Lu Yin Silly Waist

Vol 5 Chapter 167: The way of gratitude

"Roger has already started systematic training." Yi Le asked.

In foreign countries, children start to learn about football when they are 6-8 years old. It is very important before the age of 12. This is the period of technical ignorance. After the age of 12, most of them have begun to form a stereotype. Of course, some enter the youth training camp. Here is an example of the second breakthrough opportunity, but most children can show their talents when they are 12 years old.

Therefore, Yi Le is not surprised that Roger started systematic training at the age of eight.

Speaking of Roger, Martina covered her head and said helplessly; "Yes, Roger is undergoing training, but Flander is very strict with him and always wants him to play in your way. But in fact, Roger doesn’t have the talent in this area. This kid has very good skills, but he is too sticky and doesn’t know how to share with his peers. He always runs with his head, which makes Flanders very angry."

Hearing this, Yi Le couldn't help but smile and said: "You don't need to be too anxious. He is only 8 years old now, so he can polish his skills, and he will teach other aspects slowly.

"I hope so."

After finishing speaking, Martina patted her forehead and said: "It's almost time for lunch, and Flander and Roger are coming back soon. It just so happens that we can host a family party."

Yi Le nodded with a smile.

Even after five years, Yi Le is no stranger to this place.

At about 12 o'clock, Flanders came back. He was a middle-aged rough man. As he worked in the factory all the year round, his tendons were very strong and his body was very burly.

When he saw Yi Le, he held Yi Le with surprise and praised again and again: "The savior of Barcelona is back!"

Flender looked at Yi Le with emotion. The little guy who was taller with him was already half his head and his body was much stronger.

From a thin youth to a real professional player.

Flender is very pleased, and also very proud. For Flender, he has witnessed the youth training period of Yi Le, so he has a say in today's success.

The three are going to have a barbecue in the backyard.

That is to say skewers, this is the barbecue method Yi Le told them, and now it is very popular with the family.

And there is no need to put the beef in the oven, it takes several hours to bake, which is time-consuming and laborious.

At about one in the afternoon, Roger also returned.

The little guy was wearing a loose ball jersey and holding a football in his arms. The jersey was muddy, but his eyes were full of light.

As soon as he entered the room he began to shout: "I scored! I scored!"

The little guy ran around excitedly, without even noticing Yi Le who was on the side looking at him with a smile.

Flande grabbed his son and asked with a grimace: "Did you cooperate with the team this time?"

Roger shrank his neck. He was a little afraid of his father and said timidly; "They can't keep up with me, why should I cooperate with them."

Flander slapped the little guy's **** angrily, causing the little guy to yell.

"The pass is so weak, I want to shoot!"

Flanders chased the little guy angrily, and the little guy ran like a rabbit in horror.

The two short legs fell old fast, extremely agile.

But the horse stumbled, and the little guy slammed his feet during the run, exclaimed, and fell forward.

Yi Le's eyes were quick, and he stretched out his hand to lift the little guy directly.

Then put his hands under the armpit of the little guy and raised him up.

Roger then saw Yi Le clearly, his eyes widened.

Yi Le smiled gently and said, "Long time no see, Roger!"

Roger's face flushed.

Somewhat nervous, nervous...

Even though his father told him that Yi Le used to stay in his own home and hugged himself, that was all when he was three years old, and Roger didn't remember anything.

Therefore, Yi Le is still a strange and distant person to him.

At this moment, Yi Le appeared in front of her suddenly, as if she was dreaming.

Roger looked at Yi Le in a daze. Yi Le put down the little guy with a smile, rubbed his head, and smiled; "Go take a wash and get ready to eat."

The little guy lowered his head, and said a little bit: "Um..."

While eating, Roger was still curious and looked at Yi Le frequently.

Flander said in a huff: "Ask if you have any questions."

Roger hurriedly pulled a small stool, leaned to Yi Le's side, almost pasted Yi Le, and asked: "What is it like to play in the Champions League?"

Yi Le blinked and smiled; "Very tired!"

Roger nodded, touched his chin, pretending to be an adult and said; "Is it the highest league in Europe after all? Then...and then?!"

"It's also fun!"


"The Champions League has a lot of strong opponents and clubs. The preparations before the match, the maintenance of the state, the use of tactics, etc., in these top teams contests, there is no room for the slightest difference, because no matter which team it is, only It takes a small mistake and they can kick the ball into the opponent's goal."

"Which one is better, you or De Bruyne?"

"De Bruyne is a very good player, but the outside world is saying that I am better!"

"Wow, Paris won the Champions League again. I heard that the whole city is crazy! This should be very lively, right?"

Yi Le smiled and nodded: "It's lively!"

The two sat together, asking and answering one by one, and the little guy quickly opened the chatterbox and kept asking questions with his little mouth.

And Yi Le answered one by one, without the slightest impatience.

Listening to the career described by Yi Le, Little Roger became more and more yearning.

It's just that Yi Le talked about the good side of his career. He didn't mention the flyying doggou in it.

Moreover, occupation is very cruel.

After Yi Le and the Flanders have lunch, it is time for Yi Le to leave.

Before he left, he handed over a bank card.

"Auntie Martina, when I went to London, you provided me with travel expenses, which was returned to you."

Flender took the bank card and asked, "How much is there?"

Yi Le said; "There is an old Chinese saying called the grace of dripping water. Yongquanxiang reports..."

Needless to say, it must be a lot of money.

However, Flander didn't put it away but smiled and slapped the bank card on Yi Le's chest and smiled; "Let's put it away."

Yi Le said anxiously; "This..."

Flande raised his hand, interrupting Yi Le's words, and said: "There is also an old saying in Spain, gratitude is not with money, but with your feet!"

Yi Le looked down subconsciously, his eyes full of doubts.

Flander laughed and patted Yi Le on the shoulder, and said; "I will come back to see us often in the future, this is the best return for us."

Martina also smiled and nodded: "Come on, easy! Help Barcelona climb to the top of Europe, when that time, we will go and shout for you!"

Little Roger jumped excitedly and said: "GO! GO! GO! Flip them over!"

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Yi Le let out a sigh of relief slowly: "Well, I understand."

After speaking, Yi Le said goodbye to the Flanders and left the shopping street.

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