Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 5 Suffering

This is a world of cannibals. For Lu Bu, such things as changing children and eating them have always been just a few words recorded on the bamboo slips. It is difficult to have much resonance, and it is more like a legend.

Although Lu Bu's background has always been criticized and despised by the scholars, but that is just a failure to reach the top, but for the people in the border areas, his background is also unattainable, coupled with his own talent, even The frontier is poor and has never been worried about food and clothing.

For him, the state of changing children and eating them only exists in legends, but this time, he almost became the protagonist of changing children and eating...


The woman who spoke was skinny and hideous, and the crying sound from the swaddling baby in her arms was weak and anxious. This is a baby who doesn't know how to protect itself. The more he is like this, the shorter his life will be.

for what? Everyone knows it well, but they just say it out of the blue, in order to preserve the last trace of their humanity, or it can be regarded as the last fig leaf of being a human being. If it is torn off, it will be no different from a beast.

When people reach this point, they are actually not as good as animals. No one can laugh at or scold them. They will do so. Most of them are just because they are full and cannot understand the feeling. The most important thing is that it is not caused by hunger. Panic, but the sense of despair that cannot see the future.

Why become refugees? Where are they fleeing to? Lu Bu didn't know. He could barely understand their language in the first few days after he was born, but there was not much information about it. It seemed that he had suffered a military disaster, so it should be far away. Seeing that, with the current situation, if you really encounter a military disaster, you can only accept your fate.

In fact, Lu Bu very much hoped that he would be like the infant Yu Yu opposite him, who could not understand their words, and did not have much concept of life and death, so that even... it would not cause too much pain.

It's not that he can't accept the cruel world. He has seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and suffered pain that ordinary people can't bear. But what kind of despair can make a mother treat her infant child as food? Dignity, honor, and status, which Lu Bu was pursuing in the past, are not important at this moment, but survival is important. In front of these things, all the sufferings that Lu Bu has experienced in real life and simulated life have become enjoyment.

The feeling of not knowing who the enemy is, but passively accepting all the sufferings that this world gives but not knowing who to fight back, makes people crazy.

But Lu Bu can't be crazy. Although he is very hungry, even if the mother's breasts in this simulated world are so shriveled that there is no beauty, he still wants to suck a few mouthfuls. He was very hungry, but he knew that if he yelled frequently, he might overwhelm his mother's last trace of rationality and do the same thing as the hideous woman opposite... Eating children instead!

Some regretted that they did not choose their background. They thought that the background in the simulated world was already the lowest, but they could be even lower. It turns out that what I have always despised is something that others dream of.

In order to avoid leaving this world by being eaten, Lu Bu can only suppress his shame, do some actions that he thinks are cute, and behave extremely well-behaved and sensible.

Fortunately, there are no acquaintances in this world, and we can't see this side of him, otherwise the sense of shame will increase a hundred times, a thousand times or even more. Although it may not be useful, this is Lu Bu in his current baby state. The only way I can think of to save myself.

The mother shook her head, and the woman left in disappointment, looking for the next possible transaction partner. Lu Bu, whose life was temporarily saved, was slightly relieved. He didn't know how long his mother could hold on. This was already the seventh transaction in the past three days. The person who came to exchange, he didn't know how long his parents could last. Compared with the current situation, the anger he suffered in reality was just drizzle.

In the evening, Wen Ruo's father came back. He seemed to have been beaten and his face was bruised. He took his mother to a place where there were no people, and took out half a piece of black cake from his arms.

"Master, you can eat."

"You have just given birth and are weak. You can eat." Xiucai sat down and looked around vigilantly, holding a stone in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

This time, my father should be a very cowardly person. From his appearance to his temperament, everything revealed that I was cowardly and easy to bully. But on the day Lu Bu was born, although he didn't see it, Lu Bu knew that his family looked cowardly. Father, there is a repressed fierceness in his bones. In the past three days, there have been more than one group of people who tried to get Lu Bu's idea, but those who dared to do it were all scared away by his desperate aura.

The mother didn't shirk, she was so hungry, she leaned on her father's back, ate the black food in small bites while holding Lu Bu in her arms, and at the same time unbuttoned her corset, and gave him milk without worrying about Lu Bu.

Although there is no scenery, but for Lu Bu, this is the happiest moment of the day. Even so, he drinks very restrainedly, for fear that his mother will be drunk, although the opening is more bitter than the last Sims, But the father in this life is more like a man. At least he can protect his wife and children in desperate situations. Not everyone has that kind of desperate momentum. Such a person is called responsible.

"When is the end of this day?" Mother asked in a low voice after eating the food, taking two sips of the water handed by her father.

"Ah~ The mountains and rivers are broken, and the imperial court is so stupid that they gave up the northern pass, so that the barbarians have no shackles to go south. It's a pity that heroes like General Yan finally died for the country. Judging from the current situation, go south and cross the Cangshui Going to Cangzhou, separated by Cangshui, may be able to stop the Hulu."

Lu Bu's heart moved. Be it Beiguan or Old General Yan, this seemed to be a continuation of the simulated world he had experienced before, but Old General Yan had a good death, and he was the one who died for his country. Why did the other party say that?

"Head of the family, the baby hasn't been named yet, why not give it a name." The mother looked at the father.

The father looked at the infant Lu Bu, took out a few stones and made a divination: "June 4th Yao moves, the upper hexagram is Zhen, the lower hexagram is Kun, the lower hexagram is Kun, the vibration is movement, Kun is cloth, let's call it Bu, I hope he can do it for this one." Shattering the country, the fatuous court brought some changes."

Lu Bu: "..."

I don’t know whether to say that you are knowledgeable or too casual. It seems that after entering the simulation world, your name will not change. If the simulation world this time is the same as the last time, will Beiguan still have its own legend? ?

After all, he was just born and couldn't have too many problems. Lu Bu felt dizzy and fell asleep after a while...

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