Various thoughts collided rapidly in my mind, thinking and reasoning.

Angers stood up suddenly, the legs of the chair making a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground.

He quickly walked to the door, opened it, and looked around, but there was no one there.

After pondering for a moment, he closed the door, took out the black tea, boiled water, and rinsed the tea set. The hands that once held the folding knife to harvest lives on the battlefield were so stable and elegant when handling the tea set, and the white glazed porcelain bowl shone brightly. Pour the red tea soup into it until it is half full.

Angers returned to the desk with two cups of black tea, placing one cup in front of him and one cup on the opposite side.

It's like inviting someone to come.

After completing all this, the old man sat down again. He lowered his head and stared into the vicissitudes of his eyes reflected in the black tea for a long time.

There seemed to be a slight sigh.

The old man looked across. The black tea and porcelain bowls were still there, but no one was attending the meeting.

In the past, if he completed the above steps and called out in his heart, the devil would come in an unknown way, sit calmly across from him and drink tea, and then discuss the transaction with him.

In occult terms, this could probably be explained by the ritual of summoning the devil merchant.

It's a bit sloppy, but if it's a devil, using black tea as a ritual item seems a bit subtle.

The ritual that was inadvertently touched many years ago, from the moment I summoned the One, until now, this is the first failure.

Ange stared at the black tea opposite him in trance.

The old man didn't know what this scene represented.

But the dragon slayer's instinct told him that it would definitely not be a good thing.

The devil didn't come. Did he ignore the call?

Angers immediately dismissed this speculation.

So, this is the only option left.

Something occupied the devil's attention, and he had to concentrate on it to the point where he could not even be distracted.

So, what could make the devil so nervous?

The black tea reflected Ange's frown.

In his eyes was the old man's lingering sorrow.

At this point in time, as well as his relationship with him, needless to say, it must be Lu Mingfei's trial.

Is it already... so dangerous?


The danger of the trial may be far more serious than Angers imagined.

He knows too little about martial arts.

This is another path different from alchemy and science.

In Ange's eyes, Lu Mingfei just staggered.

But in fact, the boy's injuries were extremely horrific.

Lu Mingfei was still thinking.

If this were in Kyushu, the little emperor would definitely have to nag him again.

It’s like this every time. Yan Luo fights against the most enemies regardless of his own safety. In the world of warriors, no one is born to be the best in the world. He has experienced many close encounters along the way. To be honest, Lu Mingfei can’t survive until the end to dominate the world. , it’s really not easy.

Of course, this cannot simply be attributed to luck. Even if he can take the elixir without being suffocated to death by the medicine, it will not work. After all, there is great terror between life and death, and the repeated pains are not something ordinary people can bear. The problem comes to mind. If there weren't some goals that couldn't be achieved and obsessions that couldn't be let go, I probably wouldn't have been able to get to the end.

In fact, this road is not as easy as imagined, and the little emperor has thought about giving up several times. The future of Tianxia Buwu is certainly bright, but what stands in front of them is all the sect families in Jiuzhou, and the interests are so great. Since they want to If the common people are to have enough to eat, then the aristocratic families have to pay. Maybe the tea they drink after meals is of a lower quality, maybe the embroidery on silk clothes is no longer to their liking, but a little bit of water leaks out from the fingers of the wealthy people. , the people at the bottom can have enough to eat and not freeze to death.

The little emperor, oh no, he was just a general at that time. He was different from Lu Mingfei. The little emperor's heart was about the whole world, the Kyushu, all the people, tomorrow and the future.

He would pull Lu Mingfei to talk about good ways to govern the country all night without feeling tired.

Lu Mingfei's head was about to grow big.

His reading skills were mediocre, so if he had the ability to listen to what others said, he might as well be practicing boxing.

But you say it's strange or not, it was Lu Mingfei who stretched out his hand and pulled the little emperor back when he was hesitant several times.

He didn't talk about great principles, nor did he say anything about the future a hundred years from now, where everyone would be like a dragon.

Lu Mingfei just reported the names one by one.


"Iron pillar."

"Three babies."

Have you noticed? They are very rustic, right? They don't look like children from rich families at all. They sound like the kind of kids who run around in the village with a runny nose.

Lu Mingfei said this one by one.

Talk for half an hour.

Finally, in silence, he spoke lightly.

"They are all my soldiers."

"They're all dead."

Then Lu Mingfei went to see the little emperor.

"Why do you think they died."

"Ah, why!"

He suddenly stood up and fiercely picked up the little emperor's collar. His delicate face could be so ferocious.

"It's because you believe in us!"

"I believe we can achieve that future!"

"I don't care what happens next!"

"I don't care what happens when you become emperor!"

"I only know that my soldiers, my brothers, cannot die in vain!"

"Did you hear that?"

He stared into the little emperor's eyes like a wild beast, word by word.

The dancing light of the oil lamp hit Lu Mingfei's face, making his red eyes look as cold as a deep pool.

"My soldiers cannot die in vain!"

Lu Mingfei tapped his chest hard.

"From the day the first person gave his life, we stopped."

"They are looking at me!"

Lu Mingfei abandoned the little emperor, who sat on the ground in despair, left the camp by himself, and went back to sleep with his soldiers.

When Lu Mingfei came back at dawn, he saw the high-spirited little emperor again.

So, if he were a little emperor, he might devote himself to the ideal that everyone is like a dragon, but that reason is too big and not suitable for Lu Mingfei. He can survive from near death time and time again, dragging The battle between the seriously injured body and Waigang could only be explained by this sentence.

"They are looking at me!"

It's the same now.

It was a different world, from Kyushu to the Dragon Clan, but Lu Mingfei was still doing the same thing.

The ideal of the world being armed is certainly beautiful, and a world where everyone is like a dragon is also desirable.

But until then.

It all started when Lu Mingfei just wanted to buy a sunflower from Changmao and the online girl's store.

Then go to Bear Girl's convenience store to buy a bottle of water.

No matter how ordinary or ordinary people are, they still have the right to dream.

Why can it be taken away casually?

Just because you were born into a good child and your eyes can shine?

Lu Mingfei couldn't agree.

And if other people don't agree, they won't admit it. They will say a few words in their diary, or at most they will complain on the Internet, and they will have to live their lives as usual. What can they do?

Lu Mingfei is not.

He wants the world to be armed.

Let everyone have the opportunity to make progress and change their destiny.

Therefore, no matter what he faces next, he will not back down.

Even if it means death.

The authority of bronze and fire must be obtained.

This is the key to unlocking the extraordinary shackles for everyone in the world.

Even if the one standing in front is the Dragon King.

Even if he is now exhausted.

This was a battlefield he was bound to embark on, and he had already prepared for it.

The young man moved forward along the corridor lit by dark golden lights.

His steps were unsteady and his back was stooped.

But his eyes were as bright as burning candles.

Those are not the golden eyes of a mixed race.

That is the clear and firm light called ideal.

It is his reason to fight and his unyielding strength.

The little devil hesitated to speak.

He walked out of the boy's shadow shortly after Lu Mingfei entered the Bronze City.

Lu Mingfei didn't even notice it until he walked a long way.

The martial artist's intuition is so dull that it can be seen how bad the young man's condition is.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the child.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he saw the little devil frowning, with a hint of sadness in his expression.

Isn't this guy okay if the sky falls?

He always puts on a "I'm awesome" face and is so arrogant. Why, the omnipotent little devil can also have things that he can't handle?

Lu Mingfei laughed when he thought of this.

But he probably forgot about his physical condition.

Normally, it doesn't matter if he laughs casually, but now, all the wounds on his body have been torn. How painful it is, you can tell by the way he grinned.

The little devil was so happy.

He really didn't know how to say Lu Mingfei was good.

This brother of mine must be so heartless.

The little devil shook his head helplessly.

"elder brother."

He looked like he was hesitating to speak again. After calling Lu Mingfei, there was a long silence.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the little devil and continued walking forward.

Walk firmly and never hesitate.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know who is in front of you?"


The little devil smiled.

"As expected of a brother."

"It's such a trivial thing to say, huh."

Lu Mingfei knew the fact that the twins were sitting on the throne of bronze and fire. Even if the little devil didn't tell him, he still had information about the existence of Constantine during the last battle with Norton in Hopeless Sky. .

Taking the authority of bronze and fire as the premise, since Norton's consciousness is still sleeping in the bronze tree rooted in Lu Mingfei's sea of ​​consciousness, there is no doubt that what he needs to face in the end is the other twin, Kang Standing.

As for the upcoming confrontation with the Dragon King, hadn't he already said that? He had already made up his mind.

All awareness.

The little devil looked ahead.

His eyes held an inexplicable meaning.

But what is certain is that he is worried, deeply worried.


"No, I should say this last stage of the trial..."

The little devil hesitated to speak.

"Brother, it may be different from what you think."

"Oh, it's different?"

Lu Mingfei was really curious. He had fought all the way from Centralia to the Nibelungen. His opponents included mixed-blood warriors and pure-blood dragons. He had experienced everything that should be experienced. It was different. How could it be different?


The little devil said seriously.

"Even you, brother, may fail."

no respond.

The little devil raised his head strangely and looked at Lu Mingfei's side face.

The young man just looked at the road ahead intently.

But he didn't ignore the little devil either.

Then Lu Mingfei opened his mouth.

"I thought you were going to say something."

"It turns out, it's just this."


The little devil blinked in confusion.

"It's going to fail or something."

"I knew it earlier."

Lu Mingfei's tone was nonchalant.

"Is it surprising?"

"No, you should be able to understand that there is no 100% success in this world. If you think that you will never fail, you are just deceiving yourself."

"But if you are afraid just because of the possibility of failure."

"Do nothing, even give up."

Lu Mingfei chuckled.

"That would be too ugly."

The little devil wanted to say more.

Lu Mingfei had already spoken.

"I know what you mean."

"The probability of failure is high, right?"

"The hope of success is slim, right?"

"But, but."

"Isn't a chance of survival a chance of survival?"

"To be honest, whether I can reach the end is not my original intention of embarking on this road."

"The reason why I set out on this path is why I am still moving forward."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Because I want to."

The little devil breathed out.

"Although what you said makes sense, brother."

"But if you go to the last stage with the current you..."

"I see."


"I said, I got it."

The young man disappeared in the corridor, and the dark golden candle flickered.

"that's all."

"I'm going."



The expensive handle shattered into two pieces.

Eriyi blinked.

She didn't know what was wrong with her.

Obviously I was just bored and wanted to watch the Big Devil's King of Fighters video.

Why did I just click on it, and not long after I looked at it, I was like this.

Eriyi had a bad feeling.

The last time this happened, my brother was wrapped up into a mummy the next day and was in a coma for three days before waking up.

Erika became serious.

Think about it seriously, last time, the hamster she had raised for two weeks passed away.


These are all very serious matters.

Eriki thought of the boy wearing a bronze mask.

Damn big devil.

Disgusting big devil.

What happened to him?


This corridor is very long.

The route is winding and complicated.

Lu Mingfei almost forgot how long he had been walking.

Mainly because he was mentally weak and had to prepare for the upcoming battle. He was almost taking advantage of the opportunity to rest and relax his mind so that he could face the twins of bronze and fire.


This is not an existence that can be underestimated.

Red Dragon and the bronze vassals he led have proven the power of dragons.

From power to body, horizontal comparison, he is also a warrior of the African level in Kyushu.

So what about the Dragon King they are loyal to?

Perhaps, only Waigang warriors can really handle it.

But he was just a useless person, with wounds all over his body, both bright and dark.

It's a miracle that he can walk, not to mention that he still has to fight the Dragon King.

This is not the power of the little devil, the opposite of reality, the world called illusion.

This is the reality that death means death without negotiation.

So what?

The end of the corridor.

An empty valley.

Waterwheels, creeks, and thatched houses.

Lu Mingfei looked at everything here.

Until, the sound of footsteps...

Lu Mingfei's eyes narrowed and he cheered up.

That is, the direction of the thatched house.

Squeeze hard, squeeze! press!

The body didn't respond.

Are you going to use a life-threatening method?

he thought.

I saw a boy in white push open the door of the room, cautiously poked his head out, and took a look at him.

Without waiting for Lu Mingfei's next reaction.

The boy laughed happily.

He couldn't wait to run towards Lu Mingfei.

The sleeves of the white clothes flutter like clouds.

Just listen to the boy shouting.

"elder brother."

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