"It's raining so hard."

Lu Mingfei looked at the sky outside the window.

"What an exaggeration."

The phone rang.

He put down the handle, and the caller ID was strange, it actually showed four zeros.

"What is this, a system failure?"

Lu Mingfei called Norma tentatively.

no response.

"Artificial intelligence can also desert."

He muttered and answered the phone.

"Hello, Master."

It's a girl's voice.

Lu Mingfei sounded familiar. By the way, the person who shouted in Mai Shutoku's headphones that day seemed to be...

"Hello, Xiaocui."

Lu Mingfei said with a smile.

On the expensive sheets of the presidential suite, a woman wrapped in a bath towel puffed out coke.

"Xiao...Xiao Cui!"

Lu Mingfei quickly took the phone away and said, "Tsk, this girl must be studying bel canto. There is a successor to Pavarotti."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Potato Chip Girl huffed and stroked her breasts.


She cried sweetly again.

"You can call me potato chips."

"oh oh."

Lu Mingfei said cheerfully.

"Do you have a problem with me?"

"That's it. The boss asked me to tell you, take care of yourself, stay at home, and don't go anywhere."

"Now, it's very troublesome."

Lu Mingfei looked at the heavy rain that enveloped the city.

"It's troublesome."

"I see."

"Well, then I wish the young master a happy life and all the best. If you don't have any other instructions, I will hang up first."

"Hang up, hang up."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Xiao Cui."


He looked at his phone and laughed.

"Young man, you are so impatient."

Throwing the phone aside, Lu Mingfei looked out the window again.

He stroked the rough texture of the bronze mask.

In the endless rainstorm.

Lu Mingfei vaguely heard the thundering horse hooves.

There was also the roar of some giant creature.

"What an exaggeration."

he said cheerfully.

Stop your hand.

The bronze mask began to tremble.

Of course, this is not fear.

How could it be fear.

It's excitement, my friend.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Lu Mingfei comforted the mask.

"It will be our turn soon."

"I promise."


Old Tang felt that he was probably going to die.

He was walking on an endless road.

Even if you stretch your neck, you can't see the end.

This is the underworld.

he thinks.

There was gray fog on both sides of the road.

Gradually, a picture appeared in the fog.

The picture was black and white, without color or sound, just like an old silent movie from the last century.

It makes people sad at first sight. It is the kind of light and profound sadness, like a fish bone piercing your heart. There is nothing in the world that is more suitable to tell the story of loneliness and loneliness than silent movies. Even the world-recognized comedies The movies of the great master Chaplin also make people laugh and want to cry.

He saw a little boy standing outside the crowd.

The little boy was soaked, as if he had just fallen into the water and finally climbed out.

He looked at the world in confusion. The crowds without facial features rose and fell, and their words were like the buzzing of flies. The little boy stood alone outside the turbulent sea of ​​people, like a deserted island, without any People care.

Old Tang stopped and looked quietly.

A couple squatted down in front of the little boy. They seemed to say something. The little boy just stared blankly. The woman touched the little boy's face with compassion, held his hand and said.

"Come home with me, kid."

This is the first clear statement.

The little boy's face full of joy seemed to have something extra.

It's me when I was a child.

Old Tang thought.

He doesn't know where he comes from or who his parents are.

He has lived with his adoptive parents for as long as he can remember.

Old Tang continued to move forward.

He saw the little boy's life in the old apartment.

The adoptive parents were not wealthy. The man worked as a salesperson in an insurance company, and the woman worked as a counter shopping guide in a department store. The two of them originally lived a modest life, but after having one more child, their lives suddenly became tighter.

Whether it starts with love, compassion, or a whim.

It will eventually be eroded away by the trivial daily routine.

Men and women began to quarrel endlessly.

The cup fell to pieces on the ground, leaving ugly traces of coffee.

Vicious curses, fights, and slamming of doors.

The little boy stood quietly in the corner.

"It's all your fault for picking a bad seed!"

This is the second clear statement.

Old Tang glanced at it and continued walking forward without stopping.

The little boy comes to school.

The little boy picked them up one by one.

Can't see the expression on his face clearly.

The black and white faceless children around them laughed sharply.

The girl appeared.

Old Tang cast a nostalgic look.

She has black hair, bright eyes, a fair face, a small mouth, and two dimples when she smiles.

The first person to have facial features.

She helped the little boy pack his textbooks.

She comforted the little boy.

She introduced herself and said she was from China, and people here hated her skin color and rejected her.

"But I don't care!"

The girl said stubbornly.

"I want to live a better life than everyone else, and I want to show them that I am no worse than anyone else."

The little boy looked at her quietly.

"You are Chinese too, right?"

she said to the little boy.

"We have to help each other and become strong, you know, just like Captain America, but to be honest I don't like that guy at all, I want Captain China."

They became friends.

The little girl told him many stories.

Chinese history and ancient legends,

She heard all this from her grandfather.

He told it to the little boy again.

"Just watch."

The girl said it every time.

"When I grow up, I will definitely go home and build my motherland."

''Just like Qian taught them.

In fact, the little boy had no idea what she was saying.

It’s just that the girl’s smile is beautiful.

The candy in her hand is so sweet.

But for some reason, the little boy felt bored again.

He always felt uncomfortable around girls.

It's like I shouldn't be like this.

He should stand outside the crowd and watch calmly and proudly.

But that was too lonely.

The little boy was surrounded by huge contradictions.

He stood at the edge of the crowd.

One step forward is boredom and rejection of mediocrity.

Taking a step back brings fear, fear of being alone.

He didn't know it at the time.

Some people call this emotion.

Blood mourning.

That day, the girl took him to meet her partner.

According to her, he is Mr. Hamster, who has powerful magical powers.

Will run out to save the world at night when everyone is sleeping.

He also talked about some of Mr. Hamster’s powerful and handsome adventures.

In short, they are stories that sound like superheroes.

They are in a small park.

This is a girl's secret base.

She mysteriously took out the cage.

"Look! Mr. Hamster!"

she said excitedly.

The little boy's eyes were full of curiosity.

The vibrant white hamster suddenly froze.

It slowly turned its head, as if to see the little boy.

But this behavior is obviously not allowed.

So it died.

He fell in the cage and lost his breath.

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