Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 42: The word filial piety is overwhelming (please read it)

"No, I won't agree!"

In Jia Huan's residence, Aunt Zhao objected loudly with a displeased face.

"Your uncle is doing a good job in the house, why does he want to get rid of his slave status?"

Aunt Zhao glared angrily and scolded: "You uncreated seed, do you know that your uncle's future life will be completely unprotected!"

"Besides, the Zhao family is a well-established family in the family. They have been slaves of the Rong family for three consecutive generations. You are such an uncultivated person. You know how many people would envy you?"

"You are such a wicked person that you actually encouraged your uncle to detach himself from the country and leave. You are simply wishful thinking. I will never agree to it anyway!"

Aunt Zhao was really angry. She looked ugly and spoke in a harsh tone.

No matter that Jia Huan was only six years old, he blurted out all kinds of unpleasant things without any scruples.

In fact, what Jia Huan did this time touched her bottom line.

Today, his younger brother Zhao Guoji specially asked someone to send a message, and the two siblings met near the second gate.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guoji wanted to demit his citizenship and leave Rongfu.

Aunt Zhao was confused at the time, and when she reacted, she was furious. She scolded her brother sharply, without any intention of supporting his behavior.

Just kidding, how nice would it be to stay in Rongfu?

There is a stable job and income, as well as pretty good welfare benefits, just like modern state-owned enterprises.

The most important thing is that with Rong Mansion as your back, you don’t have to worry about being bullied.

The common people outside are indeed nominally higher than the slaves, but in terms of living conditions and safety and security, they are incomparable to those born in the Rongfu family.

Any petty official can destroy the lives of ordinary people!

Zhao Guoji seemed very hesitant after being scolded by his sister.

Aunt Zhao noticed something was wrong and immediately began to interrogate him. She was too familiar with her brother.

He is an honest person with a dull and dull personality, not at all like a son from a family in Rongfu.

All his thoughts were reflected on his face, and such a decision as leaving his country and leaving the country was simply not something Zhao Guoji could make.

Then, Jia Huan, the mastermind behind the incident, was revealed.

It was he who encouraged his blood uncle Zhao Guoji to leave the country and help manage the meager property outside.

But no matter how little the property is, it still belongs to the family!

"Auntie, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

After finally waiting for Aunt Zhao to take a breath, Jia Huan hurriedly said: "You should listen to my explanation. It is impossible to make such a big decision casually!"

In my heart, I couldn't help but secretly scold my uncle for not being firm enough.

Of course, he also understood the concerns of Aunt Zhao and Zhao Guoji.

It's not like I haven't explained it before, but I didn't expect that my uncle still hesitated at the last moment.

But this is fine. With the character of his biological uncle Zhao Guoji, he will avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles when his own business grows in the future.

Of course, Aunt Zhao's dissatisfaction and anger must be appeased now, otherwise there will be no hope for Zhao Guoji's denaturalization.

With Aunt Zhao's character, she might be in trouble?

The key thing is that if the second wife, Mrs. Wang, is alerted, it will be difficult to operate.

"Tell me, if you don't tell the truth, I'll kill you!"

Aunt Zhao sneered again and again and looked at Jia Huan with a very unkind look.

"Auntie, if I have several shops outside, what will happen if my wife finds out?"

Jia Huan didn't hesitate and asked directly: "Will she let me continue to hold it?"

"Go and have your spring and autumn dreams!"

Aunt Zhao sneered and said angrily: "What good things do you want?"

"You have a wicked heart. If you really have a shop outside and your wife knows about it, how could you still be allowed to hold it?"

My parents are here, so I don’t want to buy property!

In the era of feudal ethics where filial piety governed the world, the power of this sentence was not ordinary.

Especially the concubines of big families are subject to great constraints.

The aunt and family could even use this as an excuse to directly kill the bastard who had set up private property outside, without any problem at all.

Although such extreme situations rarely happen, and although Jia Huan is struggling a lot outside, she doesn't have much impact on Mrs. Wang, so there is no need to worry about such a situation happening.

Jia Huan didn't dare to be careless. Who knew what Mrs. Wang was thinking?

It would be depressing if I took this opportunity to ask him to go over and copy Buddhist scriptures from time to time.

"Wait a minute, you uncreated seed, you have a shop outside?"

Aunt Zhao reacted suddenly at this time, widened her eyes and asked: "How is that possible? Where did you get the money from, you maggot-hearted villain?"

Jia Huan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Aunt Zhao was not really stupid!

"Auntie, you have forgotten that my second grandma and I run a business together, and we can get some money every month!"

He smiled and explained: "A few days ago, I helped Brother Lian with work, and I can earn some money every month. It's not a small amount in total!"

Ignoring Aunt Zhao's surprised look, he continued: "Aunt Zhao also knows that it is not a good thing for me, a bastard who is not yet an adult, to have too much money in my hands!"

Seeing that Aunt Zhao was eager to give it a try, she poured cold water on her and said, "Aunt Zhao, please don't take advantage of the money in my hand!"

"I estimate how much money my aunt has in hand. My wife has a rough estimate!"

"If it suddenly becomes too much or too little, my wife might be able to notice it!"

"When my wife gets angry, are you sure that I can handle it?"

Hearing this, Aunt Zhao's face changed slightly, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything big.

She has been serving her wife, Mrs. Wang, for many years. It can be said that she knows everything about Mrs. Wang's temperament. She is definitely not someone to be deceived.

Even if Mrs. Wang is a housekeeper and has mediocre abilities in other areas, she is still a boss who has been in charge of the internal affairs of Rong Mansion for nearly 20 years.

There are countless confidants under his command, but Zhou Ruijia is not the only one.

Maybe, Xiao Jixiang and Xiao Que around him might be spies arranged by Mrs. Wang.

If Mrs. Wang knew that Aunt Zhao suddenly had a lot of money in her hands, it would be a disaster.

Some things have a limit. Once the limit is crossed, it is easy for Mrs. Wang to deal with a concubine as a real wife. Even the second master Zheng can't say anything against it.

Seeing that Aunt Zhao had calmed down, Jia Huan breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "Don't I feel that I lack effective helpers outside, so I spent money to buy a small martial arts studio and a grocery store!"

"I guess I can keep it a secret for now, but as time goes by it will be hard to tell!"

"It just so happens that I see that my uncle is not doing well in the house, so I just want him to leave the country and help me manage the shop I bought!"

"|As long as the shop is not big, it can still be maintained in the name of my aunt and me, and by the way, I can let my uncle get married and have children outside!"

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