Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 559 The order of the eight Sheqi families

The most important thing is solved in an understatement.

The atmosphere in the room softened.

This armistice agreement has been read by several people, including Inuyama Ga, a young boy, and it is acceptable. However, it was signed by Lu Mingfei after all. They know Angers very well. The domineering behavior of Angers when he came to Japan half a century ago is still vivid in their minds. Head.

At that time, Japan was completely shrouded in the cloud of defeat in the war. The people of this country had no dignity in front of the Americans on the other side of the ocean and were inferior humans.

MacArthur extended his authority over the emperor.

Angers is superior to the eight families of Sheqi.

Old people who came from that era will never forget Ange's face until their death.

On behalf of the secret party, Angers conquered the eight Sheqi families. The first step was to completely break the backbone of this hybrid organization. Angers performed this step extremely well. He learned the swordsmanship of this country from scratch until he finally became a swordsman. Holy.

Aren't you proud of your swordsmanship? I am ranked first in swordsmanship.

This is the legendary arrogance, using your own things to defeat you in the field you are best at.

Therefore, Yuan Zhisheng and others judged that this armistice agreement would not be passed easily.

After Angers comes, there will definitely be twists and turns again.

No matter what, the eight Sheqi families were at fault in the first place. They were the ones who started the war. Lu Mingfei left a little bit behind, but Ange didn't. The legendary dragon slayer never knew what it meant to be soft-hearted towards his enemies.

Unexpectedly, Angers recognized it.

The previous tense situation disappeared.

They drank and chatted. Most of the people present had been to Kassel, and they were not afraid of finding common topics.

Herzog and the Goddess were put aside by them.

At this moment, while everyone is washing their hands of Anger, Kaguya is cooperating with Norma to search Japan, looking for all Kassel students who are alone, re-establishing contact, and then informing them to rush to Takamagahara to reunite.

Genji Heavy Industries can no longer be used for the time being. First there was a big war, and then the semi-dead servants controlled by the gods built their nests here. Although the invincible Amaterasu and Susano'o-ming had cleaned them, the remaining broken limbs were still there. , even for a hybrid Yakuza with a skull tattooed on his body, such a scene is still too restrictive, let alone working or even living here.

So after obtaining the consent of Humpback Whale, Gao Tianyuan temporarily replaced Genji Heavy Industries and became the headquarters of Sheqi Eight.

This was the situation at the time.

It was Yuan Zhisheng who was negotiating with the humpback whale.

After all, he is the head of the Yuan family.

Yuan Xiaosheng explained the situation to the humpback whale.

The humpback whale stood respectfully, trying hard to imagine that he was a retainer next to an ancient daimyo. Various scenes of river dramas came to mind. Unfortunately, he didn't have a knife at hand, otherwise he could perform seppuku or something like that when necessary.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded while talking about the humpback whale. At the end of the sentence, Yuan Zhisheng asked him for his opinion. The humpback whale modestly said that he could have any opinions. You can ask Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu is now from Takamawahara. Owner.

Yuan Zhisheng smoked a cigarette and said that he had already found Lu Mingfei, and it was Lu Mingfei who asked Yuan Zhisheng to find the humpback whale, saying that the opinion of the humpback whale was very important.

So Yuan Zhisheng asked the humpback whale to say whatever he wanted, and he could ask for anything. If he could do it, the eight Sheqi families would do it.

"if you can."

The humpback whale didn't think twice. It was obvious that this request had been lingering in his mind and was not a temporary decision.

"I hope you can allow Takamagahara to continue operating."

The cigarette butts flickered between Yuan Zhisheng's fingers.

"We have a lot of money prepared."

"Think it through."

"Other requests can also be made."

The Humpback Whale listened carefully and realized that he had both money and power, and the terms offered by the Sheqi Family were very generous, which was enough to prove their sincerity.

Unlike what ordinary people think, the Yakuza are not vicious, at least not in this era. They are also polite in collecting debts. Of course, this is for ordinary people. If the target is a mixed race, the Sheqi Eight Family will Show a fierce side.

But no matter how polite he is, he will not be given such favorable conditions. Humpback Whale knows very well that part of this is because Yuan Zhisheng himself. After all, it is the place that took in the elder when the elder was at his lowest period. With this With the friendship alive, Gao Tianyuan no longer has to worry about troubles from the Yakuza.

Being settled by everyone after the fall is just a humpback whale amusing itself. With Yuan's childish personality and magnanimity, he can't do such a thing as silence.

The video source who transformed into a cowherd will not take it to heart.

Of course, if the protagonist were replaced by Caesar or even Fingel, not only would they not turn a blind eye, but they would collect it as a precious memory.

I've done things that others haven't done, and I'm super awesome.

That's probably how I feel.

As for why the eight Sheqi families gave such favorable conditions, another part of the reason, as Humpback Whale could have guessed, most likely lies in Lu Mingfei.

After all, the Jidao is a Jida, and their style is still more or less overbearing. If Lu Mingfei is not here, just give him money directly, and there will be no chance for humpback whales to choose.

So, since Lord Lu is here, and since it is the opportunity given by Lord Lu, how can he, the humpback whale, give up so easily.

"Many thanks."

Humpback whales bow deeply.

"I still hope to continue running Takamagahara."

"Stand still, stand still."

Yuan Zhisheng helped the humpback whale.

"You should know."

“We will not be expropriating long-term.”

"After this period of time passes, your store can still be open."

"You've been working for a long time too."

"Why don't you take the money, give yourself a vacation, and go for a walk outside."

Yuan Zhisheng paused.

"There won't be peace here for some time to come."

"You're here."

said the humpback whale.

"I believe no one dares to come to Gao Tianyuan to act wild."

Yuan Zhisheng smiled.


The humpback whale also smiled, looking a little flattering.

Takamagahara is closed, what will the guests do?

"They will be very lonely."

Yuan Zhisheng nodded and looked at him.

"That's really why you don't want to close the store."

The humpback whale just smiles flatteringly.

Yuan Zhisheng put out the cigarette butt, wrapped it in paper and threw it into the trash can.

"I see."

"Keep the back door open and leave the top two floors free?"

"Is that okay?"

The humpback whale was ecstatic, his face flushed with excitement, and he bowed quickly.


"Thank you very much!"

The Sheqi Eight Families and Kassel lifted the state of war. The important thing is that the Sheqi Eight Families re-established a facility similar to Genji Heavy Industries. The Yakuza in this country finally got rid of the leaderlessness.

The eight Sheqi families grew up in a dark corner where the law could not take care of them. Those struggling in the mud had no way to seek normal order and could only find the ultimate way.

The strong protect the weak, even if they use violence. This is the basis for the existence of the Sheqi family.

The Sheqi Eight Families manage the Yakuza. The former Genji Heavy Industries has the largest call center in Tokyo. It even directly uses artificial intelligence to dispatch tasks. A large number of Yakuza call the hotline every moment of the day.

The life of a Yakuza is actually very boring. They either kill people, play cards, read comics and play video games. At first glance, they seem to be similar to dead otakus. In Japan, otaku is not a good word. They are almost the lowest level of contempt in middle schools. .

So if it’s to be a otaku, who would want to join the Yakuza?

So the only thing the Yakuza boys look forward to most is killing people.

Killing someone is not something you can do just by walking down the street and looking at someone you don't like.

There usually has to be a legitimate reason.

For example, two societies compete for the cleaning fee of a street.

Money is a good thing, and who can have trouble with charming banknotes?

Okay, now that there is a conflict, can the next step be to cut it off?


You have to call me.

This family is also the eight Sheqi families.

Our hotline is open 24 hours a day, all year round. As long as you are a Taoist and have troubles, you can call the hotline and seek our help.

Usually the person who answers the phone will be a girl with a sweet voice full of youthful beauty.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Ah, that's right, we want to kill people."

"Oh, kill people."

As expected of our operator, even if they use rude words like "killing someone", they feel like the spring breeze blowing in March, warm and comfortable.

"Who do you want to kill?"

The operator girl asked questions one by one and followed the process, just like the three elements of the novel, time, place, character and environment.

When you call our hotline for the first time, or when you are still unclear about the Ji Dao, some ridiculous things will often happen.

"Can we go to war today?"

This sentence clearly lacks common sense.

Who doesn’t know that in this country, the Yakuza need to make a reservation to kill people.

"I'm sorry, it can't be done."

The operator girl explained patiently.

After all, this is the 21st century, and the Yakuza must keep pace with the times. If they continue to follow the same methods as before, they will be called old antiques.

To kill people, you must make a reservation and submit an application to the family. After the family agrees and approves, you can drive your horse and kill the opponent happily, or be beaten to death by the opponent.

Of course, they are all the extremes of the 21st century. People will not die easily or anything like that. You see how advanced medicine is, even a broken arm or leg can be put back together. What’s more, there are people from my family covering it. As long as you If you sincerely listen to my family, follow my family, and pay on time every year, you will be able to enjoy the high-level VIP services of our hospital.

Remember to bring your Yidao ID to get a 20% discount.

Well, this one is a bit overwhelming for the Yakuza. After all, they have all come out to join the Yakuza. Who will memorize the terms honestly? Carelessness is basically the common attribute of these guys.

Often when Yakuza members go to the hospital to have their arms and fingers reattached, eight out of ten forget to bring proof. So isn't the 20% off benefit launched for the Yakuza in vain?

This situation was fed back to the family, and after discussion and study at the family head meeting, a solution was finally arrived at.

Bright tattoos.

I have to say this is a genius idea.

As we all know, every Yakuza has a tattoo, which is a symbol of their descent into Infinity.

No matter how careless you are, you will never forget your tattoos when you go out.

Think it's a tattoo sticker?

Joining the Yakuza is such a big deal, and anyone who dares to use tattoo stickers to get through it will have to have a dissection to apologize.

Soon, the hospital directly under my family began to stage strange scenes. Several yakuza with severed hands and feet rushed into the operating room. The door slammed shut. Several boys were crying outside. The doctor reminded them that it was time to reattach their fingers. The younger brothers quickly bent down and bowed to express their gratitude, and then all took off their shirts to prove their glorious Yakuza status. Then they smiled and put their arms around each other to enjoy the 20% off benefits provided by the family.

It's great to be a Yakuza.

And all these benefits are based on the leadership of the eight Sheqi families.

But now, the Sheqi family has disappeared.

Genji Heavy Industries was attacked by the Goddess, Kaguya and Norma fought, and the Yakuza service system that the family had worked hard to establish was paralyzed.

The Yakuza in the entire country is almost in a state of chaos these days.

Vicious conflicts occur frequently.

Territory grabbing, revenge, or just plain fighting of tempers.

The Jida is a pile of gunpowder barrels, which can be ignited by any spark and explode with a bang.

Without the restraint of the eight Sheqi families, they would really be lawless.

Therefore, after Yuan Zhisheng became the head of the family, quelling the chaos in the extreme realm was a top priority.

Recruit Takamagahara to replace Genji Heavy Industries, deploy an entire hotline team, and with the cooperation of Kaguya and Norma, re-establish control of all Japan's Yakuza.

This night, Gao Tianyuan was open for business as usual.

Beautiful women entered through the front door. They were in groups of two and a half, still discussing Uchiha-san's debut a few days ago.

The stage play of Kazama Ruri and Uchiha-san is deeply imprinted in their minds. On sleepless nights, they would pour a glass of red wine, lean on the window sill, smoke girl cigarettes while recalling the stage play, the entanglement of love and hate between brothers, and the impermanence of fate. and brother's beauty.

And amazing...

Well, what’s so surprising about it?

They always feel like they have forgotten something, but what exactly have they forgotten? I can't even remember it.

Forget it, don’t think about it if you can’t think of it.

It’s better to recall the beauty of the two brothers.

What they forgot was the amazing battle in the stage play that night. The young boy and girl showed superhuman physical fitness. The battlefield was like a storm passing by. The speed of the two even surpassed the audience's retinal capture. Of course, the most important thing was the two brothers. The keel posture and the appearance of a white-haired ghost.

All of this obviously cannot be explained by a simple stage effect. It is amazing, but no one can tell the reason. Can the science of mankind so far really explain it? The guests were troubled.

Fortunately, their troubles were quickly resolved.

Professor Toyama led the team to provide psychological counseling for everyone. They slept for a while and when they woke up, they had forgotten the battle between the young students and the young girls.

Their life is still the same as before, a peaceful daily life.

Takamagahara never closes, as the humpback whale says, Takamagahara closes, but what about the guests? It will be very lonely.

That night Gao Tianyuan's business was as usual and prosperous.

The same goes for the back door.

Women in kimono and clogs gather here. They hold umbrellas, walk gracefully, and have graceful figures, as if they have traveled from the misty Kyoto of the Edo period to the present day.

Entering from the back door, no one spoke or looked away. Separated by a wall, there was the lively and noisy Gao Tianyuan on the other side. The woman here lowered her head and the atmosphere was solemn, like a samurai about to embark on the battlefield.

The head of the Miyamoto family opened the door himself.

Wearing a white coat, he led the team to deploy a complete communication system in the shortest time.

"Please, everyone."

"It's my job."

The head of the Miyamoto family and the women bowed to each other. He stepped aside and the kimonoed women entered the temporary call center.

Each workstation is their battlefield.

The microphone is their weapon.

"let's start."

The head of the Sakurai family personally led the team.

"Tell them that my family is still here."

The operators bowed their heads.


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