Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 129: The Round Dance of Dragons and Angels (Please vote for recommendations! Please vote for

17. The Dance of Dragons and Angels

Punch, charge, punch!

A continuous flurry of punches. Lu Mingfei seemed to have turned into a cheetah clenching its prey. He didn't know what kind of mythical existence Sariel was. He only knew one thing. As long as Sariel still existed, Janet would continue to be tortured by fire. The painful torture.

Janet said she wanted to go back alive.

If you think about this passage carefully, there are many problems - doesn't the phrase "wanting to live" in turn mean that she may die?

In desperation, Lu Mingfei ignored Da Vinci's frequent warnings: "Try not to use mental simulation, as that ability has serious hidden dangers."

Battle mode.

Simulation·Chu Zihang.

Pure combat mode has only one purpose, to kill Sariel with the highest efficiency!

The moment it was turned on, Lu Mingfei, who was in Chu Zihang's thinking mode, felt a flash of confusion in his heart.

In addition to the initial evil eye that hit Lu Mingfei, whose cultural knowledge was not up to par, there was actually something wrong with what happened next.

--too weak

In other words, it is not as strong as imagined.

The power of the legendary angel Sariel was not as terrifying as expected. Lu Mingfei did not even pull out his newly acquired weapon, but completely suppressed it with a pair of iron fists.

It can even be said that Sariel was beaten so hard that he was basically unable to fight back.

Isn't Sariel not strong? Or does it mean that the spiritual foundation of a certain heroic spirit in Lu Mingfei's body at this time is stronger?

The fist hit Sariel's face for the twelfth time, and the opponent's deformed imitation of Joan of Arc's face was distorted into a human shape.

The only problem with the battle being one-sided was that the output seemed to be not enough. Sariel's "meatiness" was incredibly high. Lu Mingfei even felt that his heavy punches could not produce significant damage.

If this continues, the outcome will be very obvious, but if time, if time drags on for too long——



By the way, could this be the possible cause of Janet's death? She was subjected to the mental torture of being burned indiscriminately, and it was very likely that she would be tortured to death!

Something's wrong! Chu Zihang's mind was frantically sending warnings to Lu Mingfei. Something's wrong! What's wrong? Nothing is right!

This fight was problematic from start to finish. Lu Mingfei originally wanted to meet the Jealous Witch and see if he could have a chat with her, but he didn't expect that the other party would come up and start a fight, which would leave his girl in such a negative state.

Lu Mingfei seemed to be urged to run by time, as if urged by a pair of evil eyes to keep punching.

The offensive cannot be stopped, and even higher output must be used to eliminate the witch as quickly as possible!

Sariel spread her wings suddenly, seeming to realize that in close combat she could not compete with Lu Mingfei, who had the Iron Fist Holy Maiden's spirit base, so he planned to fly to the sky, but how could Lu Mingfei continue to drag him down? Time opportunity?

He grabbed her wings forcefully!

——[Sariye’s ‘power’: 1D50+50=91]——

——[Lu Mingfei’s ‘power’: 1D80+40=112]——

"Get down here!"

Lu Mingfei roared, and magic power was injected into his arms. The heroic spirit spirit in his body seemed to be conscious and his blood was boiling! He actually tore off one of Sariel's wings forcefully!

You can't let the opponent fly.

At the same time, this also made Lu Mingfei realize that although reality is not like the game. He cannot see the 'blood bar' on the opponent's head, making it difficult to judge whether it will cause no harm to Sariel, but the 'part destruction' seems different. .

make a prompt decision! In the embryo-killing Lu Zihang mode, Lu Mingfei immediately focused on Sariel's remaining five wings!

At least it looks like Broken Wing has obviously done a lot of damage!

Perhaps this is the secret why Sariel took hundreds of punches from Lu Mingfei in a short period of time, but still never fell!


Lu Mingfei roared!

——[Sariye’s ‘power’: 1D50+50=100]——

——[Lu Mingfei’s ‘power’: 1D80+40=98]——


Sariel's mouth emitted a strange scream that was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Are you scared? Or angry? Or is it something else?

Lu Mingfei failed to catch Sariel this time, and he broke free for a moment——

But it was only for a moment.

In the past, Lu Mingfei used it directly as the ace at the bottom of the box many times, hiding his power until the end, and becoming a hidden killer power.

Because this time he was racing against time, Chu Zihang would never tolerate his companions being killed by his own powerlessness by his side!


Yan Ling!

"——[Star Platinum]!"

The moment Platinum Star was activated, the battle situation became completely one-sided, and Sariel could not even escape.

The only two weaknesses of Platinum Star in hand-to-hand combat are that Lu Mingfei's physical strength cannot support his bottomless pit of consumption, and the range is extremely short, and it is impossible to stay away from Lu Mingfei even slightly.

But these are nothing now!

The spiritual base of the top judge supports the current Lu Mingfei. Although his magic power comes from Janet's supply, the high output may increase her burden - but the pain of burning and excessive consumption of magic power are more severe. pain? You can't think so much at this time.

Now that it has been used, end the battle as soon as possible!

Is it difficult for fists to be effective?

The Platinum Star locked Sariel tightly with its muscles as hard as marble. Lu Mingfei, whose eyes were red with blood, stepped on the back of the angel's head and pressed her head into the ground. The roaring Platinum Star grabbed another of his wings!


Second wings!


"Third wings!"


The fourth and fifth wings were torn off together!



Six wings! destroy!

The scarlet blood was like opening a faucet, and the blood surged out. While Sariel was wailing, his body began to shake and twist strangely, as if there was a bad signal.

The bet was right! It's not clear why, but her wings are really her weakness.

Lu Mingfei ignored the monster named Angel who was bleeding an alarming amount in front of him.

He took a look at Sariel's wound that was bleeding continuously.

The fists of flesh and blood and the steel fists of Platinum Star aimed at the target at the same time.


Cutting off the possibility of Sariel flying to escape, Lu Mingfei and Platinum Star hit him with double punches, killing Sariel to death in one breath!

Sariel's body collapsed amid whining.

Prelati also started to applaud: "Beautiful! You are worthy of being the 'real messenger' I summoned!"

Although Prelati's Riddler behavior was still irritating, now that the battle in front of him was confirmed to be successful, Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief.

".If Sariel is defeated, will this nightmare end?"

Lu Mingfei wiped the blood on his face, frowned, and looked at Prelati displeased.

"But I still feel something is wrong. Is this thing really an angel?" Lu Mingfei questioned as he came to Janet's side and hugged Janet who was still shaking in pain.

"The so-called angels have no fixed image. Their existence form is actually similar to that of elves, but the nightmare does not end so easily."

"What?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and an ominous premonition came to his heart.

Prelati shrugged: "As I said before, the Jealousy Witch has the ability to plunder the power of others because of her 'jealousy'. The dream cage I created with illusion has been eroded by her, as long as she is unwilling to wake up. , you can’t kill her in the nightmare.”

"You!" Lu Mingfei pretended to hit someone.

Prelaty quickly begged for mercy: "I didn't hide it from you on purpose. No matter what, I have to defeat him first before I can prove it? Besides, I have already prepared countermeasures, look!"

Prelati pointed at Sariel's collapsed body.

I saw that Sariel's deformed monster body, after collapsing, actually turned into gold and black light particles, blooming like a blooming epiphyllum.

After the flash in the pan appeared and collapsed, those gold and black particles actually rushed to Janet in Lu Mingfei's arms?

A mysterious smile appeared on Prelati's face: "Elves are a type of natural phenomenon, and angels are very similar to them. Nature is difficult to completely eliminate, so my purpose from the beginning was to use a 'container' to destroy the fallen saints. The women sealed them one by one.”

What does it mean if all the witches of the Seven Deadly Sins are sealed?

Prelati's words made Lu Mingfei feel uneasy for no reason.

And the ominous premonition became more and more intense.

The trump card of Platinum Star was exposed this time, which can only be said to be helpless.

But what is the source of this unknown premonition?

From this battle to this so-called nightmare space, there are many doubts in itself. The most important thing is that all Lu Mingfei's understanding comes from Prelati's unilateral words, and it is impossible to confirm the truth or falsehood.

Lu Mingfei had never been so eager to hear Da Vinci's voice, and then ask her if he didn't understand something.

I have never been so depressed about my grades in cultural classes.

The next moment, Lu Mingfei's uneasiness was confirmed as the light from Sariel's collapse was absorbed into Janet's body.

The girl's body began to struggle again because of the pain. Although Lu Mingfei didn't want to describe it this way, her pitiful appearance was like a sieve that might be broken at any time. It should not appear on the human body, but resembled damaged porcelain. Doll-like cracks appeared on Janet's face.

She was like glass that couldn't hold anything inside her and could break at any time.

At this time, Lu Mingfei had gritted his teeth and forcibly simulated Fujimaru Ritsuka's thinking mode. Although he could not compete with her, he could find some clues from various clues.

".How could there be a girl who happens to be similar to Jeanne d'Arc?"

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth and stared at Prelati.

"She was the vessel you created for this from the beginning, right!?"

Prelatti was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect that Lu Mingfei, a 'bad student', could actually think of this.

"Yes, but not entirely right." Prelati smirked, "Originally, my purpose was very simple. I just accepted the commission from my friend Gilles to help him find a way to resurrect Joan of Arc. The formation of the singularity She has no direct connection with me, and she was not born to seal the witch."

How come Lu Mingfei doesn't know what these magicians are thinking?

The created girl was created for magic experiments. In the eyes of the magician, it was not a life at all, but an artifact. Lu Mingfei had experienced enough similar things in Chaldea.

No matter how many hundreds of years have passed, these research madmen will always be the same!

Janet's struggle continued and showed no signs of weakening as time passed. At first she was still enduring, but after a few minutes she began to wail uncontrollably. She cried and wanted to live, but time passed. When it reached six minutes, there was no sign of weakening at all, and even more serious cracks appeared on her body surface, and the girl's whining completely turned into despair.

"Please let me die!"

The girl who wanted to live with Lu Mingfei before was actually praying for relief now.

"Don't look at me." Prelati, a scornful woman, was actually deliberately interjecting at this time, "Sealing is the best and only way, because the appearance of an angel is similar to a natural phenomenon. As long as the conditions for her formation are not destroyed, Even if the body is destroyed once, angels will be resurrected continuously."

Lu Mingfei could only hold back his apology and anger.

The girl's request flashed through his mind.

——"I will survive, with Afu."

".Feel sorry."

Lu Mingfei lowered his head to the girl in front of him who wanted to die.

Red-gold light flowed in his pupils.

The power of words and spirits is the power of command.

"--【do not die】"

Janet's desire to die was completely wiped out by Lu Mingfei, and what followed was even more mind-numbing, the pain and struggle from the effective girl. The voice and appearance, even the most ruthless executioner would be shocked if they saw it. You all can’t bear it, right?

Lu Mingfei didn't care about anything else. It wasn't that his relationship with this cheap master was any better, but - Chu Zihang still understood Lu Mingfei.

Chu Zihang was right. Lu Mingfei was the kind of person who could easily lose sight of the tragedy of the person in front of him, and then wanted to rush forward and fight for his life.

He had too few things, and the Chaldean Explosion caused him to lose too much in one breath. This made him unable to bear the departure of people around him, and even developed a kind of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

This is also why Da Vinci's Chaldean revival plan tends to strengthen Lu Mingfei himself. Since it is impossible for Lu Mingfei to change his habit of 'rescuing people', which is becoming more and more like the protagonist of a hot-blooded young comic, in order to avoid it as much as possible He traded his soul with the devil, so let him have more and stronger power.

"I swear"

Lu Mingfei's eyes were red, and he stared closely at Janet in his arms, hugging this tortured girl tightly who could not live or die.

"Stay alive, Janet. You are still young and don't know many things. The world is huge and you haven't seen it yet! Although I haven't seen much myself, you should live on! Live on and I will take you to travel around the world. !”


"Don't die...!"

——[Difficulty of Janet’s ‘Jealousy Witch’: 1D100=13]——

——[Janet’s ‘persistence’: 1D100=66]——

Is it a miracle?

Or is it a new conspiracy?

Janet's body finally stopped after shaking like an electric shock.

Prelati's eyes widened in surprise: "Is your adaptability so high?"

".It's agreed, Ah Fu."

The girl's eyes, which were closed due to pain, slowly opened, seemingly filled with yearning in her weakness.

"The book says, Ah Fu, you have been to the moon for adventure, right? What kind of place is the moon? Are there giants there? Are there rabbits? Ah Fu, can you take me to the moon to see it?"

Lu Mingfei nodded immediately: "Okay! I'll take you to see the moon! Oh no, I'll just ask Da Vinci to make a rocket and take us to the moon together!"

Finally, the spread of crack marks stopped.

Everything seems to be improving.


Prelati died on purpose and suddenly said:

"Afu, I think it's time to tell you something. I didn't lie before. Janet was not created by me as a container to seal the jealous witch."

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

The cracks on Janet's face stopped, but as soon as Prelati finished speaking - the girl's entire body was shattered like smashed porcelain.

As if breaking out of a shell, Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the six-winged Moon Angel rising into the sky again from Janet's body that shattered and dissipated in his arms, sitting upright under the canopy. Spread its six wings under the bright moon.

Moon Angel tilted her head, as if she was lamenting something, and Lu Mingfei heard the words that escaped her mouth.

"——It's not enough."

"'Jealousy' cannot be filled yet."

Prelati turned into a black cat and ran onto the shoulder of Lu Mingfei, who was looking up at the sky blankly.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you. How could there be such a child in this world? Even if you want to create it, for me, it's too much for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. I just came up with a series of tricks to let the dream that was taken away Sariel in there just had another dream named Janet."

"There was no Janet from the beginning. Think about it, why are there other beings in the dream who can move freely besides outsiders and original owners like you and me?"

"Don't look like you've been robbed of the girl you love."

"There was no 'Janet' from the beginning, there was just the 'Jealousy Witch'. No, look at the sky, she is there."

"In order to 'transcend' the jealous witch, the unknown dragon, please continue to accompany Miss Witch and continue dancing with the angel under the moon. You have done a good job. At least 'this time' you have successfully satisfied Miss Jealous Witch. A small part of 'jealousy'. Do you think this is family affection or love?"

"——You guy!?"

Angry, Lu Mingfei punched Black Cat in the face.

But in the next moment, thick fog swallowed everything.

When Lu Mingfei came back to his senses, he was standing in the church where he first descended.

Only this time, the ceiling was intact.

what happened?

Without continuing to think about it, Lu Mingfei rushed directly to Prelati's experimental workshop, and sure enough! This guy is here!

Lu Mingfei grabbed the guy's clothes and wanted to question him, but she playfully pointed to the clock in the entrance hall.

The time pointed to 6:06.

Clocks in this era don't seem to be accurate to the second.

"Sir Knight, your princess is waiting for you."

The next moment, the girl's whine echoed over the town. Lu Mingfei dropped Prelati and rushed over.

Lu Mingfei saw Janet again. The girl was still being chased by two familiar monsters. Lu Mingfei fell directly from the sky, smashed the evil monsters, and then picked up the girl without caring about anything else. , then lifted up the corner of the girl's clothes and looked at the side of her lower abdomen.

On it, there is a number.


——to be continued!

The originally promised trip was only 5K. The reason was that the time spent queuing up for the vaccine was beyond imagination. I started at the hotel and didn’t leave there until three o’clock in the afternoon. After I got home and had something to eat, I started to feel dizzy again. , I can only have time to code such braille.

There's a bit of rush in the description part. I'm very sorry.

Originally, I planned to write a very big chapter today and finish this chapter in one breath.

If nothing happens tomorrow, this episode should be over.

Shamelessly asking for a vote of recommendation! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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