The hot monkey rushed all the way, and although the body became slightly bulkier after evolution, the speed was still not very slow.

Half an hour after the explosion, the hot monkey finally arrived at the crime site.

The first thing that caught the eye was a mess, the originally inconspicuous cave had turned into ruins, and the entrance of the cave was forcibly exploded and opened several times.

A huge robot with a huge body similar to Meow Meow was holding the huge moon stone and walked out of the cave.

Inside the robot, after the giant moon stone was successful, Musashi and the others couldn't close their mouths with laughter.

"Oh roar...! This time we really got rich!

"I'm going to buy gold coins made of gems!" Meow meow steered the robot and walked outside.

Because of learning humans, Meow has lost a lot of abilities about Meow, the most important of which is Meow's signature skill: Treasure Gathering Skill.

Without Jubaogong, Meow Meow can't even exchange a real gold coin for his head.

So much so that this gold coin on the head is fake, a plastic model painted gold.

"Musashi, after selling this thing, can I eat a big meal?" Kojiro rubbed his hands, his eyes filled with longing, and the corners of his mouth drooled.

This time Musashi was generous and did not refuse Kojiro's request again: "No problem! Eat as much as you want!

"That's wonderful...!"

"Wait a minute, we seem to have been stopped by someone." Meow suddenly spoke.

Musashi and Kojiro quickly looked at the screen in front of them.

Sure enough, the hot monkeys who had a relationship were blocking in front of their hard-working meow robot.

"He looks angry, is he looking for revenge on us?"

The hot monkey saw Pippi who was seriously injured and fell at the mouth of the cave, his sweetheart was injured, and now he does not know whether he is alive or dead, and the hot monkey's eyes are dyed red with anger.

The blood rushed and the bruises were violent, the chest rose and fell, and the pounding heartbeat was like a drum.

"Looks like yes, but he won't be so stupid, think he can beat the meow robot we modified?" Musashi laughed slightly mockingly.

In fact, they all guessed correctly, the hot monkey is indeed very stupid to move, even if they know that the other party's huge size is amazing, they will not hesitate to shoot, not the right foot.

I saw the hot monkey roaring furiously, his right leg was wrapped in white light, and he used the kick skill.

This skill was used during the battle with Luo Xiaohei, but it had no effect at that time.

If you can successfully kick the meow robot, with the weight of the meow robot, it can cause a lot of damage.

But this is reality, not a game of data.

Wanting to kick a huge robot five meters tall and weighing tens of tons with the current strength of the hot monkey is simply a fool's dream.

"Bang!" The meow robot was kicked right in the thigh by the hot monkey, but with a full kick, it only heard a sound, and did not even cause damage to the meow robot.

Inside the meow robot, the three of Musashi looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

"Oh roar, roar!"


"This guy is really stupid, it seems that those researchers are right, the hot monkey is really stupid meow, such a stupid elf is really a shame." Meow's extremely mocking words made the hot monkey even more angry.

Roar has already used all the fighting skills he knows.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Knowing that it has no effect, and attacking, it is really stupid and incurable."

"We don't have time to play with you, you better go lie on the side!" Meow pushed the grip bar next to him.

The meow meow machine man raised his right leg, swept across, and kicked the hot monkey who rushed over to attack.

The hot monkey was carried away by anger, and before he could dodge, he was kicked and flew and hit the mountain wall next to the cave directly.


"Roar... Roar! The corner of the hot monkey's mouth spilled blood, and he felt that his bones were falling apart, and his back that collided with the mountain wall was even more painful.

Seeing that the meow robot was leaving, the hot monkey wanted to stand up, but because of severe pain and weakness, he was paralyzed to the ground.

"Pi... Pippi..." At this time, the hot monkey liked Pippi opened his eyes, but because of the injury, he could only support his body, and he couldn't even move.

Seeing the helpless eyes of his sweetheart, the hot monkey wanted to help, but he was powerless.

Once again, the fiery monkey craved power again.

But this time, he lost the luck of the last time, and could no longer rely on anger and will to evolve again.

After all, the hot monkey is already the final evolutionary type of the monkey monster.

"Oh roar, roar... Let's hurry up, I can't wait to enjoy the luxury... Well? What's going on! Before

Musashi could finish speaking, he felt the meow robot under him shake.

The thick vines that appeared out of nowhere, tightly wrapped the meow robot's legs.

Meow, who operated his legs, looked at the screen in front of him with a solemn face: "We're in trouble."

"Who is it again! Net disturb our good deeds! Musashi looked at the screen angrily.

When he saw the inconspicuous little black cat on the screen, he was obviously stunned.

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