Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 82 Intrigue (please collect)

What is unlucky? Jia Zhen’s experience is the best proof!

The right minister of the Ministry of Revenue impeached the main bosses of the Jia family in the capital. The impeachment of the second political master and the pardon master can only be said to be a mere formality.

It's like nitpicking, it's not much of a threat at all!

But Jia Zhen was also impeached. There were too many flaws in this guy's body, so I just picked a lot of them.

He is greedy for women and lustful, and often hangs out in the brothel Chu Pavilion, and even goes to the Nanfeng Pavilion from time to time.

He was fond of gambling. Not only did he often spend large sums of money at famous gambling houses in the capital, but he also often invited a group of distinguished disciples to gamble at home.

The family is not well managed, and most of the children in the Ning family behave randomly outside and commit crimes.

As the head of the family, Jia Zhen not only failed to notice the restrictions in time, but also often protected and connived, interfering with the normal errands of the government office.

He had a ferocious temperament and regarded human life as nothing, and would easily kill others if he was slightly dissatisfied. Several ordinary people were beaten to death by his servants and guards for various reasons.

In addition, there are things like riding horses in the street, having an ambiguous relationship with her daughter-in-law, etc.

Also, the children of the Ning family did many evil things outside, and all their responsibilities were placed on Jia Zhen.

This time, Jia Zhen was treated badly!

After seeing the memorial to impeach Jia Zhen today, I was very unhappy and even angrily said, "I am not the son of a man."

And ordered him to immediately "defend himself", otherwise the law of the country will be ruthless!

In other words, no matter how proud you are, don't act too unrestrainedly.

Once something goes wrong, it may be a tragic end that will never be recovered!

This time, Jia Zhen was almost beaten to death by Ma Yuan, the right servant of the Ministry of Finance!

It's really not a joke. Once the current emperor takes advantage of the situation, there is no way to make things right with the bad things Jia Zhen has done.

However, the right minister of the Household Department had an attitude of being unwilling to give up. He caught Jia Zhen and chased her fiercely. He looked like he would not stop until Jia Zhen was put in jail. It was quite scary.

At least, Jia Zhen was scared at this time!

It is said that in anger, Jia Zhen beat to death five foreign stewards of Ning Mansion.

These outside stewards were all exposed as having many evil deeds outside, but it was Jia Zhen who took the blame.

Jia Zhen was ruthless enough and sent the bodies of the five people to the Shuntian Mansion Yamen, hoping to put all the blame on them, but naturally she failed.

It was heard that even the always-reputed housekeeper Lai Er had been punished, and many maids and servants were implicated. The whole Ning Mansion was in a state of panic.

It's not impossible to try to add insult to injury at this time, but it's difficult to clean the beginning and end.

When Jia Zhen comes to her senses and comes to settle accounts after the fall, it will be no joke.

Jia Huan saw clearly that although this impeachment was fierce, it was not easy to completely remove Jia Zhen.

It is impossible for the Rong Mansion to just watch Jia Zhen die. It is no joke that both the Ning and Rong Mansion will prosper and the other will suffer losses. Naturally, they must do their best to help Jia Zhen get out of trouble.

In addition, the impeachment turmoil at this time, with a little guidance, can easily turn into a conflict between the noble group and the civil servant group. We will definitely not let the situation develop to this point now.

At that time, the most likely possibility for Ma Yuan and Jia Zhen, as the instigators, is to give up fifty points each and not pursue further investigation, and the matter will just end.

It was just the first time Jia Zhen encountered such a crisis, so she panicked because she had no experience.

It's not impossible to kill Jia Zhen, or even the entire Ning Mansion, but the risk is too great.

Among the crimes listed before, there was one of having an ambiguous relationship with his daughter-in-law, which in Jia Huan's opinion was the most deadly, as long as Qin Keqing's life experience was completely exposed.

In that case, the current emperor would definitely not be able to tolerate Qin Keqing. As for Jia Zhen, who was crawling on a gray pig's feet, she would definitely die suddenly.

What's waiting for Ning Mansion is that the emperor will find an opportunity to confiscate his house and exile him, and even Rong Mansion will not dare to intervene to help. l

The consequences of doing so are quite serious, and the royal family's face is not easy to offend. Once the royal family discovers who exposed Qin Keqing's identity, there will be absolutely no place for him to die.

Fortunately, the right minister of household affairs, Ma Yuan, was not aware of the matter and still did not dare to act recklessly. The situation did not develop to this point.

"Old lady, you must save my grandnephew this time!"

In the main hall of Rongqing Hall, Jia Zhen was asking the old lady for help with runny nose and tears.

"Brother Zhen, this is not easy to handle!"

The old lady remained calm and easily grasped Jia Zhen's emotional changes, and said leisurely: "Of course, the matter was caused by the Xifu side, so naturally I won't turn a blind eye!"

"Thank you, old lady!"

Jia Zhen was overjoyed and quickly promised: "As long as the grand nephew passes the test smoothly this time, from now on, whatever the old lady says will be whatever the old lady says, and the grand nephew will never have a problem with it!"

This is the guarantee the old lady wants!

After that, he said some comforting words in a harmonious voice, and then coaxed Jia Zhen away, who had turned from worry to joy.

"Tell me, tell me, is there any way to get Brother Zhen out of trouble?"

The smile on the old lady's face faded, and she looked at her subordinates, Mr. Pardon and Mr. Zheng, as well as Jia Lian, who was watching, and asked directly.

She did have a way to solve the problem by going directly to the palace to show off her old face.

However, favors become thin after being used once. For such things, it is better to use less favors and less.

It's a pity that neither the pardon master, the second master Zheng, nor Jia Lian have experience in court politics, so how can there be any solution?

It can only mean that 'it's all up to the old lady to make the decision', and also that Jia Zhen can't be put in trouble.

Jia Zhen had already shown her super mobility at this time, and in a short period of time, she had helped Jia Lian become a full-time sixth-grade Taipusi Cheng.

Even in order to make up for his mistakes, Jia Lian was not asked to pay even a cent of the money spent on the activities.

Let's put it this way, from helping the second master in government to solving actual official position issues for Jia Lian, Jia Zhen's performance really left the core members of the Rongfu speechless.

Regardless of his character, Jia Zhen is definitely the most capable among the core members of Ning Rong's second house at this time.

Maybe Jia Zhen will be able to play a greater role in the future, but what if she's unlucky now?

The old lady naturally knew this, otherwise she wouldn't have taken advantage of Jia Zhen!

You know, as the clan leader, Jia Zhen, although she is younger, does not blindly follow the orders of Rong Mansion and has her own thoughts and ideas, which she showed when she acted for the second master Zheng before.

That time, Jia Zhen's activities had already come to fruition, but in the end, two juniors, Jia Qiang and Jia Rong, were sent to tell them the good news, instead of coming to deliver the letter in person, which speaks volumes.

No one is a fool, especially the old lady who wants to control the Jia family in the capital, she knows better!

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