Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 563 Lu Mingfei’s decision (please subscribe!)

Angers touched his belly and stood up.

"Can you order another one?"

Lu Mingfei said generously.


Angers waved his hand.

"Elderly people have to pay attention to their diet. Don't eat too much in one meal. Just be 70% full."

Angers was still sighing as he spoke.

"I've reached the age where I need to pay attention to my diet."

They went out and the waiter presented them with a key.

Angers picked it up.

"This boy Ahe."

Angers smiled and pressed the key, and the headlights of a two-seater sports car on the roadside turned on.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"How do you turn this thing on?"


Ange smiled heartily and got into the driver's seat.

''Come on, Mingfei, the principal will take you for a ride.

Lu Mingfei put on his seat belt.

The sports car roared onto the road.

The huge pushing feeling is like a rocket taking off.

They were speeding down the road.

Lu Mingfei always felt that something was wrong.

He looked in the rearview mirror and saw a row of traffic policemen on motorcycles chasing after him.

Lu Mingfei finally remembered what was wrong.

"Say something, Principal."

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"Mingfei, why would you ask such a question?"

Angers smiled kindly.

Lu Mingfei nodded happily.

"Why do I have such a thing as a driver's license?"

Lu Mingfei:......

Angers explained.

"Look, Mingfei, since I don't have a driver's license, no one can deduct points from me, right?"

Lu Mingfei thought about it, well, it makes sense.

The Bosozou tightened the accelerator, and the engine sound was as ferocious as the roar of Magma in Ultraman.

The strong wind blew Angers and Lu Mingfei. Angers raised his middle finger outside the car window and laughed.

"Eat my exhaust, you scum!"

When Ange said this, he used the purest Japanese and flicked his tongue fiercely. Lu Mingfei was no longer a Japanese novice. He knew what flicking his tongue meant. This is a symbol of Yidao status. A qualified Jiji. The Taoist leader, in addition to the tattoos that are enough to scare people, must also master the superb tongue-playing skills.

In this way, compared to Ange, Yuan Zhisheng, the head of the eight Sheqi families, still needs a long time to practice in how to become a qualified Yakuza.

Ange is more like a Yakuza leader than Yuan Zhisheng.

The sports car is a perfect ride, no matter how narrow or dangerous the curve is, Angers will never step on the brakes. It's as if the old man pulled the brakes as soon as he got in the car and replaced it with the accelerator. This guy probably While pulling out the brakes, I also applied water to the accelerator. From the moment I started the car until I finally arrived at Takamagahara, my damn foot never came off the accelerator.

"Aren't you afraid of a car accident?"

Lu Mingfei asked after the sports car passed by the cliff again.


Angers laughed damned again.

"What are you talking about? Mingfei."

"Car accident?"

Angers continued to push the speed upwards.

It really makes people wonder whether this car can take off on the spot if it is given a pair of wings.

"We are S-class."

"Believe me."

"Even if there is a car accident, you will not die."

Ange smiled confidently and gave Lu Mingfei a thumbs up.

Lu Mingfei was doubtful.

"It sounds like you tried."

Angers didn't speak, but the smile on his lips became more confident.

"Well you actually tried."

Lu Mingfei handed over.


"I admire you."

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought, even if the Goddess is so mysterious, I can’t figure out what they are thinking, it’s Herzog. What kind of conspiracy is that Herzog planning? Just unscrew a screw on the sports car, and with Ange's driving attitude of risking his life, he directly kills the two S-classes with a blast. It is estimated that Herzog can laugh out of his dreams.

When they got off the bus at Takamawahara, all four tires were almost scrapped.

Angers slammed the car door, and the car door bounced back and crashed to the ground.

Angers looked down and said apologetically.

"Oh, sorry."

"I think you should say sorry to me too."

Lu Mingfei got off the bus from the opposite side.

"Don't be like this, Mingfei."

Angre felt refreshed and happy.

"A memorable ride, isn't it?"

"But we just want to go back to Takamagahara, not run around Tokyo."

"What does that matter?"

Angers waved nonchalantly, the cigar was filled with smoke. God knows when the old man lit the cigar.

"You need to relax before the big battle, what do you think, Mingfei?"

Angers handed Lu Mingfei a carrot-thick cigar.

"Want to try?"


Lu Mingfei pushed away the cigar.

"For the sake of my classmates, a friendly reminder, if you bring even a hint of smoke to Eriyi's ward, I will kill you."

"I am your dear principal, Mingfei. What you said is really sad."

Angers stamped out his cigar.

They entered Takamagahara through the back door.

Passing by the call center, the door was open and they looked inside.

The temporarily arranged call center was overcrowded. The cubicles were narrow but well organized. Girls were sitting inside, wearing headphones and operating computers, with focused expressions.

The phone rang from time to time, and the girl quickly picked it up.

"Hello, this is my family. How can I help you?"

"Oh, are you planning a duel?"

"A hundred people?"

"I understand, I'll arrange it for you here."

Leaving the hustle and bustle of the call center behind, Angers Road Mingfei continued walking up.

Lu Mingfei went to Huiliyi's ward, and Ange stood at the door consciously.

He watched Lu Mingfei walk to Eryi's hospital bed and sit down. The hard look on the young man's face softened.

This is a bit like a young man.

Angers subconsciously touched the cigar and then took his hand back.

He didn't want to verify whether Lu Mingfei's words were a joke.

While Eliyi was sleeping, Lu Mingfei felt the girl's scent up close and confirmed that she was fine and that her bloodline was more stable than before.

The Deadpool serum can indeed temporarily stabilize Eri's bloodline, but it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. However, before Eri's condition causes problems next time, they have already visited Takamagahara. Perhaps the White King serum can truly stabilize Eri's bloodline.

No, not maybe, but definitely.

He will get the White King serum for Eri.

Lu Mingfei didn't interrupt too much. He said "goodbye" and left quietly.

The Humpback Whale Office is commandeered again, this time as a place for the Kassel and Sheki families to discuss war plans.

Combining the information from both the Sheqi Eight Families and the Fierce Demons, they determined that the location of Kamidai Takamagahara was what is now the Japan Trench.

That land sank into the Sea of ​​Japan.

Perhaps it was the battle between dragons in the past, or the fight between Japanese hybrids a long time ago that caused the dragon kingdom to disappear in the deep sea.

Lu Mingfei nodded after seeing the information.

It turns out that people in this country are constantly moving around, and their feelings have ancient heritage.

Lu Mingfei watched two videos in the office.

In one section, Chu Zihang and Xia Mi jointly released a combination of skills.

One section is a competition between Caesar and Yuan Zhisheng.

"Is there anything like fighting that can compare?"

Lu Mingfei frowned slightly.

"Caesar hasn't graduated yet."

Angers said.

"We have to be a little more tolerant to young people, right?"

"Ok, I know."

“The Principal’s Theory of Merit.”

Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Speaking of which, isn't Professor Schneider coming?"

"He has to stay at Kassel headquarters. It would be bad if a thief sneaks in."

"That's a shame."

"Can't you tell, why do you have such a good relationship with Professor Schneider?"

"After all, he is a rare normal person in Kassel."

Lu Mingfei glanced at Ange. This guy was smoking two cigars with an extremely arrogant expression on his face.

I hope this guy isn't arrogant because he can smoke two cigars at the same time.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

"A normal person?"

Angers mused.

He thought of Professor Schneider's severely burned face and his voice that was hoarse and unpleasant due to severe burns.

"Mingfei, your definition of normal is quite unique."

"I mean style."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Kassel is a campus of dragon slayers. It should be its responsibility to cultivate dragon slayers. If you want to leave a beautiful memory of your youth, you can go to other schools."

These words seemed to turn on a switch, and Ange's eyes revealed memories.

"Ah, what a familiar passage."

"That's how Kassel used to be."

"But it turns out that today's training is more correct."

There is you, there is Caesar, and there is Chu Zihang.

"Isn't this enough?"

"A few elites decide the outcome of the battle, right?"

Lu Mingfei said.

"After all, we are not ordinary people, and we cannot think with ordinary people's logic."

"But, Principal."

"Is it possible that if they are taught well and used as true dragon slayers, Caesar and Chu Zihang can achieve higher achievements?"

"Look at them."

Lu Mingfei clicked on the screen.

"Injuries, knocking unconscious, not to mention killing, not even a single disability."

"Are they fighting or sparring?"

Lu Mingfei sneered.

"Even in a sparring match, swords have no eyes, and accidental injuries are common."

"And what about them?"

The battle between Chu Zihang and Caesar was played repeatedly on the screen. The two influential figures in Kassel were worthy of their reputations. No matter how many enemies they faced, they could deal with them with ease.

Chu Zihang always left a thin line under his sword. The injured were wailing and rolling on the ground, but no one was dead.

Caesar is more thorough, Kamamaitachi cooperates with firearms, every bullet seems to be equipped with radar guidance, and it is as if his eyes are swollen, and the bullets are truly flawless.

But he also has an old problem, as if he will go to hell if he kills someone. Chu Zihang's sword is inferior, and Caesar simply uses Frigga bullets.

The two of them killed each other indiscriminately, falling into a no-man's land. At the last count, not a single enemy was dead, and the Virgin Mary was moved to tears.

The two videos are sent back to Kassel and placed on the Night Watch forum. They will definitely receive a lot of likes and even become teaching materials for tactical practice classes.

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, it seemed like nothing.

"This is not a fight."

Lu Mingfei made no judgment and looked solemn.

"Not even a sparring match."

"Are they kidding?"

"Still performing!"


Lu Mingfei sneered.

"Principal, this is the elite you want to cultivate."

"Before the founding of Kassel, you were a member of the Camarilla."

"Is this how the Camarilla trains dragon slayers?"

"If it is."

Lu Mingfei spread his hands.

"Then I have to say that it is really a miracle that the Camarilla can be passed down to this day."

"Oh, sorry."

Angers eyes moved slightly.

He was speechless for a long time after hearing Lu Mingfei's remarks. It was not that he was confused. It was just that Lu Mingfei's momentum was too strong. A person did have momentum. This was not a figment of a fantasy novel.

Lu Mingfei's aura was all too familiar to Ange. It was Shura who had crawled over from the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of corpses. The young man was sitting on a chair. Under the chair, countless souls were floating in the sea of ​​blood. They were wailing and struggling all day long, reaching out to Lu Mingfei. They took action and tried to bring the butcher down to keep them company.

And what about Lu Mingfei?

Lu Mingfei didn't even look at them.

Angers had to admit that Lu Mingfei had changed.

No, it shouldn't be said that it has changed.

Lu Mingfei has changed since that night in the cinema. He was the same then as he is now, but he has tempered his sharpness and hid it somewhat.

Now this young man who disappeared mysteriously and appeared inexplicably can no longer be hidden. He is who he is. It is frightening, but also heartbreaking.

Compared with before his disappearance, Lu Mingfei had more of a leadership temperament, unswervingly believing in himself, making people subconsciously choose to follow him.

So when Lu Mingfei suddenly apologized, Ange felt quite complicated.

It's somewhat of a relief.

Xiao Mingfei still respects me as an old man.

"The fact that the Camarilla can survive to this day is not the fault of the Camarilla, but the dragons."

Lu Mingfei sighed, somewhat hating that iron cannot become steel.

"The Secret Party has always considered itself the Dragon Slayer Organization."

"I have been working in the dragon-slaying organization for thousands of years."

"Such an iron-blooded organization has actually produced a great philanthropist like you."

Lu Mingfei applauded.

"Are all those dragons just eating dry food?"

"Why don't you add more oil and kill you dragon slayers?"

Angers puffed out smoke.

"Mingfei, you don't understand."

"We tried."

"There's a huge price to pay for this."

"Lessons learned enough."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Lu Mingfei pressed his hands and interrupted Ange.

"I got you."

"Because we have paid a heavy price, we must avoid making the same mistakes again."


Lu Mingfei and Ange looked at each other, and they refused to give in to each other. They were both out-and-out warriors, with personal wills stronger than diamonds, and they would never waver in what they believed in.

Therefore, when two people meet together, it is inevitable that they will have a fierce conflict.

Lu Mingfei sneered.

"Then, my dear Mr. Principal."

"Can you please tell me."

"Is your price a dead person?"

The smoke from Angers grew thicker.

He crossed his legs and held the table with both hands.

Angers nodded calmly.

He was never one to back down.

"Very well, dead man."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Then let me guess."

"It's the students who died, right?"

"He is still a student you are very optimistic about and have high hopes for."

Lu Mingfei saw Ange nodding.

"very good."

Lu Mingfei paused.

"Well, please allow me to ask one last question."

"How many died?"

The office was silent, except for Lu Mingfei and Ange looking at each other.

"Ten thousand?"

Ange's mouth trembled and he almost dropped his cigar.

"It seems not."

Lu Mingfei asked again.

"So, five thousand?"

Angers inhaled irritably, the cigar burning rapidly, and his lung capacity was like a cologne.


Lu Mingfei relaxed, leaned back on the chair, pressed forward with all his strength, and stared at the ceiling in trance. What was this young man thinking? Daze or something else? Angers thought secretly.

Finally, Lu Mingfei came back to his senses from the state of solidified stone sculptures.

"Excuse me."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Thinking of some past events."

"A little distracted."

"Let's continue."

"What were you talking about just now?"

Lu Mingfei thought for a while.

"Yes, how many died."

"Not five thousand people."

"Then there are always a thousand."

Lu Mingfei looked at Anger's expression.

"Oh, not even a thousand."

Lu Mingfei said this in a very calm tone.

It's like I can't get enough energy.


"You are slaying a dragon after all."

"Are you still playing the dragon-slaying game?"

The Angers cigar was smoked very quickly, one puff after another.

He looked terrible.

It was as if he wanted to kill the young man across from him.

Lu Mingfei seemed to be enjoying himself, admiring his enthusiastic expression.

The lack of applause was probably the last sign of respect this boy showed to the principal.


"What happened back then was a tragedy."

"You do not understand."

"We lost a lot of people."

"They are all great kids with a bright future."

“There’s still a lot they haven’t had time to do.”

"They shouldn't die there."


"Okay, okay, okay."

Lu Mingfei raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"My principal."

"Spare me, spare me."

"Listen to what you said."

"I really have goosebumps."

Lu Mingfei smiled.

Angers expression became even more frightening.

"Please, we are warriors, not poets. There is no need to mourn the spring and autumn."

"Put your identity as principal aside."

"Forget him for now."

Lu Mingfei knocked on the table.

"Now, here, you and me."

"This is a conversation time between two warriors."

"Please at least respect my dignity as a warrior, okay?"

Lu Mingfei suppressed his smile.

"Yes, death is sad, everyone knows that."

"You have students who died, and I'm sorry about that."

"But, Principal."

"Monsieur Hilbert Jean Angers."

Lu Mingfei pointed at Angre's heart.

"Don't forget, you are slaying a dragon."

"There is never an undead war."

"Do you still need me to teach you this truth?"

Lu Mingfei stood up and walked behind Ange, helping Ange's shoulders with both hands.

"Sober up, my principal."

"There are never undead wars."

"When they step onto the battlefield."

"They are no longer students."

"They are warriors."

"It's the Dragon Slayer."

"Only not a student."

"If you look at them the same way you look at students, that's an insult to soldiers."

"A warrior's death has value."

“Instead of having an old man grieve and grieve until the cultivation strategy changes.”

"You know, what would I do if I were you?"

Lu Mingfei whispered in Ange's ear.

Like the whisper of the devil in his midnight dream.

"I'll kill that damn dragon."

"Use the dragon's blood and head to honor the fallen soldiers."

"Instead of changing education strategies like you, using the name of cultivating elites to deny the value of the existence of victims."


"Because of their sacrifice, we changed the education strategy and said it was cultivating real elites to avoid similar tragedies from happening again."


Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Do you know what these actions of yours look like to me?"

Lu Mingfei's voice turned cold.

Every word spoken is like the knife-like wind in the cold winter months.

"It's betrayal."

"You deny the existence of the victim."

"You act like that."

"Making a hypothesis."

"Suppose there were a different group of people, such as the current Chu Zihang Caesar, oh, and the invincible Lu Mingfei."

He smiled.

"Change to a real elite team and go on a mission."

"Probably... no one will die."

"No one will die."

"Tragedy will never happen again."

"That would be great."

"A perfect world with no deaths and no tragedies is achieved."

Lu Mingfei stopped talking again.

He let go of Ange's shoulders, walked back to the opposite side and sat down.

Lu Mingfei looked at Ange quietly.

Looking at the old man's face as hard as marble.

Angers is very old.

One hundred and thirty years old.

Even if they were placed in Kyushu, most of the warriors below Waigang would be dead by this age.

Angers is still alive.

Not only was he alive, he was able to pick up a folding knife and rush into battle.

Even though spiritual will can interfere with reality, Angers' spiritual will is like a miracle.

Maybe it's also because he's too old.

Many people saw that Angers could invite girls to have afternoon tea and discuss poetry and dance with European royal princesses, and they thought that Angers was still the young Angers, and that he was still the omnipotent legendary dragon slayer.

But no.

Angers is old.

He was even old enough to change Kassel’s education strategy because of a failure.

In Lu Mingfei's view, this is tantamount to destroying the Great Wall.

The silence lasted for a long time.

Angers shook his head.

"Mingfei, what you said may make sense."

"But I still stick to my idea."

"Enough people have died in this war."

"If anyone must die, they will die."

"Just let me do it."

Lu Mingfei was a little disappointed, but he could understand it.

He didn't think he could change Angers' mind with just one or two words.

If Angers could be persuaded so easily, he would not be able to live up to his reputation as a legend.

What Lu Mingfei wanted was actually.


Lu Mingfei crossed his arms, crossed his legs, and leaned back.

"I know."

"You have your reasons."

"It doesn't matter."

"But I have to be the one to command the next war."

They looked at each other, and neither of them gave way.

"Principal, admit it, you are old."

Angers frowned.

"Mingfei, it's too early."

"I believe in your future."

"I have to say, you are the most outstanding young man I have ever met."

"But, Mingfei."

"too early."

"This time I'm not fighting alone."

"This time it's a melee between two or even three parties."

"It requires experience and decision-making, but Mingfei, you..."


Lu Mingfei waved his hand to interrupt Ange.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, principal."

"What did you say?"


"Do you know why I want command?"

"It's because of determination."

Lu Mingfei changed the topic.

"I've been reading a lot of books these days, and they're very interesting. There's a little thinking game in them called the Train Problem."

"Principal, you should have heard it."

"A train is running at high speed. There are ten children in front of the track and one child on the other side. At this time, the switch to change the track is in your hand. If you do nothing, the ten children will die. If you press the switch, they will die. A child."

"Ten deaths or one death, principal, how do you choose?"

Lu Mingfei smiled.

"If you were young, you would definitely choose to press the switch to save ten people and kill one."

"But, Principal."

Lu Mingfei spoke softly, every word was spoken very softly, but it was like thunder in Ange's heart.

"you're old."

Writer's Assistant, Unlocked

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