Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 1015: Collective Lies (two in one, please subscribe)

Chapter 1015: Collective lies (two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"I'm really hungry." Lu Mingfei muttered. He turned his head with difficulty, looked at Chu Zihang on the other bed and asked, "Brother, are you hungry?"

"A little bit." Chu Zihang wanted to nod, but his spine was so painful that he could hardly bend it, so he could only look at the ceiling blankly.

"Your internal organs are deformed, but you can still feel hungry. I really don't know what kind of freaks you brothers are." Nono rolled his eyes and ordered Mr. Shao, "Go and ask someone to prepare some food." Yes, it’s a liquid diet, the thinner the better, I’m afraid they’ll choke to death if they eat noodles in this state.”

"Okay, okay, liquid food, thin food, that's porridge, right? I remember." Mr. Shao nodded, "I will make eight-treasure porridge, millet porridge, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, crab roe vermicelli porridge, and golden abalone porridge. Please prepare a few portions. Senior sister, you should also eat some. You haven’t eaten for more than ten hours, and I feel sad.”

"You won't feel bad when I grow to your size, right?" Nono glanced at Mr. Shao, "If you have time to feel bad for me, why not spend time to make your fat body a little firmer? You stay up late every day, drink and have a messy schedule. , I will definitely get diabetes and high blood pressure when I get old.”

"I understand, I will start the fitness plan tomorrow, no, starting from this afternoon!" Mr. Shao issued a military order with a happy face, "Next time Senior Sister sees me, I will have six-pack abs!"

When leaving, Mr. Shao jumped up and down, as happy as if he had won five million in the lottery... No, more than five million Mr. Shao was not a big sum of money at all. To be precise, he was as happy as if he had just been won by his master. A loyal dog was rewarded with baskets of bones.

Mr. Shao, the heir to the Black Prince Group, looks like a young and promising person in front of everyone. No one has ever treated him like a slave. The most important thing is that Mr. Shao is still happy... If anyone sees This scene must be shocking, but no one else will have the chance to see this scene, because this side of Mr. Shao will only be revealed in front of his beloved senior sister.

Men, what’s wrong with being humble in front of the woman I love? Can that be called dog-licking? That’s called humility!

When they came to the kitchen, Mr. Shao confessed to the servant. The servant casually asked Mr. Shao what good thing had happened and why he was smiling so happily. Unexpectedly, Mr. Shao directly picked up a kitchen knife and frightened everyone. Stirring.

"Senior sister may be taken down by me. Today she actually took the initiative to care about me and pointed out my appearance." Mr. Shao put the kitchen knife in front of him. It turned out to be a mirror. He took out a small knife from his pocket. She was carrying a small comb, and she was combing her hair narcissistically towards the fat little fat man with oily hair and pink face in the blade, while smiling stupidly, "Isn't this just to make me look like she likes? Otherwise, how can you think that I am fat? I just After all, what girl wouldn’t like such a handsome appearance? No matter how awesome she is, she’s still a girl. Sooner or later she won’t be able to stand it!”

"Senior sister, did she really say that?" Seeing that Mr. Shao was in a good mood, a horse boy quickly came over to flatter him.

"How can I have a holiday? My senior sister told me to lose weight. If I couldn't lose weight, she would help me gain weight like me. Not only that, my senior sister also told me to have a regular work and rest routine so that I don't get diabetes or high blood pressure when I get older. , Didn’t you see that senior sister’s eyes were as tender as water when she blessed me? This is the first time that senior sister has shown such affectionate eyes. I know so many girls, how can I be so wrong?” Mr. Shao said in ecstasy, “Ah, My heart melts!"

"Is this really true?" Ma Zai was also full of surprise, "Congratulations, boss. Do you want to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?"

"Come on... No, you can drink it, but I won't." Mr. Shao smiled shyly, "I promised my senior sister to stop drinking, otherwise I will have to get high school, lose weight and keep fit... Then so and so, you are ready Give me a bowl of bird's nest and shark's fin porridge, less sugar, and give me three servings of shark's fin!"

In Chu Zihang's ward, Nono rubbed her eyes. She hadn't slept for so long that she felt like she was suffering from dry eye syndrome and had to squint to see anything.

"I asked, did that guy misunderstand something?" Nono felt that Mr. Shao's reaction just now was a bit strange.

It was Lu Mingfei who felt that his attitude towards Mr. Shao was too bad. Nono thought about it and realized that it was true. Putting aside the nature of the brown candy, Mr. Shao was actually quite good to her and helped her a lot. It was a kindness from elementary school. They have paid it off a long time ago. Now they are living in other people's homes, eating other people's food and using other people's food. It is really not good to be cold-faced to others all the time.

So Nono specially talked to Mr. Shao a few more words this time.

But the guy was so happy that he ran out in small steps, like a happy little colorful butterfly, fluttering its wings and flying away.

"No, he was just encouraged by you, senior sister. I think he is very motivated." Lu Mingfei smiled cheerfully, "Look, I just said that you should have a good attitude towards others. You saved a future person with diabetes and high blood pressure." of potential patients.”

"I hope it's like you said, that guy won't overthink things." Nuonuo silently made a wish.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door. Nono stood up and opened the door. He found Ye Sheng at the door, covered in bandages. Ye Sheng was holding a bottle in his hand, as if he had just gotten off the hospital bed.

Eriyi was also there, and she anxiously looked into the room. It was not until she saw the mummy-like Lu Mingfei winking at her on the hospital bed that Eriyi felt more at ease.

Before Nono could say hello to Ye Sheng and Eri Yi, a black bear-like figure rushed into the room from the corridor outside. It was so fast that it whipped up a hurricane when it passed by Nono.

"Junior brother, you finally woke up. You scared me to death, do you know?" "Black Bear" threw himself on Lu Mingfei's body, crying so loudly that the whole room shook, "Why did it happen like this? , I thought you wouldn’t survive. If you really die, who will accompany your senior brother to get drunk in the middle of the night? Who will lend him money to order red wine and foie gras? Who will accompany your senior brother to chat with beautiful girls?”

Who the hell would accompany you to chat up pretty girls... Lu Mingfei wanted to say this, but the "black bear" on his body suppressed him, and he could only cough in pain and moan helplessly when he opened his mouth.

Fingel's body was also covered with gauze and hemostatic bandages, but this guy ran with great agility and howled with such energy that one couldn't help but wonder if all the medical supplies on his body were a bit redundant.

"Go away, Hui Liyi hasn't cried yet, but you started howling first." Nuonuo kicked Fengel on the butt, "You didn't bring Lu Mingfei back, you are still alive or dead?" have no idea?"

Fingel was kicked aside by Nono, who pulled Eri Yi over.

"Sakura, does your body hurt?" Eriki seemed to be able to see the hideous wounds on Lu Mingfei's body under the bandages, and her eyes were full of worry.

"It's okay, Hui Liyi." Lu Mingfei smiled as gently as possible at Hui Liyi, even though his entire face was covered with only two eyes and two nostrils left, "It doesn't matter if it hurts. I'll be completely fine in a few days."

"But Sakura..." The worry and distress in Eryi's eyes still haven't dissipated. This is the first time she has seen Lu Mingfei suffer such serious injuries and be unconscious for such a long time. The same injury would happen to anyone else. , it is absolutely impossible to survive, even a super hybrid.

She was more worried than anyone else that Lu Mingfei would not wake up. At the same time, Eriki couldn't help but blame herself. Why was she not strong enough? Could she have persisted longer so that Sakura wouldn't have to face such a powerful person alone? The enemy would not be so seriously injured.

"Eliyi, don't think like that." Lu Mingfei saw through Eiliyi's thoughts. He shook his head but couldn't move it. He could only hear the bones in his neck clicking, "You have already helped me. A lot, you should not have been involved in this matter in the first place. I should have apologized to you. If Eriyi still feels guilty, then I will blame myself even more. "

"Sakura, don't feel guilty. I want to protect Sakura, and I want to be with Sakura no matter what happens." Eriki said to Lu Mingfei, "I won't leave Sakura alone next time."

"Okay." Lu Mingfei said to Eli Yi, "I won't let Eli Yi go through such a dangerous thing."

"Stop it, stop it." Nono coughed twice, "How long are you two going to spread your dog food? There are still so many people in this room."

"Junior brother." Ye Sheng came to Lu Mingfei's bedside and placed a bouquet of flowers between Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise I might not have the chance to come out of the Nibelungen I don’t know how to thank you.”

"Senior brother, there is no need to say thank you. We are all in the same boat." Lu Mingfei smiled slightly, "And it was by chance that you received this mission. It makes more sense that you have also contributed a lot."

"I put in a lot of effort, but it really didn't help much." Ye Sheng sighed, "I thought about it. After returning to the academy this time, I may have to discuss with the execution department and take a back seat."

"But senior brother, you are also the top senior commissioner in the execution department." Lu Mingfei asked curiously, "Is it because you are getting married to Senior Sister Ya Ji?"

"The wedding with Yaji is one thing, and the other thing is that I am really a little frustrated." Ye Sheng shook his head and sighed, "Compared to you, my level is really a bit embarrassing. What the execution department needs are elite soldiers and strong generals. , not a veteran like me."

"Senior brother, you underestimate yourself too much. Professor Mance told me that your 'snake' can be used in a wide range of scenarios, and there is currently no replacement spirit." Lu Mingfei comforted, " Senior brother, if you quit, it will definitely be a loss for the execution department."

"Don't persuade me." Ye Sheng shook his head seriously, "I have thought clearly. I am not saying that I really want to quit the execution department, but I feel that I am not suitable to stay in my current position. There are many people with strong abilities, and I can try to be a scholar and coach, similar to Professor Guderian or Professor Mance.”

"I understand. Since you said so, senior brother, I won't advise you anymore." Lu Mingfei said to Ye Sheng, "Everyone has his or her own path. Senior brother, you are the most calm person I have ever seen. Maybe coach The role of employee is perfect for you.”

"Does the college know what happened here?" Chu Zihang suddenly asked Ye Sheng.

"The academy probably doesn't know about Odin and the Nibelungs yet, but with such a huge elemental turbulence in the past few days, it's hard for the academy not to suspect that something similar to the resurrection of dragons has happened here." Ye Sheng whispered. Said, "Professor Mance and Aki contacted me, but I lied. The excuse I gave was that except for the abnormal climate, I had not found any useful information about the day before yesterday."

"Thank you." Chu Zihang said softly to Ye Sheng. Of course he knew why Ye Sheng lied to the college. In the final analysis, everything that everyone has experienced these days is because of him.

"The college should send someone here soon, right?" Lu Mingfei looked at the ceiling and said, "If Norma defines the abnormal climate here as a suspected dragon resurgence event."

"Even if you want to send someone here, it won't happen in the past two days." Nono took out his mobile phone and pulled out the news of the past two days. "The heavy rain and typhoon the day before yesterday caused a lot of damage to the city. The flights in these two days are all In a state of suspension, the port is even less likely to allow ships to enter and leave. "

"That means we still have a little time. If people from the academy discover the Nibelungs, we must prepare a reasonable explanation for what happened these days." Lu Mingfei said.

"It is estimated that dragons that are defined as resurrected will not be able to escape, but as long as we are consistent, the academy will not find any doubts." Nono looked around the crowd, "First of all, we gathered in this city because of the influence of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang’s invitation to attend the 50th anniversary of Shilan Middle School.”

"Isn't this reason... too ridiculous?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help complaining, "Is Senior Brother Ye Sheng also here to participate in the school anniversary?"

"Why not?" Nono asked back, "Ye Shenglai and I also interviewed many of your Shilan Middle School classmates two years ago. What's wrong with us joining in the fun when we have nothing to do?"

" problem." Lu Mingfei admitted defeat, but he was still muttering in his heart. You came all the way from Golden Iris Academy just to attend the anniversary of another high school. Who would do such a nonsensical thing?

But don't mention it, Nono might actually be able to do this, and it would be reasonable to put any excuses on her.

"Second, why we didn't contact the academy is because we didn't notice that the climate anomaly was related to dragons at the beginning." Nono said, "By the time we realized it, the turbulent flow of elements caused electromagnetic signal disorder, and we had lost contact with the outside world. means of communication.”

No one raised any objection because it made perfect sense.

"Third, the presence of Nibelungs in this city shows that our enemy is likely to be at the Dragon King level, at least at the level of the next generation. As for the enemy's strength, we have concluded that it is unknown because there is no head-on confrontation. "Nono emphasized one point, "When describing the report, remember to avoid related words like 'Odin' and 'mask.'

No one raised any objection to this, but Ye Sheng had a question.

"What about the eight-legged Pegasus?" Ye Sheng asked.

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