Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 11 The Magical Use of Gold Finger (please follow up)

In today's era, a small cold can kill you!

The original body was under the care of Aunt Zhao, and she was actually quite pampered.

The body bones are not very strong!

In his previous life, Jia Huan was also a guy who liked to keep fit, and he was still able to understand some of his physical conditions.

After being baptized by the explosion of information, we naturally know how to exercise.

Unfortunately, there is no way to take it out and exercise it openly.

Like some fan fiction pig trotters, if you publicly state that you have given up literature and embraced martial arts, and then start exercising carelessly, you are simply courting death.

The transformation of Rongfu from civil to military was not successful!

To put it bluntly, Rong Mansion at this time is still the home of Wu Xun!

The House of Martial Arts naturally values ​​the inheritance of martial arts, as well as experiences such as military art and battle formations.

That is to say, among the direct descendants of the younger generation, those who are not worthy enough are willing to practice martial arts and take the path of specialized military commanders, which seems to be abandoned.

But if Jia Huan, a concubine, brought it up, it would immediately become the focus of attention of the entire Rong Mansion's senior management.

What, you are a concubine, you want to inherit the military ambition of Rongfu, why?

If the senior officials of Rongfu are slightly dissatisfied, Jia Huan will basically never be able to get ahead in the future unless he says that he will die without a burial place.

There is no need to inquire about these things. As long as you understand the importance that the Wuxun family places on its own inheritance in the feudal era, you can understand some of the secrets.

Otherwise, why didn't Jia Huan take any action even though he knew that Rong Mansion might have a complete military commander training system, or a martial arts training model?

Asking Aunt Zhao to help with the pillow blowing, on the grounds of physical fitness, even if the second master Zheng doesn't like it, it is not difficult to get basic martial arts training.

In the legendary stories about the two old Dukes circulated in the inner courtyard of Rong Mansion, as well as the subsequent legendary Duke Daishan, and the Daihua clan leader, these four were all highly skilled in martial arts.

Because of his background and knowledge, he is not a so-called Confucian general!

In the early days of entering the military, they all relied on their strong martial arts to stand out.

After reaching a high position, he gradually transformed into a general and commander-in-chief.

How is it possible to say that there is no benefit to the inheritance of martial arts in the military?

But these, for Jia Huan at this time, are simply precious resources that are out of reach.

Whenever he shows any signs of affection, his second wife, Mrs. Wang, who has been paying attention to him, will definitely take action to hold him down.

Even in Ethnology, you can't even practice secretly.

Haven't you seen Mrs. Wang knocking from time to time?

What he said clearly showed some understanding of the situation on the ethnology side.

In other words, there is simply a tip-off.

Obviously, it is unreliable to try to practice quietly at Ethnology.

Unless, Jia Huan simply doesn't go to school and looks for opportunities to practice outside.

But in this case, the danger would be too great.

Not to mention the risks outside, the malice in the house alone is not something he can easily deal with at this time.

Mrs. Wang didn't need to do anything. She only had to let the news about Jia Huan, the general of Zhou Rui's family, not go to the family clan to be quietly spread to the ears of the second master Zheng.

You can guess what happens next!

Mr. Zheng Er went crazy, and Jia Huan might have to stay in bed for several months.

As for going out to study, don’t expect it for at least a year.

Knowing that the consequences would be serious, would Jia Huan take the initiative to step into the trap?

It's not that he cares about being able to study, but that he doesn't want to be trapped in the backyard of Rong Mansion.

He couldn't enjoy any better resources, but had to endure Aunt Zhao's verbal attacks every day. He was afraid that he would go crazy.

After all the calculations, the place where I can exercise is my own small courtyard.

The small courtyard where he and Aunt Zhao live is really not big, and the patio-like open space in the middle is even smaller, probably only a dozen or twenty square meters.

And he couldn't make too much noise and make the second wife not far away suspicious.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient and simpler for Jia Huan to exercise in a remote place in the backyard of the mansion as before?

The key is that it is easy to be exposed. It would be terrible if it arouses the suspicion of the second wife, Mrs. Wang.

If the old lady Jia Mu knew about it, the situation would be even worse.

The second wife also has a serious legitimate son, Jia Baoyu. Why does Brother Huan want to use his concubine to seduce his legitimate son?

Fortunately, he has a golden finger!

After a period of pondering and analysis, Jia Huan discovered what was special about Golden Finger.

When I was studying at Ethnic Studies, I studied the enlightenment reading "Three Character Classic"!

He has a good memory and he quickly memorized the "Three Character Classic" completely.

This was nothing at first, but he saw that on the learning panel displayed by the golden finger, the learning progress displayed on the "Three Character Classic" was only 15%.

Anyway, he had a lot of free time in ethnology, so he conducted in-depth research on it.

Wanting to make further progress in learning the "Three Character Classic", I found the correct way after many experiments.

That means having a full understanding of the contents of the Three Character Classic!

Just like modern students learning classical Chinese, it is not just as simple as reciting it, but they also need to know the specific meaning of classical Chinese.

As a result, Jia Huan only understood the specific meaning of one-third of the contents of the "Three Character Classic", and the learning progress on the panel suddenly jumped to the level of 25%.

Now, he finally understood part of the function of the golden finger!

During this period, he accidentally conducted a small experiment, but it made Jia Huan realize another magical effect of the golden finger, which was quite powerful!

If you want to continue to improve your learning progress on the panel, you will naturally have to understand more of the specific meanings of the Three Character Classic.

I don’t know what I was thinking that time. I knew clearly what the specific meanings of some of the contents of the Three Character Classic were, but I just thought that it was a misunderstanding, or that a distorted understanding would be more appropriate.

As a result, he found that the learning progress of the "Three Character Classic" on the panel had not improved at all!

Then, he correctly understood the "Three Character Classic" with the same content, and found that the learning progress on the panel improved.

In other words, if you want to improve the learning progress on the panel, you must have the correct learning method and understanding method.

To put it bluntly, only a correct understanding of knowledge can improve the progress of relevant learning items.

In order to verify this finding, he added two learning items, "Thousand-Character Classic" and "Hundred Family Surnames", to the learning panel.

These two are also Qi Cheng books, and Ethnology naturally has reserves.

It is not difficult for Jia Huan to get it.

After verifying these two starting books, he was finally able to confirm that the special function of his golden finger was to help him find the correct direction of study.

This effect is not very obvious when it comes to reading!

After all, no matter what book, unless there is a standard answer, you will have your own understanding after reading it.

But when it comes to physical exercise, the effect is really amazing.

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