Now, Uesugoshi suddenly thought, compared to the way Xia Mi gave the schematic diagram to Chu Zihang, it didn't look so bad.

Who would have thought?

It's just a simple palace complex layout, but it actually represents so many terrifying secrets.

In fact, Chu Zihang still had a lot that he had not told Uesugi Yue.

This is also within the past few years.

The Bronze City in the Three Gorges is the palace of the King of Bronze and Fire. The former hybrids didn't seem to notice it, nor did they think about it in that direction.

The Bronze City at the bottom of the Three Gorges was also built based on the human body shape.

There are simply too many similar pieces of evidence to look for.

Therefore, Chu Zihang can already confirm that human beings do have some special characteristics.

I just don’t know if this particularity is rooted in humans or something else.

In addition, Chu Zihang had another point that was hidden in the conversation just now, but Uesugoshi was not aware of it.

The church has more than just icons.

The journey was uneventful.

They were about to arrive at the main hall.

There is an invisible wind blowing in the palace complex, and it is clean without a trace of dust.

This should be the authority of the King of Sky and Wind.

The imagined enemy did not appear.

Until, they stood at the door of the palace.

Corresponding to the church, in front are the seats in front of the pulpit.

This is a place where believers go to worship and listen to the priest's sermons.

So, what about this hanging garden?

Here, what could it be?

Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue looked at each other, and Uesugi Yue took the lead and walked into the palace.

What you see is a neat row of statues.

Uesugoshi's pupils shrank.

Statues, statues again. He had not forgotten that the gargoyles outside were also transformed from statues.

Chu Zihang entered after Uesugi Echigo.

Uesugoshi quickly turned around. The door was still there, open, and it didn't close suddenly.

Uesugi breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Zihang carefully observed the statues.

They are different from the gargoyles outside. The style of the statues here tends to be... the mummies sleeping in the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Chu Zihang pondered, walking among the statues, no, mummies.

The mummies all maintained the same pose.

They faced one direction, knelt down, leaned over, and touched the ground with their hands and foreheads.

Five-body cast.

Chu Zihang deeply felt the weirdness of the scene in front of him.

What is a mummy?

The mummies, without exception, are all people of high status in ancient Egypt.

Either Pharaoh or priest.

In ancient Egypt, the entrails of the corpse were taken out and placed in vials. The corpse was then filled with spices and processed through complex processes to finally make a mummy that would last for thousands of years.

They believed that the mummy was the vessel through which the pharaoh returned from the underworld to the human world.

Chu Zihang had seen a mummy before.

It was a special mission. A group of tomb robbers stole a mummy. The execution department received information that among the mummy's burial objects, there were utensils suspected of being the heritage of the dragon clan.

Chu Zihang successfully completed that mission. It was just a tomb-robbing gang composed of ordinary people. If it weren't for the Dragon Clan heritage, this kind of thing should be the work of the international police.

At that time, Chu Zihang tied the mummy to his body and flew it over the walls. The tomb robbers thought Chu Zihang was a member of the tomb-guarding clan in the movie The Mummy until they were finally caught.

Chu Zihang can be regarded as a mummy expert.

He could tell that the people in this temple were all mummies.

But their technology was more advanced than that of ancient Egypt.

No, in terms of time, the mummy in the Hanging Garden is definitely earlier.

Chu Zihang said that it felt like the mummies here were originals, while the ones in the ancient Egyptian pyramids were poor imitations.

But, this way, something is even more wrong.

The mummies in ancient Egypt are imitations, but the mummies in ancient Egypt are all people of respected status. As the original version, the mummies here maintain a posture of prostrating themselves.

Walking among the mummies, Chu Zihang felt as if they were servants and he was the master.

If even mummies are just servants, then what kind of existence can make them loyal?

You know, the mummification technology in ancient Egypt may be just some unrealistic expectations, but it may be possible for the mummies here to recover one day.

Uesugoshi did not recognize these mummies. He thought they were the same things as the gargoyles outside. He was prepared to be wary of the possible attacks of these statues.

But until they were about to enter the next palace, these statues were still the same, motionless and kneeling on the ground.

Uesugi felt very strange.

Is this passed?

How to give him the feeling that the thunder is louder than the raindrops?

Uesugoshi rubbed his arms.


He looked in all directions suspiciously.

He always felt as if something was watching him secretly.

Forget it, never mind.

Uesugoshi took one last look at the statues.

No, why did this boy Chu Zihang walk in front of me!

Uesugi became more and more anxious.

This is wrong. What are you doing in front? If something unexpected happens, does he, a dignified elder of the next generation, still need you, Chu Zihang, to detect mines?

Uesugoshi ran two steps quickly.

He suddenly paused.

Uesugi patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder and slowly turned around. His eyes were fixed on one of the mummies.

Chu Zihang turned his head. He saw Uesugoshi's appearance and also noticed the mummy.

"Can't be wrong."

Uesugoshi said solemnly.

"Just now, this guy moved!"

When Chu Zihang heard this, his expression remained as usual, without any change.

Uesugi Yue was used to it. He only thought that Chu Zihang was good at cultivating qi. Maybe this kid was already very surprised now.

"stand up!"

Uesugi drank violently.

The statue didn't respond.

Uesugoshi was ready to take action.

He decided to strike first.

But Chu Zihang held him back.

Uesugi turned around, his golden eyes full of violence.

At this time, he looked more like a dragon than a human.

Chu Zihang's heart moved. The hybrid evolved into a dragon. It seemed that it was not all a good thing.

"Don't do it."

Chu Zihang said.

"You're sympathizing with the dragon."

Uesugoshi said.

His eyes turned sharp.

"Give me a reason."

Uesugoshi pointed at the statues.

"you saw it."

"Those are the wings, that's the tail, those are the horns, those are the scales."

Uesugoshi said.

"They are all dragons."

Yes, as Uesugoshi said, all the mummies in this temple are half-dragon and half-human.

Uesugi Yue looked at Chu Zihang with a dangerous look.

Chu Zihang actually stopped him.

At this time, Uesugoshi had to think of Xia Ya again.

Chu Zihang's loyalty is questionable.


Chu Zihang completely ignored Uesugoshi's threat.

He meant, yes, I saw that, they were both dragons.

They are also alive.

so what.

Chu Zihang's next words made Uesugi completely calm down.

He said.

"hurry up."

Uesugoshi immediately calmed down.

Yes, hurry up, they are now racing against time and there is no room for waste.

But...a dragon.

Uesugi looked at the statues with hatred.

He finally understood why the gargoyles did not enter the palace complex.

Gargoyle Gate is the soldier outside.

They can only be soldiers outside.

If they want to enter the palace, they are not qualified enough.

Because in the palace, the real soldiers are dragons.

Uesugi Yue sensed that the statues in this temple were all pure-blooded dragons.

All three generations of species.

In the dragon world, the third generation species are already elite soldiers.

The first generation is the king, the second generation is the minister, and the third generation is the elite soldier or general.

But here, there are so many.

And they are all alive.

May be picked up to fight at any time.

"Don't do anything, okay."

Uesugoshi said.

"What about these guys?"

"Just put them here?"

Uesugi Yue asked Chu Zihang.

"If they cut off our retreat, it will be even more troublesome if we wait."


Chu Zihang said.

"They won't do anything."

Uesugi Yue didn't know where Chu Zihang's confidence came from.

Why was Chu Zihang so sure that they wouldn't pursue him?

But this is not the place to talk, and there is no time for them to chat.

Uesugi Yue weighed in his mind the two possible futures if he took action and if he didn't.

Finally Uesugoshi nodded.

"Listen to you."

Uesugoshi said.

Chu Zihang saw Uesugi Yue's complicated mood and added an explanation.

"Here, they don't dare to do anything."

Then comes the next temple.

It was also the main hall calculated by Chu Zihang.

Will Angers be in it?

Or a clue to where Angers is today?

Will these guys behind you catch up?

Uesugoshi thought a lot.

When he actually moved forward, Uesugoshi became quiet again, and he didn't think about anything else.

Uesugoshi discovered that the dragons were really born warriors. All his hatred for the dragons and worries about Ange disappeared when he thought of the upcoming battle, and Uesugoshi's mood returned to its original state.

This is the state of being ready to fight at any time.

Speaking of which, something seems wrong.

Uesugoshi had this understanding, but he couldn't tell what exactly was wrong.

This is normal.

It is often difficult for people to notice their own abnormalities, and the same goes for dragons.

Chu Zihang saw Uesugoshi's changes more clearly than himself.

He has gradually begun to be affected by the dragon clan's violent and militant factors.

In fact, even Uesugoshi himself may have forgotten that he has no reason to hate the dragon clan at all.

If you have to find an enemy, then, for Uesugi Koshi, it is obvious that Herzog is far more competent than the Dragon Clan.

Compared with the Dragon Clan, the one Uesugi should really hate was Herzog, the careerist who stole his children and planned and led the Minamoto brothers to turn against each other.

But just now Uesugoshi developed an uncontrollable hatred for the dragon mummies.

The level of hatred was so intense that even though Chu Zihang just stopped him, they almost took action because of it.

This makes no sense.

The roles seem to have changed.

The person who did this kind of thing should be Angers, Schneider, or Chu Zihang. No matter what, it shouldn't be you Uesugoshi.

Could it be that in the past few decades, a dragon has come to you every day to eat and drink ramen noodles without giving you any money, and is so devoted to your career regardless of rain or shine that your hatred for the individual dragon has risen to the level of the dragon clan as a whole?

Of course this can't happen.

The dragon clan's large-scale recovery has only happened in the past few years.

The only explanation that Chu Zihang could think of was that the dragon clan's warlike thoughts and violent personality had begun to affect Uesugoshi.

But, it's strange.

Why are the dragons still the target of violence?

If Uesugi Yue was really affected by the blood of the Dragon Clan, shouldn't he have attacked Chu Zihang long ago?

Perhaps it was Uesugoshi's remaining human self-awareness that was at work.

Or maybe...

This actually has nothing to do with Uesugoshi's self-perception, all dragons are like this.

In the Dragon Clan, fellow dragons are far more suitable to fight against each other than humans from other races, or any species.

This possibility seems really weird.

There is no species that is more envious of its own kind than of those who are different.

But if this kind of thing happens to the Dragon Clan, no matter how strange or unbelievable it is, it seems to have some credibility.

The Dragon Clan, Chu Zihang thought of all the characteristics of this race, the various things he had seen since entering the Sky Garden, and more conjectures about the Dragon Clan derived from what he saw and heard.

The words "Dragon Clan" gradually lost their sacred and powerful shell in Chu Zihang's mind, revealing the true face beneath the shell.

Chu Zihang had only one feeling about this.


The impression the Dragon Clan gave Chu Zihang was actually one of sadness.

This is a creature, it seems, born with original sin.

Finally they arrived.

Main hall.

Strong colors seemed to flash before the eyes of Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue.

Red, green, yellow.

Then there were more that they couldn't name, that they had never seen, that shouldn't even exist.

Countless colors flashed before their eyes.

Uesugoshi's first reaction was to stand in front of Chu Zihang.

He spread his legs and ran.

The distance between the two is still the same.

Uesugi Yue found that no matter how hard he ran, he could not close the distance between him and Chu Zihang.

Uesugoshi spread his wings and flew into the air.

Although he does not have the authority of the King of Sky and Wind, Uesugoshi is also a second-generation species. His body is an existence that far surpasses all the technologies of today's human civilization.

Any aircraft, even one that only exists on theoretical drawings, cannot compare with Uesugoshi's dragon body.

But the result is still the same.

Uesugi Yue found that no matter what method he used, he could not get close to Chu Zihang.

No, let alone getting close to Chu Zihang, he couldn't even move.

Uesugoshi suddenly understood.

"This is……"

Uesugi looked around more.

"Is this... a dream?"

Uesugoshi was hesitant at first, but later he became firm.

Yes, he felt right.


Chu Zihang said.


Uesugoshi explained to him.

"I have told you before that the authority of the White King's lineage is the spirit."

“But the spirit is not a dream.”

"The two are specious, and there are essential concepts."

"How can I explain it to you?"

Uesugi thought more about it.


Uesugoshi said.

"It's not easy to understand just talking about dreams. To use another word, it's virtual."

"You can imagine the world being divided into two sides."

"One side is material, certain, real."

"Such as the earth, mountains, rivers, and oceans."

"There are also metals, flames, clouds, the sky, and even the flowing wind. You may not think that the wind is invisible to the naked eye, but the wind is also matter, and it definitely exists."

Uesugoshi said.

: "Then there is the White King series, the authority in the spiritual realm. It seems that the spirit is very similar to the dream, but they are different. The spirit is the same as the earth, water, fire and wind, and has a certain material basis, that is, the fifth element, ether. Or mental factor, call it whatever you want."

"But, dreams."

Uesugi looked at his palm carefully, with an inquiring and curious look, as if he were a baby seeing the world for the first time.

"Dreams follow a different set of rules."

"There may be earth, water, fire and wind here, or it may be metal, wood, water, fire and earth, it may be Bagua, or there may be only two opposing but unified qi, positive and negative."

"This is the dream, the opposite of the world, the illusory world."

"Call it whatever you want."

Uesugoshi finished.

Chu Zihang looked at him thoughtfully, as if today was the first time he met Uesugoshi.

Uesugoshi subconsciously wanted to show off, but this was a dream. They had arrived at the opposite side of the world in a daze. At this time, any bit of information was crucial.

So Uesugoshi confessed honestly.

"These are the inherited knowledge of the Dragon Clan."

"I told you everything I know."

Uesugi Yue explained, and Chu Zihang understood.

No wonder Uesugi Yue suddenly transformed into a professor. This doesn't make sense. If he got all this from the dragon clan's inherited knowledge, it would be logical.

Just like the dragon clan setting in the game, the dragon clan in the real world also has such a thing as inherited memory.

In Chu Zihang's view, it is roughly equivalent to the fact that human civilization has developed to such a terrifying height that humans can condense astronomical unit-level knowledge into the genetic structure of the double helix.

From then on, after the birth of human newborns, they no longer need to study hard. There will naturally be a steady stream of knowledge existing in the genetic spiral for them to call at any time when they need it.

But that's not right either.

Chu Zihang believes that it is more suitable to use the Akashic record analogy.

Or alaya consciousness.

This is a father-in-law library. From ancient times to the present, from the first ancestors looking up at the stars to the spacecraft taking off, all knowledge and history, all written music and videos exist in what is called the Akasha Records or Alai Yeshi's public library.

The inherited skills of the Dragon Clan are the same public library as the Akashic Records.

Dragon blood is the library card of the library where dragon clan inherits skills. The higher the bloodline, the higher the level of the library card, and the higher the books and materials you can retrieve in the library.

Uesugoshi had no knowledge of the so-called "dream" before. It was only after he and Chu Zihang entered the main hall and personally entered the dream that the relevant information was retrieved.

"How do we get out?"

Chu Zihang asked.


Uesugoshi said.

When saying this, Uesugoshi himself looked very helpless.

Uesugoshi thought hard again.

He nodded.

"We can only wait."

Uesugoshi said finally.

"At least, my inherited memory only has this method."

"Dreams are the opposite of the world, and we are different from dreaming at night. If we are dreaming at night, we can unconsciously control the direction of the dream."

"But now, we are really in a dream."

Uesugi thought more about it.

"You can understand that we are a reef in the sea, an isolated island."

"The dream world is boundless sea water."

"No matter how we move, we are still in the same place. In this dream world, we can actually do nothing."

Chu Zihang said nothing.

"Are you worried about time?"

Uesugoshi said.

"If you're worried about time, you don't have to."

"Since this is called the Dream World, it has some similarities with the Dream World."

"Such as the speed of time."

"The flow of time here is different from that outside."

"When we get out of here, only a minute, a second, or even an instant may have passed outside."

Chu Zihang nodded.

He looked around.

The storm of wild colors gradually subsided.

The black will return to black, and the white will return to white. Chu Zihang remembered the record of the rise and fall of clearness and turbidity. If so, then what they saw before was the so-called differentiation of clearness and turbidity.


What happens after chaos is divided?

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