't resist at all, so he had no choice but to retreat with the rout.

So far, one of the two groups of soldiers encircling Gao Shun has gone, Gao Shun did not pursue, but quickly returned to the army and charged towards Ling Cao.

Ling Cao was also considered a strong general, taking advantage of Gao Shun's defeat of He Qi, he had already rearranged his troops, Zheng Dai and He Qi attacked Gao Shun, only to find that He Qi had already been defeated.

This made Ling Cao a little dumbfounded, how long has it been?

Without He Qi's cooperation, with only Ling Cao alone, Gao Shun killed him all the way to the front of the Jiangdong camp before giving up.

Gao Shun glanced at the Jiangdong camp, and instead of continuing to charge forward, he rationally withdrew his troops back to the camp.

On the hill, neither Sun Ce nor Zhou Yu spoke.

This battle, to put it simply, seemed a bit taken for granted, but they had truly experienced Gao Shun's terrifying control over his army.

It is a simple operation, if it is any one person, no army can do it, such as feigning a shot, which looks like hitting He Qi, but actually intends to shoot him. If a normal general dares to play like this, then You can cripple yourself in one shot, not to mention hitting Ling Cao and He Qi dizzily after a few times of pointing and hitting.

It's not that Ling Cao and He Qi are much different from Gao Shun, but that their control over the army is much worse than Gao Shun's. It's not just that the generals need to be good, the soldiers also need to have enough training and firm will.

As long as a part, even a small part of the Nanyang army hesitated a little bit to Gao Shun's order, it would not be able to achieve this effect.

Originally, there was more or less doubt about Tai Shici's defeat, but today, after seeing Gao Shun's use of troops, this doubt dissipated in the hearts of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu in an instant.

Twice as many troops, but being defeated by the opponent, Tai Shici is already good enough to come back alive.

"If Nanyang is full of soldiers like this, it's not surprising that the Jingzhou Army has repeatedly been defeated by Ma Chao." Zhou Yu said bitterly after a long time.

As far as this kind of army is concerned, any general will not be too bad, even if the general is average, but with this kind of army, he can win.

Who said that a thousand troops are easy to get but a general is hard to find? Such an army, give me as much as you want!

"Impossible!" Sun Ce waved his hand directly and said, "It's not easy to train such elite people, not to mention all of them, even if there are only 30,000, there is no way to fight this battle!"

In fact, as Sun Ce said, the soldiers and horses that Gao Shun brought out were all the most elite soldiers and horses except for the camp. Whether it was personal combat ability or equipment, they were all the top except for the camp.

Gao Shun left the trapped camp to Ma Chao, so he could only bring this team out to fight, and the rest were stationed in Xinye. This army was similar to the fortified camp when Lu Bu conquered Shu, and the trapped camp is still there today. It's just enough to reach the level of a thousand people.

To train all the troops to this level, even Guanzhong Fuyu cannot do it.

Zhou Yu naturally understood this truth, but more importantly, after this battle, the morale that was already low due to the defeat of the Vanguard Army yesterday became even lower.

This battle is not easy to fight!

"Report~" Just when the two of them returned to the camp and were about to appease the army, they saw a soldier galloping towards Sun Ce and saluted Sun Ce, "My lord, the bandit army has not gone far, they are going down to the camp ten miles away."

"Hey~ Do you really think that you want to defeat my 50,000 army with just 5,000 elite soldiers!? Pass my military order, and I will defeat it myself!" Elite, but this is too underestimating people. Even if you want to lead an army to a decisive battle with Gao Shun, no matter what, you must wipe out all the five thousand elite soldiers, and let Gao Shun not be too arrogant!

"Slow!" Zhou Yu suddenly stopped and said, "My lord, you should contact the Jingzhou army and say that we have restrained the main force of the enemy army here. The Jingzhou army should break through Xinye as soon as possible and cut off their way back!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce calmed down a little, and knew that he had just experienced two defeats at this moment. If he sent troops at this moment, even if he could defeat Gao Shun, he would not be able to please him.

Let the Jingzhou army attack Xinye, and Gao Shun will definitely return to help. At that time, he will take the opportunity to pursue from behind. It is indeed the best way to make Gao Shun unable to take care of both ends.

As expected of a close friend, Zhou Yu could quickly calm down Sun Ce from his rage, and Sun Ce could instantly understand Zhou Yu's plan, so Sun Ce nodded and said, "Gong Jin's words are reasonable, so let's hold off on sending troops."

Although the order to send troops has been issued just now, it doesn't count if it hasn't been spread yet. You can't do it for the sake of face when you know it's wrong. That's stupid.

Immediately, Sun Ce ordered someone to inform the Jingzhou army to attack Xinye and lead Gao Shun back, and then the two armies attacked and wiped out Gao Shun's elite army.

It was already the next day after Liu Pan got Sun Ce's information. Looking at the letterhead Sun Ce sent, Liu Hu said with a disdainful smile, "What Jiangdong little overlord? A mere 5,000 people are blocking it, and the Jiangdong Army is nothing more than that!"

Wenpin bowed to Liu Pan and said, "General, is it because Jiangdong wants to deliberately preserve his strength, so as to attract our army to attack Xinye?"

Although the two sides are allies, this alliance is not solid. It belongs to the kind that may stab an opponent in the back at any time, so they are on guard against each other.

Liu Pan nodded, not without this possibility. After thinking for a while, he said: "No matter what, we are going to Xinye, and we will lead the army to Xinye first. If there is an opportunity, we will attack it. If there is no good opportunity, Let's attack this... elite with Jiang Dong!"


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