Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 75 Luck Version ‘For Your Good’ (Please collect)

Coming out of Rongqing Hall, the sky is clear and the scenery is beautiful.

Jia Huan's mood was as sunny as the weather outside.

Not only because he entered the Rongqing Hall openly as a dog-headed strategist.

He is also a grandson, but he is a concubine, so the old lady does not allow him to come to Rongqing Hall, and she sheds bitter tears when she talks about it.

It's not that he attaches much importance to Rongqingtang, but that this kind of move is too obviously discriminatory.

At the same time, this meeting in Rongqing Hall also allowed him to vaguely test the psychological bottom line of the old lady and Mrs. Wang.

Jia Huan kept helping the second master with suggestions and was very proactive, but he took a lot of risks, and he secretly broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the result of the final test was quite satisfactory to him.

As for Mr. Yu Zheng's matter, no matter how brilliant he was, the old lady and Mrs. Wang seemed to accept it, and did not feel too strong defensively.

Otherwise, these two would not be considered cunning and cunning, and their demeanor would give away something.

But Jia Huan had been observing secretly and didn't notice anything strange.

That's good, he finally clarified his standards for future conduct.

Be a good military advisor and don't get involved in other matters in the house. The old lady and Mrs. Wang probably won't agree.

If he were to forcefully participate, he would most likely be completely suppressed.

There is no risk to his life. The most likely possibility is that he is restricted by Mrs. Wang and is not allowed to go out. He is detained in the main hall of the second room all day long copying Buddhist scriptures.

Jia Huan would not be able to resist if he was detained for two or three years, unless he simply left the clan and ran away.

It's better now. I have vaguely tested the psychological bottom line of the old lady and Mrs. Wang. It will be much easier to act in the future. There is no need to be as cautious as before.

In addition, the temperaments of the old lady and Mrs. Wang are not as sinister and cruel as described in some fan fiction, which is also a good thing.

As long as they don't take the initiative to violate their interests, they will basically not be deliberately targeted by these two people.

Otherwise, the old lady wouldn't be able to tolerate the Lai family's unscrupulous poaching.

The nearly twenty years that Mrs. Wang served as housekeeper were enough to kill the whole family.

Being able to achieve such good results probably has something to do with my increasing luck.

Jia Huan discovered a very interesting thing. Ever since the luck number in Golden Finger passed ten, almost everything he wanted to do came true.

Regardless of whether it was his own psychological effect or a coincidence, he was paying more and more attention to his own luck, and he was still reluctant to spend even a little bit of it.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Mr. Zheng would bring his seven-year-old child to attend an important family meeting.

In addition, a group of core family members can still patiently listen to his eloquent instructions, and even listen to his opinions and fully adopt them.

If the core members of the Jia family were really so magnanimous and broad-minded, the situation in Ning Rong's second house would not be so embarrassing. If no changes were made, they would soon fall from their position as a first-class powerful person.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Zheng, Jia Huanshi went out to study.

There was still work to be done, and besides, the historical materials in Ethnology were very complete, and he had to look through them when he had free time, which could be regarded as a kind of learning improvement.

After reading a lot of historical materials, he also discovered some of his own cognitive problems.

In particular, the understanding of officialdom and court, the three views and perspectives formed by modern society in previous generations are quite different from those in the feudal and imperial era.

It doesn’t have to be reversed, as long as you understand the difference!

Otherwise, the occurrence of some things and subsequent changes will be completely different from one's own understanding and opinions, which will greatly affect your self-confidence.

It was afternoon, and it was quiet here.

On the Cuju court, it is rare that no classmates are sweating on it.

Think about it, even if young people are very resilient, except for Jia Huan, how can the other students withstand the huge exertion of playing Cuju every day?

At a glance, he saw the tall and handsome figure of Xue Pan chatting and laughing with two elementary school students, Xiang Lian Yu Ai, in the corner of the yard, making these two pretty girly guys laugh from time to time.

Tsk, this guy obviously cares about eating and not fighting. He has forgotten the painful experience of being beaten by many primary school students when he first came to clan school.

"Brother Xue, come here and talk!"

Jia Huan greeted at the door of the clan school, and you could clearly see Xue Pan, who was still proud of himself, stiffened, then quickly turned around and trotted over.

As for Xiang Lian and Yu Ai, they ran into the teaching building like frightened little rabbits and disappeared without a trace.

The other students who were chatting in the small courtyard couldn't help but chuckle when they saw this. They just paid attention to Jia Huan and had no intention of coming over.

"Brother Huan, what are your orders?"

Xue Pan was not short in stature, standing in front of Jia Huan at least three heads taller.

The figure is even a little fat, at least as big as two and a half Jia Huan.

But he didn't have any arrogant attitude, and he was even more cautious when standing in front of Jia Huan. His voice was deliberately lowered, as if he was afraid of disturbing Jia Huan.

There was no other way, unless he wanted to be beaten every day in the clan school, otherwise he would have to be like his cousin Jia Baoyu and think of various ways and reasons not to come to the clan school.

Jia Huan had no intention of spoiling him. As long as Xue Pan dared to skip school, he would directly ask Jia Rui, the ethnographer, to supervise the home visit that day, and also inform Aunt Xue, the parent.

Although Xue Pan is incompetent, he is still relatively filial and loves his sister very much.

How could he bear the disappointed eyes of his mother, Aunt Xue, and his sister, Xue Baochai, as well as the sad expressions with red eyes about to shed tears?

In the end, I can only come and report on the clan study honestly and become Jia Huan’s little brother!

It's not that I haven't thought about greeting the servants at home outside, and secretly putting sacks on Jia Huan and beating him with sap.

As a result, before the execution was carried out, he was knocked unconscious by a strongman who didn't know where he came from and was taken away. Then he enjoyed an afternoon of tiger stool feast in a small martial arts studio.

This time, he was completely honest and couldn't fight at all.

Naturally, Jia Huan didn't let Xue Pan do anything illegal, and even kept him confined to the clan school and the small martial arts school all day long, and he was not allowed to go out and make friends.

At least for now, Xue Pan is not familiar with the Jia family members who live on Ningrong Street.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to show his true nature as a rich man and be led into a 'poisonous person' by a group of unscrupulous Jia family members.

As for why we did this, there are obvious signs that the idea was a thankless one.

Jia Huan smiled slightly. On the virtual light screen transformed by the golden finger, the number representing luck had increased by a full seven points since he severely restrained Xue Pan.

Even with such a huge luck gain, he couldn't ignore it.

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