Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 209 The past of Angers and Shirley


Shirley looked at the door of the ward.

"time to eat!"

It was Aunt Mary, the nurse. Shirley was a little unsure. Her voice sounded similar to her, but her tone was so harsh and scary that it was completely different from the kind Aunt Mary.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground quickly faded away.

He was running away hastily, as if there was some kind of terrifying monster watching behind him.

But there was clearly only one pale girl in that ward.

Shirley sat quietly for a while, staring at the door for a long time.


The girl's weak voice echoed in the empty ward and spread to the deserted corridor. The ripples in the air searched around and around until there was no one at the end of the corridor.

This floor, this corridor, this ward.

She was the only one.


"Aunt Mary."

"Uncle Anchel."

"Brother Hughes."

Shirley opened her mouth, and her bright red eyes dimmed, like two extinguished fires.


"Dad, mom..."

Same as yesterday, yesterday's yesterday, and yesterday's yesterday's yesterday.

No one paid any attention to Shirley.

The girl struggled to get out of bed, and her feet, which were so white and transparent that you could count the blue veins, stepped into slippers with two holes in them.

She almost fell.

Shirley clung to the hospital bed tightly, her two skinny legs were surprisingly weak. She gasped and moved her steps carefully. This was undoubtedly a huge and difficult project for her. Every step she took She had to use all her strength and risk falling to the ground at any time. What's more, even if she took a successful step, it wasn't the end. Shirley had to bite her lip to endure the stinging pain from her soles. , it was the severe pain that came from the blisters on the soles of her feet after stepping on the ground. Every time, it was like someone was sticking a red-hot horseshoe on the soles of her feet. Shirley's body was shaking, but she didn't cry.

She just walked to the door of the ward.

Next is to open the door.

This is the second huge project. After all, for Shirley now, even something as simple as turning the handle is comparable to a pampered aristocratic young man going to the Olympics without any training and vowing to break it. A weightlifting world record is not only unbelievable and ridiculous, but it may also involve huge risks.

The girl's skin is covered with dense cracks, like spider webs or disordered pencil graffiti. She is the first person in the town to suffer from a strange disease, and she is also the source of the strange disease in the eyes of the town residents. In less than a week, her body had deteriorated to an alarming level. The doctors in the small town could not understand the symptoms that happened to Shirley. At first glance, they looked like skin diseases, but they were horrified to see the symptoms on the girl's body In the cracks, fire was seen.

But... how could it be fire!

No matter what, if a person's skin is cracked, there should be blood inside, right?

But not Shirley.

The crisscrossing cracks on her body were fire, burning, and magma.

Only it's not normal blood.

Father Downey in the chapel made a horrified judgment.


"She is a child of the devil!"

In the 1950s, in a backward town that relied on mining to make a living, for the residents here, words like devil were tantamount to the deepest and most terrifying nightmare.

Originally, Shirley was going to be burned to death.

But the residents feared the evil power of the devil.

Shirley is almost like a moving volcano, and you can see the magma flowing underneath it through the cracked skin of the girl. Of course, "magma" is just the stubborn belief of the residents. They have never heard of alchemy and don't know that those The dark red flow is essentially a rich fire element.

It is a great power that is almost impossible to exist in hybrids.

Fearing the devil and worrying whether the flames would burn Shirley to death, the residents chose to place her on the second floor of the hospital.

Providing food once a day was their greatest tolerance for Shirley, the child of the devil.


Every time she held the handle, a heartbreaking pain crazily stimulated the girl's nerves. Shirley tried hard, and again and again, she was met with only failure.

But, so hungry.

If she didn't eat something, she would probably die.

In fact, Shirley did not think about the profound question of whether she would die.

For girls, death is still too far away.

She was just uncomfortable with hunger, her stomach hurt like fire, and her mouth was full of bitterness. She had to eat something, even if it was a glass of water or half a piece of black bread, it didn't matter if it was as hard as a rock. Shirley could Bit by bit, hold it in your mouth and eat very, very slowly.

However, it cannot be opened.

Shirley couldn't open the door.

She was so anxious that she couldn't care less about the burning pain.

Shirley almost struggled with the handle in a hurry, but her body, which was suffering from a strange disease, could not support her movements at all. Soon she was out of breath, her vision turned black, and she was about to fall to the ground.

The door opened.

Shirley almost thought it was her imagination.

But it turns out it's not.

The sturdy man stood at the door, holding a tray in his hand. He looked very polite and looked like a waiter in a movie, but his figure and temperament clearly told you that this guy has nothing to do with the waiter at all. He He is a violent maniac, an out-and-out violent maniac.

Instead of imagining that he will open champagne and cut cigars for you respectfully, it is better to pray to God that this guy will not casually take out a Desert Eagle from under the tray and aim it at your head.

But this time, the violent maniac was carrying the tray, and he was really a waiter.

In front of Shirley.

"It's time to eat."

Angers said so.

This is the first time Shirley and Angers meet.

The man descended from the sky when the girl was in the most embarrassment, embarrassment and despair, carrying a small bowl of milk and soft bread that smelled of pine wood, bread that was as soft as clouds. He told the girl that it was time to eat.

This is the most beautiful thing Shirley has ever heard.

Even more beautiful than my mother's lullaby.

The man who looked like an iron tower gently held the girl in his arms, as if he were holding a piece of porcelain that could be broken at any time. His arms, which seemed to be able to fight with lions and tigers, made careful movements, which was actually pleasing to the eye.

Shirley got back into bed, and the man thoughtfully placed a pillow for her back so that the girl could sit in a comfortable position.

"Can I eat it myself?"

"Well, it doesn't look like it can."

"Excuse me."

In Ange she drank milk and ate bread.

Then tell her a bedtime story.

Shirley fell into a deep sleep.

Angers looked at the girl who had fallen asleep, and the smile that still remained on the girl's lips, his eyes gradually became deeper.

The days passed like this day by day.

Shirley and Angers quickly became familiar.

The girl called him uncle, and he brought delicious food over every day and told her interesting stories.

"What are you looking at?"

Shirley came to her senses, looked away from the window, and smiled sheepishly at the man.



The man's serious look made Shirley a little concerned.

The uncle put his hand behind her head, and Shirley was so nervous that she didn't dare to move.

"Look, what is this."

The uncle spread his hands in front of the girl.

Shirley opened her eyes wide in surprise.

It was a bouquet of bright roses.

"You like it very much. I see that you have been paying attention to it for a long time. I give it to you, little Shirley."

He put the rose in the bottle and placed it on the bedside table.

In this way, Shirley wakes up with one more thing to do every day. The moment she opens her eyes, she immediately turns her head impatiently to look at the bouquet of roses on the bedside table.

"Thank you, uncle."

But her condition continued to worsen.

There were more and more cracks, and the red light in those cracks was like the eyes of a devil. Gradually, even Shirley began to be afraid of herself.

Although the uncle would tell her a lot of stories and try his best to make her happy, the uncle was really awesome. His voice was beautiful and gentle, like the person on the radio.

The uncle put a radio in the hospital bed. After all, he had his own things to do and couldn't stay with Shirley 24 hours a day.

When Shirley is bored, she listens to programs on the radio. There are occasional fairy tales, but most of the time they talk about evil countries. This is the first time Shirley has heard that there are evil countries. What are they?

The roses on the bedside table have been changed three times.

Shirley stared quietly at the red petals and the thorns of the rose. She suddenly remembered the story called "The Little Prince". Shirley heard it on the radio. A low-pitched man kept broadcasting it for a week. She I listened to it day and night for a week, from the time the protagonist's plane crashed in the desert and met the little prince, until the little prince returned to his planet.

The little prince returned to his planet, so he must be dead.

Shirley thought sadly.

There are also roses and an interesting fox in the story of the little prince. Shirley still remembers what the fox said to the little prince.

"You tame me."

"As long as you tame me, four o'clock every afternoon will be full of meaning for me."

"I will rejoice at the sound of your coming footsteps."

"I will also be sad to see you go."

"Waiting has become a meaningful thing."

"So, please tame me."

Shirley thought, waiting for the uncle's arrival every day is also a meaningful thing.

Shirley is also a little fox.

Until that day, a strange man in a cloak broke into the ward.

At that time, the uncle was listening to a story with Shirley about the last lighthouse keeper on a small island in the Pacific.

Shirley clearly remembers that the signal that day was not very good, and there was always a rustling noise coming from the radio, like a precursor to some kind of bad news.

The cloaked weirdo grabbed the uncle's shoulders.

Shirley glanced timidly. The weirdo's face was so strange, covered with strange graffiti.

But the key point is his eyes, bloodshot eyes, crazy, desperate, hysterical, and the emotions that a beast that has reached a dead end should have, you can find them all in his eyes.

He is already at the end of his rope.

"Angers, stop playing house!"

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"That's all we can do!"

"Hurry up and get her..."


The uncle rudely interrupted the weirdo's next words.

He frowned and took away the weirdo's hand that was tightly squeezing his shoulder.

When she turned to face Shirley, she had a gentle and kind face.

"Shirley, please listen to yourself for a while. Uncle has something to do. Please go out for a while."

The girl pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

The uncle closed the door, and he and the weirdo walked away from the ward until they reached the end of the corridor.

They started talking.

"What happened, Edward, where's your composure?"


"Damn, that thing can kill several dragons! Angers, there is an entire army down here, an army of bronze and fire!"

The weirdo waved his arms vigorously and used his exaggerated body movements to strengthen his tone.

"Be careful, be careful not to be overheard."

"Don't worry, I laid out the matrix so no one can hear it except you and me."

However, he was wrong.

Shirley hugged herself hard, closed her eyes, and the conversation between the uncle and the weirdo appeared in her mind.

She didn't know how she did it. It was one night before her uncle came. She felt lonely and wanted to find someone to talk to. She wanted to talk to her very much.

So, she heard it.

I heard the voices of the residents of the town.

And the long and terrifying breathing came from somewhere unknown to her.

Of course Shirley couldn't know.

This was a change brought about by his bloodline that resonated with the coming return of pureblood dragons.

This is an unprecedented example in the history of mixed race.

After all, there has never been a record of so many pure-blood dragons resurrecting at the same time.

Even if there is, it is a matter of the previous four lost eras.

Therefore, the changes that occurred in Shirley can be said to be the sample that the mixed-race academic community dreams of.

Her spirit is rising.

The body has become a shackles.

All this happened just because the blood in her body resonated with the pure-blood dragons sleeping under the town.

If nothing else happens, Shirley will die like this.

She had no way to resolve the disharmony between her mind and body.

But before that happened, she heard it.

"Angers, I failed!"

That weird voice.

"The matrix I deployed in the mine has no way of sealing the army of bronze and fire. I was too naive!"

"But we still have a chance!"

"You know, the only chance!"

The weirdo almost roared.

"That kid!"

"Using that kid as a pivot, I'm sure of it, you know, I'm sure of it!"


This is uncle.

The uncle's voice was so cold.

"There is another way."

"Calm down and think about it. There must be another way."

A heated argument ensued between the two.

Shirley hugged herself and huddled on the bed.

She slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

"Thank you, uncle."

In the days that followed, the uncle brought her food as usual.

It’s just that the time spent every day is getting shorter and shorter.

During this period, the weirdo came a few more times.

Each time they broke up with fierce quarrels.

Until a week later, this time the weirdo's voice was surprisingly calm.

"Angers, we don't have much time."

"You know what it means to let them out."

"The development of science takes time, and humans are not ready to face them yet."

"You are strong, that's right, but how many dragons can you take on by yourself?"

"And don't forget, those here are only the king's subjects."

"What if you die here, what will the four monarchs do half a century later?"

A long silence.

It was so silent that Shirley seemed to hear her own heartbeat.

"Let me think about it."

said the uncle.

"Ange, slaying a dragon is a war. I remember this is what you told me."

"Sacrificing one person to save tens of millions of lives, I think you should be able to make a wise choice."

The weirdo sighed.

"To be honest, Shirley is a good girl. If possible, I also hope to have other choices."

"What a pity, this is the damn dragon slaying."

There was another long silence.

Shirley clutched the sheets tightly, her joints pale.

"Let me, think about it."

said the uncle.

The weirdo is gone.

He left Angers alone.

Shirley closed her eyes, thinking of the little prince who returned to his own planet.

Is she going back to her own planet too?

"Tick tock, tick tock."

Shirley suddenly opened her eyes.

She pursed her lips tightly.

This is……

Uncle... he's crying.

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