
shock beast T is yellow all over with many black patterns, and its appearance looks like an upright walking tiger.

Among the electric elves, the electric shock beast is relatively powerful, the most powerful is his evolutionary electric shock beast, Xiao Gang's father has one.

The power of the electric shock monster is strong, and the power generation of one elf can supply the entire city with electricity.

Unfortunately, if the electric shock beast wants to evolve into an electric shock beast, it requires specific conditions.

That is the need for an electric amplifier.

But power amplifiers are expensive to build, and they don't have to be made in any factory.

At present, the minimum asking price of power amplifiers on the market is 10 million.

So very few people can own an electric shock beast.

Since the last time she saw Wuneng Electric Shock Beast, Mina has actually been itching in her heart, and once wanted to capture an electric shock beast and let him evolve into an electric shock beast.

As soon as the electric shock beast appeared, electric sparks began to flicker all over its body.

When he saw that his opponent was the tall King Nido, the electric shock beast was obviously a little jealous.

King Nido has a ground system, just enough to be immune to his electric tricks.

In fact, Ma Zhishi sent the electric shock beast may not have the same idea as Mina to let the little fire dragon play.

That is to replace one of the opponent's elves and put the final victory of both sides on their strongest elves.

"King Nido uses earthquakes!" Mina made a preemptive strike, and it was a big move on the ground as soon as she came up.


King Nido raised his legs, which were thicker than a pillar, and trampled on the ground fiercely, and suddenly an invisible fluctuation spread.

The ground began to tremble.

The violent trembling made Ma Zhishi on the opposite side a little unsteady on his feet, let alone the electric shock beast that was also attacked by power.

The electric shock beast fell to the ground, feeling the power coming from deep underground to make him very uncomfortable.

"Shock beast hold on! Use Raiden Fist! "Ma Zhishi still wants to fight to the death, after all, Mina can fight such a wonderful battle, if he loses ugly, isn't it a bit shameful?

"Eh!" The shock beast raised its arm, circled the circle to charge power, and then rushed towards King Nido.

Mina's fight was not worried at all, and even a little relaxed: "King Nido greeted and used a million ton boxing!"

"Nido!" Million tons of boxing, a skill that King Nido himself comprehended, he played very skillfully.

It is the most skilled skill of the four boxing attacks.

The two fists collided, and a wave of qi came out from between the two, and the smoke and dust that swept the ground began to fly.

Then I saw the figure of the electric shock beast suddenly fly out upside down, obviously falling into the downwind in the fist.

Because of the autoimmune electric system, in addition to the power brought by the punch, the lightning on the rest of the fists has no effect on King Nido.

However, compared with King Nido, the power of the electric shock beast is not a star and a half.

Not to mention King Nido, who used millions of tons of boxing.

The electric shock beast was punched and flew out, making the fire dinosaur who was watching the battle with Mina envious.

This electric shock beast was obviously stronger than the thunder beast he hit, but this electric shock beast did not have any strength to resist in the hands of King Nido.

Compared with the two sides, the fire dinosaur felt that he still needed to work harder, otherwise King Nido himself would not be able to defeat him, let alone Luo Xiaohei, who had obeyed King Nido.

"King Nido don't give him a chance, use the earth cast!"

Grasping the fighter, Mina did not spare her hand at all, which was full of Ma Zhishi's taste.

Both sides are the kind of people who make victory their main goal as soon as they fight.

The shock beast that was sent out only felt sore, and when he heard Mina's order to attack again, the shock beast wanted to escape, but King Nido took a big stride, came to his side in between two breaths, grabbed his leg and slipped up.

Then with a loud roar, he slammed him to the ground.


"Shock beast!"

The rubble splashed, and when I looked again, the electric shock beast was already lying in a pit and did not know whether it was alive or dead.

At this time, the 10,000 creation god Arceus rushed past, and MMP never had a chance to say it.

What kind of evil did he create to make him an electric elf fight King Nido, who is completely immune to electric skills?

Forget if the skill is useless, the strength of the horse is still abused, and this hit on the earth almost smashed him doubts life.

The corners of Ma Zhishi's mouth twitched, and he felt that he could better understand the mood of those challengers who were defeated by himself.

"Come back, shock beast, you worked hard

..." "Eh..." Mina

smiled with satisfaction: "It's a beautiful fight, you also come back, King Nido."

"Nido!" King Nido raised his head and walked behind Mina with arrogant strides, and then patted the shoulder of the fire dinosaur.

Fire Dinosaurs: ... Sooner or later, one day will surpass you!

"Anyone you restrained can be like this? What day are we going to practice? Luo Xiaohei suddenly spoke, frightening King Nido, who was originally frightened, to quickly smile and show favor.

Just kidding, the last time I fought with him, I am still paralyzed, he doesn't want to be paralyzed himself, then the dry food will have to be poured with nostrils....

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