Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 228 Inhuman! Inhuman! Inhuman!

Qi Tianfa and Bajiu Seal are both first-class fighting martial arts.

The two are very special. There are no fixed moves and routines. What they bring to the warrior is a kind of intention, which improves the warrior's understanding of fighting. Even ordinary fist and kick skills, in the hands of these two people at this moment, have the effect of turning decay into magic.

Putting aside the martial artist factor and comparing these two martial arts alone, in terms of the same type, it can only be said that they are about the same, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

Luo Nu's bones were as lustrous as white jade. She was burning with potential. She pressed Lu Mingfei and chased after her fiercely. Her fists and kicks were blasted out with the wind roaring around her. Her pair of dark eyes were as deep as the abyss, and her coldness was at its peak. Although her movements were He opened and closed his eyes widely, but his eyes were as cold as ice that would never melt.

This is the special effect of the Eight-Nine Seal. Absolute calmness brings absolute power. Failure to make mistakes means inevitable victory. Every move and every move has been deduced in her heart thousands of times. How to achieve the most terrifying effect with the smallest effort? The effect, and Lu Mingfei’s most likely next counterattack.

Her body follows her heart, and her mind is in a myriad of directions. Luo Nu's own talent in fighting is not low. Now with the assistance of the Eight-nine Seal Techniques, she is even more powerful. Her moves are very well-organized, and she has the bearing of a master.

This person seems to be dancing a killing sword. According to legend, in the Tang Dynasty, there was a woman named Gongsun Auntie. Her sword dance skills were amazing to everyone, everyone was not happy with them, and everyone was dismayed. Even the emperor was like this. At this moment I am afraid that Luo Nu will not be inferior to that Gongsun. The unique beauty in her movements, the woman's body stretched like a flower, the dazzling beauty but the cold murderous intention hidden in it, makes people's heart skip a beat. Pearls, like drums, like heavy rain, like horse hooves, keep your eyes unable to move, your mouth unable to speak, your mind is all here, sigh, this girl came from the sky? The mortal world is turbid for her, so she might as well return to the palace early.

If an ordinary martial artist uses ordinary martial arts, even if it is the Pantian Seal or the Treasure Vase Seal of the same Yuanshi Golden Seal, he will definitely be defeated by the eighty-nine seals in less than three seconds.

Although they are both martial arts, they each have their own emphasis. However, fighting methods such as the Eight-Nine Seals are different. They are specially designed for fighting, so they naturally have their own uniqueness.

But what she met was Qitian.

Hundreds of No Taboos, Five Elements of Heaven, and Weapons Spectrum were created by Lu Mingfei in the Tiandi Pavilion. They were the basic martial arts created by Lu Mingfei after sorting out the vast martial arts of Kyushu, deleting the complex and simplifying them, and using three different concepts as the guideline.

After all, there are too many martial arts skills in Kyushu and they are too complex. There are more than a thousand kinds of just one boxing technique. From Lu Mingfei's perspective, there are too many repetitions, repetitions of intentions, repetitions of moves, repetitions of techniques for exerting force, and there are many mistakes and omissions. , after all, it is impossible for everyone to have the same martial arts attainments as Lu Mingfei, or it should be said that the founders of most martial arts are not as good as Lu Mingfei.

At that time, the Little Emperor's Great Zhou Dynasty had just been established, and then the world deployed martial arts. They had accepted Jiuzhou martial arts in the Tiandi Pavilion, including exercises and martial arts, but the next step was embarrassing. It is said that it is a waste of time, and even in some cases it is an obvious detour.

So there are hundreds of no taboos, weapons spectrum, and the Five Elements Heaven.

Each of the three has its own emphases and strengths. It is Lu Mingfei who has a superior position and was created by the latecomers in the world.

Among them, there are no taboos. It is a combination of boxing, palm, fingering, leg, footwork, etc., which is complex and profound. It is an extremely superior fighting method.

In terms of martial arts level alone, it is on par with ancient inheritances such as Lingbao Sect, which is really rare. After all, the threshold for an existence like Lingbao Sect is extremely high, and the talent requirements for warriors are horrifyingly demanding. Traditional meaning A genius in the world is no longer enough to meet its requirements. You must be a genius among geniuses, the kind of monster that only emerges in a hundred years, to be qualified to practice.

But this obviously deviates from the original intention of the little emperor and Lu Mingfei. The world spreads martial arts. Regardless of one's origin, talent or opportunity, everyone has the right to practice martial arts. If the martial arts they announce are like Lingbao Sect Tongtian Warriors like Sword Code have to screen their talents before practicing. That is just a carnival for a small group of people and has nothing to do with ordinary people.

The reason why these three martial arts are so rare is that they have almost no requirements on the talent of the warrior. Geniuses can practice it, and mediocre people can practice it. The threshold is extremely low, and at the same time, it is surprisingly high-level. Look at this Qitian method. This is the best proof.

Needless to say, geniuses, if an ordinary warrior with mediocre qualifications practices without any taboos, over time, it is possible to reach the realm of transformation and even the distance between him and a genius.

Give rewards to sweat, give value to struggle, and give a future to all people.

Maybe this is a fairy tale for adults.


Lu Mingfei's eyes seemed to be dancing with fire.

It was a boiling and substantive fighting spirit.

Although they both use fighting techniques and have similar levels, Qitian and Bajiu have completely different intentions. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are completely opposite.

The Eight-Nine Seal was born out of the skills taught by Master Yuding to his disciple Erlang Shen. The number one God of War in the Three Realms is unparalleled in splendor. He has his reserve and pride. He is a god who is aloof and everything comes from the heart. Therefore, the Eight-Nine Seal is highly recommended. Yan, anticipates the enemy's opportunities, and can also exert his own combat power 100%. He has a thorough understanding of past martial arts, and many mysteries are clear.

The Qitian method is different. It doesn't care about deduction, and it completely embarks on a path that is contrary to the Eighty-nine Seals. Everyone has instinct, animality, and a desire to fight. This is especially obvious for mixed-bloods, and warriors are no exception.

It's just that warriors are more in control of themselves than hybrids. They are their own gods and their own masters.

Qitian's method is to break this balance, trust the ape, indulge the horse, and make the warrior crazy for fighting. It seems to be somewhat similar to Deadpool's method, but the martial arts that can be as famous as the Eight-nine Seals are naturally better than Deadpool's. The sad guy is too powerful, Deadpool is a slave to killing, but a warrior is always his master.

It is strange to say that if other hybrids use the Qitian method, they may degenerate into what they are. After all, they still have a dragon personality hidden in their bodies, ready to devour the human self at any time. This is the instinctive desire of the biological complement. There are few exceptions.

But Lu Mingfei is different. He is obviously a mixed race, but there is no risk of corruption. In fact, if it weren't for the little devil, he might not even be able to awaken his speech spirit.

Is it because he practices martial arts?


Lu Mingfei had a lot of guesses, but before it was time to say them out, he was no longer the stupid and weak kid he was back then. Everyone has their own secrets, learn to allow and tolerate, and then grow up.

The battle between the two became increasingly fierce.

Lu Mingfei also started to burn.

They all used special secret methods to obtain power beyond the realm of body refining.

The Silent Hill in this other world has been reduced to ruins, and not even a complete house can be found.

The five forces are running rampant in the body, and the town outside is turning into a pot of boiling porridge. The force in the body is also in the same situation.

And change was born in this energy that was like boiling porridge.

Lu Mingfei fought more and more crazily, the fire in his eyes burning brightly. Sometimes Luo Nu's attacks came over, but he couldn't even dodge them. He let the fist that cracked the monument fall on him, and there was a banging sound. Listening to that The movement didn't look like a body of flesh and blood, it was clearly an oven with three sets of ears.

Lu Mingfei entered a special state.

He seemed to have arrived in a new world.

The four active elements surround him.

They are distinct, as if they have their own thoughts and independent wills.

But, here he comes.

Lu Mingfei realized something.

Grabbing the earth element and throwing it casually, a pebble the size of a sesame seed appeared.

After that, the stone began to fall, and the up, down, left, and right were determined accordingly.

It fell bigger and bigger, and soon it became a sacred mountain connecting the sky and the earth. Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand and pointed at the sacred mountain, and the sky shook faintly, and red magma spewed out.

Water fell from the sky, extinguished the fire, and the earth appeared.

The wind brings seeds from afar, they fall to the ground and grow, sprouting green buds, and life is passed on here.

Lu Mingfei stood on the grass, feeling the gentle wind blowing on his face. He bent down and grabbed a handful of soil, watching it flow away between his fingers, turning into water and fire.

Earth, water, fire, and wind originally existed independently, but because of him, everything began to flow.

Lu Mingfei closed the ceremony with a smile.

Countless inspirations came to mind.

Heaven and earth are like ovens, giving birth and nourishing all things.

What about him?

The four colors of green, red, black, and white began to move through the body faster and faster, colliding, separating, twisting, and integrating.

Gradually no distinction is made between you and me.

Gradually the color turned into chaos.

It gradually became successful.

A little fire in my heart is like a bean, shining on my body like glass.

Clear eyes return.

Heartfelt and unspeakable joy.

Lu Mingfei laughed like this.

He went off the rails and fell into the devil Yin Luo.

Kill the gods and then cultivate the dragon and snake.

Overcoming all difficulties.

Now I know who I am.

The sound of a bell came from nowhere.

But it stopped suddenly.

Some great will came here.

Who is shouting?

From the ancient campfire.

Those people jumping and cheering.

Who is crying?

From floods and fires.

Those who keep fighting for their lives.


Those were our ignorant ancestors thousands of years ago.

He raised his head from the suffering of food and beasts and looked at the stars.

Curiosity about the unknown lit up his eyes.

So tens of millions of years later, descendants will look up in high-rise buildings, in ordinary alleys, at school, at home, in bookstores, and in the sea of ​​people.

Starlight illuminates your eyes.

All the suffering and suffering, all the sweat and struggle, all the unyielding and struggle.

All the beauty and fantasy, all the curiosity and seeking knowledge, all the future and departure.

All people are saying one thing.

"Open the sky! Open the sky! Open the sky!"

Boy, did you hear that?

They are shouting.

"Open the sky! Open the sky! Open the sky!"

That being the case, then.

Open the sky.


This time it's real, the whole Silent Hill is shaking.

The earth separates and rifts into abyss.

The sky peeled off and the stars and moon fell like rain.

The little devil tilted his body and almost fell from the sky.

There was a rare look of astonishment on his face.

This is……

Luo Nu was even more surprised.

Unlike the little devil, she reacted instantly. When Luo Nu realized what was happening at the moment, a smile appeared on her cold face.

Finally, inhuman!

Yinmen has waited for many years and inherited many traditions.

Finally today.

However, why is it different from what is recorded in the records? Is there such a big movement in body refining and promotion to non-human?

She soon felt relieved.

Perhaps, this is the one who was promised.

The Secret Tradition of Yuanshi operates autonomously.

The shackles in the dark opened a gap.

Luo Nu could feel that the shackles did not come from this world, but from her secret technique, Yuanshi.

At the moment when the promised person was promoted, the ancient covenant was inspired, and she finally became successful, getting rid of the cage and promoted to inhumanity.

Lu Mingfei seemed to see Luo Nu's current state.

The young man smiled heartily.

"If your fate is mine, then you can plant golden lotuses in the fire."

"It seems that you are successful too."


"Now that I have become a non-human being, I have just acquired a new secret skill, and I will use it to separate life and death from you."

"It could not be better."

"What I cultivate is to open heaven, and what I practice is to open heaven. This unique skill is naturally also to open heaven."

"Of course, I got the inspiration by chance, but it's not perfect yet. I can only say, open the Tiancan style and wait and see."

"It's hard to refuse such kindness, so I'm here to accompany you. The Eighty-Nine Seals of the Heavenly Seal and the Aquarius Seal are just means, and are derived from side branches. The fundamental method of our Yuanshi Sect is here, and it's called the Yuanshi Seal. It can barely be used for a look. Come with me!"

One is the Kaitian Can Style, and the other is the Yuanshi Seal Technique.

The two warriors burned themselves with no room left, and they were at the point of transformation into inhumanity through body refining. The supernatural beings were not yet born, and the inhumans were not yet complete. They were killed in one place like this.

The little devil stood up suddenly, opened his eyes wide, and looked steadily at the center of the battlefield.

"elder brother……"

"Is it you?"

"Finally...are you awake?"

The little devil murmured subconsciously, then shook his head after a moment.

"No, this is... no."

After a long time, it seemed that it was finally determined.

"'s still possible!"

The little devil exclaimed.

Then he gradually smiled.

"What a monster, brother."

The other world began to completely disintegrate, and the thick fog swept everything away, returning to the real space.

Because the conditions for the ritual have been met, Silent Hill's existence as a venue has lost its meaning.

The battle royale comes to an end.

The last person to survive will become the hero.

And that person is...

Lu Mingfei was shaky, his body was broken, his flesh and blood were mutilated, and he almost lost his appearance.

But he still won in the end.

"Yuanshi Seal, Yuanshi Seal."

he murmured.

"That's not bad."

Lu Mingfei swayed again, and just when he was about to fall to the ground, the little man appeared.

"It's true, brother."

The little devil complained.

"It's so dirty."


Lu Mingfei could still laugh.

He raised his hand with difficulty, slowly, slowly.

The hand reached out to the little devil's face. The little devil blinked. He didn't move, just waited quietly.

Bleeding fingers pressed against the little devil's face.

He was puzzled at first, and soon the little devil was stunned.


Lu Mingfei said with a smile.

His hand dropped weakly and swung back and forth twice.

The delicate face of the little devil was revealed.

And there were red marks on the corners of his mouth.

That was Lu Mingfei's blood.

"Be happy."

Lu Mingfei said.

The little devil was silent for a long time.

A long, long silence.

His fingers carefully touched the corners of his mouth.

Still shaking.

This is the smile Lu Mingfei drew for him.

Lu Mingze took out a mirror and looked at the little boy in the mirror.

"elder brother."

He laughed.

"What you drew is so ugly."

Lu Mingze hugged Lu Mingfei's broken body.

In this world going to collapse.

The thousand years are about to pass, everyone will die, and only he and he are left, lonely he and he, warm he and he, and finally he and he, waiting for the coming of the next thousand years.

"I know, brother."

PS: I originally had a lot of feelings and wanted to say a lot, but it’s a pity.

The crash was really sad.

Life is so fragile.

Let me put what I want to say in the summary of Volume 2. I will mourn today.

Everyone should live well.

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