Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 1017 The End of Five Years (Two in One, please subscribe)

Chapter 1017 The end of five years (two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"I remember that there were also people named Chen Wenwen and Liu Miaomiao who left a joint message. They seemed to be the same girls." Fingel said with a smile.

These guys... Lu Mingfei was really moved. As expected, the friendship between classmates from high school was the most reliable.

As for whether it was a friendship between classmates, Lu Mingfei actually knew it in his heart, but even if he lied to himself, he had to tell himself that it was a friendship between classmates... at least he definitely felt that way towards others.

Lu Mingfei secretly glanced at Hui Liyi and saw that Hui Liyi had no reaction after hearing Fengel's words. Lu Mingfei was relieved a little.

"If I'm not senior brother, I'd like to say, junior brother, your food is too good!" Fingel arched Lu Mingfei's shoulder, "Are the female classmates in your high school of such high quality? Are these girls interested in you? Why? I haven’t seen you introduce me to my senior brother, are you eating alone?”

Fingel put his arm around Lu Mingfei's shoulders, his voice was not soft, and he was not shy at all. He didn't notice that Lu Mingfei was winking at him, indicating that Eli Yi was still there.

"Oh, by the way, junior brother, you..." Fingel wanted to say something more, but Lu Mingfei suddenly burst out shouting on the bed.

"Fingel, you bitch hurt me, you know, I'm still hurt!" Lu Mingfei yelled at Fingel, "It's okay if you hurt my body, but what I can't stand is the slander. What is interesting, what is eating alone, you are a naked slander. My former classmates and I are all classmates. As a pure and pure classmate relationship, do you, a dirty guy, understand what classmate friendship is? "

"I'm obscene, but Junior Brother, you have something in your heart!" Fengel stopped and pointed at Lu Mingfei's nose to accuse, "Let me tell you, the blogs, updates and even QQ of your beautiful high school female classmates I've searched all over the space. How dare you say that you don't know that someone is interested in you? You know whether it's because of classmates or not, but now you're still talking about it..."

"Eli Yi." Lu Mingfei suddenly tilted his head towards Eli Yi and said in an aggrieved and complaining tone, "This guy keeps talking next to me. It's so noisy that I can't rest at all. My head and body are all numb." uncomfortable."

Fingel's eyes widened. This was the first time he had seen such a complaint... The object of the complaint was actually this guy's own wife?

Then Fingel saw Eriki turning her head to look at him. Eriki's face always had no expression or emotion, but this time Fingel rarely saw a warning in the girl's eyes. ...The eyes seemed to say, "Either you get out yourself, or I help you get out."

"Okay, okay, okay, junior brother, you are so powerful, you just have to rely on women to make ends meet!" Fingel stood up angrily and said, "Whoever saves you is a dog! I won't care if your body is soaked to pieces in the future. I won’t care!”

Fingel slammed the door angrily and walked out, causing the whole room to buzz.

Ye Sheng also came to Lu Mingfei's bedside and said goodbye, "Then I'll go back first. You all need to take a good rest. Once you're healthy, Yaji and I will treat you to dinner together."

"Is this a wedding banquet, senior brother?" Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows.

"We will definitely send formal invitations to the wedding, but there will definitely be a separate meal before the wedding for everyone to get together. I also want to thank you." Ye Sheng just smiled calmly in the face of Lu Mingfei's teasing, and after leaving He closed the door gently.

"Hui Liyi, are you tired?" Lu Mingfei's eyes finally fell on Hui Liyi and asked softly.

"I'm not tired, I'll stay with Sakura." Eriki shook her head and said.

"Hui Liyi, don't tell lies to me." Lu Mingfei coughed twice.

"Not tired, just a little sleepy, a little bit." Eriki said a little stubbornly, "I don't want to sleep, I want to stay here with Sakura."

"It's okay, Hui Liyi, senior brother is here too, there won't be any more danger here." Lu Mingfei said softly to Hui Liyi, "Go back and have a good rest, okay, sleep a little longer, it's really hard this time Hui Liyi, go and recuperate first.”

"Okay then." Eryi stood up obediently, but before leaving, her eyes lingered on Lu Mingfei on the hospital bed.

"Come to me when Eiliyi wakes up. I'll wait for you." Lu Mingfei smiled at Eiliyi.

"Okay, Sakura, take a good rest too." This time, Eriki finally closed the door and went back to her room.

Until the sound of Eryi's footsteps disappeared, Lu Mingfei coughed lightly. He moved his still stiff neck and saw a bright red patch on his chest, which was the blood he had just coughed up.

"The injury was really serious this time." Lu Mingfei said to himself with a wry smile, but he was not only seriously injured, to be precise, he almost died several times.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were the only ones left in the huge room. Mr. Shao's home was well soundproofed, and once the door was closed, one could hardly hear any movement outside.

"It seems that I have to rest here for a while with Mr. Shao. My uncle and aunt will definitely be worried if I don't go home for such a long time. I plan to call back tonight and say that I have been temporarily sent to a foreign country for a business trip." Lu Mingfei tried his best to make himself comfortable. He lay on the pillow, looked at the ceiling, and said to Chu Zihang who was on the other bed, "Senior brother, would you like to report that your family is safe later? Have you thought of a reason? Or use the same reason with me. , let’s tell our family that we will be sent on a business trip together, and we can make a confession.”

"Oh yes, I remember now, wasn't your mother sent to the hospital before? Then we sent her home. She might have been a little frightened on the way and got caught in the rain. I wonder if Aunt Su has caught a cold." Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered this, "Brother, remember to say hello to Uncle Lu and cancel the kidnapping case. I'll see if I can contact my friends at Sacred Heart Hospital to help me settle it."

"It will be troublesome if the college asks about it. Brother, if you are not good at lying, just push it to me. I used to lie to my aunt in junior high school, so I have experience in lying." Lu Mingfei instructed Chu Zihang, "If the college asks about Aunt Su, If it's something, just say it's an accident. In short, don't let the college think that what happened here is related to your family. I don't know who the college will send this time. If it's a specialist from the executive department, it's okay, but if Professor Schneider comes in person, it will be a bit troublesome. "

"Don't worry too much about your father's affairs. We have made it through the Nibelungen, and the most difficult part has passed. If there are any clues, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible, don't worry." Lu Mingfei chattered, but Chu Zihang didn't respond. "Brother, are you listening?"

Lu Mingfei turned his head with effort and found that Chu Zihang's eyes were closed on another bed a few meters away, and he was obviously asleep.

I don't know when he fell asleep, but this time Chu Zihang seemed to sleep very peacefully. He didn't see the tiredness that he had in the past on his face, and his body was no longer tense, and finally relaxed.


In the quiet room, Lu Mingfei heard a very small voice, and he saw Chu Zihang's lips slightly open.

Lu Mingfei smiled knowingly. He almost moved his body to turn off the light, and the room fell into darkness.

Maybe the ketamine injected by Master Shao took effect, or maybe this body really needed a good rest. He stared at the endless darkness for a long time, and the huge fatigue came like a tide.

Five years have passed. In these five years, Lu Mingfei has been working hard for his future and for Chu Zihang's affairs. He saved Lao Tang, Xia Mi, and Eri, and this time he finally fulfilled Chu Zihang's long-cherished wish.

No matter what the ending is, at least Senior Brother will not regret it anymore.

For everyone, in the past five years, Lu Mingfei has almost single-handedly walked through countless seemingly dead ends. He carried the fate of everyone on his shoulders and walked forward with a heavy burden at the forefront. He didn't know if he could make up for the regrets left in the dream story after doing all this, but at this moment he really felt relieved.

So tired, I can finally have a good sleep... Five years, it's as long as a lifetime.

"Brother, I have done my duty." Lu Mingfei said softly to the darkness, and he slowly closed his sleepy eyes.

Outside the window was the boundless night, and the room was also quiet and dark. This coastal city was not very prosperous, but it had always stood here quietly, and it was not noisy even after the wind and rain. Whether it was the CBD area with tall buildings or the old city area full of fireworks, time flowed the same way, and every tired child who walked out of here could find a place to rest here.

"Uncle and aunt, we will go out first!" Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi stood at the door and waved to the room.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I have to go to the unit too, and it's just on the way." The voice of a middle-aged man came from the bathroom, "I'll give you a ride."

"No need, uncle, Shilan Middle School is not far away, Hui Liyi and I will take a taxi." Lu Mingfei answered in a high voice.

"Why waste that money? It's just a matter of one step on the accelerator. Last time, Mingfei, you didn't tell us about your reply. What's wrong with uncle sending you to show your face this time?" The uncle's voice in the bathroom sounded excited.

"Well, uncle, take your time. We are not in a hurry." Lu Mingfei glanced at Hui Liyi and smiled helplessly.

Yesterday afternoon, they said goodbye to Master Shao and returned to their uncle and aunt's house. When they came back, they happened to catch up with Aunt cooking dumplings and forced them to eat a meal. It happened that they hadn't eaten yet.

Hui Liyi's appetite shocked Aunt again. She ate a full forty large three-fresh dumplings!

According to Aunt, this girl will definitely have enough nutrition when she has a child in the future!

Five days have passed since the last incident in Nibelungen. During these five days, they have been staying at Master Shao's place until everyone has at least recovered their ability to move.

Mr. Shao had no complaints about this. After all, it was no burden for him to support five or six idle people with his wealth. Moreover, Lu Mingfei and Finger seemed to be brothers with similar interests. Most importantly, Nono... If Nono could stay with him for a while longer, he could write a thousand-word thank-you letter to each of Lu Mingfei and the others.

Unfortunately, after Lu Mingfei and the others got well, Nono did not have any attachment to Mr. Shao's home. During this period, Mr. Shao found an opportunity to confess to his senior sister again, but was undoubtedly rejected. However, Lu Mingfei followed Lu Mingfei's advice and was not so harsh to Mr. Shao this time, which led to this guy thinking that his senior sister was still interested in him, but because of ethical and position issues, she could not agree to him immediately.

So Nono took out his anger on Lu Mingfei. The advice he gave was very good, and he should not give random advice next time... For a guy like Mr. Shao, a slap in the face is obviously more useful than feeding him a sweet date.

But what makes Mr. Shao even more bizarre is the recovery ability of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. Especially Lu Mingfei, when he was sent here, most of his feet had already stepped into the gate of hell. It hadn’t even been a week. I can walk on the ground... This is not a medical miracle, this is simply a supernatural event!

Thanks to his extraordinary bloodline and physique, Lu Mingfei has no problem walking, but his internal organs are not completely healed. Strenuous exercise can kill him for half his life, but he has to go out today. He made an appointment with his senior brother, Nuonuo and the others. We met at Shilan Middle School.

Because this morning is also the day when flights and ports in the city reopen. Traffic was blocked for a period of time due to successive heavy rains and typhoons. After a week of rest, the entire city is fully back to work starting today.

It will be sunny in the next month. Experts predict that the rainfall in the future is expected to be less than one-tenth of the rainfall in the first half of the year. It is like that short and long week has already wiped out all the rain in this city for the next year. Finished.

Flights have resumed, which means that people sent by the college will also arrive in this city today. The elements in this city were in such chaos a week ago, and the college is definitely on high alert.

But the strange thing is that Lu Mingfei and the others have not contacted the college these days, but the college has not taken the initiative to contact them. This attitude is really intriguing, as if the college has classified them as "untrustworthy" That category.

But the most critical point is who the college will send this time. Lu Mingfei and the others made an appointment at Shilan Middle School to prepare a final confession.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I can go out." The uncle in a designer suit strode over, his hair oiled and combed back, and his BMW car key pinned in the most conspicuous place on his waist.

"Uncle, are you going to have a dinner later?" Lu Mingfei looked at his uncle's outfit and couldn't help but ask.

"No seat, I'll go to work later." Uncle said, "Don't I have to take you to school before going to work? I heard that Shilan Middle School is holding a resumption ceremony today, so I'll go and take a look before leaving. "

"How come I didn't know about the activities at Shilan Middle School?" Lu Mingfei's implication was that he, a student, didn't even know about it, so how did his uncle know about it?

"Oh, I added your principal's contact information for the teacher-appreciation banquet last night." Uncle said, "He posted it on QQ space last night. I saw it."

"Principal, he... is weird about the tide." Lu Mingfei felt helpless to complain.

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