Luo Xiaohei was lying by the small lake.

And Mina was desperately scrubbing herself in the lake, and at this time, she finally knew why Luo Xiaohei was so smelly.

And she didn't expect that she would have so many impurities.

After the little girl finally washed it, Luo Xiaohei's eyes lit up.

I saw that her skin was like jade, like a jade figure carved in white jade.

"Little black is bad, Mina will ignore you anymore." Mina huffed and put on her clothes, ignoring Luo Xiaohei.


'Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, wash the meridians and cut the pith, this is impossible to ask for." Luo Xiaohei shook his head, the child is like this, the breath comes quickly, goes quickly, and it will be fine in two days.

Because of the smell contamination, tents and sleeping bags are unusable.

That night can only be spent under the trees outside.

Early the next morning, Mina hugged Luo Xiaohei and began to hurry.

I don't know why, many Pokémon are moving towards Mina's side, which greatly reduces the speed of everyone's travel.

Two more days later, along the way, Mina left the forest because of her unscrupulous feeding, so that her already abundant food was no longer enough.

This made Luo Xiaohei roll his eyes after knowing this.

Finally, on the fifth day of entering the Tokiwa Forest, the little girl cried as she looked at the empty backpack.

"Wow! Blackie... Mina has nothing to eat! The little girl cried pitifully, but Luo Xiaohei couldn't help it.

Because of the long delays on the road, it would take at least three days to leave the forest.

These three days are still rushing at the fastest speed, and there can be no delay.

Hearing Mina's cry, a lot of Pokémon gathered around.

Nidolino grabbed his rice bowl and handed his rations and energy cubes to Mina.


..." Mina rubbed her eyes, a little choked: "Thank you, Nidolino, humans can't eat energy cubes..." The

elves gathered around seemed to understand the reason for Mina's crying, and the Lada and Little Lada who followed along the way scattered, while the walking grass and stinky flowers took out their own nectar.

"Thank you." Mina looked at the nectar and smiled.

Because of the hunger in the belly, I can only take it first.

At this time, a Bobo fell from the sky, and it was one of the members who had been fed by Mina.

I saw Bobo's sharp claws grasping a panicked and writhing green caterpillar.

Bobo placed the panicked green caterpillar in front of Mina: "Bobo! "

Haw!" After the green caterpillar was released, it instinctively climbed into Mina's arms and hid.

Mina understood Bobo's words, and was suddenly a little embarrassed: "Bobo, Mina doesn't eat bugs..."

Bobo was a little disappointed, turned around and flew away, ready to find her other food.

Not long after, the Lada family, who had left first, came back in pairs.

A few of them carried tree fruits, and a few carried bento.

Luo Xiaohei sighed with some emotion, these elves are really simple and cute, and they even know how to repay grace.

After entering the forest, Mina, who has been a feeder, began to be fed today.

Just after Mina ate the bento, Luo Xiaohei blinked his eyes and reacted.

Where is there a bento box in this wilderness? It must have been the Ladas who stole the bento boxes of other travelers who entered the forest.

At that moment, Luo Xiaohei found the little Lada who brought back the bento.

After questioning, his conjecture was also confirmed.

The Ladas did steal other people's bento, and several of the Ladas who were responsible for the break were injured a little.

Luo Xiaohei walked to Mina, who was eating: "Meow..." Hearing Luo Xiaohei's

words, Mina's action of eating a bento was also reacted.

"This bento..." Mina was a little moved, and did not intend to live up to the Ladas' hearts because it was stolen.

Mina reached out and stroked Xialada's head and thanked sincerely: "Thank you." "


..." "Little Lada..."

Luo Xiaohei pulled his eyelids and cried again, now that Mina has no food on her, it is impossible to let this group of elves feed her all the time.

To know that wild elves, it is not easy to find food, maybe the food they are looking for in these three days can make Mina full, but this group of elves may be hungry for a few days.

Instead of this, it is better to go to the group of humans who entered the forest and see if there is any extra food to trade with them.

Understanding Luo Xiaohei's words, Mina sped up the speed of cooking, and then asked the Ladas to lead the way, walking towards the unlucky bastard who had stolen the bento box by them...


"Damn Rada! Don't let me see you again! A woman wearing a straitjacket, short hair and glasses cursed.

"Enough..." And next to her, a middle-aged man in a black leather coat spoke: "Every elf has its own way of survival, the weak Rada, if you want to survive, you can only rely on stealing other people's food, and if you can be stolen by the weak him, you can only blame your own carelessness."

As soon as the middle-aged man spoke, the woman stopped talking, bowed her head respectfully and stood aside: "Yes, boss, I know it's wrong."

"I don't know if that Bobo caught it, I heard that the Flash Elves have powers that their clan doesn't have, and I don't know if it's true." Standing next to the middle-aged man, a tall man with short black hair spoke.

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