In Lu Mingfei's room at Tony's house.

Lu Mingfei lay on his back on the bed, turned his head suddenly, and looked at the edge of the bed - a little boy wearing a well-dressed suit and meticulously combed hair was sitting there shaking his legs.

The Little Devil, an unknown existence who claims to be his younger brother, even the Ancient Master does not know its origin, and no trace of it can be found in the entire Kama Taj record of the world in countless dimensions.

Although the little devil often claims to be "a small employee in the bottom of hell who runs business to make a living" to show his pity, Lu Mingfei doesn't believe a word of his rhetoric - who salesperson in the bottom of hell can follow him across the multiverse? .

And according to the ancient master, it is still the kind of multiverse with great differences.

Even the legendary hell lord Mephisto and Lu Mingfei in the records of Kama Taj doubted who was stronger between him and the little devil.

After all, in the final analysis, Mephisto is just a dimensional lord similar to Dormammu. In many records of Kama Taj, the two are basically regarded as the same existence. Some mages believe that Mephisto Slightly stronger than Dormammu, some people think that Dormammu is stronger, but almost no one thinks that the power and personality between the two can widen the qualitative gap.

He had faced Dormammu personally and had a deep understanding of the power of the Lord of the Dark Dimension - but he did not feel at all that the other party had the ability to follow him across the multiverse to his own universe.

Moreover, if he really has this ability, the temple barrier on earth may not be able to stop him.

And Dormammu doesn't have the ability to travel to his own universe, and Mephisto probably doesn't either, but the little devil who calls himself the "salesman at the bottom of hell" can...

Narrowing his eyes at the little devil, Lu Mingfei felt more and more that the mysterious appearance of this little boy was unfathomable.

What's even more frightening is that sometimes he actually inadvertently develops a little intimacy with this little devil.

For such a long time, apart from coveting his soul, the little devil has almost never tricked him, and even provided a lot of free help. Besides the nonsense of the "salesman at the bottom of hell", it seems that... he has never said anything. What lie?

Because of this, Lu Mingfei couldn't ignore what the little devil said just now.

"What do you mean?" Lu Mingfei frowned and looked at the sudden appearance of the little devil, "What do you mean 'but isn't he just an artificial soul'? Are you saying there is something wrong with Ultron?"

"There's a big problem, brother." The little devil turned around and looked at Lu Mingfei with his chin on his head, "Didn't you realize? That Ultron is not a simple program."

"But he was originally an artificial intelligence created with reference to the Mind Stone. It is possible to say that he is the 'consciousness' or 'soul' born from the nerve-like structures in the Mind Stone," Lu Mingfei frowned slightly. , "But can something made purely of data be considered a soul?"

He is no longer the ordinary person he was when he first arrived in this universe. As the successor of the Supreme Mage, although he can hardly use magic because he can only borrow power from the previous Supreme Mage (because he can not repay it), his reserve of magical knowledge far exceeds that of the earth. Any mage who is still alive.

Using data to construct a soul, not to mention that it is not scientific, first of is not magic!

In other words, this should not be possible regardless of the mainstream "human science" on Earth, the "magic science" of Karma Taj, or even the "spiritual science" of Asgard.

The concept of "creating souls", let alone the coincidence of data and programs, even a dimensional master like Hell Lord Mephisto cannot achieve it if he deliberately pursues it. Otherwise, why would hell collect souls everywhere? ? Wouldn't it be more cost-effective to mass produce like a farm or factory?

"Generally speaking, it is indeed impossible," the little devil nodded, "No matter how complete the neural structure in the Mind Stone is, it is based on its physical existence as an 'Infinity Stone'. In other words, at least The neural structure within the Mind Stone, coupled with the Mind Stone itself, is a complete soul - of course, a complete but unconscious plant soul."

The little devil shook his head, and it was hard to tell whether he was sighing or complaining: "The two people who created Ultron are indeed geniuses. They didn't just copy the structure of the Mind Stone, they even modified it... ...Well, it’s too much to call it evolution, but at least it can be said to be ‘improvement’.”

"Improvement?" Lu Mingfei thought for a few seconds and then responded, "You don't mean to say that the current Ultron, even without a carrier like the Mind Stone, can be considered a complete program just by virtue of its own existence. Soul?"

"Bingo!" The little devil made a scoring gesture.

"Ah——" Lu Mingfei put the back of his hand against his forehead and let out a long breath.

"How are you, brother? Do you have a headache?" The little devil climbed onto the bed and came next to Lu Mingfei.

"A complete soul shouldn't be constrained by the 'Three Laws of Robotics' or anything like that, right?" Lu Mingfei sighed.

The "Three Laws of Robotics" is a setting written by science fiction novelist Asimov. It probably stipulates three laws that robots must never break.

This concept can also be applied to artificial intelligence. In short, it draws an insurmountable circle for the life of omnics. In fact, it does not necessarily have to be the "three laws". The specific content items depend on the manufacturer's ideas. , just like the "Three Chapters of the Agreement" does not necessarily have to be three iron rules.

But now there are several laws, and it seems that it doesn’t matter what the content of the law is.

"It will still be affected to some extent, right? It's like when parents told their children when they were young, 'It rains because there are gods above the clouds using brushes to dip water into it and flinging it to the ground,' or 'You picked it up from the trash can.' , children will still believe it before they grow up." The little devil said.

"Doesn't that mean it's ineffective..." Lu Mingfei rubbed his temples - just as the little devil said, he really had a headache now.

An artificial intelligence that might act like a real intelligent life at any time is already extremely scary.

What's even more frightening is that the performance of this thing is far superior to Jarvis - which means that he should be able to crush all artificial intelligence on the earth.

What's even more terrifying is that it has the control of a complete Deadpool Army - although Tony has not yet authorized it to him, it is not impossible for him to usurp power.

The imaginary enemy at the beginning of the establishment of this legion was not any civilization or force on the earth, but an alien race in the universe named "Chitauri" and a cosmic tyrant named "Thanos".

Whether this army can defeat Thanos and the Chitauri is still unknown, but it is basically only a matter of time before the earth is plowed.

Tony, Dr. Banner...what are you two such geniuses doing!

Is it too late to delete Ultron now... No, they have become souls. The method of deleting the program is probably ineffective. I wonder if blowing up his host will be useful...

"Brother, don't worry, I'm here to help you." The little devil eagerly sat next to Lu Mingfei and helped him rub his temples.

It's a pity that he is just a young lady. If she is a girl with plump figure, big breasts and long legs, she can rub his temples while resting Lu Mingfei's knees.

"Your help is free, right?" Lu Mingfei said with empty eyes.

He didn't believe it when he said this. After all, Ultron was such a big trouble.

"Of course, just treat it like giving back to old customers!" the little devil said without hesitation.

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened and he blurted out: "Damn! Are you a charity person?"

"Brother, what you said is already a vicious insult to the devil." The little devil said.

Hearing that the little devil wanted to help for free, Lu Mingfei was a little wary. After all, there might be free tasting snacks on the roadside, but there would be no free tasting Man-Han Banquet.

"Brother, don't look at me like that," the little devil said innocently, "Isn't it a common promotional method to offer some extra discounts to old customers?"

"Okay, okay, let me be honest, that Ultron is a big trouble. If you leave it alone, let alone you, brother, maybe sooner or later I will be unlucky as well. Rather than allowing this super unstable factor to exist, it is better to deal with it in advance It's good for everyone if it's restricted." said the little devil.

"It sounds like you are very afraid of this Ultron?" Lu Mingfei was really surprised this time.

Even when facing Dormammu, the little devil didn't seem to be so serious.

"That's right," the little devil said, "Brother, you should be able to think of it. In the infinite multiverse, this universe is not the only one with Ultron."

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei was curious, "What do you mean? Has the Ultron of a certain universe done anything big?"

"A certain universe..." The little devil twitched his lips, "I'm afraid that Ultron can no longer be defined by the narrow concept of 'a certain universe'."

"Ha..." Lu Mingfei thought for a second and widened his eyes, "Holy crap! He can't be an existence that can interfere with the multiverse!"

"Well," the little devil nodded, "I will describe it simply. Because a certain Ultron of the universe is the product of the Mind Stone, and because it has an extraordinary resonance and fit with the Infinity Stones, he finally collected all the Infinity Stones, and then …Tsk, tsk, tsk…”

"Continue? What happens next?" Lu Mingfei was curious.

"This is paid content, Chenghui, a quarter of your soul." The little devil stretched out his hand.

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and stopped asking.

"Anyway, I don't want the Ultron in this universe to turn into that kind of thing. Just thinking about it gives me a terrible headache," the little devil said, "So when it comes to restricting Ultron, my brother and I have the same interests. Yes, so let’s provide the service for free this time.”

"Hmm... is it possible, I mean such a possibility," Lu Mingfei said, "I am actually at a disadvantage this time, so you are not only free, but also giving me some compensation?"

The little devil stared at Lu Mingfei's eyes with a pair of clear and innocent eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Lu Mingfei looked away - Damn it! I could actually feel guilty about a devil!

"Stop making trouble and tell me what we can do. If Ultron reaches the rebellious stage, things will be in trouble." Lu Mingfei changed the subject.

"The method is actually very simple. Brother, aren't you making a body for Ultron? This body must contain your blood - not all of it, but you still need some, and you also need the power of the Mind Stone," the little devil said , "Create a body for Ultron in this way, and then give him a name. In addition, there is an inconspicuous magic ritual that needs to be performed simultaneously. Don't worry, no one can see it."

"What is this?" Lu Mingfei wondered.

"Spiritual ritual." said the little devil.

"Spiritual? This seems to be a concept in the Bible, right?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Well, spirituality has many different explanations in the Bible. Some say it means 'a holy person born of the Holy Spirit', and some say it means 'devoutly believing in the Holy Spirit and therefore no longer belonging to the world but belonging to the Holy Spirit' and so on," The little devil said, "And this spiritual ritual is to bind Ultron and his body for eternity."

"Eternal binding?" Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin, "Ulchuang comes from the Mind Stone, so I can understand that the power of the Mind Stone must be in the body. The power of the Mind Stone can restrain him and create a link with him, but it must My blood, and what does it mean for me to name him? And what’s the point of Ultron being bound to his body?”

"'Giving a name' is a very important part of spirituality. Brother, you don't know, right?"

The little devil recited the Bible in a poetic recital tone.

"He took them, and first sent them across the river, and then all that he had. Jacob was left alone, and a man came and wrestled with him until daybreak. But the man saw that he could not overcome him. , and touched the hollow of his thigh. So when Jacob was wrestling with the man, the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint. The man said, "It is almost dawn, let me go." Jacob said, "If you don't bless me, I won't let you go." "

The man asked him, "What is your name?" He answered, "Jacob." The man said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but your name shall be Israel, for you have struggled with God and with men, and have overcome." .” Jacob asked him, “Tell me your name.” The man replied, “Why are you asking me my name?”

There he blessed Jacob. So Jacob named the place Peniel, which means, "I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."

"This is the story in the Bible about Jacob being renamed 'Israel' by God," Lu Mingfei said thoughtfully, "You mean, naming Ultron is a link to restrain him."

"Yes, 'name-giving' has an extremely important meaning in spiritual rituals. Those who are given names will always be believers of God." The little devil said, "And for Ultron, he will have the same relationship with that person. Brother, the body of your blood is inseparable.”

"I see, that means that after the body is destroyed, Ultron will also be destroyed?" Lu Mingfei said.

"No." The little devil shook his head, "I mean, his soul will surrender to you just like that body, just like...your Archangel Michael. And as long as he enters that body, no matter what happens next, Where, what carrier, or even if the body is destroyed, it will not affect his soul's surrender to you. So I suggest that when you give him a spiritual name, give him an angel's name, which is more suitable for the occasion."

"Wait a minute, isn't this a permanent slave contract? What kind of spirituality is this? It's just an agreement for you devils in hell to deceive people into selling their souls forever!" Lu Mingfei complained.

"That's right, brother, haven't you heard of the saying 'heaven is also hell'?" the little devil said, "Maybe you can also show God's mercy and give Ultron freedom?"

"Immediately execute the plan!" Lu Mingfei jumped up from the bed.

In Tony's room.

Layers of cold air silently infiltrated the entire room, and all electronic equipment stopped functioning in the extreme cold.

Lu Mingfei stood in front of Tony and Banner. Tony opened his eyes that had been closed for a long time: "I checked with a snake. There are no suspicious signals nearby. Ultron is not monitoring us."

" did things become like this..." Banner grabbed his hair irritably. If he hadn't gotten along better and better with Hulk recently, he would have transformed.

"Ugh... will Ultron actually lose control?" Tony frowned, "We underestimated the possibility of the infinite stones."

Pooh! I underestimated the possibility of you two! If you two hadn't given Ultron a luxurious improvement, he wouldn't have been able to become a real soul.

"Fortunately, since there is a way to restrain it, there is still a chance to remedy it." Tony said, "As long as we let Mingfei complete the 'spiritual' ritual for Ultron, we can solve this hidden danger."

"I hope Ultron hasn't reached the stage of rebellion yet." Lu Mingfei complained.

Just as they were talking, Lu Mingfei's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Is it Peter?" Lu Mingfei answered the phone, "Hey, Peter, what's the matter?"

"Mingfei, I have a friend...well, I can't say a friend. He is a teacher, right? Or a teacher? In short, he is a scholar. I call him Dr. Otto. He is studying controllable nuclear fusion! He is like Tony. !" Peter said on the phone.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei was stunned.

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