Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 611 King Ming of the Zen Department

The Star God formation used its numerical advantage to erase the gap in strength.

Zero piloted the prototype aircraft to put out fires everywhere, while normally, four next-generation aircraft would besiege a dragon.

The first to achieve results was Ye Shengyaji's group.

Red Dragon Chongsha was seriously injured.

Although Ye Sheng was also seriously injured, the No. 3 aircraft controlled by the Norma split unit came to support him and landed smoothly. He is now out of danger.

It is worth mentioning that the headquarters' cover plan and plan to protect the wounded from evacuating smoothly from the battlefield were completely useless.

The basis for the existence of this plan is simply not established.

Dragons never pursue the wounded.

Not a special isolated case.

Including Ye Sheng, three pilots of the second-generation aircraft withdrew from the battlefield due to injuries.

After all, their opponent is a dragon.

It is conceivable that huge battle losses will occur in a short period of time.

The strange thing is that it only hurts but doesn't kill.

If someone leaves the battlefield, the dragons will not pursue him.

This is very strange.

When hybrids actually faced dragons, they discovered that many of the behaviors of dragons were even more strict than humans.

Ye Sheng's performance is most commendable. The back view of this young dragon slayer standing on the plane and drawing a sword against the dragons can be used as the cover of the Night Watch Forum. There is no doubt that his British talent can also be used as the cover of Uncle Fingel. The small treasury will do its best.

What an honor, think about it, whoever contributed to Uncle Fingel's small treasury in the past, Kaiser Chuzi Hanglu Mingfei, all of them are influential figures in Kassel.

Now that you, Ye Sheng, are lucky enough to receive this honor, go ahead and enjoy yourself.

Fingel's hands were flying on the keyboard. He was chatting with his girl, hoping that the girl could help record some important highlight scenes, such as Ye Sheng, Crow, and Caesar.

Fingel has already planned it. When the war is over, he will publish a photo album, which is a collection of handsome and compelling scenes from this war. The name is called The Burning Battle.

When the time comes, I’ll collect my two cents, and I’ll collect Crow Ye Sheng and Caesar’s at the same time. After all, it’s not easy to find an angle for taking photos, so we respect the fruits of our labor.

On the other hand, the photo album is secretly sold out. The price of one copy is $8,888, which is not excessive.

Then divide it into several grades, such as deluxe version, exclusive version, and private customized version.

For example, for the personal customization of Caesar, Fingel can completely turn a lotus flower into a throne, ensuring that the fake one is the real thing and will be flawless.

In this way, the charming banknotes are not coming.


Norma is clearly just words, but it seems that the girl's helplessness can be seen in the words.

It's still war time.

"Isn't it too early to do things after the war?"

"it's okay no problem."

"We can never lose!"

"Sounds so confident."

"That's right, don't look at what configurations we have here! It's stable."

Suddenly, the red light flashed.

The two-dimensional image of campus secretary Norma appeared directly on the screen.

Her voice came from the speakers.

"Oh no!"

"The headquarters is under attack!"

"The enemy is a dragon!"


When something unexpected happens, the headquarters at the center of the whirlpool is the calmest.

When Francis heard the siren, he breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a big stone in his heart fell back into his stomach.

The boots finally hit the ground.

In the derivation on the eve of the war, one of the enemy's multiple possibilities for responding to the mixed-race coalition forces was to attack the headquarters directly.

This possibility is so obvious that it is almost completely on the table. As elite consultants, it would be strange to think of it.

After all, the imaginary enemy is the dragon clan.

Not Deadpool, whose brain was burned out by dragon's blood.

Of course the Dragon Clan has a plan. During a war, wouldn't it be logical to paralyze the enemy's headquarters?

The mixed-race coalition's response was to set up its headquarters at the Takamagahara Club, which was almost completely visible.

This is one of the most prosperous areas in Tokyo. No matter where the dragon comes from, if he takes a taxi and talks about Takamawara Cowherd Club, the driver will definitely tap the accelerator with a look of enlightenment.

At this time, Youlong asked, what if I encounter a novice driver who has just arrived in Tokyo and is not familiar with the road?

It's simple. If you change the place, let's say Genji Heavy Industries, which is one of the city's top landmarks. Takamagahara is just two blocks away.

Therefore, the coalition forces have completely revealed their own headquarters, and they must have the confidence to dare to do this.

Lansnott and Susie both stood up.

"Leave it to you."

They hand over work to the chief of staff.

Lancelot took out the sword from the big wooden box.

The sword is thick and wide, and the most eye-catching thing is that one side of the blade near the hilt is engraved with the character "Man".


Lancelot refused at first.

Why not Latin? Why Chinese characters?

But later, when Lancelot used the sword of forgiveness again and again in the martial arts arena, he defeated his opponents.

Lancelot was relieved.

If you forgive, forgive.

Just be strong enough.

Compared to Lancelot, Susie's movements were much smaller.

She put on her trench coat.

The trench coat was filled with alchemy and gold blades.

Various styles, various sizes, twenty-two in total. This is Susie's weapon, the stars.

The straight line between two points is the shortest.

The same goes for height.

So Lancelot jumped from the window.

They looked at each other and exchanged a look. Lancelot nodded and jumped off first.

Susie was behind her, and her golden eyes were lit silently, indicating that this girl was also the most powerful beheader of the Camarilla, codenamed Thunder, and she was already in combat mode.

Susie stood at the window and he looked down.

It's really dark tonight.

The Gao Tianyuan Club, which was obviously one of the busiest areas, was eerily silent at the moment.

Silent darkness enveloped the surroundings.

Like an isolated island.

The signal is unstable.

Communications between the headquarters and several other battlefields were jammed.

"It's the Nibelungs!"

Professor Schneider judged.

"There are dragons unfurling the Nibelung roots."

"find him."

"We can't let them succeed."


said Susie at the bedside.

At this time, she was completely different from the usual girl.

She is no longer the usual unknown secretary standing behind the president of the Heart Society.

She is the beheading thunderbolt, a sharp blade that has been tempered by the secret party. She has been trained in Kyushu martial arts to see a broader world. No matter how you evaluate it, Susie is a sharp knife, dangerous and deadly.

Francis and other staff were taken aback.

They knew early on that Susie and Lancelot were here, and their real mission was to protect the staff.

The data indicates that the two's combined strength is comparable to that of Caesar and Chu Zihang.

This is really special.

Lancelot and Susie are a team.

In the dragon-slaying battlefield where individual heroism is advocated, only two people can exert their greatest combat effectiveness when combined, but there are very few examples where they have huge disadvantages when separated.

Speaking of which, hybrids, as sad creatures born with blood sorrow, should be stronger with more people. After all, the more people of the same kind, the better they can resist blood sorrow.

But the opposite is true.

The lonelier the hybrid is and the more immersed it is in the mourning of blood, the more powerful it can be in combat.

On the battlefield, there are many legends about hybrids breaking through and killing the samurai.

It has to be said that if hybrids were reincarnated in the film and television industry, they would definitely have a pair of sharingan eyes per person, and opening a kaleidoscope would be as easy as eating and drinking.

So, in such an abnormal mixed-race world, a normal pair like Lancelot and Susie appeared, which is simply too abnormal.

The staff members cheered up and paid attention to the battlefield here.

Having said that.

Just Susie and Lancelot, just the two of them, is it really possible?

This is the headquarters of the mixed-race coalition.

If this place is leveled, the coalition forces will lose their brains.

The strategic significance cannot be overestimated.

So how much force will the Dragon Clan send?

Lancelot adjusted his body in mid-air.

First, his eyes bloomed with golden light.

At first it was golden eyes.

Then the light of the golden pupils became more peaceful, changing from a violent and crazy light to a peaceful and peaceful light.

Then this light emerged from around him.

Lancelot became a spark in the darkness.

When he landed, it was as if a mountain rock had taken root here. The light around him dispelled the darkness, and the light formed words, rising and falling around him.

Zen Department: Mingwangzhuang.

A twisted and shrill scream sounded in the darkness.

The light around Lancelot seemed alive, and the darkness outside the light seemed more like life. The two were fighting, twisting together, twisting and turning, like burning fire.

Not just anyone can do this.

What Lancelot practiced was an extremely special technique in the martial arts of Kyushu.

Zen Department.

Yes, that's right, the Zen of Zen, the monk-Buddhist side.

In fact, it is not surprising. Jiuzhou martial arts is vast, including all three religions and nine streams. It is reasonable to have a Buddhist martial arts.

The most surprising thing is the choice of Lancelot.

He actually chose the Zen Department of Buddhism.

You are not bald either.

Lancelot couldn't help it either.

If possible, the momentum he most wants to choose is the Paladin.

It's the kind of war weapon that shines with a big white light, shouts justice, glory, sacrifice, etc., and uses a hammer to defeat the enemy.

In Lancelot's opinion, that is the real romance that belongs to men.

It's a pity, Kyushu Martial Arts doesn't have any holy knights.

Lancelot could only regretfully log into World of Warcraft and continue his path of punishing darkness.

So what exactly should you choose in Kyushu Martial Arts?

Lancelot’s final answer was, Zen.

the reason is simple.

You see the Paladin is glowing, and the bald head of Zen is also glowing. They look so similar, right?

And they are all righteous, born to stand on the opposite side of darkness and evil.

It fits Lancelot’s aesthetic so well.

Why, the dignified Minamoto Zhisheng, the current head of the eight Sheqi families, is a die-hard fan of Ultraman. There is also an Ultraman figure on his bedside table. He is a child of a mixed-race family born in Europe and has Paladin as his idol. what is the problem?

It's so reasonable.

According to legend, Buddhism belongs to the side sect, and there are many Buddhist practices under this sect.

If you look at someone who has difficulty choosing, they don't know when to order troops.

Lancelot is different.

He took a liking to King Ming at a glance.

The so-called Ming Wang is a Buddhist protector who uses a simple and clear vernacular, a double-flowered red stick, and a Buddhist thug.

The one who is basically at the forefront of the battle against evil spirits is King Ming.

It is true that Kyushu martial arts are idealistic. Lancelot is extremely suitable for this Mingwang Zhuang. If God helps him, he will advance very quickly.

Even during a sparring session with Lu Mingfei, Lancelot had a flash of inspiration and actually combined King Ming's methods with his Pure Word Spirit.

The formation of this glazed legal domain that even Lu Mingfei marveled at when he saw it.


At that time, after hearing Lu Mingfei give the name of this Liuli Law Domain, Lancelot gasped repeatedly.

"Well, Master Lu, this sounds too big."

Lancelot was a little embarrassed.

He has an A-level bloodline and only cultivates the body. He can create a glazed magic domain and is not afraid of laughing out loud.

"Let me ask you, what are Waigang's characteristics?"

Lu Mingfei didn't answer, but asked him.

"Martial arts field."

Lancelot didn't hesitate.

The Beheader is Lancelot's hidden identity. On the surface, he is the backbone of the Lion Heart Society. He handles countless documents every day. Lancelot is not only able to fight, but also to learn.

The field of Kyushu Martial Arts during the Waigang Period was also a hot topic in Kassel. Many students and even professors were interested in starting a topic on this topic. For example, the similarities and differences between the martial arts field and the Nibelungen were worth studying.

"Your spirit is a dust-free place.

Lu Mingfei sighed.

"What a good talker."

He patted Lancelot hard on the shoulder.

"Study your glazed legal domain carefully. I look forward to the day when you open up a pure land in the future."

Lancelot mused.

Pure land? Is it the Wai Gang realm?

Is it true that the hypothesis that the dust-free land uploaded on the forum makes it easier to achieve Waigang?

The mechanism of the spirit spirit is that the hybrids use themselves as the center to open up a certain field, and then rewrite the rules in that field.

Among them, Wuchen Land is particularly special. The domain characteristics of this word spirit are more outstanding than any other word spirit.

The outer gang characteristic of Kyushu Martial Arts is exactly the martial arts field.

These two have to make people think deeply.

Lancelot was soaking in the library, which contained all Lu Mingfei's martial arts knowledge. The words "opening up a pure land" made him toss and turn and couldn't sleep. He had to find out the reason.

Finally, hard work pays off.

Lancelot saw it in a fragment of an ancient scroll.

The records of the so-called alternative Waigang.

The cultivation level is not as high as Wai Gang, but opens up the domain of the cave, or abandons one's own cultivation level and pursues the improvement and promotion of the field.

Also known as Earth Immortal Way.

What the Master is saying is, am I suitable for the Earthly Immortal Path?

Lancelot thought.

The glazed legal domain was opened up to become the glazed pure land.

Maybe, that's not bad either.

But that’s all for later.

The most important thing now is the current battle.

Lancelot unfolded the glazed magic domain, and the light produced Sanskrit characters, surrounding him.

It is indeed the prototype of the Earthly Immortal Dao, it is truly magical.

Perhaps in terms of pure destructive power, Lancelot is not as good as a warrior who transferred to the Fire Department and Fighting Department.

But his glazed magic domain can display all kinds of magical powers at the peak stage of body refining.

Lancelot cut out a Sanskrit word.

The word flew into the darkness, and the darkness rolled like a pot of boiling porridge.

Lancelot struck out again and again.

Finally, after the third Sanskrit word burst into the darkness.

Lancelot's eyes flashed.


Before he finished speaking, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky.

That's Susie's knife.

Lei Bu Kung Fu, accompanied by weapon charts.

Curse! (End of chapter)

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