"Did he succeed?"

"It's too far away to hear clearly."

"You don't even have to think about it when we hug each other, we must be together."

Hearing Nono's words, Yuffie stuck out her tongue and smiled sheepishly.

"That's right."

Then she looked at Ye Sheng and Ya Ji embracing each other, sighing with longing.

"This is love, it's so good."

The words changed with a little regret.

"It's a pity. We have been preparing for so long, but we haven't used it yet."

"Not necessarily."

The corners of Nuonuo's lips and eyebrows were upturned, looking like a fox full of bad intentions.

"They hold theirs, and we let go of ours. There's no conflict, right?"

"But wasn't the confession successful?"

"What does that matter?"

Nuonuo was chewing gum, as if the sky was falling and she would have nothing to do with Miss Ben.

"I am the commander of this operation. Listen carefully and proceed as planned."

Snapping her fingers, she smiled.

"Come and add some excitement to our newly born couple."

Zenith Terrace, the highest point on the mountaintop campus.

Caesar flips the switch.

The bright beam of light reflects on the wall of the library, the largest building on the mountaintop campus.

"Would you like one?"

"Thank you, I won't smoke."

Caesar smiled nonchalantly, holding a cigar in his mouth and looking at the library.

Kafka accompanied him.

"This is probably a blessing from all over the world."


Caesar said in a reluctant tone.

The changes in the library attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Sheng and Ya Ji, who were hugging each other, naturally also cast their gazes.

The white light forms a dazzling channel, like the tail of a star's comet.

The light illuminated half of their faces.

"That is?"

Aki wiped the corners of his eyes and looked curiously.

Ye Sheng said gently.

"It's a gift for you."



Yaji raised his head and saw Ye Sheng's smiling face.

"Look, it's about to begin."

It's roughly similar to the principle of projection.

On the wall of the library, a figure of a girl in a white dress appeared.

The skirt and long hair are fluttering slightly. Rather than saying it is weightless, it is more appropriate to describe it as sinking in the sea.

The mixed-race people subconsciously felt familiar, as if they had seen this girl before.

Someone quickly reacted.


By the way, isn’t the girl in the white light the campus secretary Norma?

Fingal stood next to the snowman. He was dressed up tonight, with a fresh face, neatly combed back hair, and expensive hairspray. He was holding a wine glass in one hand and putting a KFC paper bag on the snowman's head with the other hand. He pinched his chin to look at it, nodded, and added two strokes to the corners of the snowman's mouth with a smirk.

The good smile turned into sadness.

"Cry for me."

Nodding with satisfaction, Fingel calmed down his expression, which made people feel dazed. At this moment, the man who dominated Kassel many years ago seemed to be back. You can find in him the shadow of a soldier during World War II, iron-blooded, strong, and future-oriented. Achieve the goal by any means and move forward in an indomitable way.

Please note that the person standing here is not the king of paparazzi, not a perfect talker, not a German pork knuckle lover, nor a hopeless gambler.

Please call him.

Mr. Fingal.

He raised his glass to Norma.

"Nice to meet you."

Lift your head and drink.

Drink the unspoken words together.

"My girl.\

,"The professors stood together.

"Don't you care?"

"Casel's discipline should be left to Mr. Disciplinary Committee."

"But our two protagonists are subordinates of the director of the execution department."

Guderian stared with innocent eyes, looking at Manstein on one side and Schneider on the other.

There was a moment of silence.

"The Disciplinary Committee is on vacation. Let's discuss the punishment tomorrow."

"Same goes for the enforcement department."

Manstein and Schneider looked at each other and noticed the guy in the middle.

Although Manstein tried very hard to divert his attention, unfortunately, he failed.

He pointed painfully at Guderian's clothes.

This old friend was wearing a bright red cotton-padded jacket and nightcap, but the buttons were wrong.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Can't you see?"

Guderian sounded like there was really nothing he could do to you.

"This is a very festive Santa Claus costume."

Manstein just wanted to pry open his old friend's skull to see what was inside, chocolate pudding?


He growled under his breath.

"Don't think I can't tell, these are your pajamas!"

Guderian's eyes widened in disbelief and he smiled coquettishly.

"Haha, I was discovered by you."

Melodious music came from the campus PA system.

It's a dream wedding.

Guderian, who grasped the life-saving straw, quickly changed the subject and pointed at the library.


"They're starting!"

Manstein shook his head. He was completely desperate for his old friend.

The corners of Schneider's mouth beneath the mask were slightly raised.

The professors looked towards the library wall.

At the same time, pairs of eyes from the mixed race also fell there.

Caesar smoked a cigar.

Kafka's eyes were fascinated.

Yuffie's eyes were like stars.

Nonobi made a gun gesture, aimed at Ye Shengyaji, raised it slightly, smiled evilly, and banged it.

Fingel stood solemnly in the night, next to him was a snowman with a KFC paper bag as a hat, looking sad.

The professors stood in a row.

Lu Mingfei's hand left the railing with a slight smile.

Norma's disembodied voice, she said.


The virtual sexuality of the girl in the white dress turned into points of light and drifted away.

The screen lights up.

The faces of boys and girls.

"Hello, Ye Sheng, Jiu De Ya Ji."

It's so serious that it takes your breath away.

But the girl's smiling face makes you laugh again.

"Hello, Senior Ye, Senior Sister Jiude!"

Yaji excitedly turned to look at Ye Sheng.

"This is the president of the Lionheart Club!"

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi took turns saying blessings.

Xia Mi added playfully in the end.

"Don't forget me when you have wedding drinks in the future!"

Figure switching.

Face after face.

They use architecture from around the world as a backdrop.

Some are at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, some are at the Tokyo Sky Tree, some are at the Statue of Liberty, and some are in the Himalayas.

They use all kinds of languages.

Say the same blessing.

Aki gradually covered her mouth.

The eyes sparkled with crystal light.


She murmured a little embarrassedly.

"We are already together."

"what is the relationship."

Ye Sheng hugged her and lowered his head to speak.



The boy's voice rang in his ears.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

This sentence seems to have magic.

All of a sudden, the snow-covered winter in Asia turned into a spring with hundreds of flowers blooming.

she says.

"I do."

Trembling and blurry, the moment the words came out, even Aki himself was startled.

So she bit her lip and took a deep breath.

This time, it couldn't be clearer.


Yaji stared into Ye Sheng's eyes.

"I do."


Yuffie looked at Nono's leaving figure strangely.

"It's not over yet?"

"where you go?"

Nono waved his hand.

"about there."

she said lazily.

"There are still people waiting for me."

Yuffie was thoughtful.

"Oh, you mean Brother Caesar."

Nuonuo smiled and did not answer.

Kafka closed his eyes and was immersed in the atmosphere at the moment. The power cultivated by Huang Liang Zhuang in the Dream Department was running on its own. The many feelings in his heart became the materials on the path of martial arts practice.

Caesar was thoughtful, and after a while, he nodded.


Inspiration keeps flowing out.

Of course, he is not Kafka, and he does not have that much creative inspiration. All he can think of now is how to propose to Nono.

Otherwise, propose this year.

Thinking of this, Caesar suddenly felt a little strange.

Didn't you promise to come over soon? Why hasn't Nono arrived yet?

Somehow, he always had some bad premonitions in his heart.

After all, it was Nono, and whatever the crazy girl did was normal.

Sure enough, Caesar's hunch was right.

Until the fireworks went up and the video ended, Yuffie came over, but Nono was still missing.

"What, Nono?"

Yuffie said confusedly.

"Didn't she come back to you early?"

Caesar smiled helplessly.

He knew this would happen.

Lionheart Club, Office.

Nuonuo hummed and opened the door, smiled and greeted the man behind the table.

"You are indeed here, Susie."

Susie raised her head from the heavy paperwork, glanced at him, and continued to work on her work.

"Ye Sheng and Ya Ji, I remember you brought them."

"They are together, why don't you go and see them?"

"Please don't affect my work."

Nono didn't take Susie's indifferent attitude to heart at all, and she put the wine she brought on the table.

"What good is a man?"


"Sisters, let's drink with you."

She pushed the document aside arrogantly and snatched Susie's pen away.

He forcefully placed a bottle of wine in front of her.


Nono said.

"Who is not drunk?"

"Who is the puppy!"

Susie sat quietly for a while, picked up the bottle, cut the cap with sharp force, and poured herself wine.

Nono stroked her hair gently.

Like a big sister.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"We drink, and when we get drunk, nothing happens."

She watched Susie pour herself wine.

But, was that flowing down his chin wine or tears?

Maybe, that's exactly what I said.

"Wine enters the heart of sorrow, turning into tears of lovesickness."

Fingel took off the snowman's KFC paper hat and turned around and walked into the dark night.

His back is so tall.

So lonely again.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and watched the last embers of the fireworks fall.

That's right, zero.

Lu Mingfei thought.

Now, the child should be home by now.

Talk about it.

What will Zero's home look like?



The helicopter's rotors blew away the falling snow.

The earphones contained a well-intentioned warning from Mr. Driver.

"This weather is not suitable for skydiving, please be careful."


The petite girl responded softly.

When the cabin door was opened, the strong wind roared in.

But he couldn't shake the girl in the slightest.

"Good luck."

The girl flew forward and jumped down.

There was very little snow, but it was still falling. Skydiving in this weather was a nightmare, but it didn't matter.

She is of mixed race.

After all, the height of the helicopter, her physique, and her martial arts training meant she wouldn't even need a parachute.

"Your Highness the Princess of this era?"

Mr. Driver muttered something novel.

The helicopter that completed its mission began to return.

In the white snow, a petite figure trudged alone.

Three hours later.

Zero stood in front of an abandoned wooden house.

The snow stopped.

She didn't open the door immediately, but checked herself carefully.

Pick every snowflake off.

Smooth out every wrinkle.

Comb your platinum hair.

The fingertips traced her lips.

All these movements are orderly and rhythmic, like a flowing piece of music, which is pleasing to the eye.

Finally, done.

When Zero opened the door of the wooden house, she remembered many past events.

The only bear that accompanies her.

Buried on the night the swan died.

And the fire that burned everything.

At that time, her name was still Renata.

And an imaginary home.

But the father and mother didn't care about having her as their daughter.

It turns out that the home she had always imagined only existed in her imagination.

In reality, she is just a homeless wretch.

It's him.

That great 4 is like a god.

A boy who has fallen like a devil.

He bought the girl.

And made a pact with her in the heavy snow.

From then on.

She belongs to him.

Until the end of the world.

Zero pushed the door open.

The entrance is to a sunny courtyard.

Butterflies flutter among the colorful flower beds.

The warm wind blew against his face, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly rise.

Zero walked into the cabin.

From winter to midsummer.

She sat down at the table and looked at the person opposite.

He is not the boss.

He is what he was back then.

Smooth black hair covered his forehead. The exquisite boy was dressed up. He poured a glass of red wine for the girl. The wine was brighter than blood.


He handed the drink to the girl.

Then look into her eyes.

Zero also looked at him.

This boy has an elegant smile, and he gives people a very contradictory impression. You can see in him that he is noble and noble, like a god, but at the same time you can find a devilish and depraved charm.

And he was the one who bought the girl.

Or God.

Anything is fine.

Zero just knows.

I belong to him until the end of the world.

"do you remember?"

said the boy.

"Today is your resurrection day."

"It is also the day of rebirth."

The wine glasses clinked and the wine rippled.

"Happy birthday."

There was a dangerous smile on his lips.


Something flashed in the girl's eyes.

She nodded slightly and drank.

When leaving, she told Lu Mingfei that this time she was going home for a visit.

And now, she has arrived.

A place called home.


BJ, roast duck restaurant.

This store is not well-known. It is only spread by word of mouth among the older generation. It is not easy to find it, especially for Chu Zihang, an outsider.

Fortunately, he has an enthusiastic guide.

"I've been wanting to come here for a long time!"

Xia Mi chattered excitedly.

"I'm telling you, coach, even though the store here is small and old, it's a place like this that makes the most authentic food!"

Chu Zihang listened quietly and did not interrupt. He just wiped the table silently with a napkin, then used boiling water to boil two pairs of chopsticks and handed them to the girl opposite.

"Wow Coach, you are so considerate!"

Xia Mi chuckled.

"Has anyone ever said that?"


"It's you, coach."

"He will definitely be a good boyfriend."

The roast duck is here.

Before eating, Xia Mi solemnly took out a small notebook and muttered something.

"You owe me seven meals, minus one, and Barton."

Chu Zihang stared at him silently.

Even Xia Mi felt embarrassed.

"It's six meals."

"Oh oh oh."

Xia Mi said without changing his expression.

"My calculation was wrong. It's normal. Don't worry about it. It's just six meals. I'll remember it. Don't try to cheat..."

A person who wanted to cheat just now told him seriously not to cheat.

Chu Zihang didn't know what to say.

This is really...

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