Luck in the heavens starts from the Red Mansion

Chapter 96 Xiao Lu Zhengrong (please subscribe)

By the way, Jia Huan never had the idea of ​​forming a Jianghu gang.

Ever since he understood that most of the so-called martial arts masters floating around in the capital city were only strong in qi, blood and strength, and had no so-called internal strength and true energy, his yearning for the martial arts was basically gone.

However, some things are not decided by his will at all!

From the time when the small martial arts hall became the entrance of Ningrong Street, the green-skinned gangsters around him took the initiative to get closer, and after establishing a certain organization and order, they have formed a powerful street force.

The territory is solid and the income is very stable. These guys have no worries and naturally start the expansion mode. Just like capital in modern times, it cannot be transferred by a single person's will.

When they first started to expand, by relying on their courage to fight and unite as one, these guys quickly occupied a large territory, their income increased rapidly, and their strength also expanded rapidly.

Especially after Xue Pan, a big financial backer, joined in, the expansion trend became even more rapid and almost out of control.

There is no way, Xue Pan not only has money but also people, and the guards of the Xue family are not just for free.

Many of them are guys who are skilled in martial arts and can be considered good players in the world.

Even Jia Huan didn't expect that they would easily take over the control of the canal section from Tongzhou to Beijing, the section within the capital city, of course, mainly the rights to handle cargo at the dock.

But even this is enough to inflate the confidence of these guys.

No, I rushed out of the city in a hurry, but ended up bumping into a bag!

After listening to Ni Er's explanation, Jia Huan felt a little strange.

This is too exaggerated!

Damn it, it's just the effort of a small branch canal and the control of the boatman. Where did the power come from to control it so tightly?

In other words, the northern section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal ends in Tongzhou.

And it is nearly fifty miles from Tongzhou to the capital!

For such a long distance, if the massive supplies arriving through the canal are transported to the capital by land, both road traffic and efficiency issues will be very difficult.

Therefore, starting from the Yuan Dynasty, a section of artificial river channel from Tongzhou to the capital was dug with the help of several rivers outside the capital. Only small boats could be used to transport water supplies.

Because it is not considered a mainstream canal, and the government supervision is relatively strict, there is not much oil and water to be harvested.

Of course, no matter how little oil and water there is, if it is managed properly, it can still maintain a few small gangs and live a very prosperous life, and that's it.

Otherwise, if it is a place where the interests of the powerful and powerful people intersect, Jia Huan will never allow his subordinates to get involved. That would be pure courting death.

What happened this time was not in line with common sense!

Ni Er and his group of green-skinned gangsters, with the support of Xue Pan, are still capable of fighting.

Who would have known that they would encounter a tough opponent just after leaving the city, and that a powerful gang who did not know where it came from would actually have many martial arts masters and directly defeat Ni Er and his party.

This is a bit strange!

As mentioned before, this artificial river, which can only be used by small boats and is strictly supervised by the government, does not have much to gain.

At most, that is, when the river is not too busy, you can transport some grain and livestock such as pigs, cattle, and sheep by boat, and earn a lot of hard money.

How could such a small amount of income be able to support a large number of heroes?

If you watch "Water Margin", you will know that the heroes of the river and lake have to eat large pieces of meat and drink from large bowls. Such food standards are no joke, and ordinary small landowners cannot afford it.

"Brother Huan, you don't know that the officials in Cangchang Yamen are watching our misfortune without even trying to intervene. What a bunch of bastards!"

Xue Pan angrily scolded: "When I received gifts before, I was very positive!"

"Cangchang Yamen?"

Jia Huan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

This yamen, affiliated with the Ministry of Revenue, specializes in receiving water transportation materials, classifying them, and storing them in thirteen huge official warehouses inside and outside the capital.

At this time, the governor of Cangchang was Ma Yuan, the right servant of the Ministry of Revenue!

Is there any problem here?

"Ni Er, what do you think of the relationship between the officials of Cangchang Yamen and that gang with many martial arts masters?"

How similar are these characteristics to the situation of the Ma Yuan family?

Previously, Jia Zhen took people there to find trouble, but was beaten to a bloody and embarrassing state by many martial arts masters from the Ma Yuan family. He was so angry that he almost used his last resort of force to bring in the ancestral soldiers who were raised in Zhuangzi outside the city to help.

"The relationship is so good that I almost wear a pair of pants!"

Before Ni Er could speak, Xue Pan couldn't wait to say: "I estimate that if the official under the Cangchang Yamen hadn't reported the news, our brothers' sudden attack would have been very likely to succeed!"

The fighting in the rivers and lakes will naturally use all possible means!

There are still some people near the capital who are afraid of using excessive and harsh methods, but sneak attacks are not a problem at all and will not cause condemnation and dissatisfaction from other forces in the world.

"If we had a direct fight with the opponent, are we sure we can withstand it?"

Jia Huan's mind was racing and he asked curiously: "To be honest, you don't need to cover up in front of me!"

Ni Er was a little embarrassed and said helplessly: "I'm afraid except for the good hands brought by Brother Xue who can withstand it, the other brothers don't have such strength and their martial arts skills are not good!"

A bunch of green-skinned gangsters roaming the streets, except for their bloody courage, how can they have any powerful martial arts skills?

Being poor in literature and rich in martial arts is no joke.

The small martial arts gym purchased by Jia Huan also has a tradition of specializing in physical training.

Things like medicated baths and special ointments for external application are not simple at all, both in terms of procurement and production costs.

The most exaggerated thing is the inheritance of martial arts in the military. Jia Huan only found out a little bit about it, but it was enough to surprise him. It was definitely a waste of money.

Otherwise, why did most of the mighty generals in ancient times come from generals?

There is a way here, and it is not as simple as being born with extraordinary powers as rumored outside.

Regardless of gossip, Ni Er told the truth. Xue Pan immediately patted his chest and shouted: "Brother Huan, if you have any ideas or instructions, just say it!"

"As long as I can do it, I won't let you down!"

At this time, he had a strong sense of mission and felt that he could not let down Jia Huan's trust.

As for how Jia Huan trusted him, even Xue Pan himself probably couldn't explain clearly.

"Deploy five to ten good players and just follow your orders when the time comes!"

Jia Huan was not polite and said directly: "When the time comes, not only will they need to charge forward, but they may also suffer a little injustice. You should say hello to them in advance!"

It's time for some guys to see the power of the Founding Martial Arts House.

Even if the guess is wrong, it's not a big deal. Just help the subordinates to expand the territory and clear obstacles. Anyway, it won't be in vain.

But if the guess is even remotely reliable, then it’s really incredible!

If he hadn't traveled through time, his thinking would not have been restricted by the environment. At the same time, he had watched too many detective dramas and Machiavellian movies and TV dramas in his previous life, so he wouldn't have been too imaginative.

But in fact, Ma Yuan, the right servant of the Household Department, gave him the feeling that he was a big boss behind the scenes who was hiding deeply, which made Jia Huan have the urge to delve deeper.

It’s not like he doesn’t know about curiosity killing the cat, but he won’t go directly to the stage this time.

Again, the heritage and energy of the Founding Martial Arts House cannot be understood by latecomers.

After sending Xue Pan and Ni Er away, Jia Huan slowly came to Sihai Casino.

Not long after, a boy from Sihai Gambling House quietly arrived at the West City Command Post of Wucheng Bingma Division.

When the afterglow of the setting sun was twinkling in the horizon, and there was still a little time left before the end, the new commander of the Xicheng Command Post, Qiu Liang, Shi Shiran, came to visit a small teahouse in the corner of Ningrong Street.

It is impossible for a pub or restaurant to exist here on Ningrong Street, and the Jia family will not agree!

After a while, Jia Huan came in with Brother Cong.

With the Sihai Gambling House here, the two of them are considered allies of interest, so there is no need to be polite when talking.

After being seated, Qiu Liang went straight to the topic. After hearing Jia Huan's request, Qiu Liang was shocked by this boy's boldness. He was really young and ignorant.

Originally, he would definitely not do such a favor, it would cost a lot of favors.

Jia Huan naturally knew the secrets inside, so he directly took out the chips, which suddenly put Qiu Liang in a dilemma.

Finally, after hearing Jia Huan's whisper, he was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time.

I don’t know whether he was driven by the ambition in his heart, or whether he was very optimistic about Jia Huan’s future and regarded it as an early investment. He accidentally agreed to something very difficult to do.

"Then let's wait for the good news from Brother Qiu!"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jia Huan stood up and left without delaying.

As if he was afraid that Qiu Liang would regret it, he pulled the confused Brother Cong away quickly.

"This boy is really brave!"

Seeing Jia Huan's small figure disappear from sight, Qiu Liang couldn't help but chuckle while holding the tea cup.

"When I get older, I'm afraid Rongfu will have a chance to turn around again!"

He murmured to himself for a while, his eyes flashing, this was also a great opportunity for him to climb up.

The Qiu family's background is far inferior to that of the Rong family. Being able to help him sit in the position of commanding the West City of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division is already considered the limit.

If you want to go further, you have to look at your own efforts and luck.

Although what Jia Huan said this time was quite risky, and most of the credit belonged to others.

But for him, it was also a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Not to mention, Jia Huan has given me a sufficiently attractive bargaining chip, so there is no reason not to give it a try!

Making up his mind, he drank the almost cold tea in one gulp, then stood up and strode away, his heart burning.

On the other side, Brother Cong, who was eight and a half years old and as tall as an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, carefully asked as he walked towards the house: "Brother Huan, is the price you have paid this time too high? point?"

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