Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 613 Dream Department, Light in the Dark Night

so quiet.

Kurosawa loved to hide himself behind Kafka.

They were walking on their way home.

Kurosawa shrinks his head like a frightened bird. It is a familiar street in the past, but any movement may arouse the girl's vigilance.

This is a silence that Kurosawa Ai, who has lived in Tokyo since childhood, has never experienced.

It was eerily quiet.

Even when she had trouble sleeping late at night, she could still hear the hustle and bustle of traffic outside the window.

He even felt noisy at that time.

Now I long to go back to the past.

Noisy, noisy, at least, it proves that the city was still alive at that time.

It's different now.

This city seems to be dead

Kurosawa Ai could hear her breathing.

There seemed to be someone speaking quietly in my ear.

No! This cannot go on.

Kurosawa loved to grab Kafka's clothes and legs.


""Is this what the text message said?

"We must stay at home after dark at night and not go out."

"It's because there are a lot of monsters out there."

Kafka looked back.

Kurosawa Ai stared at the ground. She almost shrank into a ball. This was a sign of a girl's lack of security.

Kurosawa Ai's fear almost turned into a black mist visible to the naked eye.

Kafka smiled.

"It's fine."

"It'll be nice to get home."


Kurosawa bit her lip.

Yes, she didn't know what was going on in this city, but Kurosawa was not stupid, and she understood that it must be no small matter to mobilize an international metropolis to this extent.

That monster just now...

The image of Deadpool with golden eyes jumped in front of Kurosawa Ai.

She quickly shook her head.

Try this to get the scary image of Deadpool out of your mind.

And, it’s very strange.

Kurosawa's love is full of mysteries.

She couldn't figure it out.

Who was it that initiated the great mobilization?

City Hall?

Do not make jokes.

Kurosawa Ai doesn’t know what kind of virtues this country has. From the girls in class who made appointments to go to a hotel on the weekend and then laughed shyly, from the homeless girls wandering around in subway Internet cafes, Kurosawa Ai has already I saw the true nature of this country.

Only a fool would believe the promises of those congressmen on television.

Kurosawa Ai knew very well that this country was hopeless.

Mobilizing a city in one day, even an international metropolis like Tokyo, can do this kind of thing, maybe it is possible in the land across the sea. As for this country, forget it.

Therefore, it must be someone else who planned the mass mobilization and implemented it.

Kurosawa loved to steal a glance at Kafka’s back as he walked in front.

Are you a foreigner?

Is it a military base?

It turns out that the urban legend that the military base is secretly studying super soldiers is true.

Kurosawa Ai suddenly felt a little excited.

It's probably the feeling of a young girl suddenly embarking on a big adventure.

After all, she is just a little girl who is still in junior high school.

In the past few years, my life has been focused on studying.

So, was Kafka actually a super soldier?

Like superheroes in comics.

So powerful.

Kurosawa Ai jumped for joy.

Until the light of the golden eyes lit up in the dark night.

One pair, two pairs, three pairs...

Kurosawa Ai buried his head deeply.

She was scared.

Kurosawa Ai shivered.

She began to mutter in her mind, probably the type where she repeatedly said she couldn't see me, so she thought the monster really couldn't see me.

But I don’t even know that it’s definitely impossible.

And, there are too many.

Kurosawa Ai has never seen so many monsters in a movie.

Funds are burning.

He will die, he will definitely die.

So what if there are superheroes.

Just in terms of numbers, they are no match for them.

Kurosawa Ai thought of Xiaoxian.

She felt very sad when she thought that Xiaoxian would have to live alone in the future.

Kurosawa Ai sighed inwardly.

But they are still moving forward.

This is very wrong.

Won't you run away?

Yes, don't run away.

Kafka was still walking forward, and Kurosawa Ai recognized that this was the direction towards her home.

"Miss Kurosawa..."

"Miss Kurosawa!"


Kafka looked helplessly at Kurosawa Ai, who still lowered his head.

"Here, is it left or right."

Are you about to turn?


Kurosawa Ai's mind went blank.

No, no.

Isn't the most important thing now the monster?

Mr. Superhero, don't you need to fight monsters?

"Let me see……"

Intense curiosity temporarily outweighed fear.

Kurosawa Ai raised his head and looked forward.

At the same time, the surrounding scenes also came into view.

Kurosawa Ai's next words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them out.

She stared blankly at the monsters on both sides.

Same as what I saw not long ago.

The monster has a pair of golden eyes, and the scales are their clothes.

Their limbs are twisted and thick, completely unlike human beings, and there is no trace of humanity at all.

On the contrary, it resembles the kind of terrifying creature that only appears in nightmares.

Kurosawa Ai had no doubt that if it were these monsters, it would not even take a minute to kill an ordinary junior high school girl like her.

But, now.

Monsters stood on both sides of the road like sculptures.

Just like the guards in the story when the king goes on tour.

But they are monsters.

The guards are loyal to the king, but who will the monster also be loyal to?

So who is the being who can make monsters loyal?

Kurosawa took one look at Kafka, and her eyes completely changed. In addition to the original admiration, there was also a touch of fear.

"It's not what you think."

Kafka probably saw the look in the girl's eyes.

He smiled helplessly.

Kafka asked Kurosawa to look at his hands.

The hand that not long ago was holding the knife that killed Deadpool was now holding a pen.

Kurosawa was puzzled.


"It's best not to underestimate this pen."

Kafka said.

"He's a very powerful weapon."

Kurosawa Ai was even more confused.


No, how on earth can you connect weapons and pens together?

We have to make contact, shouldn’t pens be classified under the category of stationery?

Kafka smiled lightly.

"Let me show you the way first, and I'll tell you slowly."

"oh oh."

Kurosawa Ai nodded repeatedly.


Kurosawa Ai looked around and pointed in the direction.

She wasn't afraid anymore.

In fact, after looking at these monsters for a long time, they are not bad, and they are even a little handsome.

Using a wax figure as a metaphor is actually not very vivid. Some timid people will be scared even if they go to a wax museum. It’s the uncanny valley effect.

However, if you go to a wax museum with an Ultraman human next to you, even the timid person will be reborn with infinite courage.

No matter how scary it is, look at the human body next to me. Who should be scared? Think about it clearly before you answer!

Kurosawa Ai burst out laughing, his steps brisk, jumping up and down.

Kafka's eyes were complicated.

He weighed his words.

"Due to the rules, there are some things I can't say."

"I understand, it's a hero's dilemma."

"Well, let me pick something I can say."

Kafka thought of the young man who talked eloquently in the martial arts class.

"Have you ever heard of martial arts?"

"You mean, Dragon Balls?"

"No, it's not martial arts or qigong, it's martial arts."

Kafka corrected.

"The one I follow is the so-called Dream Club in martial arts."


"It's Yumebu."

"Oh oh oh!"

Kurosawa nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Kafka knew at a glance that the girl probably didn't understand.

Another deadpool emerged from the dark corner.

I don’t know where so many deadpools come from.

Kafka held the pen and sketched in the void, and a star-like silver light poured out from the tip of the pen.


Kurosawa Ai had always lowered his head before, but this time he finally saw it with his own eyes.

What a shock.

The starlight transformed into a butterfly-like existence, flapping its wings and flying towards the monsters on both sides.

The monsters turned into sculptures and became motionless.

Kafka didn't know whether he was explaining to Kurosawa Ai or simply talking to himself.

He said.

"Come into my dreams."

Kurosawa Ai carefully stretched out her hand and passed her fingers through the starry sky. Nothing was left behind, just this refreshing and cool feeling. Well, maybe it was an illusion.

As they walked further and further, Kafka was surprised. He had never imagined that a big city like Tokyo could have such dark corners under the brilliance of lights and lights.

The chattering Kurosawa loved to quiet down.

She talked a lot along the way.

Ask about the origins of these monsters, ask who Kafka is, ask if they are still recruiting new people, ask if she has a chance.

Kafka picked up what he could say and said it.

Specifically, Kafka kept secrets within the Abraham Bloodline Contract, and what he could say was related to Kyushu Martial Arts.

This was approved by the road master.

To be precise, the road master quite encourages this approach.

The world is armed.

Lu Mingfei’s ambition is no secret in Kassel.

Everyone knows that Master Lu wants everyone in the world to practice martial arts.

Therefore, according to Kurosawa Ai, Kafka is probably a descendant of a certain hidden sect, such as the Kamesen style in Dragon Ball.

On a small island in the sea, a group of people live an isolated life. Every day they are either dragging a rock as big as a hill around the island, or they take off their clothes and do push-ups while shouting slogans.

Thinking about it really makes your blood boil.

But the only question is, why are these martial arts practitioners blond and handsome foreign guys?

Kurosawa Ai, who was still a junior high school girl, had to fall into deep thought.

Could it be that martial arts from the Far East have unknowingly swept the world?

Is this the conspiracy of the ancient Far Eastern countries?

very scary.

A silent city, a long dark street, dead guards standing on both sides, boys and girls walking side by side, they were chattering, and their shadows were getting longer and longer.

All the way to Kurosawa Ai's house.

Kurosawa Ai became strangely quiet.

"Are you worried about your family?"

Kafka said.

"it does not matter."

"That text message is right. As long as you stay at home, you will be safe."

"Unless all of us are dead."

"Otherwise, no monsters would break into the homes of ordinary residents."

Kurosawa Ai hummed softly.

She was still very quiet.

The girl was unconsciously squeezing her feet with both hands. The cheap fabric was very rough, which made her feel sad.

"I'm home."

Kurosawa Ai rushed to open the door and stood at the door. It seemed that he had no intention of inviting Kafka in.

Kafka was slightly surprised.

"Good night, nice to meet you."

Kurosawa Ai finished speaking hastily and the door slammed shut.

Kafka stood for a while in the dark.

"I said, brother."

Fingel said in a low voice.

"Men, look away."

"I'm just worried about her safety."

"Don't worry, the Onmyoji of the Sheqi Eight Family have laid out the urban matrix for many years. They brought it with them when they moved from Kyoto to Tokyo. Once, the Hundred Ghost Night Parade suppressed countless deadpools and ghosts. Now this matrix still exists. It’s a credit to our professors, as long as you stay at home and are just a deadbeat, there won’t be any problems.”

"Hahaha, of course, if there is a pure-blood dragon, that is another matter."

Kafka also smiled.


The onmyojis of the eight Sheqi families have been lurking in the dark for hundreds of years.

Shrines, temples, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

They form a giant matrix network, covering all aspects of Tokyo.

This has been the strategy from the Kyoto era to the present day.

The imaginary enemy of the Sheqi family is the dragon.

This is the White King who will return one day.

The chrysanthemum and the sword analyze the character of the people in this country.

They have a strange contradiction.

Brave yet cowardly, pioneering yet conservative.

Some people think that this is caused by the country's many volcanoes and typhoons, which are prone to disasters.

It would make sense if we were standing in a mixed-race world.

The mulatto race in this country has had original sin from its very beginning.

They were born because of the White King, but they killed the White King with their own hands.

They built large and small shrines and temples on the islands. Their original purpose was to save the dead soul of King Bai. Beyond that, wasn't it a kind of fear?

In fact, the hybrids in this country, especially those at the top, know in their hearts that one day, the White King will return, and their sinful descendants will bear the wrath of the gods and be destroyed.

The ants still live in vain, let alone the hybrids.

So they prepared early.

The previous Hyakuki Night Parade in Kyoto was the most recent riot of dragon-born creatures. At that time, the eight Sheqi families even thought that the White King was about to revive.

The contemporary Tsukuyomi Mikoto, who goes by the pseudonym Abe, is the head of the Uesugi family of that generation, and led the mighty Operation Hina.

They defeated countless ghosts and deadpools.

And a city-scale matrix was established to divide the boundaries between humans and monsters, that is, ordinary people and deadpools.

After that, as times changed, the center of the country shifted from Kyoto to Tokyo, and the eight Sheqi families were passed down from generation to generation. Although there were twists and turns, there was always a group of hybrids who transformed into onmyojis and set up a large array to exorcise demons in Tokyo.

In the past hundreds of years, the Demon Exorcism Formation was no longer comparable to the era of Hundred Ghost Night Parade. Moreover, with the help of the Cassell Professors, the Demon Exorcism Formation had reached more than one level.

Just like that text message said.

People just need to hide at home and there is absolutely no danger.

Unless the Deadpools destroy the cornerstone of the demon extermination formation, they will never be able to harm ordinary people at home.

Kafka glanced at the door of Kurosawa's room for the last time and turned to leave.

There are some large characters written in red paint on the opposite wall, which are shocking.

“Pay back your debt!”

On the door of Kurosawa Ai's room, there is a big "X" intertwined with red paint.

Kurosawa listened carefully to the sound of Kafka's footsteps.

She imagined Kafka walking further and further away.

Kurosawa Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

But my heart was empty.

Wake up, little love.

she said to herself.

You and Mr. Kafka are completely from two different worlds.

You are already like this, and it is very difficult to even survive.

Kurosawa Ai smiled bitterly and subconsciously tugged on her short skirt. Sure enough, she was still not used to such a short skirt.

"I'm back!"

she says.

The voice was not loud, Kurosawa was afraid of disturbing Xiaoxian.

Kurosawa Ai walked into the empty house. There were two cardboard boxes on the ground. They were used as tables, one for eating and one for writing.

Kurosawa Ai wants to go to college.

She knocked on her brother's door.

"Xiao Xian, I'm coming in."

Kurosawa Ai hesitated and did not light the lamp. She was afraid that the light would attract monsters.

Mr. Human Body has left. Even if it is a wax museum, she will be afraid.

Sure enough, Xiaoxian was still sleeping.

Kurosawa Ai holds Xiaoxian's hand.

How long has Xiaoxian slept from the day of the car accident to now?

It's been a year.

She has been living in a vegetative state in the hospital, and the high medical expenses have made her family worse.

Her mother left and her father drank too much. Later, more and more people came to collect debts. At night, Kurosawa Ai could only fall asleep holding a kitchen knife.

Finally, three days ago, my brother Xiaoxian could not stay in the hospital and went home.

Kurosawa Ai put his brother's hand back on the bed.

"Happy birthday, Xiaoxian."

She said softly, also smiling.

Kurosawa Ai took out the tatami mat and quilt from the closet and spread them next to Xiaoxian.

""There are monsters outside, Xiaoxian.

""My sister is afraid.

""Xiaoxian is a man.

""Then please ask Xiaoxian to protect your sister.

Kurosawa Ai got into bed and covered the lower half of his face, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

""Good night, Xiaoxian.

Kurosawa loved to close his eyes.

Mr. Human Body's face popped out.

No, it's a superhero.

No, it’s a martial artist.

Kurosawa turned over and stared at the ceiling in distress.

Ahhhh, it's over, she actually forgot the name of the handsome foreign man who just sent her home!

No, you can't say that.

Kurosawa Ai realized.

I simply didn’t even ask the other person’s name.

Kurosawa Ai shrank his whole body into the quilt.

so awkward.

She doesn't want to live anymore.

She closed her eyes tightly.

At this time, she suddenly thought.

Just die.


The house shook.

What happened!

Kurosawa Ai got up in panic.

Was there an earthquake?

She looked around.

Suddenly the whole person froze.

Kurosawa loved to see a pair of golden eyes.

That's a monster!

The monster broke through the wall and broke into her house.

Didn't it mean that as long as you stay safe at home, there will be absolutely no accidents?

This was Kurosawa Ai's last thought.

Then she saw the monster coming.

Very close to her.

The monster fell to the ground.

"Caught up."

Kafka said.

He came in from outside.

It seems that he is still talking to someone.

"I knew it."

"What you guarantee will definitely cause an accident."

Kafka smiled.

She listened to Fingel's furious voice.

"Oh, right."

Kafka stood at the door.

he said to Kurosawa Ai.

"Excuse me, can I come in?"

"That... that."

Kurosawa loves to stammer.

All of a sudden, it was like a switch flipped.

Kurosawa Ai stood up quickly, realized something again, and hurriedly adjusted her skirt.

"Of course, please, please come in."

"excuse me."

Kafka walked straight towards Kurosawa Ai, without looking at the rest of the room. Kurosawa Ai, who was always paying attention to Kafka's expression, exhaled for some reason and felt much more relaxed.

"Because you went home after the demon extermination formation was activated."

"Well, how should I put it?"

"Anyway, there are holes in the defense here. Come with me, you need to change places."


Kurosawa walked towards Kafka excitedly.

Just took two steps.


Kurosawa loved to look back.

"Xiao Xian..."

"It's okay, you can bring your brother with you."


Kurosawa Ai was overjoyed.

"Thank you so much!"

Kafka picked up Xiaoxian.

"Come on, I'll carry him on my back."

"Then why are you so embarrassed, let me..."

"Hurry up and put this kid on my back."


Kurosawa loves to put Xiaoxian on the martial artist's back. It's strange. Ever since his mother and father left, his unsteady heart has settled down at this time.

"That, I kept forgetting to ask."

"What should I call you?"

Fingel laughed and imitated Kafka, pretending to be serious and said, "It doesn't matter, just call me husband."

Kafka’s smile remains unchanged.

"My name is Kafka."


Kurosawa Ai nodded vigorously.

"Mr. Kafka, I remember."

Kafka didn't want to listen to Fingel's chatter, so he changed the subject.

"Is this child's name Xiaoxian?"

"Yes, Ken Kurosawa."

Kafka turned his head and saw the little boy's profile, which was pale and haggard.

Fingel said in the earphone that it was found, vegetative state.

"What a child who loves to sleep in."

Kafka whispered.

"what did you say?"

Kurosawa Ai didn't hear clearly.


Kafka smiled, spread out the starlight from his pen, and transformed into a butterfly flying into Xiaoxian's eyebrows.

The little boy's fingers moved.


"Yes, Mr. Kafka." (End of chapter)

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