Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 292: Standing and Visualization of Basic Martial Arts Theory

Just starting to stand does not mean that you can put down the basic skills.

Mountain rocks have to be carried every day.

Until they leave Kassel, they cannot be left behind.

Lu Mingfei corrected everyone's posture in the big class.

"Sink your waist, then sink again."

"Okay, okay, remember this feeling."

"Close your eyes! What are you looking at! Can you visualize if you look at me!"

"Why move? I'm looking for a beating!"

The pointer whizzed and hit Ye Sheng's thigh. Ye Sheng bared his teeth, but he quickly returned to his original posture.

Aki next to him twitched his lips, and the next second the pointer swung over.

it hurts!

Yaji gritted his teeth and didn't dare to make any more moves.

Lu Mingfei's face was as dark as water.

"I usually don't hit women back."

"But you are my students."

"Don't be lazy or relax. Practicing martial arts means enduring hardship. If you can't endure hardship, don't practice martial arts."

"If anyone wants to leave, come forward and I will approve it now!"

Lu Mingfei glanced at everyone and nodded.

"very good."

"Speaking of which, everyone is my senior and senior sister."

"Don't make me look down on you."

He stood in front of the array, moving his steps from time to time, making fists or palms with his hands, but his eyes never left the crowd.

This is Lu Mingfei's habit. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will practice martial arts. Practice makes perfect, and he can learn new things by reviewing the past. There are many truths in this. He can reach this point because of how much hard work he has put in.

Ye Sheng tried hard to outline the visualization picture in his mind.

After listening to the lessons these days, he also knew that what he was doing was an introduction to martial arts.

The power of Kyushu martial arts is very different from the internal power in fantasy novels. In general, the internal power in martial arts can probably be classified into the category of refining qi. Warriors refine the internal qi from their daily diet of grains, which is an energy. The process of transformation.

Therefore, taking the treasures of heaven and earth, such as red fruit, ginseng and fleece multiflorum, can quickly increase your cultivation level. This is the case for Duan Yu in The Eight Tribes of the Dragon.

The strength is different.

The three elements of Kyushu Martial Arts, spirit, energy and spirit go hand in hand, running through all stages of this system from body refining to martial sage.

Zhanzhuang is not just about standing, but also to outline the visualization picture in the sea of ​​consciousness at the same time. For example, when Chu Zihang practiced the Golden Crow Zhuang, his visualization picture was the three-legged Golden Crow Dharma. Ye Sheng chose the Wind Department and practiced Xiangliu. The pile, naturally visualized is the Xiangliu Dharma.

When he first saw the Xiangliu stake in Yuanwuyuan, Ye Sheng couldn't take his eyes away. When he saw the picture Xiangliu was imagining, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

It was as if there was a voice in his heart telling him repeatedly.

It’s this, it’s this, it’s this!

Ye Sheng searched a lot of information about Xiang Liu.

This is an ancient existence recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Don’t think that it is a monster just because it has nine snake heads. In fact, in the culture of ancient countries in the Far East, similar images have a special name, god-man.

Mythology records that Nuwa and Fuxi both have human bodies and snake tails. It is precisely because they are sacred that they have such images.

The more he looked at Xiangliu's information, the more delighted Ye Sheng became. Although he didn't know what the relationship between the Xiangliu pile and the mythical Xiangliu was, since the images he visualized were all about this great god, he would definitely not be weak in the future.

It seems that he discovered some interesting things. There is a legend that Xiang Liu is a big snake with nine heads. After one of his heads was cut off, he fled overseas and settled on an island in the east called Fusang. He ruled the roost until he met a guy named Susano'o.

In other words, Xiangliu is Yamata no Orochi.

There was another reason why Ye Sheng chose Xiangliuzhuang, and that was his speaking ability.

As a result, the wind attribute spirit and the wind pile technique complement each other and can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Secondly, his speaking spirit was a snake, and Xiang Liu's image was that of a nine-headed serpent, which gave Ye Sheng a bold idea.

It's just that the Xiangliu pile is not that easy to repair.

The first is visualization.

Kung Fu can be divided into high and low levels, one of which is the visualization of images. If a warrior wants to cultivate strength, the first step is to stand and learn the stance.

Then the second part is to outline the visualization picture corresponding to the pile method in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's a very simple truth. The more complex the picture, the more difficult it is to outline. The warrior uses his mind as a pen and turns the sea of ​​consciousness into a picture. He writes down the thoughts and ideas one stroke at a time.

Among them, the levels of visual images can be roughly divided into the number of seven or nine, the number of eight or nine, and the highest number of nine or nine.

As the name suggests, the number of seventy-nine requires sixty-three strokes, the number of eighty-nine requires seventy-two strokes, and the number of ninety-nine requires eighty-one strokes.

It seems that there are some special inheritances that are not included in the three numbers. For example, the Dragon and Snake Secret Record that Lu Mingfei cultivated when he was in Kyushu is the number eighty-nine, and the Lingbao inheritance that Yuanyuan cultivated is the number ninety-one.

But it doesn’t mean that the stronger the visualization picture is and the stronger the technique is, the stronger the warrior will be.

Again, Kyushu martial arts differs from person to person, and this is reflected from the very beginning of the stance. For example, Chu Zihang’s Golden Crow Stake is the number of the Golden Crow, which is the number of ninety-nine. However, due to his outstanding personal talent , and it was particularly compatible with the fire department skills, so that later on, the number of ninety-nine was added to the number, escaped from the cage, and suddenly became the visualization picture of the number eighty-two.

This is why it is emphasized that martial artists cultivate their own path. If a person has practiced martial arts for a lifetime, and has only been spinning around in the seventy-nine, eighty-nine, ninety-nine, and ninety-nine ways of his predecessors, then his life in this life will not be the same. The height only ends here, non-human beings are the limit, and Wai Gang can't even think about it.

Speaking of which, in the past few days, some people have been curious about how many Lu Mingfei Xiu's visions he had.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to go directly to ask the road master. Think of Fingel, he is still watching us from the hospital bed!

The warriors and would-be warriors of Kassel were quarreling in the Night Watch Forum.

Some people say that it is the number of ninety-nine. Of course, it is not the ninety-nine of eighty-one, but the ninety-nine of ninety-nine.

Some people say it is a hundred, but there are very few supporters, not as many as the ninety-nine.

The reason is still the culture of the ancient Far Eastern countries.

Because of the need for martial arts training, Kassel can almost be renamed as a branch of the Confucius Institute. Few young people in the Far East can memorize the Li Sao Shijing. The students in Kassel are ready to change their colorful hair. Dye it black and put on colored contact lenses, it's like the ancient oriental version of the Renaissance.

It is precisely because of their cultural understanding of the Far East that they understand the principle of when the water is full, it will overflow and the moon will wax and wane.

In the culture of the Far East, the number "nine" has a very special meaning. This is the ultimate number. If you go one step further, it will be the next reincarnation. Let's look at the Chinese character "ten", which is two ones. In Eastern mysticism, Explain that ninety-nine is the maximum, and one hundred should be counted as the next cycle. From this perspective, as a martial arts master, Lu Mingfei, if his visualization picture has to be between "ninety-nine" and: " "One hundred" to choose between the two, most people will prefer the former.

Of course, there are other possibilities.

The visualization of the ninety-nine numbers is too exaggerated. The most powerful ones they saw in Yuanwuyuan were only the ninety-two numbers from the Secret of Lingbao, the eighty-eight numbers from the Secret of Dragon and Snake, and some others. special inheritance, but all special inheritances other than three-number visualization must be approved by Lu Mingfei before they can be practiced.

It's not that he is stingy, he also thinks about these students. Although the special inheritance is powerful, it has extremely high requirements for warriors. If people who are not suitable are forced to practice, they will only waste time and most likely achieve nothing.

As long as Lu Mingfei approves, he will never stop him.

As for the Secret Record of Dragon and Snake, it is said that hybrids have dragon blood flowing in their bodies, so they can basically practice it.

but it is not the truth.

Lu Mingfei was surprised to find that if the hybrids were allowed to practice the Dragon and Snake Secret Records, their chances of becoming corrupted would be as high as 90%.

After the decimal point, you can count a series of nines.

He thought that every mixed race has a dragon personality, and the visualization of the Dragon Snake Secret Record is exactly that of a dragon and snake. When a mixed race practices martial arts, I really don’t know whether it is the human you who is practicing martial arts, or the dragon you.

According to Lu Mingfei's estimation, it is most likely the latter.

Even Chu Zihang's spiritual will was difficult to get through. In comparison, Lu Mingfei even felt that this secret book of dragons and snakes was simply a technique tailor-made for mixed-race dragon personalities.

Perfect fit.

Moreover, the significance of this Dragon and Snake Secret to Lu Mingfei is different from other techniques. He can teach it, but those who practice the Dragon and Snake Secret are not just students, but his disciples of Lu Mingfei.

So far, Lu Mingfei has brought out hundreds of warriors in the dragon world.

But in terms of title, they are just students.

Lu Mingfei only regarded himself as a teacher.

Just as he told Schneider and Angers.

The relationship between master and disciple has extraordinary significance to Lu Mingfei.

The memories of my parents are already very vague.

It doesn't matter.

The master is Lu Mingfei’s father.

The discussion on the Night Watch forum was very heated.

So, one day, Chu Zihang flipped through the documents and while reading, he calmly asked Mingfei for directions.

"Have you read the forum recently?"

Lu Mingfei looked up from planning the martial arts campus for next year.


He scratched his chicken coop-like hair.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about, senior."

Lu Mingfei laughed mischievously.

"Can't you tell? Senior, you usually keep quiet, but you are also so concerned about gossip."

Chu Zihang carefully flipped through the information, his expression remained unchanged, and his heartbeat was steady. People who didn't know him might be deceived by this guy's appearance.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his waist.

"My visualization picture..."

""Actually, there's nothing that can't be said, but no one has ever walked this road, and I don't know what will happen in the end. Considering the risk, I haven't put it in Yuanwuyuan for the time being. "

"To be specific, how many..."

Under Chu Zihang's calm appearance, his ears pricked up secretly in his heart.

"The only number."

Chu Zihang frowned.



Lu Mingfei nodded.

"Just one stroke."

He recalled the meditation he had done on the rooftop for the first time a few months ago.

At that time, the sea of ​​consciousness was like chaos, with heaven and earth undivided, no up and down, no left and right, no past, no future, and no living beings.

He visualized that stroke.

This is the visual image of the Kaitian Zhuang.

The only number.


The number of Dayan.

It is said that Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to three, and three gives rise to all things.

With just one stroke, he divided the yin and the yang, raised the clear and lowered the turbid, and created the world.

If you don't have extremely profound attainments in martial arts, if you don't have a thorough understanding of Kaitian Zhuang.

Of course, even with these, another person would not be able to make this amount.

The most important and most important point.

Because he is Lu Mingfei.

The discussion at the night watchman is still going on, but the heat is gradually dying down. Everyone has their own things to do. They have to stand still and visualize, and they have to stick to basic skills every day. The rest of the time they have to attend classes, and they have to go to the Genbu Academy to study martial arts theory. .

You must know that once they leave Kassel, they will not be able to log in to the Yuanwu Academy again. While there is still time, they can see a little bit. For returning specialists like Ye Sheng, wasting time is a crime.

"Visualize, visualize, visualize!"

While eating, Ye Sheng heard Kafka next door muttering similar words.

He seemed to be in a daze. He originally had the melancholy eyes of a poet, but now he looked like a mental patient. He was staring straight at a piece of lotus root on the dinner plate, talking about visualization, visualization, visualization, sitting there and moving. Don't move for a moment.

At such a strange scene, Ye Sheng just glanced at it and took a breath.

"Another crazy one."

There are too many phenomena like Kafka.

This level of visualization stumps many people.

It is said to outline the visual picture in the sea of ​​consciousness. At first glance, it sounds like anyone who has learned sketching can quickly complete this step.

This is not the case.

This is not like sketching on a plaster statue, just smear it on paper with a pencil.

Many times, you clearly know how to carve this stroke and what shape it should be, but you just can't get it right.

When I asked the master, he just said that the heat was not enough. Go back and continue to do the basic skills. Read the secret book twice more, look at the visualization picture, think about the intention of the pile method you chose, and ask yourself if you really understand it. ?

They came to the road master with a lot of questions.

The road master is worthy of being a road master.

There were more problems after I returned.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Practicing martial arts is his own business. All Lu Mingfei can do is supervise and explain. But even if he breaks the truth and crushes it into pieces, the students still have to understand the final step. Finish.

Moreover, the vast majority of students chose eight or nine or even ninety-nine pile methods, which must be more difficult. At that time in the Children's Palace, everyone except Yuan Yuan stood on the Hunyuan pile. As an entry-level student in Kyushu In the pile method, the number of visual images is naturally seven or nine. It is natural that Chen Ping'an can cultivate his strength quickly.

If it were Ye Sheng and the others who repaired the Hunyuan pile, they would definitely not be slower than those at the Children's Palace.

As for Yuanyuan, the ninety-two numbers of spiritual treasure inheritance can still cultivate strength within seven days.

It can only be said that Kenshin Kongming is unreasonable.

At the dinner table, Susie reminded everyone again.

"Don't be anxious. Although the task given by Master Lu is heavy, there is no requirement that we must develop strength within a certain period of time. Martial arts training is not something that happens overnight. Do you still remember what Master Lu said? Martial arts training is a lifelong matter. As life continues, martial arts practice will continue.”

"Have an attitude of living a good life and practice martial arts well. The speed or slowness of a moment means nothing. It is more meaningful to appreciate the scenery of each period of life."

"Don't forget the agreement you made with Master Lu in the first lesson of martial arts."

"When we practice martial arts, we are not trying to be aggressive, we are not bullying the weak, and we are not forced to compete with others."

"Practice martial arts is to know yourself, surpass yourself, and then become a better version of yourself."

Having said this, Susie smiled.

"How about this pot of chicken soup?"

The one who reacted fastest was Ye Sheng.

He burped.

"I'm holding on till I die! I'm holding on till I die!"

Kafka and others also smiled knowingly.

Although there is nothing wrong with what Susie said is indeed like chicken soup, in fact, this is the truth.

For example, among the first batch of back-to-school specialists, one month has passed and there are still some who have not cultivated enough.

They also continued to do basic skills every day, such as standing stances, logging into the Yuanwu Academy, and studying step by step.

On the contrary, his mentality is better than that of Ye Sheng and others.

"Senior Sister Su, please tell us more about stances and visualization."

Yuffie clasped her palms together, looking pitiful.

"Actually, Master Lu made it very clear. I couldn't have said it better."

Noticing the looks in the four people's eyes, Susie smiled.

"Of course, if I must talk, I can only talk about my own experience."

"Like a road master, I can't do this kind of thing by giving different guidance to each person according to their different situations."

"Okay, okay!"

Yuffie said quickly.

"We just want to hear about your experience, don't we, Kafka?"

Kafka nodded seriously.

"Then I'll say a few words."

Susie thought for a moment.

"You should remember that Master Lu said that it is important to understand the purpose of the technique."

"On the one hand, it is to understand the words in the secret book, and on the other hand, it is to visualize the pictures."

"Only when you truly understand can you write in the sea of ​​knowledge."

"The number of eight-nine requires seventy-two strokes, and the number of nine-nine requires eighty-one strokes. It must be completed in one go, without any interruption. Only by doing this and completing the outline of the visualization picture in your sea of ​​consciousness in one breath can you To truly integrate essence and qi, God will control them."

"And the strength starts from this point on."

"Needless to say what happened after that, it was just a matter of water grinding. While standing still, I sketched the visualization picture over and over again in the sea of ​​consciousness. Every time I completed it, my strength increased. However, in the same five hours, someone can practice it. There are ten strands of strength, but some people can cultivate twenty strands. There are many influencing factors for the difference, but I hope that when you get to that day, don’t compare, don’t be proud, and don’t be discouraged. Everyone’s path is different. Have confidence in yourself and keep going.”

Yuffie pouted.

"Then we have to wait until we gain strength."

Kafka thought about Susie's words.

“Make a decision, make a decision, make a decision.”

"Are you determined?"

This word is not unfamiliar to him.

His father hoped that he would become an excellent writer and have the ability to think independently, so he gave him a name like Kafka.

In fact, he did not disappoint his father. Kafka showed excellent writing talent since he was a child. Just as some children with extraordinary talents in the field of mathematics will sincerely sigh "It's so beautiful" when they see the formulas and theorems. When I see certain sentences or articles, I will also express similar emotions.

His spirit of speech was Chi, but Kafka did not choose the Department of Fire. He practiced a martial arts that few people took.

Dream part: Huang Liang Zhuang.

The book has its own beauty like jade, and the book has its own golden house.

And Huang Liang has a dream, and spring and autumn come again several times.

Kafka loved words and was keen on imagination. He could stay at home for a month without going out, as long as he had enough books and coffee.

Huang Liangzhuang is very suitable for him, not in terms of words and spirits, but in terms of personal psyche. He can mix the fake with the real and weave illusions. The Dream Department is an extremely special type of martial arts. They can often kill people invisible. It is said in Kyushu that some people can dream. This is the source of the strange and bizarre stories about murders in the novel.

Warriors who practice the Dream Ministry have extremely high spiritual requirements, and it is more difficult for them to get started. Although it does not belong to a special inheritance, after Kafka chose the Dream Ministry, Lu Mingfei had a special talk with him to clarify this path. special.

Kafka was an adult and had the ability to take responsibility for his actions. He knew what he would face if he followed the Dream Ministry, but he still chose this path resolutely.

Mengbu has many techniques, including Butterfly Stake, Free Stake, and Xiaoyao Stake, but the one he chose was Huangliang Stake, which may not be very lethal, but is interesting enough.

In the future, Kafka will be able to trick people into having a dream that can be mistaken for reality.

Speaking of which, martial arts of this level can almost be described as a miracle.

We will talk about the future later. What Kafka needs to think about now is visualization.

The visual image of a yellow beam pile is a piece of wood.

At first glance, people might mistakenly think that this is a technique like Kibe.

But it's not. Look carefully, there is a wine gourd hanging under the piece of wood.

It is really an extremely simple picture, and many arts have something in common, especially since Kafka was a mixed race. While he loved words, he also dabbled in violin, piano, sketching, oil painting and other fields.

Mixed races seem to be like this, with an innate talent for works of art. It seems that dragon blood brings them not only tyranny, but also a sense of art and elegance.

Although he is not an expert, at Kafka's level, it is not easy to carve a piece of wood.

But he just got stuck.

Even on the first day, he stood there for five hours, unable to make a single stroke.

Everywhere I feel is wrong.

Kafka listened with rapt attention to every lesson given by Master Lu.

The notes were written in three thick notebooks, which contained not only Master Lu’s words, but also his understanding at the time and his flash of inspiration afterwards.

But I have been unable to put pen to paper.

After listening to Susie's words, Kafka's heart suddenly moved, as if he thought of something.

In fact, what Susie said is nothing special.

All were explained over and over again by Lu Mingfei in class.

But some things are just that.

Just like a person reads the Three Kingdoms when he is eight years old, studies the Three Kingdoms when he is eighteen years old, and studies the Three Kingdoms when he is twenty-eight years old.

There is a new understanding every time.

The same book, the same people, why do they have different perceptions?

After all, it’s not that my mood has changed.

In Lu Mingfei’s words.

That is, the heat has arrived.

In the past half month, Kafka read the secret book more than 500 times.

It took no less than fifty hours to observe the pictures.

Every night he sleeps with the secret book in his arms.

The dream was filled with countless pieces of wood and wine gourds.

Accumulate but gain little.

God will live up to his will.

Finally at this moment, the seed in his heart sprouted.

In the afternoon, stand.

Lu Mingfei glanced at everyone, hummed slightly, and his eyes fell on Kafka.

He remembered that this person was cultivating the Department of Dreams.

Half a month.

Lu Mingfei smiled lightly.


The term "Sea of ​​Knowledge" is a unique term for martial arts.

The warrior uses a special stance as a key to open the door to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then draw the corresponding picture of the pile method at this moment.

This act is visualization.

Kafka, as in the past, once again stood firm.

This is Huangliangzhuang’s posture, which naturally opens Huangliangzhuang’s sea of ​​consciousness. Master Lu once said that the standing posture and the visual images correspond one to one, just like a key opening a lock. , if the posture is messed up, don’t even think about it.

Kafka moves very slowly.

He carefully senses every detail.

The degree of bending of the knee.

Arms posture.

The handprint is loose or tight.

Is your back straight?

Are you relaxed?

During this process, Kafka gradually closed his eyes.

From the deepest part of his heart, he felt safe.

First there are the arms with mudras.


Right at this moment.

It seems like it no longer exists.

Can't feel it, can't feel it.

Kafka did not panic, he was just like a child, curious, delighted, and calm, watching all this happen.

After the arms come the shoulders.

Slowly, slowly, Kafka could no longer feel his own existence.

His body seemed to melt.

Only consciousness is still floating in this world.

This is his best form in half a month.

If he had the ability to read minds, he would be able to hear Lu Mingfei's comments.

"Enter samadhi."

This is meditation.

Use special postures as keys to open the door to the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the essence of zhanzhuang.

The so-called entering concentration is to eliminate all interference for the martial artist. With the same concentration, it would be impossible to draw forty strokes. Under concentration, the efficiency may be doubled, and the same concentration can even be used to draw eighty strokes.

Kafka's spirit came to a space.

This is his sea of ​​consciousness.

He waved, holding a pen.

Very simple style, brass texture, with some wear and tear in places, obviously from many years of use.

Kafka gently stroked the pen.

There is a line of Latin inscribed on it.

"To my dear little Kafka"

He smiled, and the man's figure seemed to appear in front of him.


Kafka closed his eyes.

I'm going to start.

Please be good and look at me.

The pen falls.

This is the first stroke.

The darkness was split open, the ink marks were deeply imprinted, and the places where they were crossed shone like gold, and finally returned to ordinary.

Then the second stroke, the third stroke, the fourth stroke.

Kafka had never experienced such a wonderful moment.

Not to mention the very beginning, even the last time, when contemplating the picture, there was nothing that I didn’t think about over and over again, and there was nothing that I didn’t try my best to do.

And now?

Kafka waved his pen freely and casually, even with a slight smile on his lips.

He is not copying.

He is portraying the heart.

own heart.

Ten strokes...

Thirty strokes...

Fifty strokes...

Seventy strokes...

Seventy-seven strokes!

Huangliangzhuang, the Mengbu Kung Fu method,

Visualize the picture as a number of ninety-nine, that is, a total of eighty-one strokes.

When the ninety-nine are counted, the visualization picture is completed, the strength is developed, and one is called a martial artist. This is the beginning of martial arts.

Kafka, only four more.

There are only the last four strokes left.

By this time, the pen was already very heavy. Kafka felt that what he was holding was not a pen at all, but a mountain or a star. It was heavier than anything.

But his eyes were so bright.

Kafka never lit the golden eye.

But his eyes were hotter than golden eyes.

It is a spiritual candle.

He put pen to paper.

This is the straw rope that outlines the wine gourd.

And the last three strokes.

But Kafka could no longer lift his hand.

He tried, but just a few inches later, he fell again.

Kafka's accumulation can only support him so far. The road ahead, even if it is an increase in concentration, cannot go on.

There is nothing we can do about it.

But...should we give up?

Once I give up, if I still want to be in such a good state today, I really don’t know how long it will take.

"The practice of a warrior is to constantly surpass yourself and become a better person."

The words of the road master are still in my ears.

Go beyond yourself?

Kafka's eyes were firm.

He has the freedom and ease to walk through the mountains.

The hand holding the pen moved.

Slowly, very slowly, but it did move.

He made seventy-nine strokes.

Half of a wine gourd.

At this moment, the visual picture of Huangliang Zhuang only lacks the last two strokes.

Crossbar, straw rope, wine gourd.


But Kafka really reached his limit.

His figure is unreal.

The fountain pen has also almost disappeared.

Can this be the end of it?

"Use martial arts to carry the Tao, and remember that your past, your memories, your attachment and pain, your unwillingness and yearning, together constitute the individual you are now."

"And these are also the power of martial arts."

"Those who have never experienced anything cannot cultivate martial arts."

"When you can't go on, think about your past. What supports you in practicing martial arts? What is your motivation? Have you forgotten it by today?"

"If you haven't forgotten."

"Then think of him."

Thick notes are not wasted effort.

Kafka remembered every word of the master.

And these words also became the help for his breakthrough at this moment.

Why do I... practice martial arts?

Kafka thought of that man.

The man he called father.

He died in the cold winter of Prague, with Deadpool slicing open his chest.

But Kafka could no longer remember what his father looked like when he died.

In his memory, his father was always smiling.

He has no distinguished pedigree.

No notable achievements.

There is no one who responds to one call, no one who is rough in the front and one who is useful in the back, and no country with wealth that can rival it.

But even like this, he is still Kafka's hero.

All fathers are heroes to their children.

"I miss you."


A tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Broad palms covered his palms.

"Little Kafka."

The man's shadow was glowing, and his smile remained the same.

"Little Kafka is a man!"

"A man cannot cry."

Kafka stared blankly at the man's profile.

He has a blue-gray beard that must be painful if it pricks his face. He has thick eyebrows and a brisk look, as if nothing will ever trouble this man.

"Come on, little Kafka!"

The corners of the father's mouth turned up slightly. It was the smile he made when he was coaxing his child to sleep. It was the gentlest smile in the world.

he said to his children.

"Daddy teaches you how to draw."

How long ago was this?

They live in a cabin in Norway.

His father sat on the ground with him, and the two of them scribbled on the paper.

"Dad, look at my painting!"

"Oh, let me see what my little Kafka has drawn!"

"Look, this is me, this is dad, and this is mom!"

"My little Kafka is such a genius, what a wonderful painting!"

Your past, your attachment, your things that cannot be forgotten no matter what.

All will become your strength.

"Okay, Dad."

"Together we will."

Eighty strokes!

The last touch of the wine gourd is completed.

By now, Kafka's visualization picture has been completed.

Crossbar, straw rope, wine gourd.

Exactly the same.



Eighty strokes!

This is only eighty strokes!

The visual image of yellow beam piles in the dream department is the number of ninety-nine.

Not a single sum should be missing.

Anything less will make it impossible.

But the picture has obviously been completed, where should the final touch be placed?

Kafka remained calm and composed.

He smiled and said to his father.

"Actually, I have forgotten what you looked like when you died."

"Like you said so long ago."

"I'm not a strong person."

"Revenge is too difficult for me."

"Because I know that even if you kill all the Deadpools, you will not be resurrected."

"So revenge is meaningless to me."

Kafka said softly.


"From the beginning, I just was."

"I want to go back to that year in the cabin in Norway."

"A family warming themselves in front of the fireplace."

"I really want to."

"Listen to you again, the story of you and your mother."

He put pen to paper.

That's on top of the crossbar.

It is also above the yellow beam.

What's above the yellow sorghum? ,

Of course, Huang Liang is a dreamer.

Others can't see it, just because,. This man is still dreaming.

A dream of yellow beams, several spring and autumn.


"I miss you."

Visualize it and become powerful.

Kafka slowly opened his eyes.

Lu Mingfei smiled and stretched out his hand to him.

"Well done."

PS: Happy Children’s Day everyone.

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Updates owed: 52

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