This was after reading Mr. Aoyama’s report.

Mai Shutoku plays a video.

Not surprisingly, the protagonist is Mr. Qingshan.

Different from what Minamoto had seen before, Mr. Aoyama changed out of his hospital gown. In the video, he was wearing short-sleeved jeans, with a flying capital "Z" in the middle of the white short sleeves.

Z? Does it mean zero, hero?

Mr. Qingshan seemed to be in a very bad mental state. He had his head lowered, with heavy bags under his eyes. He looked haggard, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had not slept for three days and three nights.

Several people were subconsciously surprised. It had only been a few hours. How could the personable senior patient become like this?

Soon they also reacted.

"It's makeup."

Yuan Zongnu said.

Kazama Ruri's makeup skills are superb. Even though he is still not as good as Kazama Ruri, he still has some basic eyesight.

"That's what he asked for."

Mai Shutoku shook her head, remembering that Mr. Aoyama came to ask for the top makeup artist to cooperate with her. Mai Shutoku almost bombed this guy out, thinking that this guy was sick again.

Then Mr. Aoyama, who always showed his wise eyes to others, changed his expression and showed a calm and confident look.

"Please trust me."

He said firmly.

"It's part of the plan."

Even Shutoku Mai was surprised by the change in this person's temperament.

It is only at this time that people are reminded that this doctor named Qingshan was so famous all over the world many years ago that when he revealed his secrets, countless entrepreneurs rushed to the door waving checks to pay for the Qingshan Mental Hospital. Do your best to establish.

"What are you doing?"

Mai Shutoku asked Mr. Aoyama curiously while arranging a makeup artist.

"Oh, you mean my project."

It's strange. Although he is still wearing the same hospital gown, Mr. Qingshan, who is sitting upright with a cup of coffee, gives people a sense of awe.

He is like an elder, full of wisdom. You can tell him all your worries, and all your unhappiness and suffering will melt into Mr. Qingshan's lake-like eyes.

These eyes smiled.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Mr. Qingshan said.

"Living in another world is like, well, traveling through time."

Mr. Qingshan sipped his coffee and smiled.

“People often say that watching a good movie is like living another person’s life.”

"What I did was pretty much the same thing."

"It's just more immersive, more involved."

"have to say."

"Experience the world of mental patients, what a feeling..."

Mr. Aoyama chanted.

"There's a phone boiling in the pot, the glass is dead, there's a cat raining outside, and if the dog wants to kill me, I'll kill myself first, hahaha."

he asked Shutoku Mai.

"Can you understand the logic here?"

Mai Shutoku shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

Mr. Qingshan said gently.

"Come, let me tell you."

Mai Shutoku made a stop gesture.

"terribly sorry."

"But, I think I need to give you a heads up."

Mai Shutoku even used honorifics.

"The makeup artist you requested will be here soon."

"I have to pick it up."

"That's it."

Mr. Aoyama put down his coffee.

"It's such a shame, it'll have to be next time."

Shutoku Mai laughed dryly and almost ran away.

When she told Lu Mingfei and others about this experience, Yuan Zhinu laughed unkindly.

Mai Shutoku still has some lingering fears about the snacks.

She rolled her eyes at Yuan Zhennu.

"What are you laughing laughing."

"Do you know how weird that guy is?"

"I think it's a pity for such a person to be a psychiatrist."

"If he goes to preach, he will definitely be a good person."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhennu put away her smile, thought for a while, and nodded.

"It really is."

With Mai Shutoku's experience in front of them, several people became even more curious about Mr. Aoyama.

Although there was a report document, the logic was very weak, and they had a partial understanding of some parts. Fortunately, Mr. Qingshan anticipated this situation and left a video to accompany the report document so that they could see it more intuitively.

In the video, a haggard Mr. Aoyama spoke.

As soon as his voice came out, it gave people goosebumps.

Hoarse and rough, as if there were a handful of glass particles in the throat.

The appearance can also be helped by a makeup artist, and the voice can only be said to be Mr. Aoyama's personal talent.


Mr. Qingshan sighed.

"A failed hero."


"Unworthy of being a partner of justice."

These two sentences set the tone for everything that follows.

Mr. Aoyama began to tell.

From his school days.

Back then, he was full of passion, and the world in the young man's eyes was very simple, black and white, the opposite of justice was evil, and there was no zone in between.

A young man shouted an oath to the world in front of the mountains and the sunset.

"I want to be a partner in justice."

Mr. Qingshan said calmly.

There was a smile on his lips.

The smile was very light and shallow, as if he was laughing at himself and the world.

"Young man."

"He's too young."

"I still don't know how much a person has to pay for his oath."

When saying this, Mr. Aoyama closed his eyes.

The joints of Yuan Jingnu's hand holding the corner of her clothes turned white.

Sakurai Kogure gently covered Minamoto's hand with her hand.

Yuan Zhennu smiled at her.

"I'm fine."

Yuan Zhennu said softly.

"It's always easy to talk about oaths and stuff."

Mr. Aoyama had that self-deprecating smile.

“But wanting to follow through.”

"How difficult it is."

"Especially when that oath comes into conflict with the very existence I hold most dear."

Mr. Aoyama showed pain in his eyes.

He was silent for a long time.

It's like spending a long time building up courage.

The words he was about to say required great courage.

Mr. Aoyama took a deep breath.

Even Yuan Jingmei, who was just watching the video, also took a deep breath.

Finally, speak.

"I lost him that year."

Mr. Qingshan's calm voice covered up his trembling.

Yuan Zhennu exhaled a long breath.

He seemed to have lost all his strength all of a sudden.

Lu Mingfei and Jiude Mai both looked at them with concern. They knew very well that the information given to the expert group had been modified. Many places were specious, and more were just brushed aside.

So the person Mr. Qingshan is talking about here is probably actually her, or it.

It could be a friend, a girl, a cat, a toy.

Or maybe, a close brother.

In short, listening to Mr. Qingshan’s words, he chose the oath many years ago between the oath and the existence he cherishes most.

That is, he sacrificed the latter.

And it was Yuan Zhisheng who sacrificed herself.

"I regret it."

Mr. Qingshan said softly.


"What can I do to regret it?"

This is Mr. Aoyama's performance after taking the role of Minamoto Chisei.

They were all deduced based on the information given by Mai Shutoku.

Since it is a derivation, its accuracy is questionable.

So, did Yuan Zhisheng really ever feel regret?

Regret that he killed his brother with his own hands.

Minamoto Seiko wrapped herself in her coat. He seemed to feel cold and was shivering. Sakurai Kogure did not speak, but silently held Minamoto Seiko's hand and told Minamoto Seiko with real warmth that I am with you.


Mr. Aoyama let out a long breath.

Only now did I realize that Mr. Qingshan was in a small, narrow room with simple furnishings and white walls, giving people a pale and depressing feeling.

It's like a prison cell.

Mr. Aoyama looks like a criminal surrendering himself.

"It is my fault."

He said in a low voice.

"But, was I really wrong?"

he said again.

"For the justice in my heart, I lost him."

"But actually, is there a possibility?"

"Let me do it all over again."

"Can I stand next to him?"

"Even if you are the enemy of the whole world."

"I want to stand by his side too."

In Minamoto's eyes, Mr. Aoyama seemed to have changed.

Become childish.

Then he heard his brother say.

"You must hate me."

Yuan Zongnu almost couldn't control her emotions.

He wanted to say no.

No, brother.

Compared to losing you, compared to never being able to stand by your side.

What does hatred mean?

We are brothers.

He died on the same day and was buried in the same place.

Mr. Qingshan sighed deeply.

"After that day, I often had nightmares."

"Dream of the day I lost you."

"I heard you call my name."

"See your face of disbelief."

"The wind was so sad that day."

"do you know?"

"From that day on, I never had a good dream again."

"But I don't blame anyone."

"I never thought it was a curse or a disease."

Mr. Aoyama smiled again.

This smile is different from the previous self-deprecation. It is a smile that comes from the heart and is full of warmth.

"do you know?"

Mr. Qingshan seemed to be talking softly in his sleep.

He said.

"This is a gift."

"At least in my dreams, I can still see you."

"I'm actually a coward."

"After you leave, I will never dare to touch anything related to you again."

"I can only see you in my dreams."

"Because I'm a coward."

"So I must be a partner in justice."

"How else would I face losing you."

Mr. Aoyama covered his face with his hands and shrugged his shoulders slightly. He was crying.

Everyone pondered.

Many inside stories that could not be understood just by looking at the report documents were finally revealed through Mr. Aoyama’s video.

Mr. Aoyama’s thinking is this.

Uchiha-san, also known as Minamoto, has his life divided into two phases.

One section is before killing the source child girl, and the other section is after killing the source child girl.

In the previous period of his life, Yuan Zhisheng was a young man with a vast world. In his chest, he had countless enjoyments for the future. He was ambitious and had no worries. Some of them were just impatient, hoping that it would be tomorrow when he woke up and let go to do whatever he wanted. want to do.

As for the partners of justice, they just think they are handsome. There is no boy who doesn’t like Ultraman. Saving the world and playing evil are exciting to watch.

Such a childishness is so desirable.

However, he killed the young girl.

No one can feel at ease after killing their loved ones.

After that day, Yuan Zhisheng changed.

His ambitions and ambitions were all in vain.

Before that, all Yuan Zhisheng's enjoyment of the future included Yuan Zhisheng.

Now the young girl is gone.

Then the future loses its meaning.

Many things are like this.

His or her existence is like air. He or she is by your side day after day. You are so used to eating and drinking that you don't even think about it occasionally. Until one day, he or she is gone. He or she is gone. He or she can't be found anywhere. died.

Eat without him, sleep without him, go to school without him, run without him, do bad things together and become one person, two shadows become one person.

You finally realize how important he is.

I finally realized my loneliness.

But, it's too late.

After the death of Yuan Zhimu, Yuan Zhisheng changed.

In the past, he had a strong ambition for power.

After that, even if he stood on the highest place in Tokyo and trampled the city under his feet, a helicopter was called for by a phone call. Countless women were proud to accompany him, and countless men were prepared to die for him.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyebrows are still light.

I even dreamed of escaping this city and this country.

For example, go to the most famous nudist beach in France to sell sunscreen, look at women, bask in the sun, and spend the rest of your life like a turtle.

Yuan Zhisheng is the best ghost slayer of the Sheqi family, but perhaps only those closest to Crow know that the young master actually hates the job of slaying ghosts.

Every time after slaying a ghost, Yuan's childish eyes showed deep tiredness all over his body.

That's like saying.

"I've really had enough of this kind of life, please end it quickly."

It is unimaginable that this kind of temperament that can only appear in senior social animals can actually be seen in the young master of the Sheqi Eighth Family.

For others, Yuan Zhisheng's position was really out of reach. They had to raise their heads so hard that their necks felt sore, just to barely see the hem of Yuan Zhisheng's clothes.

The young master looked down from the highest point of the Sheqi Eighth House.

Countless hybrids are like the ghosts of hell in Ukiyo-e paintings, shining with the golden eyes of sin.

Yuan Zhisheng searched and searched, searched and searched.

He searched for it for a long time.

In the end, Yuan Zhisheng had no choice but to give up.

He still couldn't find that person.


This is an eternal taboo in Yuan Zhisheng's heart.

Many rainy days he would think of the girl.

It must be very cold under the wastewater well.

Occasionally when I see a well while walking on the road, Yuan Zhisheng always stops. No one knows what the young master is thinking at this time. Even if Yuan Zhisheng says it, no one will believe it. What the great young master is thinking is actually The feeling of lying down in a well.

Yuan Zhisheng's influence on Yuan Zhisheng is really great.

This is the starting point for Yuan Zhisheng to embark on the road of killing ghosts.

So from now on, Yuan Zhisheng will continue to kill ghosts, day after day, year after year.

Because he is afraid.

If you stop, you won't be able to kill the ghost anymore.

Then did the childish girl's death back then die in vain?

"I should have kept doing this."

Mr. Qingshan said to himself.

"But, I was wrong."

Mr. Qingshan smiled sadly.

"I suddenly discovered it."

"In fact, there are no righteous partners at all."

"There is no such thing as justice."

"The world is never black and white."

“Also there’s the gray between black and white.”

"Actually, we are all gray too."

"But, this way."

Mr. Aoyama's voice gradually lowered.

"The me who lost you."

"What is it?"

These were the last words Mr. Aoyama said.

The video ends here.

Mai Shutoku put away the tablet.

She glanced at the people around the table.

They were all deep in thought.

The report mentioned that Yuan Zhisheng's past spiritual support had collapsed and the text was incomplete. Through the video, they could see more comprehensively.

The spiritual support of Yuan Zhisheng is the phrase "just partner".

Because of these words, he killed Yuan Zhennu.

In fact, Yuan Zhisheng didn't have a clear understanding of black and white, and he wasn't very persistent.

At best, he is at the level of a middle-aged teenager.

Masamune Tachibana, who had not yet become a patriarch at the time, would visit the two brothers every year.

At first, Minamoto had a good attitude towards Tachibana Masamune, because Tachibana Masamune was the only one who would buy him Coke. The mountains are far away from big cities, and the biggest dream of children is to drink Coke and eat hamburgers. Now think about it It was a wish so simple that it makes people laugh, but to the children at that time, it was more precious than gold. After all, gold is just a stone and cannot be eaten.

But later, when Yuan Zhisheng learned that Tachibana Masamune was actually a Yakuza, Yuan Zhisheng never saw him again.

Every time Tachibana Masamune drove from far away Tokyo to see Minamoto, Minamoto would slam the door shut with a bang. The Minamoto girls outside were all embarrassed by Tachibana Masamune and wanted to find something to say. The elder brother explained, but Masamune Tachibana smiled bitterly and started to make amends for Minamoto.

Probably, Mr. Masamune really admires his brother.

The young girl Minamoto thought so at that time.

Although they are brothers, Masamune Tachibana will never forget a gift that belongs to Minamoto Naomi every time he comes over, but whether it is attitude or concern, it is obvious that Minamoto Naomi is more generous than Minamoto Naomi.

In fact, this is also a normal thing, isn't it?

After all, he is the elder brother.

Excellent people deserve to be the center of attention.

My brother is undoubtedly the best.

Young girls have long been used to this kind of thing.

It's just that I feel a little bit unwilling.

Really, only a little bit.

But if you are not willing to give in, you are not willing to give in.

That's why when General Wang appeared later, this teacher who belonged to him alone, Yuan Jingnu was so happy that she didn't even tell her brother.

In fact, Yuan Zongnu is probably afraid.

He was afraid that once he told his brother about Wang General, this teacher who was originally his own would leave. At that time, only Yuan Zhisheng would be left in Wang Jiang's eyes, and he could no longer pretend to be Yuan Zhisheng, so he became a child again. I became that little transparent person who was just living in my brother’s shadow that no one cared about.

Not willing to give in.

Not only Yuan Zhisheng may regret it, but actually Yuan Zhisheng also regrets it.

If I had told my brother about the king's general back then.

Or just ignore this guy from the beginning.

His life will probably be different.

"Actually, Mr. Aoyama still hasn't said what happened to our Amaterasu."

Lu Mingfei concluded, speaking very slowly.

Minamoto's dilated pupils refocused.

Lu Mingfei continued.

"However, if it is true as Mr. Aoyama said, then it doesn't matter what the reason why Amaterasu became like this."

"Perhaps, Amaterasu is the person I want to see the most right now."

Lu Mingfei said to Yuan Zhennu.

"That's you."

Yuan Zhennu's heart almost skipped a beat.

Yes, just as Lu Mingfei said.

No matter what happened to Yuan Zhisheng.

What is obvious is that the phrase "just partner" that supported him before has collapsed.

Only in this way can we explain the reason why Yuan Zhisheng became such a self-destructive person today.

He was trapped in the guilt of killing someone close to him.

So, what if at this moment, Yuan Zhisheng, whom Yuan Zhisheng thought was dead, appears alive in front of her?

Several people looked at Yuan Zhennu.

"You want me to...see my brother?"

Yuan Jingnu grabbed the hand that was used to wrap her clothes tightly and slowly exerted force.

He was looking forward to it.

Every eye glowed.

Probably because he saw the scene where he and his brother reunited.

But the next second.

All the brilliance in these eyes was gone and dimmed.

The young girl returned to her ordinary appearance.

After all, he and Minamoto Chisheng are different. Minamoto Chisheng is the aloof Amaterasu, whose light spreads all over the world, while he is as humble as dust.


Yuan Zhisheng regretted it, but that was just Mr. Qingshan’s guess.

What's not?

Think about the impression Mr. Aoyama left when you first met him.

Like a lunatic who just escaped from a mental hospital.

Thinking about it this way, it feels even more unreliable.

Yuan Jingnu expressed his concerns about Mr. Qingshan.

There are other reasons.

Yuan Zhennu tried hard to find excuses for herself.

So humans are really strange creatures.

We obviously want to meet again in our dreams, but when it comes to meeting again, we are timid and hesitate to move forward.

The so-called regret is probably left in this way.

At this moment, separated by the first floor, brothers who have not seen each other for many years are separated like fate.

"It's so noisy!"

Mai Shutoku patted the table.

The banging sound shocked Yuan Zhennu into silence.

Yuan Jingnu shrank into her coat and tried harder to hide herself. It was really sad to see this scene. It turns out that a person's different personality can be so different. Kazama Ruri and Yuan Jingnu, one is chic and wanton. Be timid.

"Since you are worried about that guy Qingshan."

"It's better to ask him directly face to face."

Shutoku Mai is full of aura.

She is like a queen now.

Many times when Potato Chip Girl encounters situations that require business negotiations, she always thinks of bringing Mai Shutoku. Having this guy is reassuring. When the time comes, the two of them will cooperate and kill each other at the negotiation table.

Yuan Zhennu pursed her lips.

Want to meet Mr. Qingshan?

The figure in a hospital gown flashed before Yuan Zhennu's eyes.

It was just a fleeting moment.

Then there is the decadent young man in the video.

Yuan Zhennu saw the shadow of her brother in him.

Seeing Yuan Zhisheng directly, Yuan Zhisheng was very scared.

It would be nice to take a step back and meet Mr. Qingshan first.

Yuan Zhennu gritted her teeth.


On the way to find Mr. Aoyama, Shutoku Mai was very confident.

That guy is so evil.

It left a very deep impression on Mai Shutoku.

It's not certain that Ruri Kazama is that kid, but Mai Shutoku believes that Minamoto Naoko will definitely be frightened by Mr. Aoyama.

Then they found Mr. Aoyama.

"I'm a plane."

"I'm a plane."

At some point, Mr. Qingshan changed into a hospital gown and was running back and forth in the room with his arms spread out like wings, with an innocent smile like a child. His happiness was so contagious that Lu Ming The eyes of several people could not help but be attracted to him, and their eyes were moving along with the cruise of the Qingshan aircraft.

Yuan Jingnu:......

"What is he doing?"

"Probably... conducting scientific research."

Mai Shutoku's tone was full of doubt.

She was still comforting Yuan Zongnu.

"Don't worry, I'll wake him up."

Mai Shutoku went up and grabbed Mr. Aoyama by the collar.

After struggling for a few times, Mr. Qingshan became angry when he found that he couldn't get away.

"Missile launch!"

Mr. Aoyama angrily spat at Shutoku Mai.

At the same time, he also announced the name of his moves handsomely.

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