Soon, the turning point appeared, and I saw Luo Xiaohei lying on Picoxi's head and opening his mouth faintly.

"May I ask Miss Junsha, do you remember why he was arrested?"

The young Miss Junsha frowned slightly: "Attempted fraud."

"What is the amount?"

Miss Junsha thought for a while: "According to the child of the party just now, it is 10,000 yuan.

"Ten thousand yuan, Xiao Gang, your family of eleven, how long can 10,000 yuan be used?" Luo Xiaohei did not directly talk to Miss Junsha, but talked about Xiaogang's body.

Xiao Gang's eyes flashed: "I used to be a Taoist gym trainer for eight thousand yuan a month, and my younger brothers and sisters have not yet gone to school, so if you save a little, you can last for two months."

Luo Xiaohei looked at Miss Junsha again: "The Junsha family is the same top big family as the Joy family, maybe your concept of 10,000 yuan is not very big, but for ordinary people, 10,000 yuan may be the child's tuition fee and the patient's handling fee."

"This ten thousand is not money for some families, it is life!"

The young Miss Junsha felt a little blocked in her heart: "But... He already knew that he was wrong, and wasn't his mother seriously ill at home, just when he needed money? Wouldn't I be doing this to lighten the burden on his family, because there should be no problem? Uncle

Carp King, who was kneeling on the ground, had already looked at Luo Xiaohei viciously at this time, and he already knew in his heart that he couldn't escape if he wanted to feel better.

Luo Xiaohei scoffed: "Remember my question just now, why was he caught?" Miss

Junsha blurted out: "The fraud is not there..." Before

she finished speaking, Miss Junsha stopped, and she also realized that she might have made a mistake.

"Since it is a fraud, it means that he is a liar, why do you, as a police officer, easily believe a liar's words without investigation?"

Or do you think that as long as you cry out that you know you are wrong, you really repent? Why don't you carefully investigate the archives in other regions to see if he is a repeat offender and if there are many children or other people who have been deceived by him.

The words made Miss Junsha stunned on the spot, and then looked at Uncle Carp King, who had a grim expression next to him, as painful and repentant as just now.

In an instant, Miss Junsha understood her master's words, the prisoner will not have the word bad person written on his face, and what he should do as a police officer is to analyze objectively, not judge right and wrong according to his own senses.

"Smelly girl, I'll go out! Wait for my revenge! Uncle Carp King had a hideous expression, knowing that he was finished, if he delved into his previous affairs, he would definitely be investigated.

Because communication is inconvenient, the technology of the Pokémon world is crooked.

Many times, Junsha can only understand local information, and information from other cities is difficult to understand.

So that Uncle King Carp can be so fearless after coming.

Because he knows that the amount of his crime is not large, as long as he honestly cooperates, he will not have much punishment.

Moreover, for other events, this is a small matter, and most of the Miss Junsha are not willing to bother with that mind and energy to collect information in other cities.

"I have decided that your case will be seriously investigated, as for when you can go out, let's talk about it!" At this time, the door of the interrogation room was opened, and the captain Junsha and the young Junsha's master walked in.

"Hmph!" Uncle Carp King turned his head, knowing that he couldn't give up this time.

One can only hope that Miss Junsha will not really investigate every city.

Captain Junsha looked at Luo Xiaohei and Mina with appreciation: "You are all good boys, you can rest assured, we will handle this case fairly and seriously, and we will never let every bad person go easily."

At this time, Mina was satisfied, and a smile appeared on her little face: "Then it will cause you trouble."

"No trouble, the world needs people like you who are not indifferent."


A few people left the police station and separated first.

After returning to her hostel room, Mina looked happy, probably thinking that the bad guys had been punished as they deserved.

However, Luo Xiaohei was not very satisfied, because that Uncle Carp King also said that he would come out to take revenge on himself.

This kind of person belongs to the toad lying on the instep, does not bite but responds to the diaphragm.

Luo Xiaohei's eyes turned, and an idea appeared in his mind: "Mina, lend me the communicator to use..."

Mina was a little puzzled.

She didn't remember who Luo Xiaohei knew.

Luo Xiaohei grinned compassionately: "That toad clam just now... Well, didn't that liar take revenge on us after he said it, I think he will never come out!

Mina blinked her eyes and thought for a while, feeling that it should indeed be like this, otherwise after the liar came out, what would happen like the few people on Team Rocket: "What does Xiao Hei plan to do?"

"Didn't the doctor who asked for my hair say that he would pay me, anyway, I don't have anything to ask for, so let's use this as a reward."


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