Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 5: First Impressions of Ethnology (please follow up)

The streets are spacious, clean and quite prosperous.

The flow of people coming and going is not too dense, the clothes are quite decent, and everyone's face is red, obviously they are living a good life.

The vendors setting up stalls are quite well-behaved and dressed very cleanly.

The most eye-catching thing is the wide gate of Ning Rong's second mansion and the unknown length of the courtyard wall.

I heard, just heard, that Ningrong Street was taken over by the Ningrong Second Mansion. I don’t know if it’s true?

Jia Huan didn't have much impression, and naturally he wouldn't feel the so-called majesty emanating from Ning Rong's second mansion.

It’s not like I’ve never visited the Forbidden City and major famous film and television centers in my previous life. How could I be confused by the architecture of Ning Rong’s Second Mansion?

Instead, I paid more attention to the various gadgets and snacks on the roadside stalls.

If it wasn't the right time, Jia Huan would have wanted to get out of the car and give it a try.

On the contrary, Brother Cong next to him looked like he was excited for the first time out of the prison. Everything he saw was new and interesting, and looking around with his eyes was still not enough.

Soon after arriving at the clan school, Jia Huan and Cong Geer first visited their uncle, the Confucian scholar, and presented a few meat sticks as a gift.

Although Ethnic Studies does not charge their tuition fees, the necessary expressions are still indispensable.

These are all prepared in the house when you arrive.

Isn’t it that the stewards in the house are incompetent? The key is not to be interested in them?

Uncle Dairu is very old, almost seventy, right?

It seems that he is not in good spirits either.

After accepting the restraints of the two brothers, he stood up and slowly led them to the teaching building.

Far away, I could hear the commotion in the teaching building.

Uncle Dairu didn't care either. He didn't know whether he was deaf and didn't hear it, or he was used to it and just didn't take it seriously.

"Cough! Cough!"

When he was about to enter the door, he coughed lightly. The original noise in the teaching building disappeared in an instant and became quiet.

Jia Huan pulled Brother Cong into the teaching building, glanced around, and randomly found a seat in the back row.

But I was quite surprised!

I just did a casual scan and I basically knew the number of students in the teaching building. Including the two little brothers, there were only sixteen people!

Damn it, is this still the Jia family’s school?

After glancing at Uncle Dai Confucian, who was slowly starting to teach, he had a clearer understanding of Jia Family Studies.

Sure enough, the Red Mansions fanfic I read in my previous life is not trustworthy!

In those Red Mansions novels, one by one criticized the Confucian uncle of his generation, believing that he was occupying the toilet and used family studies as a tool to make money, regardless of whether the students lived or died.

Squeeze out other gentlemen and leave the clan school with no future!

There are only a dozen students, how can they not be able to control them?

Unexpectedly, Uncle Dai Ru asked the students about their learning progress in an orderly manner, pointed out the shortcomings in their studies in a clear and logical manner, and then assigned new learning tasks.

This approach is obviously the legendary small class teaching elite education!

Even if the students are of different ages and their academic progress is fast or slow, and they are mixed together and cause interference, they are still within the acceptable range.

It can't be done. How many students can be divided into one class?

As for his grandson Jia Rui, at least when his uncle Dairu was still around, he was quite qualified as an academic supervisor of clan studies.

Jia Huan and Brother Cong each received a copy of the "Three Character Classic" and read the previous contents several times with Uncle Confucian, and they began to be enlightened.

Their study today is to recite what they just read, and then copy it according to the handwriting in the book.

If you can complete it conscientiously, by the time you finish studying the "Three Character Classic", you will be able to recognize all the characters in it and even be able to barely write it.

With Jia Huan taking him along, Brother Cong probably felt it was new, but he was quite serious and serious, and he cared about being strict.

Children's memories are very powerful, and they can easily recite the content of the "Three Character Classic" they just learned.

As long as you keep at it, the studies in the enlightenment stage can be easily completed.

Perhaps due to his time-travel and rebirth, Jia Huan's memory is quite good, and coupled with an adult's thinking mode, he can basically recite the "Three Character Classic" completely after reciting it five or six times.

At the same time, he called out Goldfinger, and a virtual panel appeared in front of him.

As soon as my heart moved, under the mud, there was an additional study item for the Three Character Classic.

At this time, the Three Character Classic study item has directly reached 15% progress.

And the number of points suddenly increased by three hundred!

Jia Huan was speechless. He didn't understand what the golden finger was for.

It is said to be a learning system. You have to work hard to learn everything by yourself. There is no bonus of enlightenment.

Isn't it the same whether there is such a golden finger?

He suppressed his unhappiness and hid the virtual panel. Naturally, he wouldn't overdo it and just stayed on the same level as Brother Cong.

It can be seen that when Uncle Dai Confucius was still there, the learning environment in the clan school was still guaranteed.

Although the vast majority of ethnic studies students were very perfunctory when studying and were not serious at all, they did not make any noise and affect others.

As far as their learning attitude is concerned, if they want to make progress in their careers, just dream.

I don’t know whether it was because he really lacked energy or was too lazy to take care of things. Uncle Dai Confucianism did not deliberately ask the students to study hard.

At noon, slowly announced the end of get out of class and told the students to review their homework in the afternoon, and then left slowly.

The next moment, the entire teaching building became noisy.

The students, who were originally sitting upright, cheered loudly like wild horses running wild, and they were all in high spirits and happy.

At the same time, the cooks from the clan school delivered meals, making the teaching building even more lively.

At this time, nearby students approached Jia Huan and Brother Cong and asked curiously: "Are you from Ning Rong's second mansion, or from relatives?"

"From Rong Mansion, my name is Jia Huan, and his name is Jia Cong!"

Brother Cong, who was a little confused, took the lunch box from the cook and brought it to the desk to enjoy while answering.

The inquiring student's face became a little stiff and he quietly moved away from where the two brothers were.

Within a short time, the news that the two brothers were descendants of the Rong Mansion spread among the students, attracting looks with various meanings.

Especially Jia Rui, the grandson of Uncle Dai Ru, his eyes were rolling around, and he looked at the two brothers with a look that was eager to try.

"Ignore these guys, let's go for a walk outside the classroom after lunch!"

Seeing that Brother Cong was a little uneasy, Jia Huan comforted him: "We represent the face of the two houses of Rong Mansion, don't let these guys underestimate us!"

Sure enough, after listening to Jia Huan's words, Brother Cong suddenly became energetic. His face looked quite serious, and he nodded his head repeatedly: "Don't worry, Brother Huan, I won't disgrace the eldest son of Rong Mansion. You Just take a look!"

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