The boy stood in the rain of debris.

He looked into his palm, closed his eyes, and made a fist.

The surly and crazy emotions are coming from the remains left behind after the death of the huge monster. It wants to capture everyone and pollute them into mindless puppets, so that it can be driven by its master and serve as a target. The world has raised its war flag.


The young man chuckled like this.

All the emotions, all the madness, all the pollution, all the anger.

Everything disappeared in his laughter.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes.

Those are a pair of eyes that are as clear and bright as a clear spring in the mountains, like dew and trembling lotus leaves.

He looked in the direction the monster was coming from.

"I'll find you."


"So you just told me so much just to divert attention."

Mai Shutoku pointed to her temple.

"Distract the guy in your head."

Fingel was using a cloth strip to bandage the wound on his hand. He bit one end and applied force. After confirming that it was tight enough, he nodded and began to tie the knot while humming.

"No, no, no, I'm so sad when you say that. How can you say it's diverting attention? You have to believe in your own charm. Of course I'm chatting with you just because you're a beauty."

"Thank you very much."

Mai Shutoku pouted.

"This is the first time I've heard someone talk about lust so confidently."

"That's right, I am the great Flame Demon Sword wielder!"

"Wait a minute, what's going on with this chubby title? Don't you feel ashamed at all?"

"not at all!"

Fingel said proudly.

He raised his injured hand and looked up and down with an appreciative look at the work of art, not forgetting to share it with the beautiful female ninja.

"Look, look, it's beautiful, isn't it!"

Mai Shutoku's eyes seemed to see something disgusting.

"Why do you wear a bow tie?"

"you still need to ask."

Fingal said.

"Don't you think it's cute!"

Mai Shutoku turned her gaze away.

"To be honest, I really want to chop off your hand."

"Don't be so violent, be careful if you can't get married and no one will want you!"

Fingel brought up his famous sword Steel Bar.

"Let's go. You have to listen to me about the price of the transaction just now."

"Where to go?"

Mai Shutoku followed and asked curiously.


The man looked confidently towards the direction where the loud noise came from not long ago. He was holding on to the steel bars with both hands, and his strong body was like an iron tower or a mountain. He was making an impassioned announcement just like an ancient general who sent out troops to fight.

"I'm looking for a hug!"

Mai Shutoku:......

Her eyes were complicated.

"How did you manage to say the most shameless words in such a most ferocious tone?"

"Speak clearly, tell me clearly, where is this shamelessness!"

Fingal swung the steel bar.

"My boss's thighs can't be hugged by just anyone!"

"You sound like you're proud."

"of course!"

Fingel was triumphant.

"I have secretly practiced the special postures of sliding on my knees and holding my thighs! There is an old saying from the ancient countries in the Far East. No matter how hard you work, you will reap the rewards. People who work hard like me will definitely be rewarded by the boss. You'll be impressed.

"Although I am not from that country, but..."

Mai Shutoku's tone was subtle.

"I always feel like there's something strange about these sentences being used on you. I mean, your efforts are in the direction of sliding on your knees and hugging your thighs. It's really... fresh and refined."


Another loud bang.

Fingel and the female ninja's expressions changed.

"Great evil spirit!"

Mai Shutoku said solemnly.

"Why is there a second head!"

"Please look at how I look like Aladdin's magic lamp. Why don't I change it?"

Fingel blurted out almost instinctively.

It's just that his cloudy expression at the moment somewhat compromised the effect of this nonsense.

"Aladdin's lamp?"

Mai Shutoku gave him a strange look.

"Well, it means that I am not omniscient and omnipotent!"

Fingel frowned deeply.

This was the first time that Mai Shutoku had seen this man look so serious.

"Is it difficult?"


Fingel looked at the places where the two great evil spirits died, and connected them in a straight line. Taking into account the variable of time, that is to say, the target of the S-class is...

Fingel let out a breath.

"This is trouble."

"The person who killed the big evil spirit should be the boss you are looking for."

"That's right."

Fingel simply agreed, found the right direction, and suddenly rushed forward. The movement of violent acceleration in a short period of time caused the thick fog around him to surge endlessly, almost forming a vacuum channel of thick fog, like a swordfish escaping for its life in the sea.

"I asked you, why are you running so fast all of a sudden!"

The kunoichi appeared next to him like a ghost.

Two people walking side by side showed completely different states. One was as fierce and violent as a prehistoric beast, and the other was as silent as a ghost.

Fingel glanced at the female ninja strangely.

"Why did you follow me?"

"The deal hasn't been completed yet, and I'm not the kind of person who breaks his word."

Mai Shutoku said calmly.

"It's you, why did you run away suddenly? Did you find anything?"

"Well, that kind of thing..."

There was another loud bang.

Fingel suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction. After silently calculating in his mind, his brows furrowed even more.

"What's... over there?"

"Boss, boss..."

Fingel smiled bitterly.

He glanced at the kunoichi.

"Let's talk first. If you follow me, you will probably die."

The kunoichi laughed softly.

"I don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing. The great evil spirits of almost four generations are being killed one after another. It would be strange if there is no danger."

"Since you understand, fine, follow if you want."

Fingel had a sullen face and just walked on.

"Hey, what happened, you haven't told me yet!"

"That direction, you just have to look at it yourself."


Mai Shutoku followed the other party's instructions and cast her gaze, her heart moved.

"You mean...the mine?"


Fingal said.

"Since it is a seal, there must be a hub. The hub here is the location of the mine in Centralia. Of course, it is not a real town, but in this world."

"Moreover, the closer you are to the mine, the stronger the evil spirits will be. Even if there are multiple large evil spirits wandering around the mine, the sealed dragons are not cute little white rabbits. They will definitely try their best to save themselves. For example, use the great evil spirit to remove the sealed hub."

"According to you, if the hub is lost, the subjects of Bronze and Fire will escape from the seal?"



Fingel frowned deeply.

"Dragons are far more powerful than we imagine. Before truly entering the other world, who can believe that just relying on the ethereal emotion of anger can create terrifying monsters like evil spirits? Perhaps even those who arranged the sealing matrix back then No one would have thought that there are more than a dozen big evil spirits comparable to those of the fourth generation. Logically speaking, that matrix hub should have died long ago."

Mai Shutoku raised her eyebrows.

"Death? Are you saying that the hub is...a person?"

Fingel nodded.

"Forget it, maybe they had other arrangements back then and put some kind of insurance on the hub. Who knows?"

"In short, the fact is that the sealed matrix has been intact until now."

"Well, actually it can't be said to be intact. Since the living beings have escaped here from the Nibelungs, it means that there are some loopholes in the sealing matrix."

"Then is your boss the one who used to make up for this loophole?"

"That's fine."

Fingel sighed.

"You don't know what kind of person the boss is, let's put it that way."

"A pure idealist."

"Is it ideal?"

Mai Shutoku was very interested.

"Sounds like a pretty good guy."

"I think so too."

Fingel shrugged.

"Although sometimes I think the boss is really stupid, but there is no way, you do have to admit that there is something uniquely attractive about idealists, especially such a person who has a strong enough ability to practice The power of his ideals.”

Mai Shutoku nodded frequently.

"From your description, he sounds like someone you can rely on, so what are you worried about? Just leave the sealing matter to him without any worries."

"That's the problem."

Fingel swung the steel bar and knocked away the evil spirits.

They have gradually penetrated into areas densely populated with monsters.

The evil spirits were like piranhas smelling the smell of blood, and they rushed toward the two of them.

"Don't just sit there, move."

"I want you to tell me."

The female ninja pulled out a Chodachi from nowhere and faced the evil spirit from the left. Just when Fingel wanted to remind that ordinary attacks had no effect on these things, he saw where the Chodachi in the ninja's hand had passed, and the evil spirit Like ice melting and snow melting, the killing efficiency is actually more terrifying than his fire-burning steel bars.

My family knows their own affairs. The steel bars are ordinary steel bars, but this fire is not ordinary fire. Fingel used part of the power of the Underworld Killing Flame Demon Knife, so that he can truly hurt the invisible and immaterial evil spirits.

But what about this ninja?

Without thinking too much, and giving him no room to think too much, Fingel continued to advance towards the mine against the tide of evil spirits, leaving behind three or two monster corpses with every step he took. There is no doubt that this is a real road. On the thorny road, the number of living beings that escaped the seal far exceeded his imagination, and these were just ordinary evil spirits. The truly terrifying ones were the great evil spirits born from the anger of the next generation. Even he and the female ninja had Each is secretive, but they are not S-class after all. Facing a monster as terrifying as the fourth generation, is there really any way to move on? Fingel was worried.

"Hey, I suddenly thought about it."

said the kunoichi.

"Is it the boss's business?"

Fingel answered.

He sighed without trace.

"As I said just now, he is an idealist, and a hopeless idealist."

"Boss, there's nothing wrong with him going to the mine."

"But he didn't necessarily go there just to make up for the seal."

Mai Shutoku was silent for a while.

She said calmly.

"You probably misunderstood something."

"What I'm thinking of is that the hub is, as you say, a person, right."


Mai Shutoku feels the environment where evil spirits are surging.

Countless negative emotions surged into her heart.

Anger, and hunger.

But here, almost at the outer edge of the seal, even with her long-trained spirit, she felt that it was a bit too much.

So, what about...the person who bears the responsibility of being the hub in the seal center?

If my calculations are correct, the hub you mentioned has been here for half a century. ""

said the kunoichi.

"Fifty years."

Fingel also fell silent.

"Speaking of which, you might laugh."

The female ninja said leisurely.

"Don't look at me like this, I am also a person who thinks about the meaning of life."

"Sometimes I wonder why I am alive. It is very hard and troublesome, so it is better to die."

"Sometimes I am afraid of being forgotten. When I think that no one knows that such a person has appeared in this world, no one will think of me, and no one will shed tears for my departure, how can I put it, it will be a bit lonely. .”

"Ah, me too."

Fingal said.

"Living is a meaningless thing. I just have some things that I haven't finished yet, so I can't die."

"So you see."

said the kunoichi.

"Everyone is born to die."

"This is the greatest and fairest relief."

"No one is exempt."


She sighed.

"For fifty years, a person has been burdened with the responsibility of the hub and has no way to die."

"It's cruel."

"I know."

Fingel said calmly.

"I knew this from the beginning."

"The people who laid out the matrix also knew it from the beginning."

"Then what?"

"If you were in the same position as before, what would you do if you faced a dragon that was about to break through the seal?"

Mai Shutoku's tight body relaxed.

"So living is a kind of torture. We have to do things that we clearly don't want to do. Speaking of which, did the guy who laid out the matrix sleep well afterwards?"

"Who knows?"

Fingel scoffed.

"He probably traded his conscience to the devil a long time ago."

The two people were moving slower and slower, and it was obvious that they were struggling.

But there was another loud bang.

Right next to the mine.

"Let me tell you, your boss."

Mai Shutoku looked over.

"What a monster."

Think about the embarrassment of the two of them, and then look at the action of the guy over there punching the big evil spirits. Only by experiencing it personally can you better understand the horror.

"That's why I'm worried."

Fingel looked grave.

"Boss, he might really do something exaggerated."

"You mean?"


Dense fog, mines.

Back here again.

Little Bad Luck sat on the ground blankly.

The huge monster discovered her.

Because she didn't hide in the first place.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you hide or not.

The monster caught her, and Little Bad Luck was lifted into the air. She swayed like a rag doll.

It sounded like a tomato being crushed.

She is dead.

Dense fog, mines.

Little Bad Luck sat there blankly.

She remembered all her deaths, each one vividly.

It would be nice if I could just forget about it.

At first she would think so.

But now, no longer.

How many times have you died?

She used to think so too.

But now, no longer.

Little Misfortune just sat.

Death is a very painful thing.

She was scared.

So for the first hundred times, she hid everywhere.

Mine, wardrobe, under the bed…

Because she hid everywhere, she also experienced countless ways to die.

Very scary.

But that's okay.

Another wandering evil spirit discovered her.

This time it's the little evil spirit.

So she was torn into a rag doll.

Dense fog, mines.

The little boy sat on the ground blankly.

She raised her head and looked at the pale sky.

The red eyes looked like congealed blood spots.

She suddenly remembered that strange boy.

He was the only one who wanted to hold his hand.

He didn't run away.

Little Misfortune thought of the boy's hands.

It's very warm.

The dense fog that had been dead silent for half a century suddenly made a loud noise.

The little boy blinked and turned his head mechanically.

Another evil spirit.

She is dead.

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