Since when did my sister change?

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Eriyi with deep eyes.

Watch her run around the room with a cheerful smile.

"That, Eri Yi."

"Let's play a game."

Yuan Zhisheng held up the handle.

"There are new monster hunters."

When he found that his sister was indifferent, he immediately changed his tactics.

"You can also use a handheld console, Qiangqiang, look what this is, the latest generation of Pokémon!"

The girl who was flipping through the book and biting her pen turned around.

Finally there was a reaction.

Yuan Zhisheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Eriki's expression was different from what he imagined.

The girl puffed up her face angrily and flipped through her ledger to show him.

【Brother is very noisy! 】

【Eriyi has to work and study! 】

【Please don’t disturb Eri! 】

Yuan Zhisheng silently put down the game controller and handheld console.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm so sorry."

A shoji painted with green mountains and white stones is drawn up in front of you.

Yuan Zhisheng sighed silently.

Why did things become like this?

Mingming finally put down the executive bureau and family affairs, and made up his mind to accompany Eriki.

But the cute and caring sister is gone.

Eriyi actually thought I was noisy.

Yuan Zhisheng felt that this was more painful than being stabbed three times by a fallen ghost.

It's just a little more comfortable than fighting an S-class.

In fact, if you think about it, it is quite normal.

After all, Eri has grown up too.

She is no longer the little girl who follows her brother and knows nothing.

If you have something you want to do and need private time, I understand.

Yuan Zhisheng tried to comfort himself.

I comforted and comforted, but in the end I sighed in loneliness.

Sure enough, I still can't figure it out.

That was Eri, his sister, even if she grew up or something, she suddenly came over and asked to buy teaching aids, claiming that from today on Eri would study hard and never touch games and anime again. Such a change was too big. Come on.

Moreover, sister, you are the eldest daughter of the Sheqi Hachi family and the head of the Uesugi family. Why do you work and study? Is it important to take the exam? Do you know that you will scare the president of Dongda University to death? The eldest daughter of the eight Sheqi family is going to Dongda University. If she bumps into her somewhere, the principal will probably have to have a caesarean section overnight to apologize.

I can't figure it out. I can't figure it out no matter how hard I try.

Minamoto Zhisheng felt that something must have happened to Eriki.

But what happened?

He tried to remember.

The critical time point should be the last time she was in coma. Eriyi's royal blood was not stable and her constitution was very fragile.

The rescue effort that day went on for a long time, but fortunately, she was safe in the end. When Eriki woke up from the coma, Gen Zhisheng rushed to the ward after receiving the news. He found that his sister was in good spirits, even though she had just undergone an operation. , her eyes were shining brightly, and when she saw him, she had to hold her account book and pen. Minamoto knew that it was her younger sister who wanted to speak. It was also because of the unstable imperial blood that Eriyi couldn't speak like an ordinary child. Able to communicate with people through handbook.

In the ward, the brother and sister chatted for a long time.

It didn't end until Dad came over.

However, there was one thing that Minamoto was concerned about. When her kind father came over, Eriki became obviously more restrained and stopped writing in the ledger. She just nodded and shook her head in agreement, even though she had a lot of It was a good concealment, but how could Eriki hide it from the eyes of Minamoto Chisei and Tachibana Masamune. They clearly saw that the child had something on his mind and it was related to Tachibana Masamune.

The child seemed to be afraid of his father.

What is on your mind...what could it be?

But no matter what it is, dad is still dad, and Eri is too rude.

So after leaving the ward, Minamoto Zhisheng immediately found Tachibana Masamune and apologized to his father seriously on behalf of his ignorant sister.

Tachibana Masamune laughed and helped him up.

"Too serious, childish."

"There's absolutely no need to do that."

"No matter what, Eri is still my child."

He patted the back of Yuan Zhisheng's hand hard.

Yuan Zhisheng felt that his father's power was far less than before, and he was speechless.

It doesn't matter whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is that Ju Zhengzong, the head of the eight Sheqi families, is really old.

He watched the old man go away from where he was. His slightly stooped figure still had a vague shadow of the tall and straight man he once was.



"You're afraid of Dad, why?"

Yuan Zhisheng asked gently.

"Eri, don't be afraid. Just tell your brother and everything will be fine. Nothing will happen."

The girl looked at him, as if confirming something, and finally took out her ledger.

The moment he saw that line of words, Yuan's innocent golden eyes ignited due to excessive emotion.

Eriyi shrank into the quilt.

Yuan Zhisheng, who was about to question him subconsciously, fell silent.

If it were someone else's gangster father, Yuan Zhisheng would definitely draw his sword, but this person was Eri Yi, and he knew that Eri Yi would never lie.

Tear off the paper and hold it in your hand.

"Promise me you will never tell anyone else about this."

"No one can tell."


【Um. 】

[Can’t dad say that too? 】

"Yeah, and neither can Dad."

【I see. 】

After leaving the ward, Yuan Zhisheng was the same as usual, with no abnormality at all.

I went to the toilet halfway and closed the stall door.

Don't use a lighter as the smell will be noticed.

The torn paper was thrown up.

[Dad is a monster. 】

The spider was cut out of its sheath, no matter how narrow the space, Yuan Zhisheng used his sword skills, and the slash turned into wind in an instant, shattering the paper.

The debris fell accurately into the toilet bowl and was swept away in the flush.

He walked out of the cubicle, turned on the faucet, and washed his hands.

Monster? With dragon blood flowing in our bodies, who among us is not a monster?

But Eriyi...

He raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

It was a pair of majestic golden eyes.

【Daddy is a monster】

The back of this sentence.

[The monster wants to eat me. 】


"these are?"

"Application for joining the society."

A stack of self-propelled documents came towards Lu Mingfei.

If it weren't for the two familiar white legs underneath, Lu Mingfei almost thought it was some new black technology developed by the equipment department.

Zero put the file on the table.

Lu Mingfei randomly drew one, including name, age, bloodline, rating, etc. Is there something strange mixed in? Why is it specially marked with three dimensions?

Fingel, you're dead.

"Do you want to watch them all?"


Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and looked down.

"This is too much."

"Strange, are there so many students in Kassel?"

“These are the parts for students who are on campus.”

Zero put aside a stack of applications for joining the company.

“These are the professors and faculty members.”

She picked out another pile of papers separately.

“That’s the executive commissioner’s part.”

In the end, there was only a short section of the document hill left.

For a long time, Zero just looked at himself and said nothing.

There was no other way, Lu Mingfei asked, pointing to the remaining application form.

"What about these?"

"School janitor."

"School janitor?"

"You said anyone can join, but the school janitor doesn't have dragon blood, so I can't be sure."

Lu Mingfei smiled.

He also took the last stack of applications for joining the club.

"Anyone can join, that is, anyone can join, it doesn't matter whether they have blood or not."

"Okay, is that all the application form?"

"Looks like we're pretty busy."


When the Jiuzhou branch was officially established, the Night Watch forum immediately became abuzz.

Whether students, professors, or even commissioners on missions outside, everyone yearns for S-level martial arts.

There is no need to elaborate on the power of martial arts. The S-class record is the best endorsement. Defeating Caesar and Chu Zihang is just a thing of the past. The most shining crown is dragon slaying. Even bronze and fire died in the hands of S-class martial arts. Who else? Who can question it?

But the problem arises precisely because too many people join.


Schneider tapped on the blackboard.

There were only a few students in the classroom, either sleeping on the table or lying directly on the ground.

"Wake up!"

Schneider looked terrible.

Some students dared to sleep in his class!

"Tell me, what did you do yesterday?"

He turned on the Desert Eagle's safety.

In general, teachers in schools are very dignified, but Kassel is even more powerful. The professors here draw their guns immediately if they disagree with him. No one would doubt that the head of the executive department would be merciful, so for the sake of his own life, he still has to say whatever he wants. Good honest explanation.

"Martial arts training?"

"And you……"


When one person asked, it was because martial arts training consumed too much energy that he fell asleep in class.

What exactly does the S-Class do?

Schneider mused.

Because he was seriously injured, and considering his physical condition, martial arts should be ineffective no matter how amazing he was, so he did not submit the application.

Therefore, Schneider naturally does not know what exactly S-class training involves.

Next one, next one.

"What about you, is it also because of training?"

"answer me!"

"stand up!"

Schneider gradually discovered something unusual.

Why is this person so silent?

The students also looked at him.

The boy sitting next to him moved his throat, quietly stretched out his finger and put it in front of this person's nose.

Time seemed to freeze in this second.

"Still breathing!"

The boy shouted excitedly.

"Great, great!"

"Still breathing!"

"It's so good to be alive!"

"I heard that this brother trained twice as much as us yesterday!"

"What's more, you didn't see it later, Master Lu pulled him up alive and went to practice two more training volumes."

"That's... four times!"

"You won't die this way. Maybe there is a hidden boss behind this crane!"

"Yeah yeah."

The eyes of the students looking at this man gradually changed, as if they were looking at a hero, with such admiration and admiration, and a bit of sympathy for each other.

"Come here a few people and we'll take him to the school doctor's office!"

"I come!"

"Add me one!"

"He's too tired. Don't just move it. Let's lift the table, one corner per person. Listen to me, three, two, one, get up!"

Just like that, the four boys were carrying the desk, their faces solemn and even sacred. It was almost doubtful that this thing was not a desk at all, but a coffin.

Look, the man on the coffin sleeps peacefully.

A few religious students silently crossed themselves on their chests and prayed quietly.


That guy, the guy on the desk, if he saw it correctly, it should be Fingel.

Although it seemed exaggerated, Schneider, who had sharp eyes, still noticed the drool at the corner of Fingel's mouth, so he must have fallen asleep and was not dead, probably.

He scanned the classroom.

Those are tired faces.

The students were so tired that the class could not continue.

Even if he wanted to teach, the tired students didn't have the energy to listen.

Schneider said rest, packed up his textbooks, and walked out of the classroom.

He felt that he needed to talk to the principal.

The process of finding a principal was harder than he imagined.

Schneider went straight to the principal's office, but there was no one there.

Now he was in trouble. Where was the principal?

Go look elsewhere.

While searching for Angers on Schneiderman campus, a strange rumor began to spread in Kassel.

First, a student saw a moving desk.

"Look, someone is carrying the desk!"

"What's this?"

"There's someone on the desk!"


"The man was motionless..."

"Why did you say he was dead!"

"'s not as exaggerated as death..."

"That's it."

Arrived at the canteen at noon.

"Have you heard that someone died in Professor Schneider's class!"

"It seems like he was shot because he answered the question wrong!"


"How could you lie? I've even seen the coffin!"

"Why did I hear it was a desk..."

"You are stupid. If anyone can use a desk to carry someone, it must be a coffin. Trust me."


Lu Mingfei ordered food for three people as usual, but it was not as eye-catching as before. After all, there were more people practicing martial arts, and the more they practiced, the more they ate. Everyone's appetite also increased, although not Lu Ming. It’s not an exaggeration, but one person can easily eat food for two people.

Lu Mingfei didn't pay attention to the discussions among the students around him. He was completely immersed in his own world, mainly about matters related to the Jiuzhou branch. It was much harder to establish an organization than imagined. He had always been just a martial artist and had experience in management. There are really few.

At that time, Jiuzhou only had to fight. Even after returning, the Jiuzhou headquarters of the Children's Palace will still be in charge of more little devils, and there will not be many students.

This time was different. Lu Mingfei did all the management matters himself. Fortunately, Ling and Chu Zihang were there to help share the burden, otherwise he would really be helpless.

But the work of teaching cannot be left to others, not to mention that there are too many students in the Jiuzhou branch. Teaching dozens and hundreds of people is a completely different concept. There will be a steady stream of execution department specialists coming back to participate in the training. They If you are stationed or performing missions around the world, if you want to come back, you need to file a report and apply for it. You can only leave after getting approval.

No amount of tenderness can change the essence of Kassel, which is a dragon-slaying organization. Students at the school may still be able to enjoy their college time. Once you graduate and work in the Executive Directorate, your status will change from a student to a soldier. Dragon slayers are soldiers. Since they are soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders. Kassel, formerly known as the Camarilla, has a strict system. If you act without permission, unless you are S-class, you will be punished by the Camarilla. .

If you think about it for a moment, you will know how troublesome the process is for the commissioner to return to school. The time must be measured in months. However, Lu Mingfei is already considering speeding up the process. After all, compared to the students in Kassel, those who are really on the front line are The Executive Department Commissioner needs Kyushu Martial Arts even more, as this is a matter of life.

PS: From now on I will use the symbol [] to represent what Eriyi said.

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