Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 264 Returning to the City

Li Ru first received the report from the trapped camp. Deng Yu woke up halfway and wanted to come back, but in the eyes of the trapped camp, there were only military orders. Deng Yu was still taken back to Wancheng. After seeing Li Ru, he quickly wanted to ask for orders to rescue Duyang.

But before Li Ru could make a decision, Xu Yun had already returned with the remnant Duyang army!

"Lingqi went to Duyang!?" Li Rude was shocked after hearing this: "Has Duyang been lost?"

"I don't know. When they said they left, General Ma Chao was the only one left in Duyang." Xu Yun's face turned pale, she understood what this meant, and Lu Lingqi ran to save her, which was extremely dangerous.

"Cao Xing!" Li Ru walked back and forth a few steps, looked at Cao Xing and said.

"The last general is here!" Cao Xing stepped forward and bowed to Li Ru: "Then gather troops and horses to rescue the young master."

Li Ru shook his head: "You take a hundred elites to Xinye, be sure to inform Gong Zheng of the news, and tell him that Xinye can give up and rescue Lingqi first!"

Not to mention Xinye, Nanyang can give up, the most urgent thing is to rescue Lu Lingqi first.

Li Ru knew very well that once the blocking Yang was broken, there would be no need for Xinye to defend. If Gao Shun did not retreat, he might face a joint siege by the three families of Cao, Sun and Liu.

"The last general takes orders!" Cao Xing bowed and left with a solemn bow.

Li Ru looked at the others and said in a deep voice, "Hua An!"

"Here!" Hua An hurried forward.

"You rush to Biyang with the command arrow, meet Wei Yan, tell Wei Yan to give up Biyang, and rush to help Duyang!" Li Ru took out a command arrow and handed it to Hua Andao.

There is no news from Yin Feng yet. I don't know what Yuan Shu's attitude is, but just like Gao Shun, there is no need to defend Xinye. For the army closest to Duyang, it is the fastest to send troops to contain the rescue.

"Here!" Hua An took the arrow with both hands excitedly. This was the first time he was formally ordered. Next, he should be able to officially join the army.

"Zhang Hu, Dianman!" After sending Hua An away, Li Ru looked at Zhang Hu again and said in a deep voice.

"The last general is here!" Zhang Hu and Dianman immediately stepped forward and said.

"There are still more than 4,000 soldiers in Wancheng, with Zhang Hu as the main general. You two lead 3,000 people and set off immediately to help Lingqi. No matter what, Lingqi must be brought back. Do you two understand?" Ru looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice.

"Here!" Zhang Hu and Dianman bowed solemnly and left after receiving orders.

Gao Yi stayed in Wancheng, and together with Deng Yu and others, cooperated with Li Ru to continue to organize the surrendered army. After the surrendered army was sorted out, although it was not a strong combat force, it was enough to defend the city.

On the other side, Lu Lingqi had rescued Ma Chao at this time, and the sky had already dimmed. Lu Lingqi was about to lead the army back to Wancheng.

Fortunately, they put an end to the Nanyang rebellion first, otherwise, if the Nanyang families gathered tens of thousands of people to respond to Cao Cao, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Brother Lu, can you help me take back Duyang?" Ma Chao was still not reconciled to the loss of Duyang.

"Impossible!" Lu Lingqi said without turning her head while preparing her saddle: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The general has bought precious time for Nanyang by defending Duyang for a month. At this moment, rely on these people to go to Duyang again. , is it any different from sending him to death?"

"Are you afraid of death?" Ma Chao raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, I think normal people are afraid of death." Lu Lingqi gave Ma Chao a strange look.

Ma Chao was silent, he really had no reason to ask others to accompany him to die.

After taking a sip of water, Ma Chao silently walked towards a war horse: "Lend me the horse."

"If I were a general, I wouldn't go." Lu Lingqi said as she ready her harness and looked at Ma Chao.

Hearing this, Ma Chao looked back at Lu Lingqi, frowned and said, "I'm also afraid of death, but I promised one person that Duyang can't be lost, otherwise the whole Nanyang will suffer and more people will die."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lu Lingqi and smiled: "Thank you little brother for saving me, I'm afraid I can't repay this kindness."

"It's righteousness to do something when you know you can't do it." Lu Lingqi clasped her fists at Ma Chao and said, "I admire the general's loyalty."

Ma Chao shook his head. There are many truths that he has only recently understood.

"But I still hope that the general will stay." Lu Lingqi looked at Ma Chao and said, "If there is any hope of capturing the city, I will not stop it, but now that the general is going back alone, it is a situation of ten deaths and no life. General Gao Yi's actions are admirable, but this action will also make people feel that the general is not normal."

"What do you mean?" Ma Chao frowned and looked at Lu Lingqi.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful. At this time, going back to Duyang is useless except to kill your life. Why didn't the general withdraw to Wancheng and actively assist in the defense? Now that Nanyang is in crisis, it is time to employ people. I believe that a living general must It is countless times more useful than a dead general, although this will make the general lose his loyalty, but this is a small righteousness, and if the general insists on returning to Duyang, he will lose his righteousness!"

Ma Chao frowned and looked at Lu Lingqi, what he said made sense, but...

"Who are you?" Ma Chao frowned and looked at Lu Lingqi and said, a young man, who speaks the truth clearly and logically, seems to know more than an adult himself, and does not look like an ordinary person in appearance and conversation, but in Nanyang, He recognized most generals.

Lu Lingqi smiled and said: "I'm not in a position to tell you my identity for the time being, the general will know in the future, but at this moment, I still want to ask the general to follow me back to Wancheng, don't lose righteousness because of small righteousness!"

Ma Chao hesitated for a long time when he heard the words, but finally nodded. Lu Lingqi's words convinced him. Most importantly, although the young man in front of him looked like an old pedant that Ma Chao hated the most, perhaps it was because of the grace of saving his life that Ma Chao I can't hate him.

Lu Lingqi asked Ma Chao to get a war horse, and before it was completely dark, she headed towards Bowang, planning to return to Wancheng by detour from Bowang to Xi'e.

Less than a moment after the group walked out, they saw smoke and dust in front of them, and the ground under their feet trembled. All the strength was brought out, otherwise it would not be possible to create such a momentum. The hand holding the gun couldn't help but tightened, but found that the strength could not be used for a while.

Lu Lingqi asked people to wave the command flag and play the semaphore, and the other side also responded accordingly. Seeing this, Lu Lingqi smiled and said: "General, don't worry, it's our army!"

As he said that, he ordered people to pass the order first.

Soon, Zhang Hu and Dianman brought people over to join the crowd.

"Did you know that Mr. Wenyou was almost scared to death by you!" Zhang Hu looked at Lu Lingqi and said helplessly.

"I can't do it in a hurry." Lu Lingqi shook her head helplessly. Of course, this time, she was more or less happy to be able to lead the army again at the last moment.

"This is Ma Chao, General Ma?" After confirming that Lu Lingqi was safe, Zhang Hu looked at Ma Chao at the side and said with clasped fists.

"Exactly, you are..." Ma Chao frowned and looked at Zhang Hu. His face was familiar, but he didn't know who it was, anyway, it wasn't from Nanyang.

"Little brother Zhang Hu, my father Zhang Liao often mentioned generals to me." Zhang Hu laughed.

No wonder it's so hideous!

In an instant, his affection for Zhang Hu fell to the bottom. Ma Chao has never forgotten the humiliation he left in front of Zhang Liao. He may not be able to wash it away in this life. Now that he sees Zhang Hu again, he immediately recalls the unbearable past.

"Are you here to help Duyang?" Ma Chao looked at the crowd and asked.

Zhang Hu shook his head: "The loss of Duyang is a foregone conclusion. Mr. Wen You has a comprehensive plan. I will return to Wancheng now and then make plans."

"Mr. Wenyou is here?" Ma Chao's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He hadn't reacted when he heard Wenyou before, but now he finally understands that Li Ru has come to Nanyang. few.

Zhang Hu nodded: "So, please return to Wancheng as soon as possible, General, to return to my command."

At this point, Ma Chao has no reason to be stubborn anymore, and after nodding his head in agreement, he followed everyone to Wancheng.

It was already late at night when Lu Lingqi arrived in Wancheng. When Lu Lingqi came back, the first thing she saw was Xu Yun who was waiting for her. Seeing Lu Lingqi, Xu Yun was the first to pounce on Lu Lingqi and act like a baby.

"There are others around, so don't be unruly." Lu Lingqi patted Xu Yun on the head, and then saluted Li Ru: "Uncle Tired is worried."

"It's good to have nothing to do. After days of tossing, Lingqi must be tired. Go and rest." Li Ru shook his head and smiled, signaling Lu Lingqi to go to rest first, and Lu Lingqi doesn't have to worry about other things.

"Farewell!" Lu Lingqi bowed to Li Ru, and after saying goodbye to everyone, she took Xu Yun away in a somewhat lonely manner.

Ma Chao was in a daze. He always felt that the name Lingqi was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Li Ru asked Ma Chao to sit down and said with a smile: "Although Meng Qi has done it this time, the delay of Cao Jun in blocking Yang for one month has bought enough time for us to calm down the chaos in Nanyang. Let's rest for a night first. I have ordered people to go to Cao Jun's place." Send a message to Wei Yan, let him lead the army to stop Cao Jun first, and then he will send reinforcements to fight Cao Jun later, you have done a good job, don't worry about it."

Hearing this, Ma Chao could only nod his head: "In short, the general is still disappointed."

"Who has no fault?" Li Ru smiled. He probably understands the self-blame mentality of young people. It is not a good thing for young people to be too capable. The more they are like this, the harder it is to accept failure. When encountering failures, they tend to be devastated. It is not a bad thing for Ma Chao to suffer setbacks now. At least judging from Ma Chao's performance, he has come out.

If he can come out, Ma Chao's future will be limitless in the future. Maybe Ma Chao will be a leader among the younger generation, and he will be able to stand alone for Lu Bu in the future. Isn't this a good thing?

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