Hopeless days are longing.

I want to swallow this drop of blood in front of me.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand.

When this drop of blood came into contact with his fingers, the entire ghost town began to shake.

Lu Mingfei was shocked.

Huge pressure fell on him.

The ghost town rumbles, something falls, and the entire city begins to disintegrate.

It seems that this drop of blood is a very important treasure.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

No wonder Hopeless Sky is so eager.

very good.

I'm starting to look forward to what happens next.

Since Lu Mingfei has the ability to turn this ghost town upside down, he won't worry about his final counterattack. Faced with the absolute gap in strength, the coach feels that his dying cry is noisy.

Lu Mingfei held the drop of blood tightly.

This drop of blood is very big, so maybe "drop" shouldn't be used. Quantifiers such as "piece" would be more appropriate.

Holding it in his hand, Lu Mingfei felt a burning sensation. This was just in the throne posture. Otherwise, it would not only be a simple burning, but the terrifying high temperature might also burn the muscles of his hands.

When Lu Mingfei did get the blood, all the negative states originating from the ghost town were wiped away.

The pressure, the sense of corrosion, all disappeared.

The arms quickly Fu Yuan, it's like going back in time, bones covering blood vessels, then fascia, fat, muscle and scales.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head and stared at the scene.

Logically speaking, without flesh and blood working hard, the bones are just frames and cannot move independently.

Lu Mingfei ignored this.

Dragon bones are not just weapons, they also have the ability to move. Maybe the bone dragons in Western legends do exist, but they most likely have nothing to do with evil death magic. If the real reason is...

Alchemical matrix on bones.

Those pictures and texts of talents that grow and spread like vines.

Lu Mingfei increasingly felt that dragons were tools for fighting, or mid-level combat weapons. All designs ensured that dragons could maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness in the most dangerous environments.

Even after losing all his flesh and blood and turning into a skeleton, he can still continue to fight.

The dragon's claws returned to their original state. With a slight exertion, the steel-like muscles under the scales swelled and relaxed. This power was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

But the blood was still intact.

Can't it be destroyed?

Or am I not strong enough?

Lu Mingfei looked at it.

Speaking of which, how should I use this blood?

Lu Mingfei fell into deep thought.

The longing from the hopeless sky is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Mingfei warned himself seriously not to act rashly, but to calm down and think.

Mingfei, Mingfei, you are not the reckless man in Kyushu who only knows about fighting. Now you have read many books and know about science and alchemy. When you return to Kyushu, you are also a scholar. You must remember the principle of making decisions before taking action.

Lu Mingfei looked at the empty dragon claws in a daze.

Wait, where is his trophy?

Where did that big piece of blood go?

Lu Mingfei immediately thought if a monster had stolen it while he wasn't paying attention.

Damn it, how dare you steal from me!

Lu Mingfei was furious.

It should be said that it was when he was about to get angry.

Wait, this is...

Lu Mingfei patted his chest, his throat moved, and something was swallowed.

Lu Mingfei:......

He seemed to know where the blood in his hand had gone.

Oh, it turns out there are no monsters.

I ate it myself.

That's okay.

The ghost city began to collapse. Obviously, this blood was a kind of existence similar to the core. After losing it, the ghost city lost the foundation of its existence.

Lu Mingfei didn't care.

All his attention was now focused on the blood he had just swallowed.

Lu Mingfei called it Blood Agate. It looks similar, doesn't it?

Surprisingly, the blood agate was obviously very hot in his hands, but when Lu Mingfei swallowed it, he felt a sense of coolness sweeping over him, as if swallowing a piece of ice in the middle of winter, his brain was cooled and his spirit was refreshed. A jolt.

It's weird, the coolness doesn't go through the esophagus, but rushes directly to the heart. As the heart beats, a cold and cool feeling sweeps through the whole body, and the feeling of hopelessness becomes more and more clear.

It seems that it will be within reach in the next second.

But this is just as if.

In a daze, a gloomy gate appeared in front of Lu Mingfei's eyes. He looked familiar. This was the gateway to hell, the gateway to hopeless heaven.

What else is behind the gate of hell? There are so many shadows that I can’t see clearly.

Lu Mingfei didn't need to see clearly, he could definitely call those names.

Lu Mingfei's expression changed.

Hopeless sky.

What a homely and familiar place.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously took a step to enter the gate of hell.

But as he moved forward, the gate of hell retreated, Lu Mingfei entered again, and the gate of hell retreated again. It was obvious that they were not far apart, but they were so close to each other.

The phantom of the Ghost Gate was getting fainter and fainter. Lu Mingfei simply stopped and stood there, quietly watching the Ghost Gate completely disappear.

This is……

not enough.

Lu Mingfei tried hard to recall how he felt before.

The gate of hell, no, it should be said to be the hopeless sky, is very close at hand.

But something was still missing.

And what is missing is ready to come out.

The Nibelungs of the Underworld.

There is a certain special connection between the outer world of Kyushu and the Nibelung roots of the dragon world.

Now, Lu Mingfei seems to be able to complete Wuwangtian by absorbing Nibelung roots.

Since ghost towns were not enough, Lu Mingfei went to look for more similar places.

Lu Mingfei rose into the sky.

He felt flying easier.

It was as if the whole world was subconsciously helping him and lifting his body.

The ghost town has been reduced to ruins, with only a deep pit that keeps falling in place. The ground tilts into the pit, and then returns to flat ground in the blink of an eye.

"grown ups……"

On the ghost car, I shouted with tears in my right ear.

"You are crying in mourning."

Shuten Doji poured himself wine.

"That's our boss, what are you thinking about?"

A human figure broke through the ground, raised an earth dragon, and soared upwards. Various weather conditions in the sky were mixed together. Among the dark clouds, red thunder and lightning flashed continuously.

Countless monsters and ghosts bowed their heads on the plain.

"This pressure!"

Shuten Doji was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his gourd of wine scattered all over the floor.

The ghost car drew the curtain, a gust of wind passed by, and Lu Mingfei sat inside.

"grown ups!"

Shuten Doji quickly knelt down and bowed his head deeply. It was strange that after a fierce battle, Master Mingming's aura did not fall but rose instead. In Shuten Doji's perception at this moment, Lu Mingfei was like the center of the world, and the whole world was cooperating with Lu. Ming Fei's actions.


Shuten-douji stopped breathing, and then relaxed. At that moment, Shuten-douji felt a pair of golden eyes cast a gaze on him. At that moment, he seemed to have returned to his childhood. He was just a little monster, struggling for imperial power. A time of survival.

Shuten Doji would not doubt that as long as Lu Mingfei was willing, he could easily take his life.

Fortunately, Lu Mingfei only glanced at him for a moment, otherwise Shuten Tongzi might have been forced to kneel down on one knee, and would have to bow to the ground.

For example, this person next to me.

Clattering sound.

The ghost general fell to the ground, unable to move.

The ghost general is a monster formed by the soul of a general who died in battle attached to his armor. At this time, he seems to be disintegrated. The connection between the battle spirit and the armor is no longer tight, and he may be scattered at any time.

The ghost general was extremely shocked.

Is this the big monster standing at the top of the underworld?

It's unbelievable that it has such power.

Lu Mingfei frowned slightly.

My grasp of power is out of balance.

A lot was leaked.

Absorbing the ghost town core really gave me a lot of benefits.

However, this kind of power obtained out of thin air is somewhat troublesome to use without polishing, and it does not operate freely enough.

This is a habit Lu Mingfei developed in Kyushu. He has a paranoid pursuit of mastering power. He must master it 100%, otherwise he will not think about food and drink, and it will feel like a thorn is stuck in his heart.

To solve it, it's easy, just fight.

"Is there any place like this ghost town?"


Shuten Doji rushed to answer.

"Sir, there are three cities and two Jedi in Huangquan. In addition to this one, there are two others, one in..."

Shuten Doji used youki to simulate a map, appeared in mid-air, marked their current location, and then arrows pointed to the road below.

Lu Mingfei looked intently.

The two cities were getting closer and closer to the depths of Huangquan, just in a straight line. At the end of the road was Santuhe. Lu Mingfei remembered that that was the place where Yuan Zhisheng disappeared from the intelligence.

very good.

Lu Mingfei nodded slowly.

"Go to the next city."

The ghost car floats slowly into the air, the ghost aura slides down the cover, and Lu Mingfei's night journey of hundreds of ghosts begins again.

The ghost general looked back, where was the ghost city? His eyes were complicated.

The ghost town that had been guarded for many years was actually alive. The ghost general couldn't tell what he was feeling at this moment.


Shuten Doji put his arm around his shoulders.

"We will be colleagues from now on."

"Let's do some work for the master together."

"Brother, as a senior, I have to remind you."

"When you are working for the master, you have to do your best and you can't be cunning."

Shuten Doji shook the gourd proudly and looked at the ghost general with his eyes.

"Come on, you have a bar there, fill it up for seniors, and seniors will teach you their experience."

The ghost general remained silent, the monster was extremely greedy for power, and the winner took all. Since Lu Mingfei won, he should have everything, and naturally he and his subordinates were included in all of this.

The ghost general was convinced by Lu Mingfei. He had seen the resurrected ghost city and believed that he had no room to fight back against the ghost city, and such a powerful being could not defeat Lu Mingfei.

It is natural to follow the strong.

But with this shameless Shuten boy.

The ghost general thought, he should have killed this damn Jiudan just now.

They soon arrived at the second ghost town.

Surprisingly, this is a beautiful city, where a clan of snow girls with white hair and white clothes reside. They are the darlings of ice and snow, and countless monsters who are close to ice and snow regard it as a holy place.

Lu Mingfei lowered the ghost car.

Snow City is silent and the door is closed.

Shuten Doji and Oni General knelt in front of the chariot and asked for orders to go into battle.

Shuten Doji cast provocative glances at the Oni General from time to time, but the Oni General was completely unaware of it.

The ghost general knew what he wanted. He must show his loyalty in front of Lu Mingfei and show his value.

Lu Mingfei's golden eyes swept across the two of them.

Shuten Doji and Ghost General lowered their heads.

Who to let go?

Lu Mingfei rapped his knuckles on the armrest.

There was a loud grunting sound ahead, like rolling thunder.

The gate of Snow City rises.

Snow girls with white hair and white clothes filed out.

They lined up in front of the formation, and one of the snow girls held the seal in both hands and raised it above her head.

"Bai Xueji, present the city."

The Oni General and Shuten Doji looked at each other.

They both saw pity in each other's eyes.

There was even resentment.

Damn it, who told you to vote so fast? What about our credit!

Lu Mingfei played with the seal and nodded.

"I'm determined."

Bai Xueji smiled.

With the seal in hand, Lu Mingfei gained partial authority in Snow City. He flew out of the ghost car and landed in Snow City. As expected, the city was alive. Lu Mingfei repeated his old trick and obtained the second red agate blood.

There was thunder in silence.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were filled with boundless fog.

A ghost gate is ups and downs here.

The scene behind the gate of hell becomes clearer.

That is Huangquan Road, the flower of the other shore.

I seem to be closer to the gate of hell.

The hopeless sky is manifesting.

very good.

The white mist rose again, covering the gate of hell, and Lu Mingfei stood there.

Two blood agates are not enough.

I want more.

The Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts rises again.

At this time, it was very close to the scale of Thousand Ghost Night Parade.

Bai Xueji is the leader of the Snow Maiden clan. She is unparalleled in splendor. I don’t know what tricks she used to sneak into the ghost car, pour wine for Lu Mingfei with a smile, and the Snow Maiden played the musical instrument.

"Damn it."

The Shuten boy accompanying the ghost car on both sides had red eyes.

"Do you also want a snow girl to serve you?"

General Ghost asked.

"What do I want with that thing!"

Shuten Doji carries the mace.

"I want to serve the lord!"

The Oni General silently took a look at Shuten Doji's burly body.

"If you don't want to die, I advise you to give up this idea."

The right ear is sitting in the ghost car, behaved and not squinting.

"You are the masters of Snow City."


"So, do you know anything about this underworld?"

"Yellow Spring."

Bai Xueji curled up and poured wine for Lu Mingfei while thinking about it.

"That's all."

Lu Mingfei pushed the cup.

"This wine is too weak to taste."

Bai Xueji froze.

Wait, beauties are served wine, is the point about wine? I am such a beautiful woman here, and you don't even look at me. Bai Xueji began to doubt her own charm, thinking that my reputation as a beautiful woman might be fake.

Bai Xueji carefully observed Lu Mingfei's expression. Well, the dragon scales were too thick and she couldn't see anything.

What about the eyes?

Bai Xueji only saw four words in Lu Mingfei's eyes.


Bai Xueji suddenly had an outrageous idea.

Could it be that this powerful being in front of me has never had close contact with a girl?

Lu Mingfei flicked his wine glass.

"Tell me about Huang Quan."


Bai Xueji put away all her inappropriate thoughts and told Lu Mingfei.

Huangquan is a world where monsters live. It has existed since ancient times. Monsters have long lifespans. There are also several big monsters that live for hundreds or even thousands of years.

The Snow Maiden clan lacks top-level demons. They mainly have many people and continuous inheritance, so they know more secrets than ordinary demons.

After much talk, we finally came to the conclusion of the Three Ways and Harmony.

The Santuhe in the myth means that the souls of the dead are thrown into three rivers with different flowing speeds based on their sins. But this is not the case. Santuhe is the deepest part of the world. Countless demons have tried to explore it since ancient times. They want to find out. What will be the end of Santuhe, but without exception, all monsters who dare to step into Santuhe will die.

Even the great demon standing on top of the underworld is the same.

The monsters gradually formed a consensus that special conditions are needed to enter the Three Paths.

That is, the three precious lives.

It takes three precious lives to cross the three journeys.

And at the end of the three-way journey, that is the real secret of Huangquan.


Bai Xueji bowed down Yingying.

"That's all I know."


Lu Mingfei pondered.

Achieve a lot.

Do the three paths correspond to the three noble lives? Although Bai Xueji is just speculating, judging from the rumored experience of Yuan Zhisheng, this theory is very likely.

As for the end point of Santuhe...

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