Norton thought of Jormungandr.

Having mastered the power over the earth and mountains, she was the most adept at manipulating the Nibelungs among the four monarchs.

Even the legendary Hela, the individual that evolved after Jormungandr swallowed Fenrir, claims to be able to open all the Nibelung roots, including the real kingdom of the dead.

Norton dismissed this speculation.

No matter how good it is, Jörmungandr cannot establish the Nibelungen in the spiritual dimension.

This is contrary to common sense.


It's Hela.

Jormungandr devoured Fenrir.

Or maybe she finally went crazy during the long suffering and volunteered to become her brother's support in order to achieve Fenrir's success.

Either way is possible.

After all, among the four great monarchs, Jormungandr is the strangest one.

Sometimes, this Dragon King is too unlike a dragon.

Of course, besides Jormungandr, there is another one.

The possibility is even greater than that of Jormungandr, much greater.

Norton thought of that title.

No one will mention his name anymore.

The long history has washed away everything, leaving only the title of honor.

White King.

The one who holds the authority of "spirit".

Norton had witnessed His war with the Black King.

The World Tree was almost broken due to this.

If it were this person, it would be understandable to establish a Nibelung in the spiritual dimension, or in other words, a creation similar to the Nibelung.

But why did you attack him?

Shouldn’t the White King’s target be the Black King?

As was Norton's target, it was Constantine.

Their fate has already been written.

Norton stopped thinking.

Jormungandr, the White King.

No problem.

He is the King of Bronze and Fire.

He is coming back.


Bronze forests grow from thousands of meters underground.

They twisted and twisted like pythons.

What a spectacular scene.

Just like Everest waking up, twisting its waist, standing on tiptoes, spinning and dancing.

The bronze giants collided and merged with a devastating momentum.

And bloom like a lotus in the next moment.

From it rose a bronze seat.

Norton leaned on it, lazily supporting his head with one hand and the other hand on the armrest.

He lit up his golden eyes.

So in the gray world, two suns rose.

A frenzy of flames emerged.

This world is going to be burned to the ground.

Ushering in absolute nothingness with fire.

This is it.

Bronze and Fire.

"It's incredible, it's incredible!"

Lu Mingfei clicked his tongue in surprise.

"This guy is pretty good. His account is in Japanese. Do you have international friends?"

The bronze mask buzzed and trembled.

Lu Mingfei put down the controller.

On the TV screen was a picture of The King of Fighters.

The battle just now was really thrilling. Someone could actually match him in the King of Fighters. Lu Mingfei almost had to send a second character, which was really embarrassing.

Speaking of which, he missed Old Tang again.

In terms of games, only Old Tang can make him enjoy himself.

Lu Mingfei understood. Just like martial arts and games, it was not easy to find an equally matched opponent.

So that’s it.

How could the opponent he finally found just let him die so easily.

"I'm coming."

Lu Mingfei said to the bronze mask.

"This is coming."

He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and rinse his mouth.

Pay attention to personal hygiene and don’t lose good habits.

After coming back, he drank half a cup of warm water to help him fall asleep. Of course, warm milk was the best. He didn't have the conditions, so warm water was fine.

Finally, Lu Mingfei lay flat on the bed.

"Good night, Norma."

He said.

"Good night, Yama."

Norma replied.

"Hey, Yama."

Lu Mingfei picked up the bronze mask.

"Did you hear me calling you?"

He put on a mask.


So said the sound like the collision of meteorites.

"Brother, brother, brother!"

The bronze corridor is flanked by sculptures of snake-faced Confucian robes.

Norton walks on it.

At the end of the road, a little rainbow light loomed.

This is his true spiritual world.

As long as he reaches the end and holds the fire that symbolizes authority, he can return.

At that time, he will raise his battle flag to the world, and then march forward endlessly.

The immature boy's call came from the firelight.

It is you.

Norton thought.

"Brother, brother, brother!"

Long time no see.

He suddenly remembered the Nibelungs that were established in the spiritual dimension not long ago.

Or, a Nibelung-like creation.

When using his authority to annihilate the creation, Norton vaguely saw a figure from behind.

The man sat upright in the sky, wearing black iron armor, silent and majestic.

Norton didn't recognize him.

But somehow I smelled a familiar scent on this person.

And, what is the power he uses, this Nibelung-like creation that traps him?

During the thousand years he has been sleeping, this method seems to have undergone some interesting changes.

Norton thought.

No problem.

I am coming.

He moved on.

Getting closer and closer to the fire.

The young man's call also showed joy.

"Brother, brother, brother!"

Norton frowned slightly.

He felt a little irritable.

It seems like something important has been overlooked.

Very important, very important thing.

For no reason, the figure sitting upright in the sky jumped out in front of him again.

who is it?

This kind of power...

"Brother, brother, brother!"

The boy's impatient call woke him up.

Norton thought of the red plum in the cabin.

The young man in white was lying in front of the case and looking out the window, waiting for his return.

I thought of footsteps in the distance.

It was the sound he made with deliberate emphasis.

The boy in white suddenly smiled.

He jumped off the chair and ran towards himself who was returning home.

Cloud-like long sleeves flowed in the air.

"elder brother."

Even at this time, when the expectations were fulfilled and he was so happy, when the boy called him, it sounded genuine. He was soft and waxy like a child who had not grown up. He would always follow behind him, following every step.

Norton stopped suddenly.

"Brother, brother, brother!"

The boy's call coming from the fire was so joyful, so happy, so excited.

Excited, it doesn't look like you at all.


Norton said.

"Did you kill him?"

"Brother, brother, brother!"

The boy called.

"Come on, I'm here, your brother."

Norton was unmoved.

"You killed it."


"Oh, it means Constantine."

The young man said happily.

"That guy who betrayed us, brother, I've already caught him."

"Come here quickly."

"When you come again, this damn traitor and rebellious minister, Constantine, can be dealt with as you please, brother!"

The young man called him coquettishly.

"elder brother."

Norton's eyes were filled with rage.

He doesn't speak.

Open your hands.

Scattered sparks drifted and returned to nothingness.

He suddenly lowered his head and looked at his hands in disbelief.

The element of fire that obeys what is told.

Unshakable is like truth.

His supreme power.

Unexpectedly, it failed!

The boy's call stopped abruptly.

Absolute silence.

Then, from the corners, crevices, and even the void.

A loud murmur arose.

"Sour scholar, I told you a long time ago that I would do this job for myself, but I snatched it away. This is a good thing. If it ruins His Majesty's important event, sooner or later you will leave."

"Oh, we scholars are ashamed to associate with such reckless men!"

"Wow, the Sa family will go to His Majesty to sue you tomorrow!"

"You butcher, come on, come on, try my set of Spring and Autumn Sword Techniques!"

Some scolded, competed in martial arts, and read, some laughed loudly and boldly like knights, and some were as sassy as scholars.

Norton turned around, and all he could see was the bronze corridor.

Empty, but noisy like a busy city.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been sweating, his buttocks were trembling, and he was wondering if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

But he's Norton.

"get out!"

He said.

The whispers suddenly stopped.

The chivalrous knight said with an angry voice.

"I shouldn't, I shouldn't, it's me who's being rude and neglecting our distinguished guest."

The scholar who spoke first answered politely.

"Then, please enter the urn."

The fire at the end of the corridor suddenly brightened.

Norton's pupils shrank suddenly.

He could see clearly now.

What kind of fire is this?

It was clearly dripping blood like agate!

The shrill drake's voice suddenly sounded.

It makes people's hearts ache for no reason.

Just listen to people shouting at the top of their lungs.

"The Yin soldiers are crossing the aisle, the living people should retreat!"

Gong sounds.



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