Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 214 The Promise of Rebirth Thanks to the leader of “SincereLOOK” for the reward

Lu Mingfei is not the kind of bad guy who deceives children. He is a teacher, a teacher at a top university in the world. Although he is only eighteen years old, although the subject he teaches is physical education, although he has to add a "temporary" as a teacher. " prefix.

But it doesn't matter, I think it's more than enough for a physical education teacher from the highest mixed-race institution to teach a little girl.

What's more, this physical education teacher is from another world, the best in the world.

As for the content of the lectures, of course it cannot be about physics in Chinese, mathematics, and English, nor can it be an in-depth analysis of alchemy and the four elements.

The person on the stage was Lu Mingfei, and what he could talk about was, of course, martial arts.

Some people may find it strange that martial arts is not a matter of spiritual practice. Standing still and concentrating, and various methods should be done in the ring or dojo, but the classroom here is obviously inappropriate.

This is not the case.

Lu Mingfei teaches martial arts and has made it clear to every disciple that in martial arts, what you learn is martial arts and what you practice is the Tao. Martial arts, techniques and routines are no more than means, and the root lies in this Tao.

If compared with the human body, the Tao of martial arts is the dragon of the spine. It is with this dragon of the spine that a human being is human. Otherwise, he is nothing more than a pool of flesh and blood.

Speaking of which, Lu Mingfei also hesitated. Perhaps he should recite a section of the Lingbao Sutra to Shirley. This was a secret method he obtained from the Lingbao Sect when he was in Kyushu. Reciting it has the effect of calming people's souls and killing distracting thoughts. It is a first-class method used to assist spiritual cultivation.

It was just right when used on Shirley.

This girl's condition is very special. She has actually been dead for a long time. Now, Shirley's existence is somewhat similar to the living spirit in dragon alchemy. Maybe the principal used certain living spirit refining techniques when he arranged the matrix.

But Shirley is different from the ordinary living beings. Perhaps the technology in the hands of the hybrid is incomplete, or perhaps it was intentional at the beginning of the transformation. Shirley has retained most of her thoughts and personality when she was a human. , memory, this state is a bit like the monsters in Kyushu.

Lu Mingfei had seen relevant records in ancient books. At that time, the martial arts in Kyushu had not yet broken down, martial arts practice was at its peak, Waigang traveled all over the world, and the martial saint suppressed one party. In addition, there are big monsters entrenched in the deep mountains and rivers, ghosts and monsters, mountain spirits and ghosts, swordsmen slaying monsters, and strong men moving mountains. These strange rumors are like myths.

But I don't know when, Kyushu suddenly changed. Not only the martial arts were broken, but also the monsters, mountain spirits and demons all disappeared and their traces were hard to find.

Lu Mingfei could only see relevant records from fragments of ancient books, among which was the demon monster. This is a kind of spirit that is transformed from the soul of a person after death. They often have unfinished wishes and linger in the world. .

It was rumored that Lingbao's Savior Sutra had the function of transforming evil spirits, and it might also be effective on Shirley, but after thinking about it, Lu Mingfei finally chose another path.

Since the wish has not been fulfilled, it is settled. It is not that Lu Mingfei dislikes the trouble and trouble of reciting the Human Sutra. After all, it is true that the effect of this method is to appease the souls of the dead. However, Shirley's wish is still there. If it is never fulfilled, , after all, it is not beautiful.

Then teach a lesson and fulfill this girl’s wish.

Thinking about the bell ringing for the end of get out of class, Shirley knew him very well. He was Uncle Paul in school. He had candies as colorful as a rainbow and always smiled cheerfully. He was a very good person.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the little boy in a suit in the back row of the classroom.

The young man took out a breath and tapped the podium with his fingers.

"get out of class is over."

"stand up!"

Shirley stood up with everyone and bowed.

"goodbye teacher!"

Lu Mingfei did not answer.

The young man stared at the girl silently. Shirley's figure had begun to become blurry and transparent. This was a sign that her wish had been fulfilled. Lu Mingfei understood that as long as he answered, Shirley's last wish would be fulfilled and the girl would disappear.

There is no reincarnation and no underworld in Kyushu. The so-called underworld is just Lu Mingfei's outer realm, not the rules of that world.

What about the dragon world?

Lu Mingfei didn't know where the dead in this world would go.

Is there a resting place that belongs to the kingdom of the dead, or after death, people just return to dust and return to dust, drifting away with the breeze and disappearing.

This was the crux of Lu Mingfei's hesitation.

It would be fine if there really was a land of the underworld, but if it were the latter, the painting would go away after death. How could Lu Mingfei let a girl who had endured pain for half a century end up like this? Shun.

He closed his eyes and meditated. After a while, he opened his eyes again. His eyes were clear and he had made up his mind.

Lu Mingfei stepped off the podium and stood in front of Shirley.

The girl blinked, a little confused. She didn't know what her elder brother was going to do.


Lu Mingfei said.

"Do you believe me?"

The girl blinked again, then smiled.

She nodded vigorously, very vigorously.

"Believe it."

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and smiled too.

It seems that the manuscript he prepared and the words he used to explain and persuade the girl are no longer useful.

This heavy trust, oh, I bear it.

The boy put his hand on the girl's head.

Strange to say, with such a small movement, Shirley's figure gradually became blurred and transparent.

Something incredible happened.

The girl seemed to be aware of it and looked at the boy intently.

The boy in the last row also narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"This is?"

Like the emperor's decree.

Like the words of gods.

Lu Mingfei said so.

"Since you believe in me, I will allow you to do so. I will send you to death one day."

Shirley's warm smile melted into the holy light.

"Thank you, big brother."



At first it was just a gentle shake.

Then there was a violent shock.


Fingel steadied himself and looked around in a panic.

Mai Shutoku raised her head thoughtfully and looked at the sky.

"This is……"

At the same time, people one after another raised their heads and looked in a certain direction.


It is indescribable, indescribable, indescribable.

But they just felt it.

There, there was something great, revealing his majesty.

As soon as Lu Mingze stepped on it, the shaking of the town suddenly stopped.

A solemn look flashed across the boy's face.

Then he looked at the young man and smiled happily.

"Authority, authority, authority."

He murmured in a low voice, and suddenly his heart moved, and he thought of that name again.


As Lu Mingfei said, he is Yama, he is the son of Yin Tian, ​​and he is the king of death.

it's over.

Shirley is missing.

There was a small pocket-sized rose sealed inside the light yellow amber, which was shaped like a tear. Lu Mingfei stared at it, smiled faintly, and then put it away with great care.

The magic of time also ends here.

The classroom was restored to its original, aged appearance.

Shirley is missing, and so are her classmates.

However, besides Lu Mingfei, there was another person here.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

Lu Mingze raised his hand obediently.

"I have a question!"

Lu Mingfei looked over angrily.

"What's wrong?"

"That, that's it."

Lu Mingze pointed at Amber with a smile.

"Teacher, how did you do it?"

"How do you want me to explain this kind of thing?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head a little troubled.

"If you want to do it, just do it. It's very simple. If you want to explain it, you have to explain martial arts from the beginning, body training, non-human, and Wai Gang, so that you can understand what the realm is."

At this point, the young man's face fell.

"However, it's useless even if I tell you so much. To tell you the truth, I don't know why Wuwangtian is so powerful. Anyway, I have never heard that other people's Wai Gang realm can support living beings. .”

"Well, to be more precise, my ghost should be considered an undead spirit."

Lu Mingfei talked about it like this, no matter how knowledgeable or smart the little devil is, he can only be confused when faced with such an extraordinary system that is completely different from the inheritance of dragon bloodline. .

But does it matter if you don’t understand something?

It's not important.

For the little devil, it doesn't matter what his brother says. Whether the content is interesting or boring is aside. It doesn't matter whether the dragon king is outside the martial arts. It's just that his brother is talking, talking to him, telling him. .

This is enough.

I just want to listen to you talk. If I listen to you like this for a whole day, a whole year, or thousands of years, I will be very happy.

Lu Mingzhe smiled faintly.

"By the way, let's talk about it."

said his brother.

"How about practicing martial arts with me?"


He did it without thinking.

As long as it's my brother, yes, as long as it's you, my brother, I will agree to whatever you ask for.

Even if it is eaten by you.

"It's just that I'm very busy now. If possible, can my brother teach me in a few years?"

"Okay, how many years will it take?"

"Well, just four years, until 2013, okay?"

"no problem."

Lu Mingfei ruffled the child's hair. Really, no matter how many times, this guy's hair was so soft, like silk woven with sunlight. It felt really, really great.

"It's very annoying, brother."

The messy bangs covered Lu Mingze's eyes. The child protested angrily. He raised his two small hands to pull Lu Mingfei's big hand. How could he, who was so small, compete with his elder brother, the Demon King? Lu Mingfei He felt as if a kitten was scratching his hand, itchy and small, so he shook his head.

"Look at you, you're so skinny. You should finish your work as soon as possible and practice martial arts with me."

"I know, I know."

"Hey, I see you seem very impatient."

"No way."

Finally, Lu Mingze saved his hair from the devil.

The boy pouted, took out a comb from nowhere, and fixed his hair style with a few strokes.


"I want you to take care of it, just a little bit."

Lu Mingfei watched the little devil look back and forth in the mirror, and then nodded with satisfaction.

He just laughed.

When the two first met, the little devil was so exquisite. From his hair to his shoes, he was meticulous. He was good-looking, but he lacked some human touch. He was like a high-altitude statue, cold and distant.

Isn't it much better now? I ruffled his hair and looked at the little devil combing his hair seriously, with a serious little face. This is a bit human and quite cute.

It turns out that this is why I used to rub his hair.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized.

He just said, how can our majestic Yama rub people's hair just because it feels good to the touch? There must be some deeper and more serious reason. Look, isn't this just made up?

"What is brother thinking?"


Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei suspiciously.

"Well, I always feel that my brother looks suspicious."

"Haha, you must have seen it wrong."

"Did you read that wrong? Forget it, speaking of which, brother, you are really messing around."

The little devil shook his head helplessly.

"As I said, this is a very serious trial. It is a ritual to help you get the crown of bronze and fire, brother. Each ring has its own special meaning. Originally, after completing the second ring, you can Weaken the power of the Bronze Subjects to a certain extent, so that even if you, brother, face those second-generation and third-generation species, you will only be a Bronze Subject with 50% strength."

He spread his hands.

"Okay now, it's all in vain. Brother, just be prepared to challenge an entire bronze vassal in full condition."

"Bronze subjects? Oh, you mean those sealed pure-blood dragons?"

Lu Mingfei said eagerly.

"Where are I going to fight them? Should I just knock them down and the authority of bronze and fire belong to me?"

Finding that the little devil still had a bad face, Lu Mingfei laughed nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter if it's weakened or not. Having said that, it's better to be in full condition. What does 50% strength mean? Are you looking down on me? For a fight, of course you need to find a strong enough opponent. Interesting."

After hearing this, Lu Mingze finally sighed helplessly and put on a face like "I'm really defeated by you."

"Hurry up, hurry up, you haven't said it yet."

Lu Mingfei started urging him.

"Where are those dragons you mentioned? Take me there. Don't keep them waiting."

"I don't think they're that anxious to die."

The little devil muttered.

After all, he believed in Lu Mingfei from the bottom of his heart. In fact, the little devil never thought that Lu Mingfei might lose.

"Don't worry, brother, Bronze Subject and so on, that is the third ring, there is another ring of trial before that."

"Ah, so troublesome."

"Be patient for a little bit, this is a very important step.

The little devil comforted Lu Mingfei so gently.

Then he began to introduce.

"If you want to fully obtain the authority of bronze and fire, brother, you must defeat the king's subordinates from the front. This is the only way, but before that, brother, you must prove that you are qualified to challenge the king."

The little devil suddenly changed the topic.

he asks.

"Brother, have you seen Battle Royale?"

"Battle Royale? What is this?"

"Takeshi Kitano's movie, it seems that your interest is really only in anime. In short, it is a relatively cruel movie. The background of the movie is in the future, the world's population is exploding, and that country is trying to solve the unbearable population problem. , launched a competition called Battle Royale. They sent a class of high school students to an isolated island, put explosive collars on their necks, and then randomly assigned weapons to everyone, including cold weapons such as knives, axes, and scissors. Thermal weapons like grenades, submachine guns, and rocket launchers, and then order these kids to fight on an isolated island.”

Lu Mingfei was thoughtful.

"The winner who survives to the end gets everything, the prize money, the reputation, and the future. This is the battle royale."

Lu Mingze's calm narration and clear voice were smooth and smooth, as if such cruel things were not taken to heart by this delicate boy at all. It's no wonder, he is Lu Mingze, who came from the age of dragons. Until now, he has seen too much betrayal, cruelty, and evil in his eyes. Let alone a fictional movie like Battle Royale, even a real-life conspiracy can't make him feel any better.

Lu Mingze would only hold the goblet elegantly, taste the red wine, and quietly watch all this happen.

Perhaps there would be a faint smile on the boy's lips.

Look at him, he looks like a devil.

Lu Mingfei frowned.

"You mean, the third round of trials is the battle royale."

"All the hybrids in the town are fighting each other until only the last one is left to enter the fourth ring of trials."

"That's it."

The boy gently raised the corners of his mouth and showed an elegant smile.

The faces of Chu Zihang and Ling flashed before Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Well and some burly guy.

"Brother, what do you think is the king?"

Probably seeing what Lu Mingfei was thinking, the little devil said coldly.

"There must be sacrifices, there must be death, there must be many bones to fight your way to the throne."

"You're right."

Lu Mingfei nodded, but then spoke.

"But I am a warrior, and I am not willing to sacrifice others to achieve my own goals."

"There is another way. It doesn't matter if it's difficult. Just tell me. Don't worry and leave it to me. It doesn't matter."

Lu Mingfei looked seriously

The little devil looked at him seriously.

For a long time, both of them stubbornly refused to give in, trying to convince each other with their own reasons.


It's the little devil.

If there is anyone in this world who can make him regress, there is probably only one person.

It just so happened that this person was standing right here.

"Okay, okay, brother, your expression is so scary. Don't look at me like this. Surrender, surrender. Isn't it okay if I surrender?"

The little devil took out a white flag from somewhere, as big as a palm, raised it to his head and waved it from side to side.

"Let me guess, brother, you are worried about your two companions."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

"Tch, I'm really unhappy."

The little devil turned his head away and muttered with a stinky face.

Then he proudly crossed his arms across his chest.

"They should really feel honored to be taken into consideration by you, brother, huh."

"You guy."

Lu Mingfei rubbed the little devil's hair angrily.

"Go on, don't give me any excuses."

"Okay, okay, I know."

Lu Mingze said.

The boy looked deep in thought. After a long time, he spread his hands, with a smile on his face as if the prank had succeeded.

"Actually, no one can die at all."

Lu Mingfei blinked.

"No one can die at all?"


Lu Mingze's little face was cheerful, as if he was saying, "Haha, you must have been fooled by me."

He explained triumphantly.

But it started with a question.

"First of all, brother, what do you think this place is?"

The little devil turned around gracefully and motioned Lu Mingfei to look around.

"This other world, this Silent Hill, what do you think this place is?"

Why should you think about such a thing? Lu Mingfei was about to blurt it out, but suddenly noticed the faint smile on the corner of the little devil's mouth. His unthinking affirmation eventually turned into hesitation.

He said.

"The other world...isn't it the Nibelungen?"

"No no no."

The little devil shook his finger slowly.

"This is actually my world."

He said.

"My world."

PS: Little Transparent actually has a leader. I am overjoyed. I will remember this day firmly. Although I only wrote an extra thousand words today, I will update more in the future. I want to say goodbye to the life of four thousand updates a day. . Please give me a monthly pass.

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