Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 1021 Chu Tianjiao's preparations spanning seven years (two in one, please subscribe)

Chapter 1021 Chu Tianjiao's preparations spanning seven years (two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"As for who to report to, I don't know either." Jiude Mai said, "But it's obvious that guy came with a mission, and no one knows how many people he serves. For such a fence-sitter, I would believe you if you said he was a spy on all sides."

"I have figured out what happened to my senior brother, but I still haven't figured out one thing." Lu Mingfei looked at Jiude Mai and said, "Why did the secret room you prepared suddenly disappear?"

"Secret room?" Jiude Mai frowned slightly, "What secret room?"

"It's the secret room that stores information about Odin and clues about Nibelung, connected to the meeting Hall." Lu Mingfei pointed to the foundation building behind him, "You must have prepared the parchment scrolls, bound books and old newspapers in the secret room. After the room was burned down, the secret passage also disappeared." Jiude Mai was silent for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't know what secret passage you are talking about, nor do I know what secret room you are talking about. I have not prepared any books or materials for you." "What do you mean?" This time it was Lu Mingfei's turn to be stunned, "Didn't you set up the foundation of Shilan Middle School? Aren't all the secrets you investigated hidden in this building?" "Yes, but what we investigated is very limited. What I prepared for you is in The rooftop of the foundation building. "Jiude Mai pointed to the direction of the rooftop, "Stand on it at night and look towards three o'clock, six o'clock, nine o'clock and twelve o'clock. There are clues I left in the city, which are the location of the destroyed elevated road, the direction of Chu Zihang's house, the eye of the typhoon of this elemental turbulence and the direction of Chu Tianjiao's hut. The edge of the rooftop is engraved with encrypted text in Latin, specially for you to see. "

"What the hell, is it really Odin who did it? What does Odin want to do by doing this?" Lu Mingfei muttered a few words, and then asked Jiude Mai, "So you didn't find anyone to contact us?"

"Of course, no But you may not be able to guess that the clue I left for you is on the rooftop of the foundation building. "Jiude Mai said, "It is the shareholders of the foundation. I arranged three people. For the sake of safety, I gave them different task codes. "

"Three people..." Lu Mingfei's expression was a little complicated, "We saw twelve people at that time."

"What's going on?" Jiude Mai frowned, "Why is there such a big discrepancy?"

Lu Mingfei didn't know how to answer, so he simply told Jiude Mai everything that happened after arriving in this city until entering Nibelungen in the most refined language possible.

Jiude Mai was silent for a while, and quickly sorted out the clues in her mind.

"We didn't send those people out." Jiude Mai shook her head, "Or rather, the people we sent out were among them, but after they were masked, we no longer had control."

"So they are Odin's subordinates? So the secret room full of books they took us to was also prepared by Odin?" Lu Mingfei whispered, "Why did Odin do this? What is this? Playing hard to get? Or is it a trap?"

"Do you think Odin is still in this city?" Jiude Mai suddenly asked Lu Mingfei this question.

"What does this mean?" Lu Mingfei was completely stunned.

Jiude Mai shook her head and did not explain much. She changed the subject: "You said that when you met Chu Zihang again in Nibelungen, Chu Zihang said that he saw a few words next to the Maybach, one of which was 'Nibelungen is a huge maze, and the entrance to this maze is only open to a certain person'?"

Lu Mingfei nodded, without meeting Jiude Mai's eyes. At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence. Later, combined with Odin's attitude towards Nono, Lu Mingfei also realized that Nono might be that "specific person"... He didn't know why, but he didn't tell Jiude Mai about this. This was Nono's private matter. Even if he saw it before Nono said it, he knew his senior sister's temperament. She didn't like others to talk about her own affairs.

"Then I can basically judge that this should not be the real backhand of Odin." Jiude Mai said slowly.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei tilted his head, "Sister, your thinking is too jumpy. Do you want to consider the feelings of the person you are chatting with?"

"I can explain it to you, but these are all my guesses." Jiude Mai whispered, "Before I tell you my thoughts, I want to answer a question that you care about most."

Lu Mingfei subconsciously held his breath. He was not a fool. Jiude Mai had said so much, of course he knew what the other party meant. He didn't need to ask unnecessarily, because Jiude Mai's character never kept things secret... That was not only the issue that he cared about most, but to be precise, that should be the issue that Chu Zihang cared about most.

It was also the ultimate goal of their trip to Nibelungen this time.

"The face under Odin's mask is indeed Chu Tianjiao." Jiude Mai said this in a very calm tone.

Lu Mingfei's heart was filled with turbulent waves.

He wanted to turn around and run back to the conference room of the foundation building immediately, tell everyone that their mission was a success, give Chu Zihang a big hug, and say, "Brother, your persistence over the years has not been in vain, your father is not dead, and you now have the opportunity to tell him all the regrets and unspoken words you have."

But Lu Mingfei couldn't hold back his excitement. Even though his body was trembling slightly with excitement, he still had some things to make sure before telling everyone and Chu Zihang the result.

"Um, um..." Lu Mingfei swallowed and asked stutteringly, "So the one who fought with me in the Nibelungs was always my senior brother and his father, right?"

"Yes, the Odin you have seen has always been Chu Tianjiao." Jiude Mai gave Lu Mingfei a positive reply. She pinched Lu Mingfei's arm, "Don't shake, it will make you feel like you are having an epileptic seizure." , there are so many people watching.”

Lu Mingfei said in his heart that you still know that we are so conspicuous, so why don't you find a quieter place and insist on hanging out in the big playground like walking on the red carpet... But Lu Mingfei will definitely not really say these words. At the exit, Jiude Mai turned away in displeasure. What should he do? Where could he go to find Chu Tianjiao?

"So why did you take Chu Tianjiao away?" Lu Mingfei asked in a very small voice.

"First of all, Chu Tianjiao is no longer the Chu Tianjiao you know. Odin's mask is different from other masks. The self-awareness of people who are masked by Odin will slowly disappear until they are completely poured into Odin's thoughts. "Jiude Mai lowered her voice and said, "This level increases with the time of wearing the mask. Chu Tianjiao has been wearing Odin's mask for seven years, which means that 'Chu Tianjiao' has matured from a spiritual level. He has disappeared, so there is nothing wrong with calling the man on horseback ‘Odin’. His brain has been completely dominated by Odin’s thoughts.”

Lu Mingfei's eyes trembled, and he opened his mouth, but no words came out for a while... After Jiude Mai finished speaking, the intense joy just now was diluted by more than half in an instant, and Lu Mingfei was a little grateful for what he had just said I didn’t go out of my way to find my senior brother.

His father turned into a walking corpse, which is more difficult to accept than his father actually dying, right?

"Secondly, your other senior brother was also there at the time, which made me insist on the idea that Chu Tianjiao must be taken away." Jiude Mai didn't seem to notice Lu Mingfei's emotional change, and still said to herself, "Who I don’t know what Fingel’s position is. That guy is so weird. What if he handed Chu Tianjiao over to the secret party? Or some other hybrid organization? Can you imagine a person who once had dragon king level strength but lost human consciousness? How will people be treated?”

"I understand, but..." Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and asked Jiude Mai in a hopeful tone, "So senior brother and his father can only be Odin's puppet from now on?"

"The word puppet is inappropriate. To be precise, he is a clone of Odin." Mai Shutoku shook her head and said, "That's why I must take him away. It's hard to say who has the best technology or secret party here. , But at least we are more humanitarian in this regard. After conducting some brain experiments that do not seriously harm the body and mind, we have helped Chu Tianjiao be brainwashed. "

"Brainwashing?" Lu Mingfei repeated the word in a low voice, as if he instinctively had some kind of... fear of the word.

There are degrees of brainwashing. Kassel Academy will also brainwash people who accidentally come into contact with dragon and hybrid society. The degree of brainwashing is generally moderate. While trying to ensure that the other party's spirit is not damaged, let them Lu Mingfei has also been exposed to an example of the other party forgetting certain things and being severely brainwashed, and that is Herzog's Shadow Warrior.

Those Kagemusha cannot be said to be severely brainwashed, but have completely destroyed a certain part of the nerve center. They have transcended the spiritual level and reached the level of physical surgery. In layman's terms, those guys have completely become Dementia, combined with Herzog's mental suggestion technology, to the point of completely controlling individuals.

So what is the extent of Chu Tianjiao's brainwashing?

"We basically erased the thoughts about Odin in Chu Tianjiao's brain. Although these things may be a precious way for us to understand Odin, the human brain is like a complex insurance door. We don't have this door. The password, the treasure inside has nothing to do with us, it is better to destroy it, no one can get it," Mai Jiude said in a cold voice, "When I left, Chu Tianjiao was not awake yet, as for how much memory and memory he can retain. Self-awareness depends on how much he doesn’t want to forget those things.”

"It stands to reason that there are always a few things in a person's life that they don't want to forget until they die." Mai Shutoku said softly, "There is an example in Germany. A man whose brain was severely damaged and was judged to be brain dead by the attending physician... He miraculously woke up after being in a coma for twenty-two years, and the first time he woke up, he called out the name of his mother who was no longer alive. "

"What's the worst outcome for Chu Tianjiao?" Lu Mingfei asked as calmly as possible.

"Complete amnesia, even the most basic ability to be independent." Mai Shutoku said expressionlessly.

"Damn, isn't that a mental retardation?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help but curse, and the nearby students and parents all cast horrified looks.

Lu Mingfei shrank his neck, but his expression was still not good: "So does it have to be brainwashed? Isn't the risk too great?"

"Do you think if there is a better way, why don't we go back and try it? This is already the best way." Mai Shutoku said, "If we let it go, the result will be that the subconscious will turn into a complete dragon, and then we will become a real god. It's hard to save, and the only way is to take a chance. Even if you become an idiot who can't remember anything, as long as your brain is not seriously damaged, there is always a chance to remember everything, even if this chance is extremely slim. "

Lu Mingfei was silent, because he knew that Jiude Mai was right, but he had promised Chu Zihang that he would tell him as soon as he had the clues about Chu Tianjiao, and now he didn't know how to tell Chu Zihang.

"I've told you about Chu Tianjiao, let's go back to the beginning." Jiude Mai interrupted Lu Mingfei's entanglement, "Why is the situation you encountered so different from what I arranged?"

"Why?" Lu Mingfei also wanted to know.

"Because Chu Tianjiao is not completely the same as Odin." Jiude Mai whispered, "Or, when Chu Tianjiao just became Odin, he still retained his own consciousness."

Lu Mingfei was stunned, and then his heart was horrified.

He is no longer a fool now and he is one of the people who have the deepest contact with this incident. Jiude Mai pointed out this possibility. Lu Mingfei thought along this line of thought, and many things made sense.

"You mean, when Chu Tianjiao was just wearing the mask, he had two identities, Chu Tianjiao and 'New Odin', so he restored a Maybach in Nibelungen, and was left those words by his senior brother next to the Maybach." So far, Lu Mingfei's logic is sound, but he immediately encountered a difficulty, "No, what about those masked people? It has been seven years since Chu Tianjiao became Odin. Does he still have his own consciousness? If he still has his own consciousness, why did he attack us in that secret room?"

"What if those masks and the information in the room you mentioned were all planned by Chu Tianjiao seven years ago?" Jiude Mai asked softly.

Lu Mingfei's body froze at this moment.

"Let's make a bold assumption. Seven years ago, Chu Tianjiao was wearing a mask. He became Odin's clone and sat in the city of Nibelungen. He gained the power of a 'god', but in his subconscious he was still Chu Zihang's father. If I were him, I would definitely use my limited life to leave something for my son." Jiude Mai said in a very low voice, "Aren't the Maybach and those words in Nibelungen the best proof?"

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