The captain looked at the wooden thorn against his neck and swallowed his spit, not daring to say the slightest nonsense.

"I don't know the rest, I just know that the above asked us to cooperate with Pais, and the main task this time is to rob the casino funds, as well as everyone's Pokémon."

Luo Xiaohei licked his paws, and the sharp nails in the meat pad made the captain tremble.

"That's all? This news does not let me spare you.

The captain's pupils shrank sharply, and he quickly spoke: "And!" We already have the submarine ready for escape outside, and when we have looted everything, we will detonate the bomb under the ship and sink the St. Annus. Because

he was afraid of death, he told all the news he knew, and even the method of escape.

Now he just wants to survive.

As long as he survives, no one knows who leaked the news.

Sure enough, this rocket team still wants to sink the Saint Annu and kill an entire Saint Anno's people, what does the rocket team want to do? Aren't you afraid of being attacked by the Alliance?

Luo Xiaohei frowned, feeling that this time it seemed to be different from the original.

Those rocket teams in the original book are very stupid, and they were defeated by everyone before they even lived ten minutes, and even the ship capsized because of the storm.

And now under the command of Pais, all the plans are perfect, and even if Luo Xiaohei is not special, maybe this can let them succeed.

"You're going to kill the whole ship?"

The captain smiled bitterly: "How is it possible, there are enough inflatable kayaks left on the ship for everyone to escape, and those who can get on the boat are rich, once something happens here, those allied dogs will soon come to save people, so as long as everyone cooperates, they will not die."

Captain Yuna swallowed his spit, looked at Luo Xiaohei and recognized that this was the elf on the shoulder of the little girl in the mortal list, in order to have enough chips to survive, he hesitated for a while and spoke again: "But Captain Pais has planned to kill three people, except for their accident, the rest can live."

Luo Xiaohei frowned: "Which three people?" "

Boom... One is your trainer, she seems to have a festival with Captain Pais, and you changed rooms that day, which was also temporarily arranged by Captain Pais.

"Sure enough, that dog thing didn't plan to let Mina go." Luo Xiaohei let out a sneer, which made the person in front of him tremble.

"Who are the other two people?" He wanted to kill Minaro Blackie for what reason, but what happened to the remaining two?

Could it be that they also offended Pais?

Having said so much, the captain also compromised, not planning to hide anything anymore: "There are also two people from another special operations team, called Musashi and Kojiro, as for why Captain Pais killed them, I don't know." Pais

didn't tell everything to the people below, he could tell him, it was also a bundle of interests, and promised to let him join their special operations team.

It's a pity that now life is gone, let alone something that is not profitable.

"Musashi and Kojiro?" At this time, Luo Xiaohei was also stunned, when did these two people also offend that Pais, and they could make Pais want to kill them.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Xiaohei didn't think of an answer, so he could only look at the two golden keys again: "What are these two keys for?"

"This is the key to your trainer and the room where you temporarily stored the stolen Pokéball, and Captain Pais wants to use these two rooms to trap you and kill you."

Sure enough, as Luo Xiaohei guessed, this key is the key to the room that is now trapping Mina.

Stretching out his small claws, a vine reached into the pocket of the captain's jacket and sent two keys to Luo Xiaohei's paws.

Getting the things, Luo Xiaohei jumped off the table, ready to rescue Mina first.

Seeing that Luo Xiaohei was leaving, the captain breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had saved a life, but the next second he felt a familiar feeling of suffocation come again, and even the sharp wooden thorn at his throat also stabbed into his neck.

The captain's eyes struck fiercely, and a vague voice sounded faintly in his throat.


In the captain's room, Pais looked at the progress and then at the wall clock.

After calculating the time, Pais turned his head to look at the dark captain beside him: "Now you can call the police and tell the port of Dead Leaf City that the Saint Annu was hijacked by a group of people named Kojiro and Musashi, and a large number of people need to be sent to support."

The captain was obviously stunned for a moment, there were some doubts in his eyes, it was planned to let him call the police, but why did he say the name of another special operations team?

And it seems that you are the masterminds of the whole thing, right?

Although the reason was not clear, the captain did not say much, but honestly took the walkie-talkie in the captain's room to practice the port headquarters, reported what Pais had ordered him, and made a very nervous appearance when he spoke, afraid of being discovered.

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