"It's amazing, there are so many!" For the first time, Ash, the scumbag, knew that there were so many elves in the Kanto region.

"Yes, this is only the Kanto region, and there are other elves living in other areas." Zhenghui's eyes sparkled.

Unlike Dr. Ohki, although they study all Pokémon, the other studies their physical body and life habits, with the goal of making Pokémon known to everyone.

Masaki also studies all Pokémon, but he studies the soul and heart of Pokémon, and he always feels that each Pokémon is very special to this world.

Only by truly understanding the inner thoughts of Pokémon can the two sides have a deep bond and produce an incredible change.

So in order to really understand each type of Pokémon, Masaki did a lot of interesting things, such as putting himself in dolls that resemble elves, and then imitating the habits of that elf.

In this way, I can feel what kind of mood and thoughts this elf was thinking at that time.

It sounds outrageous, but it has caused a stir in the research community.

Because there have been people and elves who have developed a deep bond, which stimulates special powers.

Let the elves that should not have evolved again evolve special again.

It's not that no one has studied it before, but it's never true.

And in some ways, there are some special Zhenghui but found the answer.

This is the main reason why Zhenghui is known as a rising star in the research community.

"Let's go, I'll show you somewhere else." Saying that, Zhenghui took everyone to the second floor, where there were many sophisticated instruments.

This is his research site, and these instruments are mainly used to study the spiritual fluctuations of elves or other spiritual machines.

Speaking of which, these machines were invented by Silver.

On the Mechanical and Poké Balls, Silver has always been at the dragon level.

It also dominates the two regions of Kanto and Chengdu.

"You guys rest here tonight, there are many rooms here, except for this master bedroom is mine, you can choose the rest at will." From the third floor, the area began to get smaller, and there were many rooms for resting areas, and Masaki assigned a rest room to several people here.

"Thank you very much!"


"Kojiro is the Shoki Lighthouse, and the young doctor who has a great reputation since his debut lives here."

On the shore not far from the lighthouse, the Rockets trio are peering through binoculars.

"I heard that this doctor's family is still very rich, I think we can kidnap him and extort a sum of money!"

Meow jumped out and came up with a bad idea.

Kojiro said unceremoniously, "Do you want to die?" If you kidnap a doctor, you will break the rules, and you will really be chased to death by the alliance at that time! "

It hurts!"

In fact, the league is not unaware of the existence of the Rockets, but because the Rockets are now a big business, there are many illegal trainers under them, and the Rockets have a lot of scientific research technology that is very advanced to the world.

Therefore, the league did not dare to rashly attack the rocket team, if coupled with special relatives, the rocket team was deliberately ignored.

Otherwise, with the strong trainer strength of the alliance, how could Banmu hold up?

This is one of the reasons why Cyr is so unwilling to see the plank.

Just like Naruto, he suffered from the white eyes of his mother.

To be honest, the Rockets are also supported by some of the league's top brasses, and the league's top brass is not monolithic, not the kind of people who really have political ability.

The top of the alliance in the Kanto region and the Chengdu region was basically a large family lineage.

Those large families control a lot of resources and are themselves a proud crowd, they discriminate against commoners and treat low-level trainers as wheat.

It is precisely because of their various laws that they gave the Rockets a chance.

The top brass of the alliance produced by these families are very interested.

So Itagi implicated them with interests, allowing Team Rockets to be as rampant as they are now.

As long as the Rockets don't go too far, such as killing the Doctor or the children of the big family, they will be pressed down by the league top.

This is also what Kojiro said about 'rules'.

They know more than the people at the bottom of Team Rocket, who don't know anything....

"This doctor has become famous recently, and there should be many precious elves in his institute, so we just need to snatch all the elves." Musashi was observing the lighthouse, and because of the construction, there was no way to sneak in on the bottom two floors except for the gate.

The construction of the lighthouse itself will pay great attention to stability, so it is not easy to forcibly break it.

They also looked at the gate, and when they broke through the door, it was estimated that Zhenghui could be teleported away by all the elves.

So you can only enter from the top of the tower, or from the window on the third floor.

"To be on the safe side, we can only choose to go around the bottom and climb to the third floor, quietly intrude through the window, and quickly control that Dr. Zhenghui!"

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