Chu Zihang always leaves a thin line in his attacks, causing injury but not death. After all, he is still a student in Kassel and has not yet graduated. Even Caesar, who has eyes above his head, and the Golden Desert Eagle are filled with Frigga bullets.

Compared with him, the young girl is really killing. The dream tapir pulls one Yakuza after another into the abyss and nightmare. The young girl is strolling in the garden. The boy cuts across his neck and pierces his heart. He meets Zai Chu on the way. Those who were wailing and struggling under Zihang's sword, the young girl would laugh and take their lives.

Xia Mi jumped up and down the stairs with his hands behind his back, following the two killer embryos, without a drop of blood on the soles of his shoes.

She seemed to regard it as a game and was enjoying herself.

In front of the last door, Chu Zihang stopped here, waiting for the girl.

"What a surprise, Brother Chu."

"I thought you would go in first."

"You are the captain."

Chu Zihang's answer was very concise.

The young girl nodded with satisfaction.

Just like the information, Chu Zihang is the type who is most worthy of being entrusted with his back and fighting side by side.

Nowadays, Kassel is the most brilliant among the three, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang.

Looking for a bad friend, or a friend, the type to play with, the young girl would choose Caesar without hesitation.

If you were looking for a comrade to fight side by side with, no need to think too much, it would definitely be Chu Zihang.

As for Lu Mingfei.

If you are in a desperate situation, hopeless and desperate, and racking your brains, you can no longer think of a glimmer of hope.

The young girl wants to see Lu Mingfei.

This boy is hope.

The office door burst open.

The young girl was the first to enter.

He paused in his steps.

The leader of the society knelt on the ground, holding a tray, bank cards, credit cards, gold bars, and precious stones in his hands.

They are piled up into small mountains with sharp peaks, which are dazzling to see.


Xia Mi jumped up and ran forward.

The girl's eyes are about to turn into the shape of gold coins.

"So lovely."

The childish girl grabbed a handful of gems and let them slip through her fingers.

The leader raised his head cautiously and smiled flatteringly.

"grown ups."

His eyes wandered over the three of them, and finally looked at Xia Mi. Maybe he thought this girl was the best to fool.

"My lord! My lord!"

"You can take it all."

"Please let me go."

"Spare my life."

Xia Mi glanced at him.

The leader shut up and shuddered all over.

This feeling of fear from the heart...what's going on!

Fortunately, Xia Mi only glanced at it.

She jumped back and stood next to Chu Zihang.

"Speaking of which, being a Yakuza here is too profitable, right?"

The childish girl smiled.

"Please don't say that. It can easily cause trouble to people. In the final analysis, many Yakuza are just a group of desperate bastards who just want to survive."

"Poor thing?"

Natsumi looked at the tray.

"You call this a wretch?"


"Every group has some scum."

“The difference between a higher or lower ratio.”

"No matter how little scum there is, it still exists. There's nothing we can do about it."

The childish girl took her hand out of the tray.

"A few scum cannot represent the whole."

"It's just that these guys are just like cockroaches. They can never be eliminated. They will breed crazily in corners you can't see."

"It's disgusting."

"So we have to clean it regularly."

The leader was sweating profusely as he listened, even though he didn't understand very well. What a cockroach or a minority was, it was really beyond the scope of a high school dropout.

But the leader could still more or less understand the meaning of the words of the adults in front of him.

The cold and murderous intent was bone-chilling. He wanted to run away, but found that his legs were so weak that he had no strength at all and could not stand up.

It doesn't matter if he can't stand up, someone will help him.

The young girl picked up his collar.

"You guy."

"You really dare to do it."

"Those crimes are enough to hang you a hundred times."

"I originally wanted you to kneel down on your knees while I read them one by one."

"When I think about it later, it's quite boring."

"We're not making a movie."

"And what does the suffering of those people have to do with me?"

"I just want to ask."

The pronunciation of each word is accurate, without any ambiguity.

"Have you received my call?"

The leader was as dead as a dog, his sweat was as sticky as water. He wanted to say no, but when he faced the golden eyes of a young girl, he couldn't tell the lie he had prepared no matter what.

The leader could only swallow and nodded slowly.

"very good."

The childish girl smiled happily.

"Then you can die."

The leader's eyes widened. He wanted to beg for mercy, shout, and cry.

But he could only feel the world spinning, and then a headless body appeared in his field of vision, which looked very familiar.

Have you seen it somewhere?

Oh, right.

It's me.

This was the leader's last thought, and then his consciousness was submerged in the boundless blackness, and he died.

The young girl gently wipes the boy's cut.

"That's my brother's Sheqi family."

"You don't even listen to your brother's orders."

"You guy, how dare you!"

The childish girl dropped the blood-stained silk and threw it in the leader's face.

"Thank you both."

The young girl said to Xia Mi and Chu Zihang with a smile.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Xia Mi waved his hands repeatedly.

The childish girl nodded.

"The first phase of the mission is over. Wait a moment and you two can take a rest. The second phase is about to begin."

The girl hummed a song and walked on the hell-like building.

Xia Mi looked around like a thief.

"That's right, senior."

"Do you feel that?"

Xia Mi stole a glance at the young girl walking in front.

Xia Mi pouted.

"That guy seems a little mentally disturbed."

Chu Zihang didn't squint his eyes.

"You can remove it."

Xia Mi was stunned.

"Hey, senior, are you kidding me?"

"You are joking, right?"

"Wow, it turns out you can also joke, senior!"

"One more, one more! One more!"

"That's what I just said."

Xia Mi circled Chu Zihang.

The excitement kept on shouting.

Chu Zihang walked forward without squinting.

Xia Mi is so noisy.

On the floor of the office, gold and silver treasures were scattered randomly next to the headless body. He opened his eyes, his deathly gray eyes were full of confusion, as if he had never understood that he had given all his wealth and so much wealth to these members of the family. The person who came here didn't even look at it and just started taking action?

In fact, the reason is very simple.

What a young girl does in this trip is never about gold or silver.

Wealth means nothing to him.

What Yuan Zhisheng needs is killing.

Use iron and blood to forge the prestige of the new patriarch.

Prestige is much more valuable than gold and silver.

The three of them rested at the door.

They passed the time chatting.

"Aren't you going to slow down?"

the childish girl asked.

"The first time I killed someone, I vomited for a long time."

The childish girl told lies in a sincere tone. The most amazing thing is that most people can't tell that he is lying. The skills of an actor who has only appeared in a thousand years are indeed not just bragging.

In fact, when the young girl killed someone for the first time, instead of vomiting, she was actually happy.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi shook their heads.

Speaking of which, this was not their first time killing people, so they still had some psychological qualities.

"He is worthy of being praised by Brother Lu as a Kassel elite."

"It's really extraordinary."

The three of them were chatting, and the sound of an engine came from outside. The girl turned her head to listen and nodded.

"The second phase of the mission begins."

"We're on."

When I walked out of the door, a huge convoy came towards me, attacking in a large area. This is not my strong point. The young girl secretly thought about how to deal with it. It would be better to open her mouth and take action when she is close.

"Use that move, senior!"


Chu Zihang and Xia Mi looked at each other.

Xia Mi's eyes were shining and he was very excited.

Chu Zihang was as always.

What's this?

The young girl remained calm and observed secretly.

Use that move?

Do they have some kind of moves that they use together?

Why does it sound like an anime combo?

The young girl couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi lit up their golden eyes one after another.

Their golden eyes also look different.

Chu Zihang is flowing lava, symbolizing the dominant bloodline of bronze and fire in his body.

Xia Mi is the gathering and dispersing clouds, symbolizing the sky and wind.

They began to chant dragon language.

As grand as a whole symphony orchestra

The omnipresent spirit in the air comes alive.

Two high-ranking speakers.

Childish judgment.

He looked away from Xia Mi.

The Eyes of the Wind King is also a type with extremely high bloodline and powerful control.

The young girl looked at Chu Zihang.

So, what about this one?

The president of the Kassel Lionheart Club, a proud disciple of Professor Schneider, and a good friend of the legendary S-class Lu Mingfei.

What is your spirit of speech?

The answer will be revealed in the next second.

Among the two, it was Chu Zihang who released Yan Ling first.

The chanting of dragon language ended, and the air twisted, as if a pane of glass had been erected.

There's no glass of course, it's some kind of ultra-high temperature phenomenon that even air can't withstand.

The young girl thought of the periodic table of words and spirits.

Word spirits belonging to the bronze and fire series flashed one by one.


Yanling serial number 89: Jun Yan.

The invisible fire elements cheered for joy. They should obey the long-lost king's instructions, so they gathered together. The extraordinary words triggered miracles, and miracles came.

In front of Chu Zihang's palm, the air twisted and formed a fireball. The flames were scorching and violent, seeming to destroy everything within sight.

The childish girl admired.

He has seen the Eyes of the Wind King before, but he has never seen Jun Yan. This is a high-risk word spirit. It is controlled by a mixed blood. It is somewhat beyond its capabilities. Legend has it that only in the hands of dragons can Jun Yan show his true power. attitude.

The dragon's Junyan can display various shapes, and can even be manipulated so minutely that it only ignites a piece of paper without hurting the fingers pinching the paper.

But in the hands of the hybrids, Junyan just exploded, an explosion that had no power but no control.

Therefore, Yan Ling Junyan is the high-risk Yan Ling.

The young girl quickly reviewed Jun Yan's information in her mind.

He looked at Chu Zihang with even more surprise.

It was the president of the Heart Society with a fireball suspended in front of his palm.

The aura is violent, but still stable.

What an amazing amount of control this is.

The definition of the Periodic Table of Word Spirits shows that Junyan is an explosion, and it is also the key for dragons and dragonborn to truly master the element of fire.

When the releaser changes from simple explosion to control, it means that he has truly entered the realm of fire element.

Obviously, Chu Zihang is like this.

The condensed fire element wanted to explode. This was the fixed circuit of Yan Ling, but Chu Zihang used his spirit to control it, controlling the flow and compression of the fire element.

The young girl realized something was fishy.

Something seems wrong?

Where is it?

The childish eyes glanced back and forth.

Finally it fell on Xia Mi.


Xia Mi.

Does the Eyes of the Wind King need to be chanted for so long?

Something is wrong.

The young girl listened carefully.

Finally heard it.

The dragon language that Xia Mi was singing now had already been sung not long ago.

Why should the same verse be sung twice?

The young girl suppressed the question for the time being.

Because Xia Mi is finally over.

The wind elements gather together, they are agile and free elves, forming a tornado, the grass blades rotate, gray... two groups.

No, four regiments.

The childish girl was surprised.

He has never seen such eyes of the Wind King.

Summon four huge tornadoes in one breath.

During the previous attack, Xia Mi released the Eyes of the Wind King to create a small tornado that blew away tables, chairs and benches. This was a sign of subtle control over the spirit of speech.

Now Xia Mi summons multiple tornadoes in one breath, which shows his power.

Whether it's subtle control or powerful power, both prove the terrifying pedigree of this Far Eastern girl.

At least not weaker than Chu Zihang.

And there are such students in every class of Kassel.

This is the foundation of the highest academic institution for mixed races in the world.

And the Sheqi Eight Family actually wanted to go to war with such a terrifying Kassel.

The young girl's heart sank.

Since Minamoto Zhisheng appointed him as the head of the Tachibana family, Zhisheng has begun to regard himself as the leader of the Eight Sheqi families, and also thinks about the problem from this perspective. Although Cassel and the Eight Sheqi families have ceased war, there will be twists and turns in the future. .

Zhennu knows his brother very well. Yuan Zhisheng is an ambitious person. Before, he wanted to stand at the highest point in Tokyo. Now that Yuan Zhisheng has achieved it, what's the next step?

As the head of the Sheqi Eighth Family, Yuan Zhisheng leads the Sheqi Eighth Family to fight for true freedom. This is his mission, so there must be friction between the Sheqi Eighth Family and Kassel.

Cassel is a behemoth, and facing such a behemoth is as stressful as a mountain.

The childish girl put her thoughts away.

He watched the battle carefully.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi were indeed cooperating.

The fireball created by Chu Zihang shot forward.

Then he was accurately captured by Xia Mi's tornado.

A wonderful reaction occurred.

Wind assists fire and complements each other.

The simple wind tornado turned into a fire dragon, and the girl actually felt that it was difficult to get air for a moment. This is a phenomenon where a large amount of air is consumed by the flames in a short period of time.

The four fire dragons bared their teeth and claws, and this scene was like a natural disaster.

This is an effect that cannot be achieved even with today's science.

Fire is not ordinary fire. It is a completely different system from science. Jun Yan actually uses the fire element and the four major elements. Now mixed with the tornado, the increasingly violent fire also has the will of Chu Zihang. He Still in control.

From the beginning, science and alchemy, or spirituality, have taken two different paths, which are different perspectives for understanding the world.

Dragons start with the four basic elements, earth, water, fire and wind.

Science, on the other hand, is the study of all things. They do not have dragon blood and cannot communicate with the omnipresent spirit. They cannot understand dragon language or understand the spirit of speech.

So I took another path to analyze all things.

There is no right to say which one is higher or lower between the two, but the level of development is different. In the future, science will also be able to play with time and fold space, and even achieve the destruction of the world by dragons.

Just now.

Chu Zihang and Xia Mi teamed up to create a fire tornado. The oncoming vehicle braked suddenly. They were shocked by the majesty of the fire tornado. They may still wonder if there was something wrong with their eyes, but the top priority was not to be shocked, but to escape.

Those who reacted quickly turned around, but it was already too late. The fire tornado was created by the spirit of words. The will of Xia Mi and Chu Zihang controlled them. The fire tornado adjusted its direction and pounced down suddenly.

The fire tornado that was supposed to be invisible and insubstantial turned out to be like a living thing. The vehicle exploded as it swooped down, drowning the screams of everyone in the vehicle. The people at the back of the convoy quickly turned the steering wheel, their survival instinct driving them to escape, but Xia Mi had already surrendered. If you look at me, you can escape if you want.

A new fireball formed, and a new tornado formed. The fire-stained tornado obeyed Xia Mi's will and bit into the convoy.

In this combo, Xia Mi is in the dominant position, and her control is even more subtle.

It was a natural disaster.

The firelight reflected in the girl's eyes, as if his golden pupils were also beginning to burn.

very good.

The childish girl raised her lips.

He saw it, he saw it all.

This is also the reason why Yuan Zhisheng broke up the Sheqi Bajia and Kassel students and formed a mixed formation.

They are about to go to war with the Goddess, and they can't hide their secrets anymore. The Gods are a group of terrible enemies. The Cassel and Sheqi families must at least understand each other's top combat capabilities and be aware of them.

After all, reality is not a game, and fighting style cannot be understood through mere paper information or videos. It must be real, with real swords and guns, and fight like this.

The behavior of Chu Zihang and Xia Mi proved that they had no secrets.

After all, their combination skills are not even above the information given by Cassel.

This is good.

The face of the king seemed to appear in front of the girl's burning golden eyes.

I really can't wait to meet you.



Time goes back to Tokyo, on the rooftop of Takamagahara.

The helicopter rotors whipped up a hurricane.

Caesar jumped into the cabin and waved to Yuan Zhisheng, who was sitting opposite.

"Hey, hello."


Yuan Zhisheng's eyes followed the sunglasses in Caesar's hand.

Who is Caesar, Gattuso's future heir, and a natural leader? For a leader, observation is a basic skill.

"It's cool."

Caesar waved his sunglasses.

"A gift from my fiancée."

Yuan Zhisheng tried his best to look away from the pair of heart-shaped sunglasses.

“Very unique.”


Caesar smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"I think so too."


Nono jumped into the cabin, his strange eyes scanning Yuan Zhisheng and Caesar back and forth.

"Did you two just talk about me?"

Yuan Zhisheng wanted to politely say no. In any case, it was not good to discuss a girl behind her back.

But before he spoke, he remembered Caesar's laughter.


"Nono, you don't even believe it."

"Our parents also like the sunglasses you chose."

Yuan Zhisheng:......

No, I didn't. Don't talk nonsense. You are slandering.

Nuonuo rolled his eyes and understood what had happened.

It must be her boyfriend who thinks he is right again.

How can I put it, Caesar is this kind of person.

Calling him proud is an understatement. Merely proud is not enough to describe this guy. He is arrogant and absolutely self-centered.

Many people firmly believe that the whole world revolves around them when they are eight years old.

Then when they reach eighteen, they will feel that their eight-year-old self was really stupid.

Caesar is different.

No matter whether he is eighteen, twenty-eight or thirty-eight, if he meets the eight-year-old Little Caesar who is so arrogant and says I am the king of the world, he will give a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

"Yes, you are."

It is said that every boy has a dream of being a second grader, but as they grow up and graduate from the second grade of middle school, the unrealistic dreams they had back then are buried in their hearts and are no longer mentioned.

As for Caesar, he used his life to practice the saying that a man will be a boy until he dies.

Oh, no.

To be precise, a man is a middle-aged boy until he dies.

Another person probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

Nono thought it was quite interesting.

How fun it is to be with such a boy.

The heir to an ancient family, a born leader, and a powerful hybrid, these are just the labels that Caesar displays externally.

The bottom line of this super big boy’s character is actually: a middle schooler.

It's just that some people are so annoying that they're so good at it. It should be said that the vast majority of people are so bad that they're annoying.

Apart from occasionally making people laugh and cry, Caesar's second half is indeed full of charm most of the time.

This is why Caesar was a natural leader.

A leader is always right, always walks on the right path, and always fulfills his promise with actions.

The empty-mouthed middle school boy is just a fantasy, but Caesar is different. If he is different, he is different. Caesar can realize it.

If Caesar and Shutoku Mai were to spend a few days together, Shutoku Mai would definitely feel very familiar with each other, and she would exclaim "Boss!" before long.

Speaking of middle school students, their boss is also a guy who doesn't give in too much.

After all, not just anyone can play a game and slam the controller, while cursing and talking about rubbish mechanics, and at the same time call the game company to buy it and ask them to change it according to their own ideas.

Many times, Potato Chip Girl will ask herself a question when faced with the inexplicable acquisition orders from her boss.

Did I work hard to make money just to be ruined by this guy?

After thinking about it, work still had to be done, so Potato Chip Girl bit her potato chips hard and started to acquire the game company's figurine factory and cat cafe.

Oh, I bought the cat cafe because the cat raised by the boss was too naughty. The boss decided to let the kittens experience the dangers of human beings and go wandering to be self-reliant. This is not a sin. After thinking about it, the boss made a genius decision. .

Send his cat to work in a cat cafe.

Hum, little kitty, if you want to eat dried fish or cans from today on, just go to work and lie down obediently and let the customers masturbate!

After learning the cause and effect, Potato Chip Girl had to sigh, the boss is the boss, this kind of brain circuit is really not what ordinary people can think of.

Nono knew her fiancé's character very well.

She also knows what kind of virtue she is.

When I was in middle school, Nono's suitors could form a reinforcement company, but Nono never agreed with anyone. It wasn't that Nono had a high vision or had a mental disorder. The reason was actually very simple. Nono knew that he was the one from the beginning. What virtue is it.

Nuonuo also knows what others call her in private: little witch, weird personality, bad lady.

They are all words that don’t sound very good.

She doesn't care.

Even Nono thought it was quite appropriate.

I am such a lawless and hopeless person.

That's pretty good, isn't it?

Of course Nuonuo can change, but she can't find a reason to change her personality. It's not necessary. Living is a miracle, and death is eternity. Since it's hard to live, why not make yourself more comfortable? Why are you so tired? ?

Nono's view of life and death was different from that of normal people. She had done some self-analysis and thought about it, and it probably had something to do with her mother.

Nono has really seen the God of Death.

Although many people said she was a liar, the professors believed it was a vision during awakening.

But Nono was sure that it was the God of Death.

On the day her mother died, Nono sat beside the bed for a whole day with a cold corpse.

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