Dictado reflected Caesar's blue eyes.

According to the standards of alchemical swords, this Dictado is undoubtedly a good sword.

But for the battle ahead, just a good knife is not enough.

I remember that Chu Zihang was practicing swordsmanship.

Murasame was originally not as good as Dikla, but now he has caught up. The reason is this, to cultivate sword skills.

One obvious difference is that Murasame can deliver power, but Dictado cannot.

They are all warriors now, and their requirements for weapons are naturally different from pure hybrids.

Whether it can transmit power and the efficiency of transmitting power are very important indicators.

Caesar sheathed Dick.

It’s time to adjust your schedule and add sword training.

Caesar thinks this way, as if raising swordsmanship is a simple exercise for the eyes. In fact, it is not the case. It is extremely difficult to raise swordsmanship. The warrior establishes a connection with the weapon and nourishes the weapon with spirit. This is the core gist of swordsmanship. It sounds like It is really mysterious and mysterious. Even people who have lived in the Far East since childhood are confused, let alone Caesar who grew up in a foreign cultural environment.

But Caesar didn't care.

He is a man who is confident to the point of arrogance.

Caesar should take it for granted that he can easily master all the knowledge and skills in this world, and that nothing that can stump him Caesar has yet appeared.

For example, Chu Zihang's violent blood technique. Caesar knew that this was the key to Chu Zihang's power, and he had tried to get it. Caesar never worried about whether he could learn violent blood. This question was meaningless, as long as After getting the information, he can start. The logic is so smooth that it is as easy as eating and drinking.

However, Caesar has not put the matter of obtaining the violent blood technology on the agenda. He is too proud. Caesar thinks that he can defeat Chu Zihang without violent blood.

This is a game for Caesar.

But later, Lu Mingfei appeared and brought Kyushu Martial Arts. Although this S-class was very strong, as strong as a monster, I have to say that the game was more interesting, wasn't it?

Caesar showed great interest in this.

Martial arts and kung fu sound much more interesting than violent blood.

Opening the door, the little red-haired witch was waiting against the wall. Nono was blowing bubble gum, her red hair was tied into a ponytail, and her military boots were touching the ground. Caesar smiled. It seemed that his fiancée was in a good mood.

"too slow."

Nuonuo looked at him, smiled provocatively, stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist.

Caesar moved.

They bumped fists, waved their hands, twirled around, and looked at each other with bright eyes, like a warm and passionate dance.

This is a popular greeting ritual among certain groups in the United States.

In the end, Caesar and Nono ended up bumping shoulders.

"very good!"

Nono was very satisfied. The girl's smile was bright and sunny.

Not long ago, Nono suddenly became interested in hip-hop and hip-hop. Sometimes he would go out over the wall at night, drive for hours, and meet a group of young men and women wearing sweatshirts and hoods on deserted streets in the early morning.

Carrying the speaker, as soon as I turned it on, the sound wave shook the ground.

Nuonuo ruffled her red hair and stood in the center of the crowd dancing. The little witch was also able to perform difficult moves.

The boys and girls laughed and clapped.

Caesar plays the drums.

At this time, Caesar and Nuonuo reunited and went to find Lu Mingfei.

Caesar looked at Nono, who was walking lightly. Although he was wearing a combat uniform, the pistol looked more decorative than practical. The target of this trip might even be a dragon. What was he doing with such a small pistol? Polishing dragon scales?

"Would you like to bring a rocket launcher?"

Caesar suggested.

"Forget it."

Nono waved his hand.

"You know what I'm going to do."


"Just be a good tracker."

"If we fight, isn't this S-class with you and us?"

When she talked about our S-class, she seemed to have a lot of meaning.

This girl really looks like a red fox.

Caesar didn't pay attention. In his opinion, it was normal for Nono to smile like this.

Caesar nodded.


"Indeed, that's enough."

Caesar looked at his fiancée who seemed to be out on an outing.

Who would have thought that Nono would actually have to face a dragon?

There are also benefits to carrying a light load. When the time comes that there is real danger, Nono can run faster.

Of course, Caesar does not require Nono to outrun the dragons, as long as he can find a place to hide. As she said, the battle is between him and Lu Shi.

They saw Lu Mingfei next to the helicopter.

The dragon slayer, who was wearing an Assassin's Creed uniform, was looking down at his phone. On it was a video recorded by Norma.

A man with an old-fashioned face, sweating profusely, knelt in front of Uesugoshi in a black kimono. He bowed his head deeply. Uesugoshi scolded him like a grandson. He couldn't say anything yet, he could only respond repeatedly.

"Is this Xiaoda?"

Caesar asked.


Lu Mingfei smiled.

"The front is more interesting. At first, when the uncle came to visit, they were very disdainful and condescending. Then the uncle revealed his identity, and the head of the Oda family was shocked. It turned out that Oda, who had met the uncle before, was still alive. Now, although he is not the head of the Oda family, he is the head of the family. You have to call him father."

"And that was it."

Lu Mingfei took another look at Xiaotian kneeling on the ground.

There was a flash of killing intent in his smiling eyes.

Lu Mingfei saw the hundreds of years of humiliation in the Far East in modern times. He was very angry that even a small country dared to touch China.

The Kyushu where Lu Mingfei is located is very similar to the Far East, so he naturally has some identification with the Far East.

However, Lu Mingfei realized that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

This is no ordinary world.

Underneath the calm daily life, there is a turbulent undercurrent of the Dragon River hybrid.

The Far East has a vast territory and rich resources. Even if its apparent technological and military strength cannot match it, what about hybrids?

Hu Xu re-implemented the decapitation tactic, which could affect the situation of the battle to some extent.

But looking at the history of modern wars in the Far East, Lu Mingfei has never found relevant information records.

This is worth pondering.

It seems that the Far East is actually a hybrid desert, with traces of dragons all over the world, but there is a vacuum in the Far East.

This situation is unusual.

Either the Far East is a real hybrid desert, or there is someone beyond imagination in this land.

It should be noted that Kassel is overbearing and set up a branch directly in Japan, but only has one preparatory class in the Far East, or is it jointly with Peking University. The smell of deception is too strong, so who is Kassel trying to deceive?

Ordinary people? Although there is an Abrahamic blood contract, it is not to this extent.

Lu Mingfei put away his computer and boarded the plane first.

The helicopter's propellers whipped up strong winds.

The pilot is meticulous, with a height of less than 1.5 meters or even less than 1.5 meters. Sitting in the driver's seat, people can't help but want to remind the children that they are on the wrong track. This is an airplane, not a primary school classroom!

Lu Mingfei entered the cabin. He and Ling nodded. The girl's eyes lit up like ice, followed by Caesar and Nono.

Caesar unexpectedly saw the famous Princess of Kassel here. Although it was normal for Zero to come to Japan, she was an S-class secretary after all. If an S-class appeared in Japan, Zero would definitely follow.

But why is Her Royal Highness sitting in the cockpit?

It's not a toy for elementary school students.

Caesar couldn't find anything that looked like a pilot.

No, Her Royal Highness killed the pilot?

Caesar wanted to talk to Zero and looked at the cockpit, but he could only see the back of Her Royal Highness's noble head.

All right.

Caesar shrugged.

Facts have proved that Gattuso's charm does not work on all members of the opposite sex.

At least not if you are too young.

Zero was wearing a child's combat uniform and headphones. When he saw everyone completing boarding, he said something into the headset, and then pressed the button.

Strictly speaking, this helicopter was ordered by Caesar to deliver clothes to Lu Mingfei.

But it later performed some tasks, such as sending the patriarch and the Shadow Emperor to their loyal Oda family.

Minamoto and Uesugi could go back as quickly as possible, and even catch up with Lu Mingfei's tactical arrangements, all thanks to this helicopter and the pilot.

Now go to Hongjing and rescue the young girl, the sooner the better.

But considering the possibility of confronting dragons and encountering them in mid-air, ordinary pilots are obviously not suitable.

It is not impossible for dragons to have empty seats. In fact, the vice principal and his friends are an example. When approaching Japan, they encountered dragons.

But the strange thing is that the dragon did not attack the vice principal and others. The dragon just stared with his golden eyes, like a god inadvertently casting a glance at the mortal world.

Just a glance caused a disaster to the vice principal and his team. If it weren't for the pilot's superb skills and the parachute was taken away, everyone in the plane would probably have been hit by the sea. Under the heavy pressure, there would probably only be a few monster levels left. Only advanced hybrids can survive.

Flying a helicopter is even more special. You almost face a dragon directly. Ordinary people can't even look into the golden eyes of a dragon, let alone complete aerial maneuvers.

This is when zero comes in handy.

The girl and the pilot looked at each other. She lit up her golden eyes, and her words took effect, like a miracle. The scenes were imprinted on the girl's mind. She held the lever, the pointer data, the wind in the sky. When Zero looked away, she was a A true master pilot.

Zero pilots a helicopter, and with his bloodline, even if he does encounter a dragon, he won't have any room to fight back.

What's more, Ling also has martial arts cultivation, and she is also at the peak of body training. If you calculate carefully, she may still be above Caesar.

Zero may break into inhumanity at any time.

The helicopter takes off.

There were not only the original three people in the cabin, but one more.

"Two of you, this is Shizuo Miyamoto. This is our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice."

The head of the Miyamoto family, who was also wearing combat uniform, nodded to Caesar and Nono.


Caesar cupped his fists and handed over his hands. This scene shocked Miyamoto Shio who wanted to shake hands. He looked at Caesar who was cupping his fists and then looked at his blond hair and blue eyes.

Shio Miyamoto:…

They briefly introduce themselves.

No one asked Lu Mingfei why there was one more person.

Caesar and Nono are elites even in Cassel, which is full of geniuses. Especially Caesar, he can play the role of an excellent commander. Of course, Caesar can also become a powerful warrior.

This time, Lu Mingfei, who was in the operation command room, was temporarily added. Lu Mingfei must have had his own considerations.

At least to say it or not to say it all depends on Lu Mingfei's thoughts.

"The destination of our trip is Hongjing."

"Where the White King hid his body."

Lu Mingfei said.

“We need an expert on this to accompany us.”

"The head of the Miyamoto family can provide us with the necessary help."

Lu Mingfei gave a brief introduction.

Shio Miyamoto is very modest. He adjusts his glasses and smiles like a college student who has not yet stepped out of the ivory tower. He is full of bookishness and even looks a little shy.

Caesar raised an eyebrow, interested.

"The White King's well of corpses."

"Sounds like an interesting place."

Miyamoto Shio smiled faintly.

"Let me introduce you to a few of you during this time."

"Hold on."

Lu Mingfei made a gesture.

He held down the headphones.


"I can hear you."


Lu Mingfei nodded to Miyamoto Shio, indicating that he could continue.

Zero will also participate in the operation later, and Lu Mingfei believes that she needs to know where the remains are hidden.

Miyamoto Shio pondered for a moment.

"I'll start from the beginning. Of course, I'll try to be as concise as possible. Take your time."

Miyamoto Shio smiled.

Speaking of which, looking through the resume, the senior student in front of me is actually Shio Miyamoto, the current director of the Iwaryu Research Institute, who also studied in Kassel.

It’s just that Miyamoto Shio didn’t say a word about it.

“Have you ever heard of the Age of Gods?

When Shio Miyamoto opens his mouth, it’s Japanese mythology.

Some people have researched that the Yamata no Orochi in this country is actually a foreign god. Some people say that it is Xiangliu in the ancient legend of the Far East. This is a monster recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. It has nine snake heads and has an excellent taste.

Well, it seems like something strange has gotten into it, but after all, it is the Book of Mountains and Seas that contains recipes for gods and ghosts. Isn’t it normal to comment on the taste of the book while recording vicious beasts and gods?

All in all, some people think that Yamata no Orochi is Xiangliu after the defeat. Xiangliu had his head chopped off in the Far East. In a rage, he went to Japan to make trouble.

It makes sense when you think about it. You see, nine minus one equals eight, so Xiangliu becomes the Yamata-no-Orochi with eight heads, which sounds full of the beauty of mathematical logic.

But according to Miyamoto Shio, there is a new version of the origin of Yamata no Orochi.

This is the legacy of the White King.

The Dead Sea Script records that the Black King killed the White King.

But that's a dragon.

He is also a terrifying figure above the four great monarchs.

With the Black King as the source, the four great monarchs were born, as well as the hybrids that exist all over the world today.

What about the white king who is equal to the black king?

Later it was proved that the Black King did not completely kill the White King, or in other words, the White King's vitality was too tenacious and even the Black King could not easily kill him.

Moreover, not only was King Bai not dead, he also continued his bloodline and created his descendants.

So there are three noble lives in Japanese mythology, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo.

Caesar's expression changed.

"That is to say."

"Your parents are the first generation?"

This is a very simple reasoning. Since the White King and the Black King have the same personality, then Amaterasu Minamoto naturally has the same personality as the four monarchs.

But Caesar couldn't connect Yuan Zhisheng with the four monarchs.

It's not that Yuan Zhisheng is too weak.

As a mixed race, Yuan Zhisheng is very strong.

It should be said that Yuan Zhisheng has reached the pinnacle of hybrids.

But he was targeting the four great monarchs.

The gap is too big.

Miyamoto Shio adjusted his glasses.

"It stands to reason that it is like this."

"But something must have gone wrong."

Lu Mingfei thought of the terrifying potential he had felt in Yuan Zhisheng's body.

Yuan Zhisheng is like the tip of an iceberg. The power he possesses now is the iceberg exposed above the sea, but his potential, Yuan Zhisheng's potential is not the lower part of the iceberg, but the entire sea.

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