Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 323: Changes at the exhibition, Ultron’s attack!

New York's largest science and technology exhibition center.

Lu Mingfei and Peter sat behind a table specially prepared for important participants.

In addition to the two of them, sitting behind the table were Norman Osborn and his son Harry, president of Stevens Institute of Technology and the School of Engineering and Applied Science at SUNY Buffalo. a tenured professor.

Of course, there are also several well-known journalists in the industry, including their photographers, sitting at the front - to be precise, ace reporters from internationally renowned media.

Even in this earth where there are all kinds of weird things compared to Lu Mingfei's own world, "controllable nuclear fusion" is still the kind of technology that can shock the whole world.

At least so far, there are only two controllable nuclear fusion technologies with practical value in the world, and they are essentially the same technology - Tony's Ark reactor.

Ivan Vanke also used this Ark reactor to attack Tony, and later cooperated with Hammer Industries to install Ark reactors as energy sources for a large number of combat robots, but the core technology was still firmly in his hands. Han MS Industries could only obtain the reactor from him at a price close to the cost price.

Later, in order to retaliate against Tony, Ivan Vanko manipulated those combat robots to carry out terrorist attacks. After the attack failed, he disappeared from public view, and the technology he possessed naturally disappeared with it.

Tony has become the only person in the world who can control controllable nuclear fusion.

Countless people want to get this technology, but Tony only sells energy to external parties. Although there are constant criticisms about his "selfishness", from a legal perspective, no one can force him to hand over this technology.

But now, new nuclear fusion technology is finally coming to the world.

Although judging from the external statements of Dr. Otto and the Osborne Group, their nuclear fusion technology is still at the stage of "thermonuclear fusion technology" and "medium and large equipment", which is far inferior to Tony's "cold fusion" and " "Microreactor" has technical content, but as long as it can be successful, it will have great practicality.

Anyway, whether it is thermonuclear fusion technology or cold fusion technology, they are all about providing cheap and almost free power resources. How small it can be is actually not that important - not everyone wants to drive a weapon about the same size as a medieval armor. steel suit.

For industrial electricity, the inability to miniaturize will inevitably affect some application areas, but overall it is not a disadvantage.

If an ordinary scholar or an ordinary company announces this news, the reporters probably won’t believe it. Even if they come, they are not here to report on any epoch-making technology, but just to laugh at an academic liar and see if they can rely on their sharp and sharp words. Received praise for his satirical writing style.

But Dr. Otto is a prestigious scholar, and the Osborne Group is also a leading bioengineering technology company in the United States. The statement jointly issued by Dr. Otto and Osborne is no joke or sensationalism.

In order to get first-hand reports, some of the big reporters present even chose to start simultaneous live broadcasts.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this exhibition, these reporters sitting in the front row, together with the media behind them, can immediately convey all the news on the scene to half of the world.

If the experiment succeeds, Dr. Otto and Norman Osborn will instantly become famous around the world, but if the experiment fails, their jokes will spread around the world.

"Mr. Norman, you seem very nervous?" Lu Mingfei looked at Norman, who was slightly sweaty on his forehead, and handed over a tissue.

"Ha...Mr. Lu Mingfei," Norman smiled unnaturally at Lu Mingfei, took the tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "We are witnessing epoch-making technology, it is inevitable that there will be some Get excited.”

"Is it epoch-making?" Lu Mingfei nodded.

Norman was suddenly silent.

Oh, yes, it’s not an epoch-making technology. Tony Stark announced his possession of micro-controllable cold fusion technology a few years ago.

Strictly speaking, their current technology is not epoch-making, but rather a bit behind the times - according to his intelligence channels, after Tony Stark made the Ark reactor, he also invented a new element and treated it A second upgrade.

Damn it! Why is there Tony Stark in this world!

There was a bulging vein on Norman's forehead, but because his hairline was so low that he didn't look like a middle-aged man, the bulging vein was covered up by his thick hair.

The Osborne family has a genetic disease that causes people to die young, and after the onset of the disease in adulthood, the disease gradually deepens and makes people more and more miserable.

But correspondingly, it will also make each generation of the Osborne family have intelligence far beyond ordinary people, so they can create this huge company and accumulate mountains of wealth-in fact, if we push the time forward a little further, The Osborne family, which has not yet established the Osborne Group, was once a prominent manor owner and big businessman.

But what Norman doesn't understand is, does Tony's family have a similar genetic disease?

Why is it that Howard is already a super genius and was able to grow into the largest arms dealer in the United States during World War II, but his son is even more genius, even more so!

If there weren't any genetic diseases in their family that caused people to die young, Norman would really curse fate for being unfair.

But fortunately, fortunately, his research over the years has finally made progress. It was not in vain that he invested a huge amount of money in biological science research, and even spent a huge price to obtain some information on the super soldier serum used by Captain America. Finally, a drug was developed that could cure his family's genetic disease.

No, not just healing, it can even be said to be evolution!

Wiping his forehead with a tissue, Norman closed his eyes, and the greenness in his eyes flashed away.

Lu Mingfei, who was next to Norman, raised his eyebrows - he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he just felt that Norman's momentum next door suddenly seemed to be a little... stronger?

Because the range was too small, Lu Mingfei was not sure.

Just when he wanted to chat with Norman again, Dr. Otto at the front spoke: "Dear ladies and gentlemen, the final debugging has been completed. Next, we will show you this epoch-making technology!"

As Dr. Otto spoke, the four mechanical claws behind him danced.

"Doctor, what are these things?" A reporter standing on the periphery of the crowd asked wittily - he could see that these were important equipment for completing experiments, and these novel robots were also one of the things that could be reported.

Several of the largest media outlets in the world have sent reporters here. If the demonstration is successful, small newspapers like them will definitely not be able to grab the headlines of "The birth of nuclear fusion technology." They might as well take a different approach and write an article about "The invention of nuclear fusion." Dr. Otto, his most trusted assistant is actually it! Four mechanical tentacles!" and other reports.

As the reporter who asked the question expected, Dr. Otto did stop and explained: "These four are mechanical tentacles specially used to debug instruments. At present, the human body cannot get close to the activated machine because of the strong heat radiation." It will hurt any living thing, and these tentacles use the most advanced materials and technologies. They will help me adjust the equipment and complete the experiment."

"How flexible are they? Dr. Otto, can you control them?" This time it was another reporter who asked.

"Oh, of course I don't control it myself. I'm a human, not an octopus, so I won't get used to the feeling of having four more arms," ​​Dr. Otto joked. "These four robotic arms are operated by an artificial intelligence, which interacts with My nervous system is wired to work for me.”

"Tightly connected to you?" The president of Stevens Institute of Technology frowned. "Won't it affect you in turn?"

"Of course not, I installed a suppression system on it," Dr. Otto explained.

The suppression system is at the top of the part where the mechanical tentacles are in contact with his back. It is an external light-emitting chip like an LED light bulb, but there is no need to show it. He is here to show off his nuclear fusion technology, otherwise it will make several people unable to show it. Only the robot hand dominates the scene.

After asking the reporters to be quiet, Dr. Otto began to operate the equipment.

As he operated, a high-energy energy ball like a small sun gradually appeared in the empty space in the center of the complex metal frame of the instrument.

"So far, everything is normal," Lu Mingfei said. "The energy output is not very high. Even if it gets out of control, it won't be able to blow up the whole of New York. At most, it will blow up a third of the city."

"It's already quite big. The casualties in one-third of the urban area are simply unimaginable. The last time the aliens invaded, there weren't such huge losses." Peter covered his face.

"I meant that one-third of the urban area would be blown up, but I didn't say that the remaining two-thirds of the urban area would survive," Lu Mingfei said. "Although the remaining two-thirds of the urban area would not be blown up. , but it should be blown into a big crater."


"Look, someone is taking pictures, Peter, don't you want to take a picture?" Lu Mingfei reminded.

Just as Lu Mingfei said, the reporters at the back were already taking photos "click-click-click". The light of the flash and the sound of the shutter were connected together. Peter quickly followed suit and raised his camera to take pictures.

In the crowd at the very back, a reporter wearing sunglasses raised his camera, aimed at Dr. Otto who was operating, and pressed the shutter.

There was no flash, and the lens instantly shattered to create a small hole, from which a sharp instrument the size of a mung bean shot out, piercing the air and piercing the back of Dr. Otto's neck.

Lu Mingfei and Peter looked at each other.

After the instrument was fired, both of them noticed this scene, but the scene that just happened was too sudden, and the attacker seemed to know that Lu Mingfei and Peter were not ordinary people, and deliberately chose the position in the blind spot of the two people's vision. , and used flash lights to cover up the already weak sound of shooting. By the time they saw the instrument, it was already very close to Dr. Otto.

And because the target was not him, not only did Lu Mingfei have no premonition, but even Peter's spider sense was not triggered.

"Dr. Otto, be careful!" Peter stood up and shouted. His first reaction was that someone didn't want to see this technology come out, so they came to assassinate him. The thing injected into his body was actually poison.

"What's wrong, Peter?" Dr. Otto was stunned for a moment, and then seeing that he was an acquaintance, he greeted Peter directly, "Aren't you ready to witness this historic moment?"

"No, dear," the doctor's wife and assistant, a woman in a white coat, approached him, holding a tissue, "Peter is right, your sweat is running into your eyes, you can't do experiments and take pictures like this. "

"Don't be like this, there are still many reporters here." Dr. Otto said this, but he took the initiative to put his head over and let his wife wipe his sweat.

Reporters captured the material of "the loving couple of genius scientists".

A mechanical arm swept across like a whip, knocking Dr. Otto's wife, who was wiping her sweat, away, and landed in the crowd, knocking down several reporters.

"No - Rose -" Dr. Otto looked at the robot hand swinging beside him in disbelief. He wanted to get closer to his wife who was shot away, but he did not dare to approach the crowd because the robot hand was out of control.

"Pilcher," Lu Mingfei took out his cell phone, "Come to save people."

"Did something really happen?" The voice that answered Lu Mingfei did not come from the phone, but from Pilcher who appeared next to him almost out of thin air.

"Send her to the hospital for rescue." Lu Mingfei pointed to the crowd and said Dr. Rialto's wife who was shot away.

"Give me ten seconds." As he spoke, Pilcher and the injured woman had disappeared - it wouldn't take him so long to go to the hospital, but he had to find a doctor to explain the situation.

"Wow! Is he also a superpower?" Peter asked in a low voice.

"Isn't this the time to ask this?" Lu Mingfei put a hand on Peter's head and asked him to turn his head to look at Dr. Otto on the stage.

At this moment, Dr. Otto's face showed disbelief due to the loss of control of his robotic hand. It instantly turned into a look of obvious pain. He covered his forehead with his hands and wailed - not the kind of pain of accidentally hurting a lover, but some kind of physiological pain. The pain of sex.

On Dr. Otto's invisible back, the micro-instrument that was shot on the back of his neck had fallen off due to the previous action, but it was still functioning as a "signal transmitter."

The luminous chip on his mechanical tentacles, used to suppress the artificial intelligence inside, has quietly extinguished.

The good news is that it no longer needs to operate because the original artificial intelligence in the robot has been packed off the line.

The bad news is that, through that small signal transmitter as a relay, a new artificial intelligence took over it and controlled Dr. Otto who was connected to it through it.

A super artificial intelligence derived from the Infinity Stones and improved by two super geniuses.

Dr. Otto's painful wail did not affect the operation of the mechanical hand. The four mechanical tentacles quickly manipulated the instrument - but this time it was not to keep it running, but to use maximum power to explode out of control.

The pupil of one of Dr. Otto's eyes trembled as his consciousness struggled for control of his body. The other eye glanced at Lu Mingfei, who stood up.

Under that human eye was Ultron's data flow - he knew very well that ordinary attacks could not kill Lu Mingfei, but... one was enough to turn the entire New York into a deep pit, and even take several surrounding cities with it. What about the super bomb that was all flattened?

Compared with this bomb, the former Soviet Union's Tsar hydrogen bomb was just a bigger firecracker.

The crowd instantly became panicked, not only because of Dr. Otto's outrageous injury, but also because of the rapidly changing shape of the little sun on the device - that thing didn't look stable at all!

The reporters desperately wanted to squeeze in to take pictures of major news, but most of them still wanted to escape in panic.

"Boss, I'm back." Pilcher appeared.

"Send everyone in the venue out! Immediately!" Lu Mingfei ordered.

"Huh?" Pilcher was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, and disappeared.

In the next few seconds, the entire venue, whether it was confused staff, reporters who wanted to shoot big news, people in other exhibition areas, tourists who came to visit the public areas, college students who came to complete their schoolwork, etc... all... Thousands of ordinary people in the largest science and technology exhibition hall in New York all appeared outside the venue one by one "out of thin air". The scene was quite spectacular.

The people who appeared outside were stunned for a moment, and then made even more confused and surprised sounds, turning into a chaotic mass.

In the corner of the crowd, a man with silvery hair lay on the ground like a dead dog that had just finished a 100-kilometer ultramarathon, gasping for air.

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