Solving an arm, Luo Xiaohei was a little happy, but manipulating metal is really consuming spirit, and changing the metal form like this is also very difficult to control.

Compared to the control wood given by the system, it is simply a world of difference.

As everyone knows, the wood control skills given to him by the system have forcibly imprinted various control methods directly on his body instincts.

The control money he comes with is the initial skill, and if he wants to be able to use it flexibly in battle, he needs to exercise it regularly.

However, with his laziness, he wants to fill this skill, and he doesn't know that it will be the year of the monkey.

While thinking about it, Luo Xiaohei felt a huge force hit him and knocked him out fiercely.

The huge force knocked Luo Xiaohei into a tree, making a muffled bang.

For a moment, Luo Xiaohei felt that his internal organs were a little displaced, and he gasped in pain.

'Shhh! My! Luo Xiaohei fell to the ground, feeling that his legs were a little soft.

This move also gave him a wake-up call, when fighting in the future, it is better to have less thought and anchor.

However, this is also his habit in his previous life, and it is still difficult to change it.

"Hit Meow!" Meow shouted with some surprise.

"Chase after the victory, don't give him a chance!" Kojiro presses the button, and a small rocket emerges from the robot's shoulder.

It was launched against Luo Xiaohei.

Luo Xiaohei's eyes shrank, and a dangerous intuition stimulated his nerves at all times.

The rocket arrived in a blink of an eye, and Luo Xiaohei directly used three teleportations to avoid the explosion range of the rocket.

"Boom!" A flame instantly rose up with thick smoke and a large amount of smoke, completely covering Luo Xiaohei's position just now.

"Oh, roar, roar! With such a powerful explosion, that guy should not have the strength to fight anymore. Musashi covered his mouth and laughed arrogantly.

Hot Monkey and Pippi didn't see Luo Xiaohei using teleportation, so they were also very nervous about Luo Xiaohei's safety.

Seeing the violent explosion, the hot monkey sat there dumbfounded, and his brain calmed down again.

The fiery monkey looked at his fist-like hands, and at the mess around him, and at the helpless look of his sweetheart Pippi.

A sadness suddenly rose in the heart of the hot monkey.

It is clear that human beings without any strength can be strong to that extent, and there are all kinds of strange machines and weapons, which can not be fought against at all.

Suddenly, Meow's words came to his mind, wisdom is more important than muscles, looking at the damage caused by the rocket, the hot monkey doubted the strength he was pursuing for the first time.

There is even a trace of confusion, like their monkey monster family, the brain is already defective, and the personality is impatient and cannot think many times.

Now he really doesn't know how to improve his strength so that he can become stronger, strong enough to protect the people he wants to protect.


"The other arm of the meow robot flashed with electric sparks, and one arm was cut off by Luo Xiaohei with gold control.

Both arms could not move, making Musashi and the others anxious.

"Kojiro! How did it break again? Don't you check it when you buy something! Musashi glared at Kojiro angrily.

"I... I checked..." Kojiro was also covered in cold sweat, and the screen had already shown that both arms of the meow robot were all short-circuited and could no longer be used.

In the face of Musashi's questioning, Kojiro was unable to argue, and even began to wonder if he was not paying attention and was dropped by the boss.

Meow did not speak, but focused the camera on the shoulder of the meow robot, when he saw the flat facet, and the deformed parts.

Meow Meow instantly confirmed his conjecture that the strange elf did it, but what kind of ability is this?

You must know that he knew in advance that Luo Xiaohei had mental power, so he specially installed a mental interference device for the robot, so that he could not control the robot.

But now he was still injured by Luo Xiaohei, which made him wonder if he saw Luo Xiaohei using mental power.

"Stop arguing! It's not to blame Kojiro, which weird elf did it. Musashi

and Kojiro quickly looked at the screen, and when they saw the problem on the shoulder of the meow robot, they also looked at each other.

There will be a lot of thoughts in their eyes, and a few of them can become the special combat team of Team Rocket, naturally they have superhuman ability.

What they are best at is nothing more than mechanical transformation, among which Kojiro has learned a skill because of his family's elite education, and he knows a little bit of almost everything, and a few skills are even more top-notch.

"Isn't there a psychic jammer? How did he bypass the automated defense system and attack the inside? Kojiro frowned, thinking of the possibilities in his mind.

"It should be that elf's unique ability."

Solving the two arms, Luo Xiaohei appeared behind the meow robot and began to gasp.

This skill has to be practiced again, otherwise it will be troublesome in actual combat." Luo Xiao Dark sighed to himself.

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