Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 578 Fingel joins the team

Fingel spread his hands.

"I'm really sorry about this."


"You know me, I am most afraid of death. Now my life is in your hands. I will definitely tell you everything I know."

"So it's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I don't know."

''You see, the relationship between me and the Supreme Council is just a cooperative relationship. They give me what I want, and I do things for them. I pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. ,

"Bah, bah, bah, what a child, they lied to me!"

Fingel was indignant.

"If I had known that they were descendants of gods and wanted to resurrect dragons and destroy this era, I would definitely not play with them."

"I'm a good person, and you know this very well, boss, right?"

Fingel said it without changing his face or heart, as if it were true.

It's just that Fingel has been secretly observing Lu Mingfei's expression.

He found that Lu Mingfei was indifferent to what he said and had no reaction at all.

Fingel rolled his eyes.

"Although I haven't been able to reach the core of the Supreme Council."

"But after all these years of cooperation, I have heard some rumors."

"Boss, have you heard of the Age of Gods?"

Lu Mingfei recalled.

"In Japanese mythology, a time when gods and mortals lived together."

"No no no."

Fingel bit his finger.

"I'm not talking about Japanese mythology."

Fingel opened his arms in a hug.

"It's the whole world."

"I heard it mentioned by a girl who belongs to the core family of the Supreme Council."

"It seems to be something..."

Fingel pretended to be thinking hard.

"Oh, right."

“The Age of Gods is coming.

Fingel nodded.

"Yes, that's it."

The Age of Gods is coming.

Lu Mingfei thought silently in his mind, remembering this sentence.

The Age of Gods, as the name suggests, refers to the age of gods.

on the contrary……

Dragon generation.

Since dragons and gods are two kinds of existence, then the opposite of the Age of Gods may be the Age of Dragons.

Fingel was very emotional.

"I didn't expect that these old European mixed-bloods would hide so deeply."

"Speaking of which, they like you very much, boss."

Fingel chuckled.

"You called me here specifically to ask for information about you."

At this point, Fingel showed his trademark dog-legged smile.

"But who am I?"

"I am your loyal little brother, boss."

"Anyone can betray you, but I won't!"

Fingel was righteous and impassioned, and Lu Mingfei had no doubt that if a Bible were placed here, this guy would definitely put his hand on it and swear an oath without even blinking.

"So, boss."

"I haven't said a word of your information to the public."

"You can rest assured on this."

Fingel was elated.

"I fooled them."

"It was fooled perfectly."

"Trust me, boss."

"I don't think anyone will expose my words in the short term."

"Telling lies is my specialty."

Lu Ming was enjoying the music.

"Quite proud."

"That is."

Fingel was even more proud.

Not knowing what he was thinking of, he gritted his teeth again.

"But boss, those guys are so abominable."

"Getting information is not enough."

"You actually attacked me!"

"Whatever you say, I am also a lucky person with great potential. Ask me if I want to join them."

"Of course I won't."

"Who wants to become a dragon?"

"I can't even tell the gender, and the female dragon is totally outside my taste."

Lu Mingfei was silent.

"So this is the reason why you refused to join the Goddess."

Fingel nodded, not forgetting to show a flattering smile to Lu Mingfei.

"Of course, boss."

"There must be loyalty to you, right?"

"Tell the important point."


The way Fingel looks now, it's like if you tell him to get out, this guy will get away with a smile.

"They wanted to capture me."

"But I didn't expect it."

"I know there's a secret basement here."

"While they weren't paying attention, I slipped in without anyone noticing."

"Then use the principal's hotline to call the boss for help."

Fingel slapped his chest.


"The Black King bless you, oh no, it's the boss who bless you."

"I finally survived and avoided the tragic fate of turning into an ugly dragon."

As he spoke, Fingel burst into tears and runny nose, feeling extremely sad.

"Thank you for arriving in time, boss."

"If only it were slower."

"Slower down..."

"If you go any slower, you'll finish the entire meal, right?"

Lu Mingfei retracted the dragon claw.

Fingel was overjoyed and quickly got up from the ground.

"Boss, do you finally believe me?"

Fingel was beyond excited.

Lu Mingfei's golden eyes stared deeply at Fingel.

You passed.

Of course, Lu Mingfei heard that there were many problems with Fingel's words.

He briefly explained many key points in a few words.

But it doesn't matter.

There is no need to pursue too much.

It was enough to get the information from Fingel.

Fingel moved his body easily, happily enjoying this hard-won freedom.

Then he was caught by the collar of fate.

Lu Mingfei raised Fingel with one hand.

Fingel's feet were dangling in the air, flopping around wildly.

His eyes widened.



"What are you doing, boss!"

"Put me down!"

"Shut up."

Lu Mingfei glanced at him.

Fingel immediately closed his mouth obediently, made zipper movements, and smiled flatteringly at Lu Mingfei.

"I'm going to find the girl."

"Just in time, you can come along."

Fingel blinked.

He hesitated twice.


Fingel let out a long breath.

"That's it, boss."

He asked Lu Mingfei.

"Girl, are you talking about Kazama Ruri? The legendary Cowherd."

"Oh, I don't see that you know a lot about the Japanese cowherd world."

"That's right, it's our duty to investigate the customs industry."

Fingel continued to ask.

"I remember that this is actually the younger brother of the current patriarch of the eight Sheqi families."

"Whoever dares to take away Amaterasu's younger brother in this land of Japan has the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard."

"Speaking of which, Kazama Ruri is not weak herself."

"It seems like Susanoo's life or something."

Fingel winked at Lu Mingfei.

"So, does this Susanoo know how to drive a Gundam?"


"Hahaha, boss, just think I'm joking."

Lu Mingfei glanced at this guy and then looked away, not taking Fingel's words to heart.

"You're right."

"Children are very strong."

"Both his personal strength and the power he possesses are very strong."

"Ordinary people and organizations cannot capture him on this land."

"So, it's not just ordinary people who can capture young girls."

"Then guess who captured him?"

Fingel used his brain and thought hard.

Soon he thought of it.


Fingel was still smug when he blurted it out.

But when he realized it, his expression changed.

"God...descendant of God!"

He looked at Lu Mingfei's face, and it could be said that he was smiling more ugly than crying.


"That is to say, we, no, you, if you go to save the young girl, does that mean we have to find the descendants of the gods?"

Lu Ming's bronze mask showed no expression, but his golden eyes were obviously smiling.

"That's right."

"Go find the Goddess."

Fingel swallowed.

"Ha ha."

"That, boss."

"I think this place is actually not far from Takamagahara."

"I can go back by myself."

"You don't need to send it."

Fingel waved to Lu Mingfei, turned around and left.

But he seemed to be prosperous, and his collar was still held up.

Fingel struggled twice, but failed to get out. He looked back at Lu Mingfei, smiled awkwardly, shrank down, took his whole body out of his coat, and rolled on the ground. Fingel was about to run away.

After running out for two steps, he was caught again.

This time it's the neck.

The dragon's claws gently pinched Fingel's neck, which looked like pinching a little chicken.


Lu Mingfei didn't talk nonsense.

Looking up at the hole in the roof, the sun is pouring down.

Fingel's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lu Mingfei transformed into a dragon wing in the imperial posture, and the talent pictures and texts on it lit up in sequence.

Fingel watched the ground slowly move away from him.

Eyes wide open, mouth agape.

Fingel wanted to shout, but no words came out.

Even if it is a mixed breed, it will definitely break if it is just leaning on the neck.

Lu Mingfei rose into the sky.

By the time he left the roof, he had switched from strangling Fingel to holding the guy under his arm.

So Fingel was finally free to shout.


Two children were walking on their way home.

"Wentai, I heard that there is a monster attack in Tokyo."


"It's amazing. I really want to see it."

"Tell me, how much does it cost to go to Tokyo?"

"The Shinkansen will be very expensive."

"Ah, damn it, we obviously want to save the world, why can't we do it because of something as trivial as the fare?"

"Speaking of which, if you want to save the world, those guys should be able to fly."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Wentai, find a guy who can fly and show it to me."

He put his hands behind his head and laughed.

But... I always feel like something is strange.

Why is it so quiet?

Wen Tai stared blankly at the sky.

"What are you looking at? You guy!"

He looked in the direction of Wen Tai's annotation.

So he also opened his mouth wide.


I saw a man screaming and flying into the sky.

Wait, why are you screaming?

Moreover, this man's flying posture is so weird, with his back to the sky. Does he have eyes on the back of his head?

Some kind of monster?

but no matter.

Really...there is really someone in Fei!

The schoolbag fell to the ground.

"Quick! Quick! Shoot it!"

They hurriedly took out their mobile phones. As a duo who claim to save the world, it is normal to carry mobile phones with them. This makes it easier to take pictures of monsters or evil organizations to prove their information at the first time. In short, it is very useful. .

"Have you filmed it?

"Don't rush, don't rush, we're filming!"

"Damn it! Disappeared!"

There were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, and a few birds flew past. Apart from that, there were no flying humans anywhere.

The two children looked at each other.

They all saw the shock in each other's eyes that could not dissipate for a long time.

"Is it an illusion?"

Should...probably not. ""

They themselves couldn't believe what they saw.

Maybe it was some strange air phenomenon, like a mirage or something.

"Silly, you can tell if it's true or not by just looking at your phone!"

They quickly gathered together, heads next to each other, and looked at what they had just captured on their phones.

When the video opens, they hold their breath and their palms are sweaty.

"The file you are playing does not exist.

They stared.

"Hey! How could it be!

“You’re kidding!

"How can it be!

Unwilling to be reconciled, the two people went through the operation again. They believed that they must not have seen it wrong. What they took just now must be a problem with their mobile phones!

But unfortunately, no matter how they look for it, the result is the same.

"S level, mission accomplished, all relevant video materials in the nearby area will be deleted."

"Thank you, Norma."

"It doesn't have to be this way."

Did Norma load some strange voice package?

Such an idea appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Then he heard Norma say.

"Kassel Navigation continues to be at your service."

"Please keep flying in the current direction."

"Traffic is good, no UFOs, wish you a safe journey."

Lu Mingfei smiled knowingly.

The dragon scales all over his body shimmered slightly, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, like a wave of light.

This is a new talent picture that Lu Mingfei discovered not long ago.

The effect is probably concealment.

Before landing alone, Lu Mingfei was bold and fast, so he didn't have to worry about being seen.

But this would be different. He also brought a Fingel. Although this guy had a good bloodline, it was still too reluctant to withstand the speed of a sonic boom with his body, so Lu Mingfei thought about whether there was any other way.

After thinking about it carefully, I have it.

New talent graphics and text were enabled by him.

It was said that the use of hidden talent pictures and texts at the beginning made a joke. Lu Mingfei was not skilled enough, so he only concealed himself and forgot about Fingel. When he realized it, someone on the Internet was already posting about a certain flying Superman, or so on. What a weirdo.


Lu Mingfei hurriedly researched and brought Fingel into the concealment range, and asked Norma to delete the data.

In fact, it is open to question whether this step is still necessary under the current situation.

There have been too many strange videos circulating on the Internet in the past two days.

The blockade is only temporary and cannot last long.

A large number of societies have emerged privately, involving aliens, supernatural beings, whatever.

They have photos and even videos of dragons.

In fact, this is normal. Although Norma and Kaguya are artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is not omnipotent and needs the network as a carrier.

If the network is cut off, artificial intelligence will be powerless.

Moreover, dragons have appeared unscrupulously, and a new era is just around the corner. It always feels like it is unnecessary to keep the Abraham blood contract.

Speaking of which, it's so quiet.

Lu Mingfei thought.


Lu Mingfei looked down.

Fingel opened his mouth with a spoiled expression.

Lu Mingfei's eyes moved.

If it wasn't a bronze mask, but his true face, Lu Mingfei must have looked like he was looking at garbage at this moment.

I always feel like I've seen something unclean.

Lu Mingfei shook his head secretly and accelerated his flying speed.

A black dot appeared in the distant sky.

It's a helicopter.

Caesar stared out the window.

"Road Master?"

Lu Mingfei flew by.

Caesar wondered.

Then a man fell from the sky.

It’s Lu Mingfei.

He was still dressed as before.

The hair is not messed up either.

Lu Mingfei returned to his previous seat and sat down.

Take off the bronze mask.

He didn't seem to have changed at all.

Except there is one more person on hand.


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